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Jeanette L. Morrison 130 Winchester Avenue, Unit 23
Alder, Ward 22 New Haven, CT 06511-3590

!"rris"n A#end#ent t" $% 201&-2015 'ud(et
)r"*"sin( a +ud(et a#end#ent t" ,Ta- .ev/ and 0evenue A**r"*riatin( 1rdinance 22 $"r $iscal
%ear 201&-201534 The sec"nd secti"n "5 the ,'e 6t 1rdained4 shall +e deleted and re*laced with the
5"ll"win( new sec"nd secti"n with a#ended lan(ua(e underlined7
8aid ta-es, includin( the ta- "n an/ #"t"r vehicles, shall +ec"#e due "n 9ul/ 1, 201& and shall +e
*a/a+le in tw" se#iannual install#ents 5r"# that date7 na#el/ 9ul/ 1, 201& and 9anuar/ 1, 20153
H"wever, an/ ta- "5 less than "ne hundred d"llars shall +e due and *a/a+le in a sin(le install#ent "n
9ul/ 1, 201&3 $urther, the ta- "n an/ #"t"r vehicles re(istered with the C"##issi"ner "5 !"t"r
:ehicles su+se;uent t" 1ct"+er 1, 2013 shall +e due and *a/a+le in a sin(le install#ent "n 9anuar/ 1,
2015 as *r"vided in 8ecti"n 12-<1+ "5 the =eneral 8tatutes "5 C"nnecticut, 0evisi"n "5 195> as
8ecti"n 12-1&2 "5 the C"nnecticut =eneral 8tatutes states7 ,The le(islative +"d/ "5 each #unici*alit/,
u*"n a**r"vin( an/ +ud(et callin( 5"r the la/in( "5 a ta- "n *r"*ert/, shall deter#ine whether such
ta- shall +e due and *a/a+le in a sin(le install#ent "r in tw" se#iannual install#ents "r in 5"ur
;uarterl/ install#ents34 There5"re, 6 *r"*"se that in a**r"vin( this +ud(et, ,Ta- .ev/ and 0evenue
A**r"*riatin( 1rdinance 22 5"r $iscal %ear 201&-20154 +e a#ended such that ta-es "n #"t"r vehicles
shall +e c"llected in tw" se#i-annual install#ents, as is currentl/ d"ne with real *r"*ert/3
The #a@"r ta- e-*ense 5"r #an/ New Haven residents is their car ta-3 6n these di55icult ti#es, it w"uld
+e "5 (reat +ene5it t" car "wners t" s*lit their #"t"r vehicle ta- int" tw" e;ual *a/#ents, rather than
re;uirin( the# t" *a/ their 5ull ta- lia+ilit/ in "ne lu#* su#3 6n additi"n, 6 +elieve this chan(e will
#aAe 5"r a #"re c"nsistent and understanda+le ta- *a/#ent s/ste# 5"r "ur residents, as the/ will
An"w that ta-es "n real *r"*ert/ and #"t"r vehicles are +"th due in tw" *a/#ents "n the e-act sa#e
dates3 This *r"*"sal als" has the *"tential t" lessen the cit/Bs need 5"r ta- c"llecti"n ad#inistrative
e55"rts t" en5"rce "verdue and delin;uent car ta-es3 6n sh"rt, this a#end#ent will #aAe 5"r a less
c"n5usin(, #"re 5air ta- c"llecti"n s/ste# which rec"(niCes that 5"r #an/ cit/ residents a #"t"r
vehicle c"nstitutes their *ri#ar/ "r s"le ta- +urden and re*resents a #a@"r *"rti"n "5 their h"useh"ld
inc"#e, th"u(h it is indis*ensa+le t" their w"rA and 5a#il/ li5e3

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