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For the Acae!"c #ear $%&'($%&)
S*+!"tte +#,
U1er the G*"a1ce o2
R. A Co33e4e 0a-h"!
This is to certify that this project titled WHOLE BANKING OPERATION!
is a "o#a$ed %or& carried o't a#d de(eloped "y
i# partial f'l$ll)e#t for the a%ard of de*ree of +ATER O,
-O++ER-E. /'ri#* the acade)ic sessio# 0123401256 s'")itted to R.
A -olle*e Washi) '#der )y *'ida#ce a#d s'per(isio#.
This is also to certify that this project is the res'lt of ca#didates o%#
%or& a#d is of s'7cie#tly hi*h sta#dard to %arra#t its s'")issio# to
the '#i(ersity for the a%ard of the said de*ree.
To the "est of )y &#o%led*e the )atter prese#ted i# this project report
has #ot "ee# s'")itted earlier for a#y other de*ree8diplo)a to a#y
The assista#ce a#d help re#dered to hi) d'ri#* the co'rse of his
project %or& i# the for) of "asic so'rce )aterial a#d i#for)atio# ha(e
"ee# d'ly ac&#o%led*ed.
9Project G'ide:
I prese#t this project report o# %hole "a#&i#* operatio#s! IN A;I
BANK LT/.6 %ith a se#se of *reat pleas're a#d satisfactio#. I
'#dersi*# %ith pleas're ta&e this opport'#ity to tha#& all those related
directly or i#directly i# preparatio# of this project report.
I started %or&i#* o# this project '#der the i#(al'a"le *'ida#ce of
Ho#ora"le +iss. Riddhi /eshpa#de )a) for %hich I a) (ery )'ch
tha#&f'l for her (al'ed ti)e *i(e# for the p'rpose. Witho't her co4
operatio# o'r project %or& %o'ld ha(e "ee# di7c'lt to co)plete.
I e<press o'r si#cere tha#&s to +r. =a*tap sir6 9Bra#ch +a#a*er: i#
A<is Ba#& Ltd.6 >>>>>>> a#d sta? i# that or*a#i@atio#. I a) also
tha#&f'l to +r. a#jay -ha're sir A/irector of o'r colle*eB a#d +rs.
)ita . -ha're AProject I# char*eB to allo% 's to carryo't this project.

I here"y declare that this project titled WHOLE BANKING OPERATION
! is a "o#a$ed a#d a'the#tic record of %or& do#e "y )e '#der the
s'per(isio# of +iss. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..
d'ri#* acade)ic sessio# 012340125.
The %or& prese#ted here is #ot d'plicated fro) a#y other so'rce a#d
also #ot s'")itted earlier for a#y other de*ree8diplo)a to a#y
I '#dersta#d that a#y s'ch d'plicatio# is lia"le to "e p'#ished i#
accorda#ce %ith the '#i(ersity r'les.

2.2 I#trod'ctio# of a<is "a#&
2.0 History of A<is "a#&
2.3 +a#a*e)e#t of A<is "a#&
2.5 +ilesto#e
0.2 Project I#trod'ctio#
0.0 +ea#i#* of Wholesale Ba#&i#* operatio#s
0.3 /e$#itio#s of Ba#&i#*
0.5 +ea#i#* of Ba#&i#*
3.2 Prod'ct of A<is Ba#&
3.0 -'sto)er er(ice i# Ba#&i#* Operatio#
3.3 Traditio#al Ba#&i#* Acti(ities
3.5 Acco'#ti#* for Ba#& Acco'#t
3.E Eco#o)ic ,'#ctio#
3.F Ba#&i#* -ha##els
3.G Types of I#(est)e#t Ba#&
3.H +ort*a*e Ba#&i#*
3.I KJ- 9K#o% Jo'r -'sto)er:
5.2 Or*a#i@atio# tr'ct're of A<is Ba#&
5.0 a(i#* Acco'#t I#for)atio#
5.3 -'rre#t Acco'#t I#for)atio#
5.5 Trai#i#* I# Wholesale Ba#&i#* Operatio#s
E.2 ,i#di#*s
E.0 '**estio#
E.3 -o)petitors
1.1I1tro*ct"o1 o2 a9"- +a1:,
-o))ercial "a#&i#* ser(ices %hich i#cl'des )ercha#t "a#&i#*6 direct
$#a#ce i#frastr'ct're $#a#ce6 (e#t're capital f'#d6 ad(isory6
tr'steeship6 fore<6 treas'ry a#d other related $#a#cial ser(ices. As o#
324+ar4011I6 the Gro'p has H0G "ra#ches6 e<te#sio# co'#ters a#d
36EIE a'to)ated teller )achi#es 9AT+s:.
A<is Ba#& %as the $rst of the #e% pri(ate "a#&s to ha(e "e*'#
operatio#s i# 2II56 after the Go(er#)e#t of I#dia allo%ed #e% pri(ate
"a#&s to "e esta"lished. The Ba#& %as pro)oted joi#tly "y the
Ad)i#istrator of the speci$ed '#derta&i#* of the D#it Tr'st of I#dia 9DTI
4 I:6 Life I#s'ra#ce -orporatio# of I#dia 9LI-: a#d Ge#eral I#s'ra#ce
-orporatio# of I#dia 9GI-: a#d other fo'r PD i#s'ra#ce co)pa#ies6 i.e.
Natio#al I#s'ra#ce -o)pa#y Ltd.6 The Ne% I#dia Ass'ra#ce -o)pa#y
Ltd.6 The Orie#tal I#s'ra#ce -o)pa#y Ltd. a#d D#ited I#dia I#s'ra#ce
-o)pa#y Ltd. The Ba#& today is capitali@ed to the e<te#t of Rs. 3EI.GF
crores %ith the p'"lic holdi#* 9other tha# pro)oters: at EG.GIK.The
Ba#&Ls Re*istered O7ce is at Ah)eda"ad a#d its -e#tral O7ce is
located at +')"ai. The Ba#& has a (ery %ide #et%or& of )ore tha#
HE3 "ra#ches a#d E<te#sio# -o'#ters 9as o# 31th ='#e 011I:. The
Ba#& has a #et%or& of o(er 3G03 AT+s 9as o# 31th ='#e 011I:
pro(idi#* 05 hrs a day "a#&i#* co#(e#ie#ce to its c'sto)ers. This is
o#e of the lar*est AT+ #et%or&s i# the co'#try. The Ba#& has stre#*ths
i# "oth retail a#d corporate "a#&i#* a#d is co))itted to adopti#* the
"est i#d'stry practices i#ter#atio#ally i# order to achie(e e<celle#ce.
&.$ H"-tor# o2 A9"- +a1:,
&;;', The Ba#& %as i#corporated o# 3rd /ece)"er a#d -erti$cate of
"'si#ess o# 25th /ece)"er. The Ba#& tra#sacts "a#&i#* "'si#ess of
all descriptio#. DTI Ba#& Ltd. %as pro)oted "y D#it Tr'st of I#dia6 Life
I#s'ra#ce -orporatio# of I#dia6 Ge#eral I#s'ra#ce -orporatio# of I#dia
a#d its fo'r s'"sidiaries. The "a#& %as the $rst pri(ate sector "a#& to
*et a lice#se '#der the #e% *'ideli#es iss'ed "y the RBI.
&;;8, The Ba#& o"tai#ed lice#se to act as /epository Participa#t %ith
N/L a#d applied for re*istratio# %ith EBI to act as MTr'stee to
/e"e#t're HoldersL. R'pees 211 crores %as co#tri"'ted "y DTI6 the
rest fro) LI- Rs G.E crores6 GI- a#d its fo'r s'"sidiaries Rs 2.E crores
&;;<, The Ba#& has 0H "ra#ches i# 'r"a# a#d se)i 'r"a# areas as o#
='ly. All the "ra#ches are f'lly co)p'teri@ed a#d #et%or&ed
thro'*h NAT. AT+ ser(ices are a(aila"le i# 0G "ra#ches. The Ba#&
ca)e o't %ith a p'"lic iss'e of 26E16116111 No. of eO'ity shares of Rs
21 each at a pre)i') of Rs 22 per share a**re*ati#* to Rs 32.E1
crores a#d O?er for sale of 06116116111 No. of eO'ity shares for cash at
a price of Rs 02 per share. O't of the p'"lic iss'e 06016111 shares
%ere reser(ed for allot)e#t o# prefere#tial "asis to e)ployees of DTI
Ba#&. Bala#ce of 365G6H16111 shares %ere o?ered to the p'"lic. The
co)pa#y o?ers AT+ cards6 'si#* %hich acco'#t4holders ca# %ithdra%
)o#ey fro) a#y of the "a#&Ls AT+s across the co'#try %hich is i#ter4
co##ected "y NAT. DTI Ba#& has la'#ched a #e% retail prod'ct %ith
operatio#al Pe<i"ility for its c'sto)ers. DTI Ba#& %ill si*# a co4"ra#d
a*ree)e#t %ith the )ar&et6 leader6 -iti"a#& NA for e#teri#* i#to the
hi*hly pro)isi#* credit card "'si#ess. DTI Ba#& pro)oted "y I#diaLs
pio#eer )'t'al f'#d D#it Tr'st of I#dia alo#* %ith LI-6 GI- a#d its fo'r
&;;;, DTI Ba#& a#d -iti"a#& ha(e la'#ched a# i#ter#atio#al co4
"ra#ded -redit card. DTI Ba#& a#d -iti"a#& ha(e co)e to*ether to
la'#ch a# i#ter#atio#al co4"ra#ded credit card '#der the +aster-ard
')"rella. DTI Ba#& Ltd has i#a'*'rated a# o? site AT+ at Asho& Na*ar
here6 ta&i#* the total #')"er of its o? site AT+s to 23.)
$%%%, The Ba#& has a##o'#ced the la'#ch of Tele4/epository er(ices
for Its depository clie#ts. DTI Ba#& has la'#ch of Mi-o##ectL6 its I#ter#et
"a#&i#* Prod'ct. DTI Ba#& has si*#ed a )e)ora#d') of
'#dersta#di#* %ith eO'ity) for e4"ro&i#* acti(ities of the
site. I#$ $#a#cial ec'rities Ltd.6 a# e4"ro&i#* o't$t is Typi#*
'p %ith DTI Ba#& for a "a#&i#* i#terface. Geojit ec'rities Ltd6 the $rst
co)pa#y to start o#li#e tradi#* ser(ices6 has si*#ed a +oD %ith DTI
Ba#& to e#a"le i#(estors to "'yQsell de)at stoc&s thro'*h the
co)pa#yLs %e"site. I#dia "'lls ha(e si*#ed a )e)ora#d') of
'#dersta#di#* %ith DTI Ba#&. DTI Ba#& has e#tered i#to a# a*ree)e#t
%ith toc& Holdi#* -orporatio# of I#dia for pro(idi#* loa#s a*ai#st
shares to -H-ILLs c'sto)ers a#d f'#di#* i#(estors i# p'"lic a#d
ri*hts iss'es. I-RA has 'p*raded the rati#* DTI Ba#&Ls Rs E11 crore
certi$cate of deposit pro*ra))ed to A2R. DTI Ba#& has tied 'p %ith
LST for pro(idi#* c'sto)i@ed o#li#e tradi#* sol'tio# for
$%%&, DTI Ba#& la'#ched a pri(ate place)e#t of #o#4co#(erti"le
de"e#t'res to rise 'p to Rs GE crores. DTI Ba#& has ope#ed t%o o?site
AT+s a#d o#e e<te#sio# co'#ter %ith a# AT+ i# +a#*alore6 ta&i#* its
total #')"er of AT+s across the co'#try to 3EE. DTI Ba#& has recorded
a F0 per ce#t rise i# #et pro$t for the O'arter e#ded epte)"er 316
01126 at Rs 31.IE crore. ,or the seco#d O'arter e#ded epte)"er 316
01116 the #et pro$t %as Rs 2I.1H crore. The total i#co)e of the "a#&
d'ri#* the O'arter %as 'p E3 per ce#t at Rs 3FF.0E crore.

$%%$, DTI Ba#& Ltd has i#for)ed BE that hri B R Bar%ale has
resi*#ed as a /irector of the Ba#& %.e.f. =a#'ary 106 0110. A - hah6
for)erchair)a# of Ba#& of Baroda6 also retired fro) the "a#&Ts "oard
i# the third O'arter of last year. His place co#ti#'es to "e (aca#t. +
/a)odara# too& o(er as the director of the "oard after ta&i#* i# the
rei#s of DTI. B Pa#dit has also joi#ed the "a#&Ts "oard s'"seO'e#t to
the retire)e#t of K G Nassal. DTI Ba#& Ltd has i#for)ed that hri Pa'l
,letcher has "ee# appoi#ted as a# Additio#al /irector No)i#ee of -/-
,i#a#cial er(ice 9+a'riti's: Ltd of the Ba#&.A#d hri /o#ald Pec& has
"ee# appoi#ted as a# Additio#al /irector 9#o)i#ee of o'th Asia
Re*io#al ,'#d: of the Ba#&. DTI Ba#& Ltd has i#for)ed that o# layi#*
do%# the o7ce of -hair)a# of LI- o# "ei#* appoi#ted as -hair)a# of
EBI6 hri G N Bajpai6 No)i#ee /irector of LI- has resi*#ed as a
/irector of the Ba#&.
$%%$, B Para#jpe S A"id H'ssai# cease to "e the /irectors of DTI
Ba#&.DTI Ba#& Ltd has i#for)ed that i# the )eeti#* of the Board of
/irectors follo%i#* decisio#s %ere ta&e#C +r Jash +ahaja#6 Nice
-hair)a# a#d +a#a*i#* /irector of P'#ja" Tractors Ltd %ere appoi#ted
as a# Additio#al /irector %ith i))ediate e?ect. +r N - i#*hal for)er
Nice -hair)a# a#d +a#a*i#* /irector of -I-I %as appoi#ted as a#
Additio#al /irector %ith i))ediate e?ect. ABN A)ro6 DTI Ba#& i# pact
to share AT+. DTI Ba#& Ltd has i#for)ed BE that a )eeti#* of the
Board of /irectors of the Ba#& is sched'led to "e held o# Octo"er 056
0110 to co#sider a#d ta&e o# record the '#a'dited half
yearly8O'arterly $#a#cial res'lts of the Ba#& for the half year8U'arter
e#ded epte)"er 316 0110. DTI Ba#& Ltd has i#for)ed that hri = +
Tri(edi has "ee# appoi#ted as a# alter#ate director to hri /o#ald Pec&
%ith e?ect fro) No(e)"er 06 0110.
$%%', DTI Ba#& Ltd has i#for)ed BE that at the )eeti#* of the Board
of /irectors of the co)pa#y held o# =a#'ary 2F6 01136 hri R N
Bharad%aj6 +a#a*i#* /irector of LI- has "ee# appoi#ted as a#
Additio#al /irector of the Ba#& %ith i))ediate e?ect.4 DTI Ba#&6 the
pri(ate sector "a#& has ope#ed a "ra#ch at Nellore. The "a#&Ls
-hair)a# a#d +a#a*i#* /irector6 /r P.=. Naya&6 i#a'*'rati#* the "a#&
"ra#ch at GT Road o# +ay 0F. pea&i#* o# the occasio#6 /r Naya&
said. This )ar&s a#other step to%ards the e<te#si(e c'sto)er "a#&i#*
foc's that %e are pro(idi#* across the co'#try a#d rei#forces o'r
co))it)e#t to "ri#* s'perior "a#&i#* ser(ices6 )ar&ed "y
co#(e#ie#ce a#d close#ess to c'sto)ers. 4DTI Ba#& Ltd. has i#for)ed
the E<cha#*e that at its )eeti#* held o# ='#e 0E6 0113 the BO/ ha(e
decided the follo%i#*C 2: To appoi#t +r. A T Pa##ir el(a)6 for)er
-+/ of D#io# Ba#& of I#dia a#d Prof. =aya#th Nar)a of the I#dia#
I#stit'te of +a#a*e)e#t6 Ah)eda"ad as additio#al directors of the
Ba#& %ith i))ediate e?ect. ,'rther6 +r. Pa##ir el(a) %ill "e the
#o)i#ee director of the Ad)i#istrator of the speci$ed '#derta&i#* of
the D#it Tr'st of I#dia 9DTI4I: a#d +r. =aya#th Nar)a %ill "e a#
I#depe#de#t /irector. 0: To iss'e No#4-o#(erti"le D#sec'red
Redee)a"le /e"e#t'res 'p to Rs.211 crs6 i# o#e or )ore tra#ches as
the Ba#&Ls Tier 4 II capital. 4DTI has "ee# a'thori@ed to la'#ch 2F AT+s
o# the Wester# Rail%ay tatio#s of +')"ai /i(isio#. 4DTI $led s'it
a*ai#st $#a#cial i#stit'tio#s I,-I Ltd i# the de"t reco(ery tri"'#al at
+')"ai to reco(er Rs.HEcr i# d'es. 4DTI "a#& )ade a# e#try to the
,ood -redit Pro*ra))eV it has )ade a# e#try i#to the EI cl'ster %hich
i#cl'des pri(ate sector6 p'"lic sector6 old pri(ate sector a#d co4
operati(e "a#&s. 4hri Ajeet Prasad6 No)i#ee of DTI has resi*#ed as
the director of the "a#&. 4Ba#&s -hair)a# a#d +/ /r. P. =. Naya&
i#a'*'rated a #e% "ra#ch at Nellore.4DTI "a#& allots shares '#der
E)ployee toc& Optio# che)e to its e)ployees. 4D#(eils pre4paid
tra(el card LNisa Electro# Tra(el -'rre#cy -ardL 4Allot)e#t of EHI03
eO'ity shares of Rs 21 each '#der EOP. 4DTI Ba#& ties 'p %ith DK *o(t
f'#d for co#tract far) i# 4hri B Pa#dit6 #o)i#ee of the Ad)i#istrator
of the peci$ed D#derta&i#* of the D#it Tr'st of I#dia 9DTI4I: has
resi*#ed as a director fro) the Ba#& %ef No(e)"er 206 0113. 4DTI
Ba#& '#(eils #e% AT+ i# i&&i).
$%%), -o)es o't %ith Rs. E11 )# D#sec'red Redee)a"le No#4
-o#(erti"le /e"e#t're Iss'e6 iss'e f'lly s'"scri"ed 4DTI Ba#& Ltd has
i#for)ed that hri Ajeet Prasad6 No)i#ee of the Ad)i#istrator of the
peci$ed D#derta&i#* of the D#it Tr'st of I#dia 9DTI 4 I: has "ee#
appoi#ted as a# Additio#al /irector of the Ba#& %. e. f. =a#'ary 016
0115.4DTI Ba#& ope#s #e% "ra#ch i# Dd'pi4DTI Ba#&6 Geojit i# pact for
tradi#* platfor) i# Uatar 4DTI Ba#& ties 'p %ith hrira) Gro'p -os
4D#(eils pre)i') pay)e#t facility thro'*h AT+s applica"le to LI- DTI
Ba#& c'sto)ers W+etal j'#ctio# 9+=:4 the o#li#e tradi#* a#d
proc're)e#t joi#t (e#t're of Tata teel a#d teel A'thority of I#dia
9AIL:4 has roped i# DTI Ba#& to start o? o%# eO'ip)e#t for Tata teel.
4/IEBOL/ yste)s Pri(ate Ltd6 a %holly o%#ed s'"sidiary of /ie"old
I#corporated6 has sec'red a )ajor co#tract for the s'pply of AT+s a#
ser(ices to DTI Ba#& 4HB- co)pletes acO'isitio# of 25.FK sta&e i# DTI
Ba#& for .F ) 4DTI Ba#& i#stalls AT+ i# Thir'(a#a#thap'ra) 4La'#ches
Re)itta#ce -ardL i# associatio# %ith Re)it0I#dia6 a We" site o?eri#*
)o#ey tra#sfer ser(ices
$%%6, 4 DTI Ba#& e#ters i#to a "a#c ass'ra#ce part#ership %ith Bajaj
Allia#@ Ge#eral for selli#* *e#eral i#s'ra#ce prod'cts thro'*h its
"ra#ch #et%or&. 4DTI Ba#& la'#ches its $rst atellite Retail Assets
-e#tre 9RA-: i# Kar#ata&a at +a#*alore.
$%%7, 4DBL sets 'p "ra#ch i# =aip'r 4DTI Ba#& '#(eils priority "a#&i#*
&.' Ma1a4e!e1t o2 A9"- +a1:
Pro!oter-, A<is Ba#& Ltd. has "ee# pro)oted "y the lar*est a#d the
"est ,i#a#cial I#stit'tio# of the co'#try6 DTI. The Ba#& %as set 'p %ith
a capital of Rs. 22E crore6 %ith DTI co#tri"'ti#* Rs. 211 -rore6 LI- 4 Rs.
G.E -rore a#d GI- a#d its fo'r s'"sidiaries co#tri"'ti#* Rs. 2.E -rore
each DDTI 4 hareholdi#* 0G.10KErst%hile D#it Tr'st of I#dia %as set
'p as a "ody corporate '#der the DTI Act6 2IF36 %ith a (ie% to
e#co'ra*e sa(i#*s a#d i#(est)e#t. I# /ece)"er 01106 the DTI Act6
2IF3 %as repealed %ith the passa*e of D#it Tr'st of I#dia 9Tra#sfer of
D#derta&i#* a#d Repeal: Act6 0110 "y the Parlia)e#t6 pa(i#* the %ay
for the "if'rcatio# of DTI i#to 0 e#tities6 DTI4I a#d DTI4II %ith e?ect fro)
2st ,e"r'ary 0113. I# accorda#ce %ith the Act6 the D#derta&i#*
speci$ed as DTI I has "ee# tra#sferred a#d (ested i# the Ad)i#istrator
of the peci$ed D#derta&i#* of the D#it Tr'st of I#dia 9DDTI:6 %ho
)a#a*es ass'red ret'r# sche)es alo#* %ith F.GEK D4F5 Bo#ds6
F.F1K AR Bo#ds %ith a D#it -apital of o(er Rs. 252FG.EI crores. The
Go(er#)e#t of I#dia has c'rre#tly appoi#ted hri K. N. Prith(iraj as the
Ad)i#istrator of the peci$ed '#derta&i#* of DTI6 to loo& after a#d
ad)i#ister the sche)es '#der DTI %here Go(er#)e#t has co#ti#'i#*
o"li*atio#s a#d co))it)e#ts to the i#(estors6 %hich it %ill 'phold.
+ar41H A<is Ba#& la'#ches Plati#') -redit -ard6 I#diaLs $rst E+N chip "ased
/ec41G A<is Ba#& *ets AAA Natio#al Lo#*4Ter) Rati#* fro) ,itch Rati#*s
ept41G A<is Ba#& ties 'p %ith Ba#O'e Pri(Xe Ed)o#d de Rothschild E'rope for
Wealth +a#a*e)e#t
='ly41G DTI Ba#& re4"ra#ds itself as A<is Ba#&
='ly41G DTI Ba#& s'ccessf'lly raises D/ 21E1 )illio#
='ly41G DTI Ba#& ties 'p %ith Tata +otors Ltd. for -ar Loa#s
='#e41G DTI Ba#&Ls e<pa#sio# i#to Asia s'pported "y ,R
+ay41G DTI Ba#& la'#ches Lpice Re%ardsL o# the "a#&cards 4 I#diaLs $rst4e(er
)ercha#t4s'pported re%ards pro*ra)
April41G DTI Ba#& ope#s a ,i#a#cial er(ices -ate*ory I Bra#ch i# the /I,- i#
+ar41G DTI Ba#& ties 'p %ith Hy'#dai +otor I#dia Ltd. for -ar Loa#s
+ar41G DTI Ba#& ties 'p %ith II,-L to pro(ide $#a#ce for i#frastr'ct'ral projects
i# the co'#try
+ar41G DTI Ba#& la'#ches -ar Loa#s i# associatio# %ith +ar'ti Ddyo* Ltd
+ar41G DTI Ba#& ope#s a ,'ll Lice#se Ba#& Bra#ch i# Ho#* Ko#*
,e"41G ,i#a#ce +i#ister hri P. -hida)"ara) La'#ches hrira) 4 DTI Ba#& -o 4
Bra#ded -redit -ard E<cl'si(ely ,or )all Road Tra#sport Operators
,e"41G DTI Ba#& a##o'#ces the la'#ch of its +eal -ard
,e"41G DTI Ba#& a##o'#ces the la'#ch of its Gift -ard
,e"41G LI- Pre)i') pay)e#t #o% thro'*h DTI Ba#& Bra#ches
=a#41G DTI "a#& ope#s Priority Ba#&i#* "ra#ch i# +')"ai a#d Kol&ata
No(41F DTI Ba#& ope#s Priority Ba#&i#* Lo'#*e i# P'#e
ep41F DTI Ba#& la'#ches operatio#s of DBL ales6 its ales '"sidiary 4
I#a'*'rates its $rst o7ce i# Ba#*alore
A'*41F DTI Ba#& a##o'#ces the la'#ch of its -redit -ard B'si#ess
A'*41F DTI Ba#& "eco)es the $rst I#dia# Ba#& to s'ccessf'lly iss'e ,orei*#
-'rre#cy Hy"rid -apital i# the I#ter#atio#al +ar&et
A'*41F DTI Ba#& B'si#ess Gold /e"it -ard +aster-ard La'#ched 4 /esi*#ed for
"'si#ess related spe#di#* "y +Es a#d self e)ployed professio#als
A'*41F DTI Ba#& a##o'#ces the sche)e of iss'a#ce of Ye#ior -iti@e# I/ -ardY
i# associatio# %ith /i*#ity ,o'#datio#
A'*41F DTI Ba#& rolls o't its 0111th AT+
='ly41F DTI Ba#& ope#s Represe#tati(e O7ce i# ha#*hai
+ay41F DTI Ba#& a#d LI- joi# ha#ds to la'#ch a# A##'ity -ard for *ro'p
pe#sio#ers of LI-
+ay41F DTI Ba#& ties 'p %ith Geojit ,i#a#cial er(ices to o?er O#li#e Tradi#*
ser(ice to its c'sto)ers
Apr41F DTI Ba#& ope#s its $rst i#ter#atio#al "ra#ch i# i#*apore
=a#41F DTI Ba#& a#d DTI +'t'al ,'#d to la'#ch a #e% ser(ice for sale a#d
rede)ptio# of )'t'al f'#d sche)es thro'*h the Ba#&Ls AT+s across
the co'#try
/ec41E DTI Ba#& %i#s I#ter#atio#al ,i#a#ci#* Re(ie% 9I,R: Asia LI#dia Bo#d
Ho'seL a%ard for the year 011E
Oct41E DTI Ba#& e<te#ds "a#&i#* ser(ices to the r'ral )il& prod'cers i# A#a#d
a#d Kheda districts i# G'jarat
='ly41E DTI Ba#& a#d Nisa I#ter#atio#al la'#ch +o"ile Re$ll facility 4 A#yti)e6
A#y%here Pre4Paid +o"ile Re$ll for all Nisa -ardholders i# I#dia
+ay41E DTI Ba#& a#d Bajaj Allia#@ joi# ha#ds to distri"'te *e#eral i#s'ra#ce
Apr41E DTI Ba#& la'#ches )art Pri(ile*e 4 a special "a#& acco'#t desi*#ed for
+ar41E +TNL ties 'p %ith DTI Ba#& for pay)e#t of telepho#e "ills thro'*h the
Ba#&Ls AT+ #et%or&
+ar41E DTI Ba#& *ets listed o# the Lo#do# toc& E<cha#*e6 raises DZ 03I.31
)illio# thro'*h Glo"al
+ar41E /epositary Receipts 9G/Rs:
,e"41E DTI Ba#& appoi#ted "y Go(er#)e#t of Kar#ata&a as the sole "a#&er for
the Ba#*alore O#e 9B2: project
,e"41E DTI Ba#& la'#ches a po%erf'l (ersio# of Kisa# -redit -ard
=a#41E DTI Ba#& ties 'p %ith Re)it0I#dia to la'#ch the Re)itta#ce -ard
+ar415 DTI Ba#& e#a"les pre)i') pay)e#t of LI- policies thro'*h its AT+s.
,e"415 Bilateral arra#*e)e#t "et%ee# tate Ba#& of I#dia 9a#d its G associate
)e)"er "a#&s: a#d DTI Ba#&. co)es i#to force %ith the
co))e#ce)e#t of operatio#s 9as o# 3rd ,e"r'ary L15: of the co)"i#ed
#et%or& of o(er 5111 AT+s
,e"415 DTI Ba#& 9"y p'rs'i#* a proacti(e strate*y of for*i#* "ilateral
a*ree)e#ts a#d "ei#* a pro*ressi(e player i# the )'lti4lateral
co#sorti')s for shared AT+ #et%or&: o?ers its c'sto)ers access to
o(er G111 AT+s across the co'#try 4 the lar*est to "e o?ered "y a#y
"a#& i# I#dia so far.
/ec413 Ba#& i#a'*'rated its AT+ at The*' #ear the Nath'la Pass i# i&&i).
This AT+ is at the hi*hest altit'de i# I#dia.
ep413 The Ba#&Ls AT+s across the co'#try crosses the tho'sa#d )ar&
ep413 Ba#& la'#ches the Tra(el -'rre#cy -ard.
A'*413 The Ba#&Ls /e"it -ard crosses the o#e )illio# )ar&.
A'*413 Total Ad(a#ces cross Rs G6111 -rore.
+ay413 Ba#& declares a #et pro$t of Rs 2I0.2H crores for ,J136 a *ro%th of 53K
o(er the pre(io's year
+ar413 Ba#& si*#s A*ree)e#t %ith E)ployees Pro(ide#t ,'#d Or*a#i@atio#
9EP,O: for dis"'rse)e#t of Pe#sio#
+ar413 Ba#& crosses the H11 AT+ )ar&
+ar413 The Ba#& iss'es 36H36F06H35 f'lly paid 'p eO'ity shares totali#* to Rs.
2F5.11 crores6 thro'*h a
+ar413 Prefere#tial o?er to Life I#s'ra#ce -orporatio# of I#dia 9#o%
co#stit'ti#* 23.E5K of
+ar413 the Ba#&Ls e<pa#ded eO'ity:6 -iticorp Ba#&i#* -orporatio#6 Bahrai#
9holdi#* 3.H5K:6 -hris -apital I6
+ar413 LL-6 +a'riti's 9holdi#* 3.H5K: a#d Kar'r Nysya Ba#& Ltd.9co#stit'ti#*
2.11K: The Ba#& also
+ar413 I#creases the a'thori@ed share capital of the Ba#& fro) Rs. 031 crores
to Rs. 311 crores.
,e"413 Ba#&6 i# a pio#eeri#* )o(e6 la'#ches the AT PAR -heO'e facility6 free of
cost6 for all its a(i#*s Ba#& c'sto)ers.
,e"413 Ba#& %i#s )a#date to set 'p 25 AT+s at the Wester# Rail%ay statio#s
alo#* the +')"ai di(isio#.
Oct410 Ba#& la'#ches -orporate i-o##ect[ 4 the I#ter#et Ba#&i#* facility for
A'*410 Ba#& si*#s +oD %ith BNL re*ardi#* "ill collectio# ser(ices across the
co'#try thro'*h "oth o#li#e a#d o\i#e cha##els.
Apr410 Ba#& ope#s its E11th AT+
+ar410 /eposits -ross Rs.206 111 -rore
=a#410 The Ba#&Ls 211th "ra#ch ope#s at T'ticori#6 Ta)il#ad'
=a#410 The Ba#& ope#s a# AT+ at the Gol /a&4Kha#a6 i.e. the Ne% /elhi GPO6
)a&i#* it the $rst i#sta#ce of a co))ercial "a#& setti#* 'p a# AT+ at
a#y post4o7ce i# the co'#try.
/ec412 Total Ad(a#ces cross Rs E6111 -rore
No(412 The deposit "ase for the Ba#& crosses Rs. 216111 -rore
ep412 Pri(ate place)e#t of 0FK sta&e i# the Ba#& to -/- -apital Part#ers. DTI
holdi#* red'ces to 55.HHK
A'*412 Ba#& si*#s +oD %ith I#dia Post for i#trod'ci#* (al'e added $#a#cial
prod'cts a#d ser(ices to c'sto)ers of "oth or*a#i@atio#s6 i#cl'di#*
setti#* 'p of DTI Ba#& AT+s i# post o7ces.
='ly412 Ba#& ties 'p %ith Go(t of A#dhra Pradesh for collectio# of co))ercial
/ec411 Ba#& ope#s its 011th AT+. It "eco)es the 0#d lar*est AT+ #et%or& i#
the co'#try6 a positio# held e(e# today.
Oct411 Ba#& "eco)es f'lly #et%or&ed
='ly411 E4co))erce i#itiati(es a##o'#ced
='ly411 ,i#a#cial Ad(isory er(ices o?ered "e*i##i#* %ith )ar&eti#* of D F5
Apr411 DTI Ba#& calls o? its proposed )er*er %ith Glo"al Tr'st Ba#& a#d
s'r*es ahead o# its o%#.
Apr411 Ba#& la'#ches its I#ter#et "a#&i#* )od'le6 i-o##ect Retail loa#s
i#trod'ced for the $rst ti)e "y the Ba#&
+ar411 Pro$ts cross Rs E1 crore )ar& for the $rst ti)e.
,e"411 Ba#& adopts ,i#acle soft%are fro) I#fosys for core "a#&i#*
=a#411 /r.P.= Naya& ta&es o(er as -hair)a# a#d +a#a*i#* /irector fro) hri
'priya G'pta.
ep4II -ash )a#a*e)e#t ser(ices 9-+: la'#ched6 -o "ra#ded credit card
+ar4II /eposits cross Rs.3111 crores
ep4IH DTI Ba#& *oes p'"lic %ith a Rs. G2 crore p'"lic iss'eV Iss'e o(er4
s'"scri"ed 2.0 ti)es6 o(er 2 la&h retail i#(estors. DTI holdi#* red'ces to
='#4IF -rosses Rs.2111 crore deposit )ar&
+ar4IE -o)pletes $rst pro$ta"le year i# operatio#
Apr4I5 ,irst "ra#ch of DTI Ba#& i#a'*'rated at Ah)eda"ad "y /r. +a#)oha#
i#*h6 Ho#L"le ,i#a#ce +i#ister6 Go(er#)e#t of I#dia.
/ec4I3 DTI Ba#& co)es i#to "ei#*
/ec4I3 Re*istered o7ce at Ah)eda"adV Head o7ce at +')"ai
As a part of c'rric'l') the st'de#ts of +BA ha(e to '#der*o '))er
I#ter#ship Pro*ra) 9IP:. Wherei# a st'de#t *ets the &#o%led*e a"o't
practical life6 ho% the %or& is do#e i# co)pa#ies6 ho% to *et
acO'ai#ted %ith %or&i#* co#ditio#s a#d other )a#y s'ch thi#*s6 etc.
the )ai# ai) "ehi#d this pro*ra) is that st'de#ts *et so)e
e<perie#ce %ith %hich he co'ld *et assista#ce %hile searchi#* the jo".
This pro*ra) is *e#erally pro(ided "y a co)pa#y a#d it lasts for at
least t%o )o#ths. t'de#ts as per their speciali@atio#s co'ld apply for
IP a#d *et the opport'#ity to %or& i# a co)pa#y6 %hich the colle*e
As a )a#a*e)e#t st'de#t I also ha(e to '#der*o IP. I *ot the
opport'#ity to co)plete this pro*ra) i# A;I BANK LT/.6 for t%o
)o#ths. A<is "a#& is o#e of the leadi#* BANK i# "a#&i#* sector i#
I#dia. ,irst of the t%o )o#ths %as de(oted to trai#i#*. O'r trai#i#*
started %ith the sessio# of i#for)atio# a"o't "a#& prod'ct a#d sales
a#d 4 %hat is the )ea#i#* of the co#cepts6 i)porta#ce of sales a#d
)ar&eti#* %as ta'*ht. The seco#d part %as a"o't ope# a# acco'#t4
%hy %e ope# a# acco'#t i# "a#&6 a"o't the "a#&i#* sector4 as a(e#'e
for i#(est)e#t6 ho% "a#&i#* sector is Better A(e#'e for i#(est)e#t.
The #e<t sessio# %as a"o't detailed &#o%led*e a"o't "a#&i#* sector4
ho% to sell these prod'cts i# )ar&et. The last sessio# %as a"o't the
practical &#o%led*e a"o't ho% to *et appoi#t)e#t of c'sto)ers a#d
ho% to co#(i#ce the) to ta&e the prod'ct. I# the seco#d )o#th %e
ha(e sell the prod'cts directly i# the )ar&et6 proced're of selli#* the
prod'cts etc.
The Wholesale Ba#&i#* co#tai#s prod'cts sold to lar*e a#d )iddle
)ar&et co))ercial co)pa#ies6 as %ell as to co#s')ers o# a %holesale
"asis. This i#cl'des le#di#*6 treas'ry )a#a*e)e#t6 )'t'al f'#ds6
asset4"ased le#di#*6 co))ercial real estate6 corporate a#d
i#stit'tio#al tr'st ser(ices6 a#d i#(est)e#t "a#&i#* thro'*h Wells
,ar*o ec'rities. The co)pa#y also o%#s Bari#* to# Associates6 a
)iddle )ar&et i#(est)e#t "a#&. Wells ,ar*o historically has a(oided
lar*e corporate loa#s as sta#d4alo#e prod'cts6 i#stead reO'iri#* that
"orro%ers p'rchase other prod'cts alo#* %ith loa#s]%hich the "a#&
sees as a loss leader. O#e area that is (ery pro$ta"le to Wells6
ho%e(er6 is asset4"ased le#di#*C le#di#* to lar*e co)pa#ies 'si#*
assets as collateral that are #ot #or)ally 'sed i# other loa#s. This ca#
"e co)pared to s'"pri)e le#di#*6 "'t o# a corporate le(el. The )ai#
"ra#d #a)e for this acti(ity is YWells ,ar*o ,oothill6Y a#d is re*'larly
)ar&eted i# to)"sto#e ads i# the Wall Street Journal. Wells ,ar*o also
o%#s Eastdil ec'red6 %hich is descri"ed as a Yreal estate i#(est)e#t
"a#&Y "'t is esse#tially o#e of the lar*est co))ercial real estate
"ro&ers for (ery lar*e tra#sactio#s 9s'ch as the p'rchase a#d sale of
lar*e -lass4A o7ce "'ildi#*s i# ce#tral "'si#ess districts thro'*ho't
the D#ited tates:.
The =ho3e-a3e +a1:"14 o>erat"o1- co1-"-t o2 the 2o33o="14
2. Ope#i#* of Acco'#t
0. Iss'e of -hec& "oo&
3. I#ter#atio#al /e"it 8 -redit -ard
5. Iss'e of /e)a#d /raft 9//:
E. Net "a#&i#*
F. e4)ail state)e#t
G. pho#e "a#&i#*
H. I#sta U'ery
I. I#sta Alert
21. Bill pay
22. Pass"oo&
20. U'arterly Acco'#t tate)e#t
23. Loa# ,acility
A "a#& is a $#a#cial i#stit'tio# lice#sed "y a *o(er#)e#t. Its
pri)ary acti(ity is to le#d )o#ey. +a#y other $#a#cial acti(ities
%ere allo%ed o(er ti)e. ,or e<a)ple "a#&s are i)porta#t
players i# $#a#cial )ar&ets a#d o?er $#a#cial ser(ices s'ch as
i#(est)e#t f'#ds.
Ba#&i#* ca# also "e de$#ed as e#*a*i#* i# the "'si#ess of
&eepi#* )o#ey for sa(i#*s a#d chec&i#* acco'#ts or for
e<cha#*e or for iss'i#* loa#s a#d credit.
Tra#sacti#* "'si#ess %ith a "a#&V depositi#* or %ithdra%i#*
f'#ds or reO'esti#* a loa#.
Ba#& 4 a s'pply or stoc& held i# reser(e for f't're 'se 9especially
i# e)er*e#cies:
A# or*a#i@atio#6 's'ally a corporatio#6 chartered "y a state or federal
*o(er#)e#t6 %hich does )ost or all of the follo%i#*C recei(es de)a#d
deposits a#d ti)e deposits6 ho#ors i#str')e#ts dra%# o# the)6 a#d
pays i#terest o# the)V disco'#ts #otes6 )a&es loa#s6 a#d i#(ests i#
sec'ritiesV collects chec&s6 drafts6 a#d #otesV certi$es depositorLs
chec&sV a#d iss'es drafts a#d cashierLs chec&s.
Easy Access a(i#* Acco'#t
a(i#* Acco'#t for Wo)e#
Pri)e a(i#* Acco'#t
e#ior -iti@e#s a(i#* Acco'#t
Priority Ba#&i#*
-orporate alary Acco'#t
Tr'st 8NGOs a(i#* Acco'#t
Reside#t ,orei*# -'rre#cy Acco'#t
O#li#e Tradi#* Acco'#t
-'rre#t Acco'#t
Ter) /eposits
Loc&er ,acilities
NRI er(ices
/epository er(ices
,i#a#cial Ad(isory er(ices
Wealth +a#a*e)e#t er(ices
I#s'ra#ce ol'tio#s W Life a#d Ge#eral
Retail Loa#s
-redit Loa#s
Tra(el -'rre#cy -ards
Re)itta#ce -ards
Gift -ards
'.$ C*-to!er -er?"ce "1 Ba1:"14 O>erat"o1-
Che@*e Dro> Bo9 Fac"3"t#
RBILs -o))ittee o# Proced'res a#d Perfor)a#ce A'dit o# P'"lic
er(ices has reco))e#ded that "oth the drop "o< facility a#d the
facility for ac&#o%led*e)e#t of the cheO'es at the re*'lar collectio#
co'#ters sho'ld "e a(aila"le to c'sto)ers a#d #o "ra#ch sho'ld ref'se
to *i(e a# ac&#o%led*e)e#t if the c'sto)er te#ders the cheO'es at
the co'#ters.
I--*e o2 Che@*e Boo:-, The -o))ittee has o"ser(ed that so)e
"a#&s do #ot allo% depositors to collect their cheO'e "oo& at the
"ra#ch "'t i#sist o# dispatchi#* the cheO'e "oo& "y co'rier to the
depositor. ,'rther6 it is stated "y the -o))ittee that the depositor
is forced to si*# a declaratio# that a despatch "y the co'rier is at
the depositorLs ris& a#d co#seO'e#ce a#d that the depositor shall
#ot hold the "a#& lia"le i# a#y )a##er %hatsoe(er i# respect of
s'ch despatch of cheO'e "oo&. -o))ittee has o"ser(ed this as a#
'#fair practice a#d ad(ised "a#&s to refrai# fro) o"tai#i#* s'ch
'#derta&i#*s fro) depositors. Ba#&s sho'ld also e#s're that cheO'e
"oo&s are deli(ered o(er the co'#ters o# reO'est to the depositors
or his a'thori@ed represe#tati(e.
State!e1t o2 Acco*1t- A Pa-- Boo:-, The -o))ittee has #oted
that "a#&s i#(aria"ly sho% the e#tries i# depositorTs pass"oo&s 8
state)e#t of acco'#ts as YBy -leari#*Y or YBy -heO'eY. ,'rther6 i#
the case of Electro#ic -leari#* yste) 9E-: a#d RBI Electro#ic
,'#ds Tra#sfer 9RBIE,TR: "a#&s i#(aria"ly do #ot pro(ide a#y details
e(e# tho'*h "rief partic'lars of the re)itta#ce are pro(ided to the
recei(i#* "a#&. I# so)e cases co)p'teri@ed e#tries 'se
sophisticated codes %hich j'st ca##ot "e deciphered. With a (ie% to
a(oidi#* i#co#(e#ie#ce to depositors6 "a#&s are ad(ised to a(oid
s'ch i#scr'ta"le e#tries i# pass"oo&s state)e#ts of acco'#t a#d
e#s're that "rief6 i#telli*i"le partic'lars are i#(aria"ly e#tered i#
pass"oo&s 8 state)e#ts of acco'#t. Ba#&s )ay also e#s're that
they adhere to the )o#thly periodicity prescri"ed "y 's %hile
se#di#* state)e#t of acco'#ts.
'.' Tra"t"o1a3 +a1:"14 act"?"t"e-C Ba#&s act as pay)e#t
a*e#ts "y co#d'cti#* chec&i#* or c'rre#t acco'#ts for c'sto)ers6
payi#* cheO'es dra%# "y c'sto)ers o# the "a#&6 a#d collecti#*
cheO'es deposited to c'sto)ersL c'rre#t acco'#ts. Ba#&s also e#a"le
c'sto)er pay)e#ts (ia other pay)e#t )ethods s'ch as tele*raphic
tra#sfer6 E,TPO6 a#d AT+. Ba#&s "orro% )o#ey "y accepti#* f'#ds
deposited o# c'rre#t acco'#ts6 "y accepti#* ter) deposits6 a#d "y
iss'i#* de"t sec'rities s'ch as "a#&#otes a#d "o#ds. Ba#&s le#d
)o#ey "y )a&i#* ad(a#ces to c'sto)ers o# c'rre#t acco'#ts6 "y
)a&i#* i#stall)e#t loa#s6 a#d "y i#(esti#* i# )ar&eta"le de"t
sec'rities a#d other for)s of )o#ey le#di#*. Ba#&s pro(ide al)ost all
pay)e#t ser(ices6 a#d a "a#& acco'#t is co#sidered i#dispe#sa"le "y
)ost "'si#esses6 i#di(id'als a#d *o(er#)e#ts. No#4"a#&s that pro(ide
pay)e#t ser(ices s'ch as re)itta#ce co)pa#ies are #ot #or)ally
co#sidered a# adeO'ate s'"stit'te for ha(i#* a "a#& acco'#t. Ba#&s
"orro% )ost f'#ds fro) ho'seholds a#d #o#4$#a#cial "'si#esses6 a#d
le#d )ost f'#ds to ho'seholds a#d #o#4$#a#cial "'si#esses6 "'t #o#4
"a#& le#ders pro(ide a si*#i$ca#t a#d i# )a#y cases adeO'ate
s'"stit'te for "a#& loa#s6 a#d )o#ey )ar&et f'#ds6 cash )a#a*e)e#t
tr'sts a#d other #o#4"a#& $#a#cial i#stit'tio#s i# )a#y cases pro(ide
a# adeO'ate s'"stit'te to "a#&s for le#di#* sa(i#*s to
3.4 Accounting for bank accounts
Ba#& state)e#ts are acco'#ti#* records prod'ced "y "a#&s '#der the
(ario's acco'#ti#* sta#dards of the %orld. D#der GAAP a#d I,R there
are t%o &i#ds of acco'#tsC de"it a#d credit. -redit acco'#ts are
Re(e#'e6 EO'ity a#d Lia"ilities. /e"it Acco'#ts are Assets a#d
E<pe#ses. This )ea#s yo' credit a credit account to i#crease its
"ala#ce6 a#d yo' de"it a debit account to i#crease its "ala#ce.
also )ea#s yo' de"it yo'r sa(i#*s acco'#t e(ery ti)e yo' deposit
)o#ey i#to it 9a#d the acco'#t is #or)ally i# de$cit:6 %hile yo' credit
yo'r credit card acco'#t e(ery ti)e yo' spe#d )o#ey fro) it 9a#d the
acco'#t is #or)ally i# credit:.Ho%e(er6 if yo' read yo'r "a#&
state)e#t6 it %ill say the opposite]that yo' credit yo'r acco'#t %he#
yo' deposit )o#ey6 a#d yo' de"it it %he# yo' %ithdra% f'#ds. If yo'
ha(e cash i# yo'r acco'#t6 yo' ha(e a positi(e 9or credit: "ala#ceV if
yo' are o(erdra%#6 yo' ha(e a #e*ati(e 9or de$cit: "ala#ce. The
reaso# for this is that the "a#&6 a#d #ot yo'6 has prod'ced the "a#&
state)e#t. Jo'r sa(i#*s )i*ht "e your assets6 "'t the bank's lia"ility6
so they are credit acco'#ts 9%hich sho'ld ha(e a positi(e "ala#ce:.
-o#(ersely6 yo'r loa#s are your lia"ilities "'t the bank's assets6 so
they are de"it acco'#ts 9%hich sho'ld ha(e a also ha(e a positi(e
"ala#ce:.Where "a#& tra#sactio#s6 "ala#ces6 credits a#d de"its are
disc'ssed "elo%6 they are do#e so fro) the (ie%poi#t of the acco'#t
holder]%hich is traditio#ally %hat )ost people are 'sed to seei#*.
3.5 Economic functions
2. I--*e o2 !o1e#B i# the for) of "a#&#otes a#d c'rre#t acco'#ts
s'"ject to cheO'e or pay)e#t at the c'sto)erLs order. These clai)s
o# "a#&s ca# act as )o#ey "eca'se they are #e*otia"le a#d8or
repaya"le o# de)a#d6 a#d he#ce (al'ed at par. They are e?ecti(ely
tra#sfera"le "y )ere deli(ery6 i# the case of "a#&#otes6 or "y
dra%i#* a cheO'e that the payee )ay "a#& or cash.
0. Nett"14 a1 -ett3e!e1t o2 >a#!e1t- C "a#&s act as "oth
collectio# a#d payi#* a*e#ts for c'sto)ers6 participati#* i#
i#ter"a#& cleari#* a#d settle)e#t syste)s to collect6 prese#t6 "e
prese#ted %ith6 a#d pay pay)e#t i#str')e#ts. This e#a"les "a#&s
to eco#o)ies o# reser(es held for settle)e#t of pay)e#ts6 si#ce
i#%ard a#d o't%ard pay)e#ts o?set each other. It also e#a"les the
o?setti#* of pay)e#t Po%s "et%ee# *eo*raphical areas6 red'ci#*
the cost of settle)e#t "et%ee# the).
3. Cre"t "1ter!e"at"o1 C "a#&s "orro% a#d le#d "ac&4to4"ac& o#
their o%# acco'#t as )iddle )e#
5. Cre"t @*a3"t# "!>ro?e!e1t C "a#&s le#d )o#ey to ordi#ary
co))ercial a#d perso#al "orro%ers 9ordi#ary credit O'ality:6 "'t are
hi*h O'ality "orro%ers. The i)pro(e)e#t co)es fro) di(ersi$catio#
of the "a#&Ls assets a#d capital %hich pro(ides a "'?er to a"sor"
losses %itho't defa'lti#* o# its o"li*atio#s. Ho%e(er6 "a#&#otes
a#d deposits are *e#erally '#sec'redV if the "a#& *ets i#to di7c'lty
a#d pled*es assets as sec'rity6 to raise the f'#di#* it #eeds to
co#ti#'e to operate6 this p'ts the #ote holders a#d depositors i# a#
eco#o)ically s'"ordi#ated positio#.
E. Mat*r"t# Tra1-2or!at"o1 C "a#&s "orro% )ore o# de)a#d de"t
a#d short ter) de"t6 "'t pro(ide )ore lo#* ter) loa#s. I# other
%ords6 they "orro% short a#d le#d lo#*. With a stro#*er credit
O'ality tha# )ost other "orro%ers6 "a#&s ca# do this "y
a**re*ati#* iss'es 9e.*. accepti#* deposits a#d iss'i#* "a#&#otes:
a#d rede)ptio#s 9e.*. %ithdra%als a#d rede)ptio#s of "a#&#otes:6
)ai#tai#i#* reser(es of cash6 i#(esti#* i# )ar&eta"le sec'rities that
ca# "e readily co#(erted to cash if #eeded6 a#d raisi#* replace)e#t
f'#di#* as #eeded fro) (ario's so'rces 9e.*. %holesale cash
)ar&ets a#d sec'rities )ar&ets:.
3.6 Banking channels
Ba#&s o?er )a#y di?ere#t cha##els to access their "a#&i#* a#d other
A "ra#ch6 "a#&i#* ce#tre or $#a#cial ce#tre is a retail locatio#
%here a "a#& or $#a#cial i#stit'tio# o?ers a %ide array of face4
to4face ser(ice to its c'sto)ers.
AT+ is a co)p'teri@ed teleco))'#icatio#s de(ice that pro(ides
a $#a#cial i#stit'tio#Ls c'sto)ers a )ethod of $#a#cial
tra#sactio#s i# a p'"lic space %itho't the #eed for a h')a# cler&
or "a#& teller. +ost "a#&s #o% ha(e )ore AT+s tha# "ra#ches6
a#d AT+s are pro(idi#* a %ider ra#*e of ser(ices to a %ider
ra#*e of 'sers. ,or e<a)ple i# Ho#* Ko#*6 )ost AT+s e#a"le
a#yo#e to deposit cash to a#y c'sto)er of the "a#&Ls acco'#t "y
feedi#* i# the #otes a#d e#teri#* the acco'#t #')"er to "e
credited. Also6 )ost AT+s e#a"le card holders fro) other "a#&s
to *et their acco'#t "ala#ce a#d %ithdra% cash6 e(e# if the card
is iss'ed "y a forei*# "a#&.
+ail is part of the postal syste) %hich itself is a syste) %herei#
%ritte# doc')e#ts typically e#closed i# e#(elopes6 a#d also
s)all pac&a*es co#tai#i#* other )atter6 are deli(ered to
desti#atio#s aro'#d the %orld. This ca# "e 'sed to deposit
cheO'es a#d to se#d orders to the "a#& to pay )o#ey to third
parties. Ba#&s also #or)ally 'se )ail to deli(er periodic acco'#t
state)e#ts to c'sto)ers.
Telepho#e "a#&i#* is a ser(ice pro(ided "y a $#a#cial i#stit'tio#
%hich allo%s its c'sto)ers to perfor) tra#sactio#s o(er the
telepho#e. This #or)ally i#cl'des "ill pay)e#ts for "ills fro)
)ajor "illers 9e.*. for electricity:.
O#li#e "a#&i#* is a ter) 'sed for perfor)i#* tra#sactio#s6
pay)e#ts etc. o(er the I#ter#et thro'*h a "a#&6 credit '#io# or
"'ildi#* societyLs sec're %e"site.
+o"ile "a#&i#* is a )ethod of 'si#* o#eLs )o"ile pho#e to
co#d'ct si)ple "a#&i#* tra#sactio#s "y re)otely li#&i#* i#to a
"a#&i#* #et%or&.
Nideo "a#&i#* is a ter) 'sed for perfor)i#* "a#&i#* tra#sactio#s
or professio#al "a#&i#* co#s'ltatio#s (ia a re)ote (ideo a#d
a'dio co##ectio#. Nideo "a#&i#* ca# "e perfor)ed (ia p'rpose
"'ilt "a#&i#* tra#sactio# )achi#es 9si)ilar to a# A'to)ated
teller )achi#e:6 or (ia a (ideoco#fere#ce e#a"led "a#& "ra#ch
'.8 T#>e- o2 "1?e-t!e1t +a1:-
I#(est)e#t "a#&s Y'#der%riteY 9*'ara#tee the sale of: stoc& a#d
"o#d iss'es6 trade for their o%# acco'#ts6 )a&e )ar&ets6 a#d
ad(ise corporatio#s o# capital )ar&et acti(ities s'ch as )er*ers
a#d acO'isitio#s.
+ercha#t "a#&s %ere traditio#ally "a#&s %hich e#*a*ed i# trade
$#a#ce. The )oder# de$#itio#6 ho%e(er6 refers to "a#&s %hich
pro(ide capital to $r)s i# the for) of shares rather tha# loa#s.
D#li&e (e#t're capital $r)s6 they te#d #ot to i#(est i# #e%
'.< Mort4a4e Ba1:"14
+ort*a*e "a#&i#* deals pri)arily %ith ori*i#ati#* )ort*a*e loa#s a#d
ser(ici#* the). Read )ore a"o't it here as %ell as a"o't %hat a career
i# )ort*a*e "a#&i#* i#(ol(es. +ort*a*e "a#&i#* is )ea#t for a si#*le
p'rpose6 to ser(ice the real estate $#a#ce i#d'stry. +ort*a*e "a#&i#*
deals speci$cally %ith ori*i#ati#* )ort*a*e loa#s as %ell as ser(ici#*
the). +ort*a*e "a#&s are state4lice#sed e#tities fro) %hich
co#s')ers ca# *et )ort*a*e loa#s directly. Ds'ally6 )ort*a*e "a#&s
a(ail f'#ds fro) the ,ederal Natio#al +ort*a*e Associatio#6 or ,N+A6
also &#o%# as ,a##ie +ae6 the ,ederal Ho)e Loa# +ort*a*e
-orporatio#6 or ,HL+-6 also &#o%# as ,reddie +ac6 or a#y other lar*e
co)pa#ies that ser(ice )ort*a*es6 %hich are related to the seco#dary
)ort*a*e )ar&et. Here are a fe% poi#ters a"o't the #itty4*ritty of
)ort*a*e "a#&i#*.
Mort4a4e Ba1:- S>ec"a3"De "1 Mort4a4e .oa1-, D#li&e a sa(i#*s
"a#& that is federally chartered6 i# *e#eral )ort*a*e "a#&s speciali@e
i# o#ly pro(idi#* )ort*a*e loa#s. He#ce6 c'sto)ers do #ot deposit
their )o#ey i# these "a#&s. As has "ee# )e#tio#ed a"o(e6 the
seco#dary %holesale )ar&et is their pri)ary so'rce of f'#ds. ,reddie
+ac a#d ,a##ie +ae are e<a)ples of the le#ders i# the seco#dary
Mort4a4e Ba1:- D"Eer "1 S"De, While so)e )ort*a*e "a#&s ca# "e
#atio#%ide6 others ca# ori*i#ate a (ol')e of loa# that ca# e<ceed that
of a co))ercial "a#& that is #atio#%ide. +a#y of these )ort*a*e
"a#&s 'tili@e specialty ser(icers li&e Real Ti)e Resol'tio#s to carry o't
tas&s li&e fra'd detectio# %or& a#d rep'rchase.
Mort4a4e Ba1:- ha?e T=o So*rce- o2 Re?e1*e, The t%o )ai#
so'rces of i#co)e are fro) loa# ser(ici#* fees 9if they are i#to loa#
se(ici#*16 a#d fees fro) loa# ori*i#atio#. +ort*a*e "a#&ers6 "y a#d
lar*e6 are choosi#* #ot to ser(ice the loa#s they ha(e ori*i#ated. That
is "eca'se they are e#titled to ear# a ser(ice4released pre)i') "y
selli#* the) soo# after the )ort*a*e loa#s are closed a#d f'#ded. The
i#(estor i# the seco#dary )ar&et that p'rchases the loa# has the
a"ility of ear#i#* re(e#'e for pro(idi#* ser(ici#* of the loa# e(ery
)o#th the "orro%er &eeps the loa#.
D"Eere1t Ba1:"14 .a=- A>>3# to Mort4a4e Ba1:-, +ort*a*e
"a#&s 's'ally operate '#der "a#&i#* la%s that are O'ite di?ere#t6
accordi#* to the state they operate i#. Jo' %ill #eed to chec& each
i#di(id'al stateTs $#a#cial depart)e#t or state "a#&i#* i# order to *et
list of )ort*a*e "a#&ers i# each state. While federal la%s apply to the
operatio# of a federal "a#&6 i# ter)s of co#s')er protectio#6 's'ally
co#s')ers ha(e additio#al ri*hts6 %hich are applica"le accordi#* to
each state.
Mort4a4e Ba1:er- ca1 +e More Co!>et"t"?e, i#ce they o#ly
speciali@e i# le#di#* a#d do #ot ha(e to s'"sidi@e a#y of the losses
that other depart)e#ts )ay ha(e i#c'rred6 as i# re*'lar "a#&i#*6
)ort*a*e "a#&ers ha(e the a"ility of "ei#* really co)petiti(e %he#
le#di#* for )ort*a*e. Ho%e(er6 they 's'ally do #ot ha(e the
ad(a#ta*e of accessi#* adj'sta"le rate )ort*a*es that are lo% cost6
%hich federal "a#&s are typically associated %ith6 a#d federal )o#ey
A Career "1 Mort4a4e Ba1:"14, Professio#als i# )ort*a*e "a#&i#*
i# the jo" )ar&et today #eed to ha(e a colle*e de*ree i# "'si#ess or
$#a#ce6 or so)e speci$c e<perie#ce or trai#i#* related to the $eld.
&ills i# *ood c'sto)er ser(ice6 a# i#here#t a"ility %ith #')"ers6 a#d
co)p'ter s&ills are also esse#tial reO'ire)e#ts for )ort*a*e "a#&i#*
jo"s. A )ort*a*e "a#&i#* professio#alTs jo" i#(ol(es re(ie%i#* credit
scores6 deter)i#i#* the &i#d of loa# that is )ost "e#e$cial for the
c'sto)er a#d *'idi#* the) thro'*h the process of applicatio# as %ell
as closi#*. The loa# o7cer has to "e (ery or*a#i@ed a#d detail
orie#ted6 a#d #eed to "e a"le to ha#dle the lar*e a)o'#ts of
paper%or& a#d reporti#* that are reO'ired for *etti#* loa#s appro(ed6
'p to the closi#*. A )ort*a*e "a#&i#* professio#al also has to ha(e
thoro'*h &#o%4ho% a"o't the re*'latio#s associated %ith federal
)ort*a*e as %ell as the (ario's types.
As per KJ- *'ideli#e the RBI has ad(ised "a#&s to follo% KJ-
*'ideli#es of RBI )a#dates "a#&s to collect three proofs fro) their
c'sto)ers they are
2 Photo*raph
0 Proof of Ide#tity
3 Proof of address
Accordi#*ly6 A<is "a#& has fra)ed its KJ- proced're accordi#* to
%hich6 a photo*raph a#d doc')e#tary proof of perso#al ide#ti$catio#
a#d address proof are reO'ired t "e pro(ided.The acco'#t Ope#i#*
for) Pro(ides the #at're of doc')e#ts reO'ired 8 proced're to "e
follo%ed for ope#i#* a #e% acco'#t. Jo' )ay also lo* i# to o'r %e"site
%%%.a<is"a#&.co) for s'ch i#for)atio# %hich is displayed prod'ct4
/e$#itio#C A deposit acco'#t at a "a#& or sa(i#*s a#d loa# %hich pays
i#terest6 "'t ca##ot "e %ithdra%# "y chec& %riti#*.
T#>e- o2 Sa?"14 Acco*1t I1 A9"- Ba1:"14
Fero Ba3a1ce Sa?"14- Acco*1t
At A<is Ba#& it has "ee# co#sta#t e#dea(or to create prod'cts
speci$cally cateri#* to yo'r #eeds. The acco'#t %hile o?eri#* a %hole
ra#*e of ser(ices also addresses yo'r late#t #eed of ha(i#* a# acco'#t
="tho*t the ha--3e o2 !a"1ta"1"14 a1 a?era4e @*arter3#
Feat*re-, ( &.No A(era*e U'arterly Bala#ce reO'ire)e#t
0. ,ree I#ter#atio#al /e"it -ard %ith a# Accide#tal I#s'ra#ce co(er 'p
to Rs 0 la&hs^ 9char*es for the pri)ary holder are %ai(ed:
3. ,ree )o"ile "a#&i#* facility
5. Access thro'*h )ore tha# H0E "ra#ches a#d )ore tha# 3EIE AT+s
E. At4Par cheO'e facility %ith the cleari#* li)it of Rs E16111
F.05<G Tele"a#&i#* S I#ter#et "a#&i#*
G. ,ree O'arterly state)e#ts
H. ,ree )o#thly e4state)e#t
Co1"t"o1- A>>3#,(
2. I#itial f'#di#* of Rs. E6E11.
0. Acco'#t )ai#te#a#ce fee of Rs. E11 per a##')
/r"-h" Sa?"14- Acco*1t (/het" Ho /h*-haha3" :")
A<is Ba#& o?ers a '#iO'e sa(i#*s acco'#t %hich is easy to operate a#d
allo%s yo' to tra#sact i))ediately. This prod'ct has "ee# specially
desi*#ed &eepi#* i# )i#d the '#iO'e reO'ire)e#ts of a far)er a#d
tr'e to its #at're has "ee# called the Krishi a(i#*s Acco'#t. o)e of
the feat'res of o'r #e% prod'ct areC
A?era4e Ba3a1ce Re@*"re!e1t , This acco'#t is o?ered %ith the
reO'ire)e#t of )ai#tai#i#* the half4yearly a(era*e "ala#ce of Rs 2111
I1ter1at"o1a3 Ma-ter De+"t Car
The Krishi a(i#*s Acco'#t e#titles yo' to a# I#ter#atio#al +aster
/e"it -ard %ith %hich yo' ca# access yo'r acco'#t a#yti)e thro'*h
the A<is Ba#& AT+ #et%or& free of cost. This card co)es %ith a cash
%ithdra%al li)it of Rs 0E6111 per day. ,ree Accide#t I#s'ra#ce co(er of
Rs 0 lac&s.
A1#=here Ba1:"14
Bei#* a Krishi acco'#t holder6 yo' are e#titled to access o'r %ide
#et%or& of )ore tha# H0E "ra#ches a#d 3EIE AT+s across 551 cities.
Jo' ca# #o% easily carry o't yo'r tra#sactio#s thro'*h a#y of the
"ra#ches or AT+s.
At Par Che@*e Boo:
Jo'r Krishi a(i#*s Acco'#t co)es %ith the At4Par -heO'e facility. This
facility e#a"les yo' to e#cash the cheO'es as local i#str')e#ts at a#y
of the 551 ce#ters %here the Ba#& has its prese#ce6 at #o e<tra cost.
+oreo(er6 yo' ca# also iss'e cheO'es at other ce#ters 'pto the li)it of
Rs E16111.
Ea-# Acce-- Sa?"14- Acco*1t (Ba1:"14 !ae ea-#)
A ,Acce--"+"3"t#
C ,Co1?e1"e1ce
C ,Co!2ort
E ,Ear1"14-
S ,S>ee
S ,Ser?"ce
Wa#t a sa(i#*s acco'#t that tra#sce#ds *eo*raphical "o'#daries[
Prese#ti#*6 A<is Ba#&Ls Easy Access a(i#*s Acco'#t. The acco'#t is
a# e#dea(or "y the Ba#& to '#dersta#d the co#s')ersL #eeds a#d
rede$#e "a#&i#* to s'it yo'r reO'ire)e#ts for a tr'ly co)forta"le
"a#&i#* e<perie#ce. Easy Access a(i#*s Acco'#t *i(es yo' i#sta#t
access to yo'r )o#ey a#y%here6 a#yti)e. Possessi#* a ra#*e of
'#)atched feat'res6 it has "ee# de(ised to "etter s'it the co#(e#ie#ce
of o'r eclectic clie#t "ase. Jo' ca# a(ail of all these ser(ices %ith a
)i#i)') O'arterly a(era*e "ala#ce of Rs. E6111 i# )etro or 'r"a#
ce#ters6 Rs. 06E11 i# se)i 'r"a# ce#ters a#d Rs. 26111 i# r'ral ce#ters.
At4par cheO'e
AT+ Net%or&
A#y%here Ba#&i#*
+o"ile Ba#&i#*
U'arterly acco'#t state)e#t
U'arterly i#terest _ 3.E K per a##')
,ree )o#thly e4state)e#t.
Jo' ca# a(ail of all these ser(ices %ith a )i#i)') O'arterly a(era*e
"ala#ce of Rs. E6111 i# )etro or 'r"a# ce#ters6 Rs. 06E11 i# se)i 'r"a#
ce#ters a#d Rs. 26111 i# r'ral ce#ters.
Cor>orate Sa3ar# Acco*1t,
O'r -orporate alary Po%er O?eri#* is desi*#ed to o?er payroll
sol'tio#s thro'*h i# a 05 ; G e#(iro#)e#t. We le(era*e o# o'r
e<te#si(e #et%or& of distri"'tio# cha##els spread across 5E1 ce#ters
thro'*h a #et%or& of )ore tha# H0G "ra#ches a#d 3EIE AT+s "esides
o'r s'perior ser(ice deli(ery )odel a#d prod'ct feat'res6 as a stro#*
di?ere#tiator6 to pro(ide (al'e to the e#d 'ser.
Be1eGt to E!>3o#er-,
E7cie#t salary dis"'rsal. We" Dpload 4 Tra#sfer
salaries8rei)"'rse)e#ts directly fro) yo'r c'rre#t acco'#t %ith
A<is Ba#& to yo'r e)ployeeLs acco'#ts 'si#* I -o##ect fro) yo'r
i#*le4i#str'ctio# salary credit 4 a)e day salary credits for all
co)pa#ies ha(i#* -orporate Acco'#t %ith A<is Ba#&. /edicated
Relatio#ship +a#a*er at )etro locatio#s to '#dersta#d the
$#a#cial reO'ire)e#ts of yo'r e)ployees.
Be1eGt to E!>3o#ee-,
No )i#i)') "ala#ce criteria.
D#paralleled Access 4 A#y%here "a#&i#* facility thro'*h o'r
#et%or& of Bra#ches6 AT+ a#d I#ter#et "a#&i#* facility.
AT Par cheO'e "oo&s paya"le locally at all A<is Ba#& locatio#s.
I#ter#atio#al /e"it c') AT+ cards %ith e#ha#ced -ash
%ithdra%al facility a#d other (al'e add o#s.
O#li#e Ba#&i#* %ith f'#ds tra#sfer6 o#li#e shoppi#* a#d "ill
pay)e#t optio#s.
/epository ser(ices %ith free o#li#e tradi#* acco'#ts.
+eal -ards o# a )aster card platfor).
E)ployee Rei)"'rse)e#t acco'#ts as a sa(i#*s acco'#t
(aria#t. Prefere#tial prici#* o# loa# prod'cts a#d credit cards a#d
other "a#&i#* prod'cts S ser(ices.
Pr"!e Sa?"14- Acco*1t,
Wa#t a c'sto)i@ed sa(i#*s acco'#t to s'it yo'r speci$c $#a#cial
reO'ire)e#ts[ At A<is Ba#&6 %e ha(e al%ays stri(ed to pace o'r
prod'cts %ith the *ro%i#* #eeds of o'r c'sto)ers. The Pri)e a(i#*s
acco'#t has therefore "ee# created %ith yo'r speci$c $#a#cial
reO'ire)e#ts i# )i#d.
Thro'*h the LAt ParL cheO'e facility6 yo' ha(e the '#iO'e ad(a#ta*e to
e#cash yo'r cheO'es as a local cheO'e at )ore tha# 331 ce#ters
%here the "a#& has a prese#ce at #o e<tra cost. I# additio# the
acco'#t e#a"les yo' to iss'e cheO'es 'p to Rs. 2 la&h6 %hich %ill "e
treated as LAt ParL across these locatio#s.
Jo' ca# a(ail of all these ser(ices %ith a )i#i)') a(era*e "ala#ce of
Rs 0E6111 i# )etro8'r"a#8se)i4'r"a# ce#ters a#d Rs 216111 i# r'ral
S!art Pr"?"3e4e Acco*1t,(For the =o!a1 o2 toa#)
I# todayLs "'sy %orld itLs to'*h "ei#* a %or&i#* %o)a#. Ri*ht fro)
sh'ttli#* "et%ee# a jo" a#d fa)ily to ta&i#* care of her $#a#ces she
has to "e o# her toes all the ti)e. Keepi#* this i# )i#d6 %e at A<is
Ba#& ha(e desi*#ed a sa(i#*s acco'#t "est s'ited for the %o)a# of
today. With the )art Pri(ile*e Acco'#t6 yo' ca# )a#a*e yo'r )o#ey
a#d yo'r life a#d as %ell as e#joy a host of lifestyle pri(ile*es.
,'rther)ore A<is Ba#&Ls )art Pri(ile*e Acco'#t e#s'res that yo'
ha(e e#o'*h ti)e for all the i)porta#t thi#*s i# life.
Se1"or Pr"?"3e4e (Beca*-e 3"2e +e4"1- at -"9t#)
Are yo' see&i#* a "a#&i#* style that co)pli)e#ts yo'r se#ior stat's[
A<is Ba#&Ls e#ior -iti@e# a(i#*s Acco'#t has "ee# desi*#ed &eepi#*
i# )i#d the fact that a se#ior citi@e#Ls "a#&i#* reO'ire)e#ts are %holly
di?ere#t a#d reO'ire special co#sideratio#.
S>ec"a3 Pr"?"3e4e 9A Pr"?"3e4e a--*re- the care #o* e-er?e), We
ha(e i#trod'ced e#ior -iti@e# I/ card for o'r e#ior Pri(ile*e patro#s.
Let 's "riePy i#trod'ce the %ide ra#*e of ad(a#ta*es it hold for yo'.
A?a"3 o2 Great +e1eGt- ="th Se1"or C"t"De1 ID car
I/ card acts as a# a*e proof. E#a"li#* yo' to redee) e(ery ad(a#ta*e
that yo' are eli*i"le for6 this card %ill soo# help yo' a(ail of certai#
#e(er4"efore e#ior4citi@e# "e#e$ts at (ario's stores6 ser(ice pro(iders
a#d i#stallatio# across the #atio#.
Fee3 -a2e E?er#=here
Apart fro) pro(ide yo' %ith the po%er to clai) *reat "e#e$ts6 card
also act as e)er*e#cy i#for)atio# )edi'). I# case of e)er*e#cies6 it
pro(ides the doctors a#d a'thorities %ith (ital data li&e yo'r "lood
*ro'p6 aller*ies6 ill#esses6 address a#d e)er*e#cy co#tact details. This
e#s'res that yo' are %ell loo&ed after i# a#y sit'atio#6 #o )atter
%here yo' are.
A3=a#- a Pr"?"3e4e
It %ill help i# stre#*the# the "o#d %ith 's a#d to "e of assista#ce to
yo' at all the ti)es6 #o )atter %hat yo'r #eed "e. Whether its loa#6 a
sa(i#*s acco'#t or a#y $#a#cial ser(ices that yo' %ish to a(ail of6 %e
%ill )a&e s're that %eLre al%ays "e there "y yo'r side.
Po=er Sa3*te (Sa3*te to the e2e1-e 2orce-)
Are yo' loo&i#* for a# acco'#t that $ts %ith yo'r life i# the /efe#ce
,orces[ /efe#se alary Acco'#t fro) A<is Ba#& is a prod'ct desi*#ed
&eepi#* i# )i#d ho% to'*h a life i# the /efe#se ,orces is. Not o#ly
does it co)e to yo' a"sol'tely free6 #o )i#i)') "ala#ce is reO'ired
either. Jo' ca# also access the e#tire A<is Ba#& #et%or&6 i#cl'di#*
)ore tha# 0311 AT+s a#d EE1 "ra#ch o7ces 9a#d *ro%i#*: #o )atter
%here yo' are posted. With the co)plete *a)'t of "a#&i#* ser(ices
9i#cl'di#* o(erdrafts6 loa#s a#d @ero4"ala#ce reO'ire)e#ts: yo' ca#
#o% rest ass'red a"o't yo'r fa)ily a#d all their $#a#cial #eeds. ItLs
o'r %ay of sho%i#* o'r appreciatio# to yo'r %or&.
Ba1:"14 Pr"?"3e4e-,
At(>ar Che@*e Fac"3"t#C Jo'r jo" i#(ol(es co#sta#t tra#sfers across
the co'#try. With the at4par cheO'e facility it %ill #o lo#*er "e
#ecessary to set 'p #e% "a#& acco'#ts %ith each tra#sfer.
A"t"o1a3 De+"t CarC Alo#* %ith a free I#ter#atio#al /e"it -ard6
yo' also *et a free card for the joi#t acco'#t holder. This )ea#s that
yo'r child or spo'se also e#joy the sa)e "e#e$ts of "a#&i#* %ith A<is
F"1a1c"a3 A?"-or# Ser?"ce-C O'r sol'tio#s a#s%er to the t%i# *oals
of )eeti#* yo'r reO'ire)e#ts a#d to di(ersify a#d spread the ris& of
yo'r i#(est)e#t portfolio6 so yo' ca# loo& for%ard to a co)forta"le
a#d %orry4free life. We $rst '#dersta#d yo'r e<act i#(est)e#t #eeds
a#d the# desi*# the perfect i#(est)e#t pla# for yo'.
Tr*-tANGO Sa?"14- Acco*1t,
Tho*4ht2*3 +a1:"14 2or >eo>3e =ho ->e1 the"r 3"?e- th"1:"14
o2 other-
Need special "a#&i#* for special ca'ses[ A<is Ba#&Ls Tr'st Acco'#t is
a# e?ort to o?er tho'*htf'l "a#&i#* for people %ho spe#d their li(es
thi#&i#* of others. It is a co)plete "a#&i#* sol'tio# for Tr'sts6
Associatio#s6 ocieties6 Go(er#)e#t Bodies6 ectio# 0E co)pa#ies a#d
NGOs6 so that the or*a#i@atio#s ca# de(ote all of their ti)e to their
#o"le )oti(atio#s.
A a(i#*s Acco'#t for yo'r Tr'st %ith a co#cessio#al A(era*e U'arterly
Bala#ce a
)'lti4city at4par cheO'e facility %ith #o li)it o# cleari#* pay)e#ts at
ce#ters across the co'#try %here(er %e are prese#t.
,ree a#y%here "a#&i#* across all o'r Bra#ches a#d E<te#sio# -o'#ters
a#d o(er all o'r AT+s.
,ree /e)a#d /rafts or Pay Orders as a#d %he# reO'ired "y yo' to
re)it f'#ds.
,ree collectio# of cheO'es at o'tstatio#s locatio#s
,ree )o#thly e4state)e#t
+o#thly tate)e#t of Acco'#t deli(ered at yo'r doorstep. ,acility for
collecti#* do#atio#s i# yo'r acco'#t thro'*h o'r #et%or& of
Bra#ches a#d e<te#sio# co'#ters across the co'#try6 as %ell as
thro'*h i-o##ect 4 o'r I#ter#et Ba#&i#* facility. Also6 A<is Ba#& ca#
o?er the facility to do#ate f'#ds to yo'r Tr'st thro'*h o'r I#ter#et
Ba#&i#* facility i-o##ect to its c'sto)ers. A# A<is Ba#& c'sto)er ca#
do#ate a#y a)o'#t to yo'r Tr'st thro'*h the I#ter#et. I# s'ch cases6
the sa(i#*s acco'#t of the c'sto)er *ets de"ited a#d the sa(i#*s
acco'#t of yo'r Tr'st *ets credited %ith the a)o'#t of do#atio# at the
sa)e ti)e. At the e#d of e(ery )o#th6 the Ba#& %ill pro(ide a# +I
*i(i#* details of the a)o'#t of do#atio#s a#d the #a)e of do#or. This
%ill e#a"le the Tr'st to iss'e receipts to the do#ors.
,ree I#ter#et Ba#&i#* facility that e#a"les yo' to (ie% the stat's of
yo'r acco'#t6 tra#sfer f'#ds a#d carry o't a #')"er of "a#&i#*
acti(ities fro) the co)fort of yo'r ho)e or o7ce.
I1?e-t!e1t A?"ceC O'r ,i#a#cial Ad(isory /es& %ill pro(ide portfolio
)a#a*e)e#t ad(ice as %ell as help yo' '#derta&e i#(est)e#ts.
Free De!atC
To facilitate yo'r i#(est)e#ts6 %e o?er a free /e)at Acco'#t 9char*es
d'e to N/L )'st still "e le(ied: to o'r estee)ed acco'#t holders i#
the Tr'st or ociety se*)e#t.
Fore"41 Co1tr"+*t"o1 (Re4*3at"o1) Act HFCRAI acco*1t-C
The ,-RA acco'#t e#a"les appro(ed or*a#i@atio#s to recei(e
forei*# co#tri"'tio#s for 'tili@atio# i# their acti(ities i# I#dia. The
Ba#& %ill pro(ide assista#ce i# the process of doc')e#tatio# a#d
o"tai#i#* #ecessary appro(als fro) +i#istry of Ho)e A?airs at Ne%
The `-ha##el O#eT -'rre#t Acco'#t is a# e?ort i# that directio# %here
%e ta&e care of yo'r day to day "a#&i#* reO'ire)e#ts lea(i#* yo' %ith
)ore ti)e for yo'r "'si#ess. -ha##el O#e -'rre#t Acco'#t is )ost
appropriate choice of s'ccessf'l "'si#esses. At a )o#thly A(era*e
Bala#ce 9+AB : of Rs. 21 lac&.
2. Relatio#ship +a#a*er
0. /oorstep Ba#&i#*
3. A#y%here Ba#&i#*
5. ,ree I#ter#et Ba#&i#*
E. ,ree 05 ho'r Tele"a#&i#*
F. +o"ile Ba#&i#* er(ice
G. I#ter#atio#al de"it card
H. cheO'e Protectio# ,aciltity
I. ,ree 05 W ho'r cheO'e deposite facility
21. Pay)e#t of Go(er#)e#t Ta<es8 /'es
22. ,orei*# e<cha#*e ser(ices.
FERO Ha--3e Ba3a1ce, )all "'si#esses risi#* o# the *ro%th
*raph #eed the ri*ht of #'rt'ri#* a#d appropriate sol'tio# for their
*ro%i#* "a#&i#* reO'ire)e#ts. Reco*#i@i#* these #eeds6 A<is Ba#&
prese#t yo' the Local -'rre#t Acco'#t *eared to a#s%er all &i#ds of
local "'si#ess reO'ire)e#ts. At a )o#thly A(era*e Bala#ce 9+AB:
of Rs. Nil.
2. aero Bala#ce facility
0. GE free tra#sactio#s e(ery )o#th
3. Re"ate o# A##'al -har*es
5. Dpfro'#t A##'al ,ee
E. +o"ile Ba#&i#*
F. AT+ c') I#ter#atio#al /e"it -ard
G. ,ree I#ter#et Ba#&i#*
H. Tele"a#&i#*
I. ,ree +o#thly Acco'#t tate)e#t
BUI.DERS AND REA. ESTATE, A<is Ba#& '#dersta#ds the
i#creasi#* de)a#ds o# "'si#esses i# this se*)e#t .HereTs
prese#ti#* the A<is Ba#& B'ilder S Real Estate -'rre#t Acco'#t a
c'rre#t acco'#t %ith '#paralleled prod'ct feat'res "'ilt to s'it
B'ilders S Realtors e<cl'si(ely. This acco'#t o?ers yo'
'#)atched co#(e#ie#ce %hile addi#* $#a#cial (al'e to yo'r
"'si#esses spread o(er *eo*raphies. . At a )o#thly A(era*e
Bala#ce 9+AB : of Rs. E Lacs this acco'#t co)es loaded %ith
special facilities a#d "e#e$ts6 )ost appropriate for yo'r
2. Ho)e Bra#ch -ash /eposit
0. No# W Ho)e Bra#ch -ash Withdra%al
3. ,ree A#y%here Ba#&i#*
5. -l'ster facility
E. aero Bala#ce acco'#t for Ne#dors a#d 'ppliers
F. ,ra#&i#* ,acility
G. -'sto)er cheO'e pri#ti#*
H. I#ter#et Ba#&i#*
I. ,ree 054ho'r Pho#e "a#&i#*
21. +o"ile Alerts
22. AT+ c') /e"it -ard
20. ,ree +o#thly Acco'#t tate)e#t
).) Tra"1"14 "1 0ho3e-a3e Ba1:"14 O>erat"o1-
-orporate Ba#&i#* rePects A<is Ba#&Ls stre#*ths i# pro(idi#* o'r
corporate clie#ts i# I#dia6 a %ide array of co))ercial6 tra#sactio#al
a#d electro#ic "a#&i#* prod'cts. We achie(e this thro'*h i##o(ati(e
prod'ct de(elop)e#t a#d a %ell4i#te*rated approach to relatio#ship
F*1e Ser?"ce-, Wor&i#* -apital ,i#a#ce6 Bill /isco'#ti#*6 E<port
-redit6 hort Ter) ,i#a#ce6 tr'ct'red ,i#a#ce6 Ter) Le#di#*
No1 F*1e Ser?"ce-, .etter o2 Cre"tB -ollectio# of /oc')e#ts6
Ba#& G'ara#tees
Va3*e Ae Ser?"ce-, y#dicatio# er(ices 6 Real Ti)e Gross
ettle)e#t6 -ash +a#a*e)e#t er(ices6 -orporate alary Acco'#ts6
Rei)"'rse)e#t Acco'#t6 Ba#&ers to Ri*ht8P'"lic Iss'e6 ,ore< /es&6
+o#ey +ar&et /es&6 /eri(ati(es /es&6 E)ployees Tr'sts6 -ash 'rpl's
-orporates6 Ta< -ollectio#
I1ter1et Ba1:"14, 'pply -hai# +a#a*e)e#t6 -orporate I#ter#et
Ba#&i#*6 Pay)e#t Gate%ay er(ices
At A<is Ba#& %e '#dersta#d ho% )'ch of hard %or& *oes i#to esta"lishi#*
a s'ccessf'l +E. We also '#dersta#d that yo'r "'si#ess is a#ythi#* "'t
Ys)allY a#d as de)a#di#* as e(er. A#d as yo'r "'si#ess e<pa#ds a#d
e#ters #e% territories a#d )ar&ets6 yo' #eed to &eep pace %ith the
*ro%i#* reO'ests that co)e i#6 %hich )ay lead to p'rchasi#* #e%6 or
'pdati#* e<isti#* pla#t a#d eO'ip)e#t6 or e)ployi#* #e% sta? to cope
%ith the de)a#d. ThatLs %hy %e at A<is Ba#& ha(e asse)"led prod'cts6
ser(ices6 reso'rces a#d e<pert ad(ice to help e#s're that yo'r "'si#ess
ol'tio#s are desi*#ed to )eet yo'r (aryi#* #eeds. The follo%i#* li#&s
%ill help yo' ide#tify yo'r i#di(id'al #eeds.
F*1e Ser?"ce-, ,'#ded er(ices fro) A<is Ba#& are )ea#t to directly
"olster the day4to4day %or&i#* of a s)all a#d a )edi') "'si#ess
e#terprise. ,ro) %or&i#* capital $#a#ce to credit s'"stit'tesV fro) e<port
credit to co#str'ctio# eO'ip)e#t loa# 4 %e cater to (irt'ally e(ery
"'si#ess reO'ire)e#t of a# +E. -lic& o# the ser(ices "elo% that "est
de$#e yo'r #eeds
No1(F*1e Ser?"ce-, D#der No#4,'#ded ser(ices A<is Ba#& o?ers
sol'tio#s that act as a catalyst to propel yo'r "'si#ess. I)a*i#e a
sit'atio# %here yo' ha(e a letter of credit a#d #eed $#a#ce a*ai#st the
sa)e or yo' ha(e a te#der a#d yo' #eed to eO'ip yo'rself %ith a
*'ara#tee i# order to *o ahead. This is e<actly %here %e ca# help yo' so
that yo' do#Lt face a#y road"loc&s %he# it co)es to yo'r "'si#ess. The
follo%i#* are the ser(ices that %ill precisely tell yo' %hat %e ca# do
B'si#ess Acco'#ts6 Letters of -redit6 -ollectio# of /oc')e#ts6 A<is Ba#&
Trade6 G'ara#tees6 -ash +a#a*e)e#t er(ices6 +o#ey +ar&et /es&6
/eri(ati(es /es&6 er(ices to -ash 'rpl's -orporate6 er(ices to
E)ployee Tr'sts6 Ba#&ers to Ri*hts8P'"lic Iss'e6 Ta< -ollectio#.
S>ec"a3"De Ser?"ce-, A9"- Ba#& is o#e of the )ost tr'sted e#tities
%he# it co)es to speciali@ed ser(ices li&e selli#* of precio's )etals to
c'sto)ers. D#der speciali@ed ser(ices yo' ca# also a(ail c'sto)i@ed
co#trol of yo'r (al'e chai# thro'*h o'r i#ter#et "a#&i#* platfor).
Va3*e Ae Ser?"ce-, There is a plethora of ser(ices that %e o?er
'#der (al'e added ser(ices. ThereLs corporate salary acco'#t %hich
e#s'res s)ooth pay)e#t )ethods to yo'r sta?. Jo' ca# a(ail a#
assort)e#t of credit cards a#d de"it cards fro) o'r )ercha#t ser(ices.
The 2o33o="14 are the h"4h3"4ht- o2 th"- -er?"ce, Real Ti)e Gross
ettle)e#t6 Rei)"'rse)e#t Acco'#t6 -'stody er(ices6 -orporate alary
Acco'#ts6 +ercha#t er(ices6 A<is Ba#& Gold B'si#ess -redit -ard
I1ter1et Ba1:"14, I#ter#et "a#&i#* is a re(ol'tio#ary ser(ice '#der the
"a#&i#* sector a#d A<is Ba#& is a forer'##er i# pro(idi#* yo' %ith this
ser(ice. We pro(ide state4of4the4art pay)e#t *ate%ay ser(ices to
i#d'stries a#d co)pa#ies i# order to ease tra#sactio# processi#*. This i#
t'r# e#ha#ces the credi"ility of yo'r "'si#ess a#d )a&es "a#&i#*
e<tre)ely cost4e7cie#t.
GOVERNMENT SECTOR, A9"- Ba#& acts as a# acti(e )edi') "et%ee#
the *o(er#)e#t a#d the c'sto)ers "y )ea#s of (ario's ser(ices. These
ser(ices i#cl'de C
Ta9 Co33ect"o1 %herei# c'sto)ers ca# directly pay their ta<es li&e
/irect ta<es6 I#direct ta<es a#d ales Ta< collectio#s at their local
A<is Ba#&
E(T"c:et"14 4 Helps the c'sto)er "y pro(idi#* hi) a direct access
to "oo& a Rail%ay Tic&et o#li#e a#d *et it ho)e deli(ered
O>e1"14 o2 .ACJ- is do#e "y the "a#& o# "ehalf of Go(er#)e#t of
I#dia6 +i#ts a#d Presses6 th's facilitati#* i)ports for the
Co33ect"o1 o2 3e?"e- a1 ta9e- o# "ehalf of +'#icipal
-orporatio#s i.e. Kalya# 4/o)"i(li +'#icipal -orporatio#6 is
'#derta&e# "y the Ba#&.
-ollectio# of sta)p d'ty is do#e (ia fra#&i#* )ode i# the stateLs of
+aharashtra S G'jarat.
The Sta!> D*t# Fra1:"14 Fac"3"t# "- a?a"3a+3e at 2o33o="14
+ra1che- "1 Mahara-htra ,ort6 -he)"'r6 Lo%er Parel6 +ira Road6
Tha#e 9Talao Pali:6 Pa#(el6 Rat#a*iri6 P'#e9,- Road:6 Kolhap'r6
Na*p'r6 Pi)pri.
The Sta!> D*t# Fra1:"14 Fac"3"t# "- a?a"3a+3e at 2o33o="14
+ra1che- "1 G*Karat Ah)eda"ad 9Na(ra#*p'ra:6 K'tch 9+'#dra:6
Baroda 9Gotri Road:6 'rat 9Ri#* Road:6 Bha(#a*ar S Napi 9GI/-:.
D"-+*r-e!e1t o2 Pe1-"o1 to retired E)ployees of -e#tral Go(t
a#d /efe#ce is directly do#e "y A<is Ba#& alo#* %ith the
dis"'rse)e#t of pe#sio# to the )e)"ers of EP,O 9E)ployees
Pro(ide#t ,'#d Or*a#isatio#:
E3ectro1"c Co33ect"o1 o2 2ee- o# "ehalf of /G,T is do#e "y the
"a#& too
M"1"-tr# o2 Cor>orate AEa"r- 4 -ollectio# of RO- fees for the
+i#istry thro'*h a'thorised Bra#ches a#d Net Ba#&i#*.
Co33ect"o1 o2 Pro>ert# Ta9 thro'*h elected Bra#ches o# "ehalf
of +'#icipal -orporatio# of /elhi
2. Ba#& is ha(i#* HE3 "ra#ches all o(er the co'#try.
0. The #')"er of "ra#ches sho'ld "e i#creased.
2. N')"er of Bra#ches sho'ld "e i#creased co(eri#* a %ider
area i# (ario's states.
0. A %ide p'"licity to "e *i(e# a"o't the or*a#i@atio# a#d its
prod'cts thro'*h (ario's )ea#s of co))'#icatio#s to &eep
*ro%th )o)e#ts.
3. +ore #')"er of trai#i#* a#d ed'catio#al pro*ra))es
sho'ld "e i#cl'ded i# Ba#&s sched'le.
5. /e(elopi#* a lear#i#* c'lt're thro'*h co#ti#'o's
lear#i#* process.
2. I-I-I Ba#& Ltd.
0. H/,- Ba#& Ltd.
3. tate Ba#& of I#dia
5. HB- Ba#&
E. RB 9Royal Ba#& of cotla#d:
F. +aharashtra Ba#& of I#dia
G. -a#ara Ba#&
H. A#dhra Ba#&
I. I/BI "a#&
21. Ba#& of I#dia
22. P'#ja" Natio#al Ba#&
20. -e#tral Ba#&
23. Allaha"ad Ba#&
25. ING Nysya
2E. -e#t'rio# Ba#&
+y e<perie#ce %ith A<is Ba#& Ltd. is o'tsta#di#*. While %or&i#* i# A<is
Ba#& I fo'#d that this "a#& has de(eloped )a#ifold i# short period of
ti)e d'e to facilities a#d ser(ices pro(ided to their c'sto)er a#d this
*ro%th rate ca# "e &eep it 'p if they start to *o i# se)i4'r"a# areas. I#
last co'ple of years they ha(e ope#ed #e% )a#y "ra#ches a#d they
sho'ld ope# )a#y )ore. The %or&i#* sta? are (ery co4operati(e i#
#at're a#d d'e to that the "a#& %ill also *et *ood "e#e$t. A<is Ba#&
has pro(ided their c'sto)er Net4"a#&i#* facilities a#d d'e to that
tra#sactio#s are do#e fast. -har*es at A<is Ba#& are o# lo%er side
%he# %e co)pare it %ith other Ba#&s.
A Ne% Be*i##i#* C The T'r#aro'#d tory Of I#dia#
Ba#& +ar&eti#* C -o#cepts A#d Applicatio#s
Ba#&i#* A#d ,i#a#ce
Ba#&i#* /e(elop)e#ts i# I#dia
Basics of Ba#&i#*
Ba#& leaPet a#d Bo'cher

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