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Alonso, a lung for our earth

In a small forest, far away, from the city, where no one had ever walked, lived an
old tree called Alonso. This tree was strong and very beautiful, but he was very sad
and distressed,because he had never met a person in his existence .He felt that he
was going to die before meeting any human being.
Alonso was not alone in this small forest, he had two little friends Tortola Michi and
rabbit Saltin who were with him in all his adventures. All of them had dreamed all
their lives to get to know these so called human beings. To any strange noises they
over reacted and were happy thinking about the great news to get to know the
human race. But the enthusiasm and hope that this would come true were
vanishing day by day.
One day, at night, while celebrating the Saltin s birthday, they made a promise,to
make the dream, to meet the humans, come true.But what these three friends did
not know was that living their dream at last, would be the celebration of a fatality for
the forest.
Two days later, there was a tremendous noise they had never heard before. This
sound was very fearing.The three friends were terrified and did not understand
what was going on. When suddenly five people who had many tools appeared.
Michi smiling said: At last we can see humans! Our wish came true!, but what are
they carrying? . Alonso did not look happy at all and he was surprised to see the
humans. He was a very wise tree so, he knew that something was not right
Suddenly they saw a man cutting down many trees with machines that produced
a very much toxic smoke that made all living things in this small forest sick. They
began to die slowly, all the illusion that they wanted to know humans had turned
into hatred.
They were sorry to have known the humans. They felt quilty about was going on.
Their good dream became a nightmare. They really wanted to know human beings
thinking everything was going to be better but instead pollution and the evil came
to their forest to make them very unhappy. They didnt know what to do, they were
desperated, they didnt understand why humans wanted to hurt them.
As days passed by, the forest looked increasingly less vital and, Alonso was in his
last moments.The humans were advancing every day in the new construction of
the city, polluting and killing many living beings without realizing the caused
damage.Meanwhile the few animals and trees left alive gathered all their forces
and attacked humans, throwing rocks, hitting and, scaring all the people who had
come to destroy their home. When seeing that the humans were very frightened.
They ran away saying it was a haunted forest.
The animals, flowers and trees that remained alive were happy because their small
forest had not been completely destroyed. On the other hand Saltin jumped with
joy and tranquility to see his beautiful home safe. His friend Alonso began
gradually to get better until he was recovered completely back full of life and
produce many beautiful spring flowers . All the vegetation and the animals that
inhabited this small forest were healthy and happy ever after. They managed to
protect their home because they realized it was one of the small remaining lungs of
our wonderful earth.
The End

The Moral: We must protect our environment from pollution because is the only one that we

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