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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: Email: Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

An emerging trend in Biometrics- AURA

Miss. Sharvari N. Hiwse1, Prof. V. B. Gadicha2

M.E.First Year (CSE) P.R.Patil COET, Amravati, India 2 HOD, P R Patil COET, Amravati, India.

For many millennia of human history, it has been a widespread belief that all objects, especially human and animal bodies, have an Aura (or electromagnetic (EM) field), and that this Aura can be visible to the trained eye by the Kirlian photography technique. The human authenticity plays a vital role in every sphere of human activity in this information age. The biometric measures cater to the needs of the authenticity role exceptionally. A number of biometric traits have been developed and are used to authenticate the person's identity. The idea is to use the special characteristics of a person to identify him. By using special characteristics we mean the using the features such as face, iris, fingerprint, signature etc. Everything on this earth comprehends the existence of a special energy field, especially in living organisms, which is often referred to as bio field. This bio field is different for different individuals and it can be viewed in different layers of colors, sounds, shapes and structures. The visibility of this bio field is known as AURA. This paper provides a review on AURA with its major characteristics such that it can further be extended as an alternative to existing biometric techniques.

Keywords: Aura, Biometric traits, Kirlian photography

"Biometrics" means "life measurement" but the term is usually associated with the use of unique physiological characteristics to identify an individual. The application which most people associate with biometrics is security. Biometrics identification has eventually a much broader relevance as computer interface becomes more natural. Knowing the person with whom you are conversing is an important part of human interaction and one expects computers of the future to have the same capabilities. Biometric authentication requires to compare a registered or enrolled biometric sample (biometric template or identifier) against a newly captured biometric sample (for example, the one captured during a login). This is a three-step process (Capture, Process, Enroll) followed by a Verification or Identification process. During Capture process, raw biometric is captured by a sensing device such as a fingerprint scanner or video camera. The second phase of processing is to extract the distinguishing characteristics from the raw biometric sample and convert into a processed biometric identifier record (sometimes called biometric sample or biometric template). Next phase does the process of enrollment. Here the processed sample (a mathematical representation of the biometric - not the original biometric sample) is stored / registered in a storage medium for future comparison during an authentication. In many commercial applications, there is a need to store the processed biometric sample only. The original biometric sample cannot be reconstructed from this identifier.

Every individual releases and is surrounded by some radiations or energy field. This energy field known as AURA has various features and is distinct for all living organisms. The AURA is made up of neural thoughts, patterns and spiritual energies of the ambient air. The AURA has spin, from its chakras and other forces, and qualities like pulsing, luminescence, and sound. AURA can also be defined as A subtle, invisible spirit or fluid that originates from human and animal bodies and even inanimate things; it is a cognitive, consisting of both mind and body. Briefly it may be described as a fine, ethereal radiation or emanation surrounding each and every living being. AURA has features similar to that of an Electromagnetic (EM) field which can be observed only by trained eyes. After its profound study we come to know that Aura is not only made from color and energy, but also has shape or dimensions. The shaping of our colorful energies seems to be based on the most common ways we tend to shape our lifestyle. Below are some common shapes seen during its study:The spatial regions corresponding to the endocrine points along the spine, measured from the front, are also an integral part of the human Aura. These points, traditionally known as Chakras, give strong electro field emanations which appear to shoot out in straight forward lines, piercing all detectable levels of the Aura. The energy-information and frequencies found in the Aura are identical to those found in the Chakra channels. In addition, the Chakra channels emanate bio-energies that are responsive to and indicative of the activity and condition of the corresponding endocrine glands. The endocrine glands, in turn, are directly influenced and stimulated by psychological and somatic events and conditions. As a result of these mechanics, there is a firm, credible, scientific basis for relating bioenergy colors of the Aura to specific psychological and medical conditions or events. 2.1 Structure of the Chakras

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014

Page 478

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: Email: Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

The spatial regions corresponding to the endocrine points along the spine, measured from the front, are also an integral part of the human Aura. These points, traditionally known as Chakras, give strong electro field emanations which appear to shoot out in straight forward lines, piercing all detectible levels of the Aura. Aura readings of the endocrine points reveal the person's inherent and current personality characteristics, or inner emotions and qualities. The seven primary Chakras measured by RFI are characterized as follows: The Base Chakra, located in the genital area, has an energy-information frequency that corresponds to the color red. The Base Chakra affects the ovaries and testes as glands. Its energies are experimentally associated with sexuality, self-identity, and purely physical or material energies. The Sacral Chakra, located above the genital area just below the navel, corresponds to the color orange. The Sacral Chakra affects the adrenal glands, specifically the adrenal medulla. Its energies are associated with healing, generation of life force, and physical vitality. The Solar Plexus Chakra, located around the navel, corresponds to the color yellow. The Solar Plexus Chakra affects the islet cells of the pancreas as glands, as well as the physical nervous system. Its energies are associated with calmness and emotional stability, or the lack thereof. The Heart Chakra, located at the center of the chest in the heart area, corresponds to the color green. The Heart Chakra affects the adrenal cortex, thyroid, and anterior pituitary glands, thus effecting biological manifestations of emotion, and controlling hormone secretion in the whole endocrine system. Its energies are associated with deep emotions and love, or strong emotions in general including trauma. The Throat Chakra, located at the center of the throat, corresponds to the color blue. The Throat Chakra effects the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and its energies are associated with communication, both expression and listening. The Third Eye Chakra, located on the center of the forehead between the eyebrows, corresponds to the color purple. The Third Eye Chakra affects primarily the pineal gland, as well as the cerebellum, and its energies are associated with clairvoyance, sensitivity, intuition, and intellectual activity. The Crown Chakra, located directly above the head, corresponds to the color orchid (a very light purple, or violet). The Crown Chakra affects primarily the anterior pituitary gland, as well as the cerebral cortex and the cerebrum. Its energies are traditionally associated with the higher metaphysical self, spirit, and divine consciousness.

Figure1: Human chakras 2.2 Tabular structure of Aura AURA is made up of various layers of colors and contains different types of features. Each color that AURA is made up of has its own meaning; a few of them have been described as shown in table 1. [3]

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014

Page 479

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: Email: Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Table 1: Colors with meanings The structure of the AURA can be understood based upon the interpretation of each color in the various layers which together make-up the AURA. The human AURA very much depends upon and is a reflection of the human behavior and psychology and acts as a connection between the mental and physical factors. As of yet the levels of AURA have not been clearly defined. Currently there are four levels (Causal Body, Ethereal Body, Emotional Body and Health level) which can be clearly distinguished between but there may be more. Apart from that, research is going on the unique features of AURA so that it can be used as a new Biometric. It would be a great idea to introduce AURA in the field of IT. Considering its features and properties, there is a possibility of features that could help it to be a part of human identification as a new Biometric trait and can be used for security purposes.


Till now we have described the biological and theoretical concepts related to AURA. In this section we provide a few evidences which leads us to believe the presence of AURA and also the techniques used for its capture. Semyon Kirlian was successfully able to develop a camera known as Kirlian camera, which can be used for Kirlian photography i.e. capturing HUMAN AURA. Kirlian photography is used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges/AURA. This technique is also known as "electrophotography", "corona discharge photography(CDP), "bioelectrography", "gas discharge visualization (GDV)","eletrophotonic imaging (EPI)", and in Russian literature, "Kirlianography. This technique provides a lot of help in studying the nature of HUMAN AURA and various other features, which has its applications in medical fields. Using this technique, now we can capture a detailed image of the HUMAN AURA on a film. This gives a clear definition about the energy patterns and making it easier to analyze the flow of energy to different meridians.

Figure 2: AURA image of leaf

Figure 3: AURA image of human being

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014

Page 480

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: Email: Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014 4. APPLICATION AREAS
The initial aim of studying and improving Aura is its behavioral application. The various colors determine the typical behavior of an individual. For e.g.; if the AURA of a person is dark orange in color then him/her id down to earth by nature. The above given colors are only basic colors with assured results. Many researches are going for the combination of colors in the AURA system to test the exact behavior of a person. Another important application is for the Medical use. The images taken are studied for various diseases such as Asthma, Allergy, Surgery, Cancer, etc. Various other diseases those cannot be detected on the early stage are now-a-days being detected much earlier. Moreover the detection technique used is safe and has no side effect on humans are being observed. Many other researches are going for its successful implementation.

ISSN 2319 - 4847


As we have seen biological, scientific and Vedic aspects of the existence of AURA and its shape, structure and other features, this leads us to a thought to try to make AURA as a new Biometric Trait, so that it can be used as an individualistic identifier. AURA is an intrinsic part of an individual and cannot be separated from that individual. Currently GDV (the latest device based on Kirlian photography for AURA image capture), has its most prominent use in the medical field. Due to rise in various fraud techniques, we are trying to develop such security traits which may give rise to secure authenticity, verification and identification of an individual which may lead to secure world. This would result in a person being his own security and password in the virtual world and wouldnt have to remember various tedious passwords or be dependent on any other device for access or authentication. So this is a strong area of research which will give new face to IT and AI.

[1] Wayman, J. L., Technical Testing and Evaluation of Biometric Identification Devices in A. Jain, et al (eds.), Biometrics: Personal Identification in a Networked Society, Boston, Kluwer Academic Press, 1999. [2] Wisneski, Leonard A. and Anderson, Lucy (2010). The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine. ISBN 978-1-4200- 8290-6. [3] David G. Boyers and William A. Tiller (1973). "Corona discharge photography". Journal of Applied Physics 44 (7): 31023112.doi:10.1063/1.1662715. [4] Phillips, P. J., Alvin Martin, C.L. Wilson, and Mark Przybocki, An Introduction to Evaluating Biometric Systems, Computer, Feb. 2000. [5] Wayman, J. L., Fundamentals of Biometric Technologies, available at

Miss. Sharvari N. Hiwse is pursuing M.E., (Computer Science Engineering), at P. R. Patil COET, Amravati, under SGBAU, India.

Prof. Vijay B. Gadicha, HOD, Computer Science Department of P. R. Patil COET, Amravati. His educational qualification is M.E.(CSE). He is doing his research in Information Security.

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014

Page 481

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