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The line-up we will grind because we suck balls and cant win a teamfight to save our lives, also

pie is guuuuuud.

The line-up we will grind until we become pro at is: 4+1. For the uneducated, that means we will play 4 defensive heroes and a super late-game carry and try to turtle the fuck up with strong initiation and team-fights. I will now break up the team into 5 different phases: Drafting, laning phase, mid game, late game and 4x rapier game.

Drafting: I will go through what every single person will achieve with this line-up and what kind of heroes he can expect to play. I will go from 5 to 1, because supports ftw. Strat, the ward-bitch: You will play strong teamfight supports that are not reliant on getting any items, since you will mostly do the warding (with some help when needed, but if we are playing correctly, you should have the money to do it yourself). You will also always be helping the most active team-mate on the map. Always be where a team-fight/push/gank is happening. You will play heroes such as: Lich, Venomancer, Lion, Jakiro and Rubick. Jojje: I will play similar heroes, but generally more initiation based. I will need a somewhat early blink dagger or other important items (Mek and so on), which is why I need to do everything to find the little farm I can get from pulls/assist gold/tower kills. But I will also play heroes with strong counter initiation that are not as item reliant depending on what heroes the other players in the team gets. The kind of heroes I will play: Earthshaker, Tidehunter, Silencer, Naga, Sand King, Vengeful Spirit and Enigma. Boss: This is for me the hardest role to fill for the team. But generally this role will have an initiation bases hero, when we have not filled that role elsewhere, but when the initiator is not needed for this role. You will play team-fight heroes. Most of the heroes for this role will not be very item dependent, but some will. As the description suggests, you will play more supporty types of heroes. You will play heroes such as: Clockwork, Beastmaster, Dark Seer, Elder Titan, Tidehunter, Puck, Windranger and Queen of Pain. Lucca: This is the 3rd role that can consist of initiators. Sometimes you will play the main initiator and sometime the follow-up. But a general theme is that you hero will be mobile

one way or another. Most heroes will be strong even without items, but there will be some exceptions. You will play heroes such as: Magnus, Batrider, Clockwerk, Timbersaw, Puck, Warlock, Queen of Pain and Templar Assassin EmZ: The 1 of 4+1. Everyone else is there to protect you. You need to get farm while we turtle with our strong initiation. When you have most of your core (or even some luxuries too), you will start helping the team more actively and rape everyone with you superior farm. Not much more to say. You will play heroes such as: Anti-Mage, Phantom Lancer, Gyrocopter, Faceless Void, Spectre, Medusa, Luna, Morphling and Luna. To conclude: We will always have 2 initiators or 1 initiator + 1 counter initiator. With added teamfight capabilities from Strat + 1. While we have EmZ getting fat as fuck with a hard-carry. We will play defensively until we feel that we are too strong for the other team to handle and switch up the pressure. We will always play for the lategame.

Laning Phase: Trilanes is the way to go for us. With a more old fashioned approach, the 4 will most of the time just stack and pull for exp and gold, while the 5 will zone out the opponent(s). The carry will mainly focus on maintaining a 100% last-hit ratio. Taking fights is not a priority, but if anyone overextends or is out of position, we obviously go for it. We need to know how to capitalize on those kinds of mistakes while still at the same time focusing on our main tasks. Keeping the jungle stacked when nothing else needs to be done, is something will speed up our timings a lot. The mid lane is what the mid lane always is. Try to win it with the best of your ability, but getting your blink dagger (or whatever you need) as your first priority. You dont need to gank a lot and you dont really need to expect ganks from the supports either. Most of lanes are designed in the way that we really cant lose if we try, we will go even with proper play, and then capitalize on our strengths later on. There is not much to say for the offlane, the same rule applies for offlane as midlane. Just try to at the least go even with their offlaner and capitalize on other things later in the game. Saying that we are aiming to go even in the laning phase may sound very strange. But the line-up is picked in such a way that we dont really have the potential to win the lanes consistently. But as long as we play even, we can use what we got, to stop the team from playing their game in the midgame and then take control in the lategame, more on that in the next part.

Mid-Game: This is where the main hurdle of this line-up comes in. We will meet many different types of line-ups, ranging from pushing line-ups to other 4+1s. Our goal here is to keep the opponents from playing their style. If we can do that, we will slowly but steadily take control of the game for each minute that passes. The carry with as always just get the most optimal farm he can, while the others create space for him. The supports will just be wherever they are needed, and if not needed, stacking and/or counter-warding/warding. As Ive mentioned a few times before, this is where we start to abu se our strengths. As long as we didnt lose our lanes, we should have what we need to create the space. Against aggressive line-ups we will keep them from taking favorable fights and getting free towers. Against 4+1s we will try and out-farm them with what we got and be aggressive whenever they overextend. More line-ups will be met, but better to learn to play against them from trial and error instead of me writing it into a document. For every minute we keep them from playing their style, our line-ups snowball tendencies will give us a bigger and bigger lead until its overwhelming, and thats when we enter:

The Late-Game: We have managed to keep our opponents from playing their style and we have a carry that no one can stand against, coupled with strong initiation and team-fights. Now we dont let the opponents breath for one second, we are stronger and we are going to abuse that as much as we possibly can. Constantly force fights, always be somewhere pushing and pressure the opponents. Even if we have built our line-up around a strong unbeatable carry that just farms for most of the game. He will most of the games still need our assistance, even with our big lead, we can overextend and lose momentum. With our tendencies to fuck up team-fights, this is really something we need to work on and the main reason we are playing a line-up such as this one. We will practice coordinated initiations, supporting eachother will spells and items during the fights and most importantly, communicating. Once we learn how to do this together consistently, this line-up will be a strong fucker we can easily start seeing improvement with. But in case, we dont manage to do this, there is one last phase that will happen once in a while, no matter how skilled we are with this line-up.

The 4x Rapier Game: Call XBOCT for advice.

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