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University of Agricultural Sciences and

Veterinary Medicine Iai

Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Food additives

Food additives
Food additives are substances added to food to !reserve flavor or en"ance its taste and
a!!earance# Food additives are added to food or animal feed during !rocessing or storage# $"ey
include antio%idants& !reservatives& colouring and flavouring agents& and anti-infective agents#
Most food additives "ave little or no nutritional value# 'it" t"e advent of !rocessed foods in t"e
second "alf of t"e 20t" century& many more additives "ave been introduced& of bot" natural and
artificial origin#
$o regulate t"ese additives& and inform consumers& eac" additive is assigned a uni(ue
number& termed as )* numbers)& +"ic" are used in *uro!e for all a!!roved additives# $"is
numbering sc"eme "as no+ been ado!ted and e%tended by t"e ,ode% Alimentarius ,ommission
to internationally identify all additives& regardless of +"et"er t"ey are a!!roved for use#
* numbers are all !refi%ed by )*)& but countries outside *uro!e use only t"e number&
+"et"er t"e additive is a!!roved in *uro!e or not# For e%am!le& acetic acid is +ritten as *2-0 on
!roducts sold in *uro!e& but is sim!ly .no+n as additive 2-0 in some countries# Additive
0/& al.anet& is not a!!roved for use in *uro!e so does not "ave an * number& alt"oug" it is
a!!roved for use in Australia and 0e+ 1ealand# Additives aren2t a recent invention# Since 345&
Australia "as "ad an a!!roved system of labeling for additives in !ac.aged foods# *ac" food
additive "as to be named or numbered# $"e numbers are t"e same as in *uro!e& but +it"out t"e
!refi% 2*2#
$"e United States Food and 6rug Administration listed t"ese items as )7enerally
recogni8ed as safe) or 79AS: t"ey are listed under bot" t"eir ,"emical Abstract
Services number and Fu.da regulation under t"e US ,ode of Federal 9egulations#
For many years no+ t"ere "as been gro+ing unease over t"e !ossible e%cessive use of
food additives# More and more !eo!le are reading food labels and selecting t"ose foods edit t"e
s"ortest list of added c"emicals# Foods t"at are leig" in food additives tend to be t"e
2convenience2 or snac. ty!e and by avoiding suc" foods you reduce t"e number of additives you
Most !eo!le believe t"at c"emicals added to food - +"et"er t"ey !reserve& colour or
flavour t"e food - are c"emicals t"at "ave been manufactured in t"e laboratory& but often t"is is
not t"e case# Some additives originate in t"e laboratory& but ot"ers are e%tracted from !lants#
Ho+ever& t"e fact t"at an additive is !roduced from a natural food substance is no
guarantee t"at it is "ealt"y# 0ucleotides are an essential !art of t"e nucleus of every living cell&
t"e basis of t"e genetic material +"ic" is "anded on from generation to generation in
all living t"ings# $"ese nucleotides are e%tracted from organisms suc" as yeasts and used as
flavourings# ;eing a natural substance it could be regarded as safe# $"ere is& "o+ever& a t"eory
t"at vast (uantities of nucleotides& absorbed over a !eriod of many years& may be t"e cause of
urie acid .idney stones& gout and some cases of art"ritis#

Food additives serve five main functions<
# Maintain !roduct consistency
Substances called emulsifiers !rovide a consistent te%ture and !revent !roducts from
se!arating# Stabili8ers and t"ic.eners !rovide an even te%ture# agents allo+
substances to flo+ freely#
2# Im!rove or !reserve t"e nutrient value
Many foods and drin.s are fortified and enric"ed to im!rove t"e nutritional status of t"e
United States !o!ulation# For e%am!le& vitamins and minerals are added to many foods including
flour& cereal& margarine& and mil.# $"is "el!s to ma.e u! for vitamins or minerals t"at may be
lo+ or com!letely in a !erson2s diet# All !roducts t"at contain added nutrients must be
/# Maintain t"e +"olesomeness of foods
,ontamination from bacteria can allo+ foodborne illnesses to occur# =reservatives reduce
t"e s!oilage t"at air& fungi& bacteria& or yeast can cause# ,ertain !reservatives "el! !reserve t"e
flavor in ba.ed goods by !reventing t"e fats and oils from going bad# $"ey also .ee! fres" fruits
from turning bro+n +"en e%!osed to t"e air#
># ,ontrol t"e acidity and al.alinity and !rovide leavening
S!ecific additives "el! c"ange t"e acid-base balance of foods to obtain a desired taste&
color& or flavor# ?eavening agents t"at release acids +"en t"ey are "eated react +it" soda
to "el! biscuits& and ot"er ba.ed goods rise#
@# =rovide color and en"ance flavor
,ertain colors im!rove t"e a!!earance of foods# $"ere are many s!ices and natural and
synt"etic flavors t"at bring out t"e best in t"e flavor of food#
6irect food additives are t"ose t"at are added to a food for a s!ecific !ur!ose in t"at food#
Most direct additives are identified on t"e ingredient label of foods#
Indirect food additives are t"ose t"at become !art of t"e food in trace amounts due to its
!ac.aging& storage or ot"er "andling# For instance& minute amounts of !ac.aging substances may
find t"eir +ay into foods during storage#
A color additive is any dye& !igment or substance +"ic" +"en added or a!!lied to a food&
drug or cosmetic& or to t"e "uman body& is ca!able of im!arting color#
Here is a list of 0 +orst food additives in t"e +orld so ne%t time you .no+ +"at to really
avoid from !urc"asing<
/@ A /- B *ryt"orbic Acid A Sodium *ryt"orbate
*ryt"orbic Acid and Sodium *ryt"orbate are bot" food antio%idants and artificial colour
retention agents used for t"e !roduction of fro8en and !ac.ed meat and fis"& s!ecially# $"ey to
not "ave any nutritional value +"atsoever#
$"ey can interfere +it" t"e bodyCs absorbtion of Vitamin , +"ic" means t"at t"ey lo+er
t"e immune system and e%!ose it to various medical conditions#
25 - *ryt"rosine
*ryt"rosine is also a colour retention agent t"at "as caused tumors and
neuro!"ysiological damage onto tested animals# For "umans it also can disru!t t"e good
funtioning of t"e t"yroid and cause very many allergies# ItCs usage itCs limited to t"e !roduction
of candied c"erries and coc.tail c"erries#
$"e ma%imum daily inta.e is 0&mgD.g& but s!ecialists donCt recommend it at allE
2>2 B 6imet"yl dicarbonate
Fne of t"e +orst food additives in t"e +orld is t"e artificial food !reservative number
2>2 because of t"e follo+ing reasons< it is "ig"ly corrosive for t"e eyes and and also to%ic if
ingested and in"aledE
It is namely used for t"e c"emical !rocess of sterili8ation of non-alco"olic drin.s and
bottled tea#
2>3 B =otassium nitrite
=otassium nitrite is an artificial food !reservative mainly used in t"e !roduction of
lunc"eon meats or deli meats# S!ecialists "ave agreed t"at all nitrites and nitrates can form in
some conditions nitrosamines& c"emical com!ounds associated +it" t"e develo!ment of cancer#
It causes "ead ac"es& cyanosis and it is mostly dangerous for infants& it one of t"e
+orst food additivesE
24> A 24@ B ;oric acid A ;ora%
$"is artificial !reservative is one of t"e +orst food additives due to t"e fact t"at on long
term it inGures t"e internal organs& it also can cause into%ications and being a neuroto%ine it
damages t"e brain#
$"e boric acid is "ig"ly used in !reserving caviar#
/4@ B ,alcium disodium et"ylenediaminetetraacetate
/4@ is one of t"e +orst food additives t"ere are because of t"e multi!le damages it can do
to t"e "uman body& namely< metabolic c"anges& minerals imbalance and it can also slo+ do+n
t"e !rocess of bloog coagulation# 'orst& t"e artificial antio%idant /4@ causes severe damage to
our gastrointestinal system& muscle !ain and is ne!"roto%ic#
/4@ is found in fis"& canned soft drin.& tinned +"ite !otatoes& salad dressings& egg
!roducts& oleomargarine& lima beans& mus"rooms& sand+ic" s!reads and ot"ers#
;eing one of t"e +orst food additives it is banned in Australia and ot"er countries#
24 B 9ed 2 7

9ed 2 7 is anot"er life-t"reatening food additive t"at is banned in Australia and in most
*uro!ean countries# 9ed 2 7 is a colour retention agent t"at en"ances meats t"e red natural
It is "ig"ly used in t"e !roduction of burgers& sausages& roast meat and ot"er meet s!ecialities but
it also used in t"e !roduction of various soft drin.s#
9ed 2 7 causes cancerE
2/ B Amarant"
Amarant" is a colour retention agent t"at is +ater-soluble and it is used in t"e !roduction of
+ines and drin.s +it" @ H alco"ol at most# It can also be found in fis" eggs#
2/ is one of t"e +orst food additives in t"e +orld because it can cause ec8ema& ast"ma&
"i!eractivity& A6H6 disorder and even +orst neonatal defects& fetal deat" and in t"e end cancer#
S!ecialists do not recommend t"e inta.e of Amarant" I2/JE
3@ B As!artame
As!artame is one of t"e +orst food additive and one of t"e most .no+n artificial flavor en"ancer
+orld +ide# It tastes s+eet& almost li.e sugar and it is "ig"ly used in t"e !roduction of sugar free
c"e+ing gum& soft drin.s but also for ot"er sugar free !roducts on t"e
As!artame can cause nausea& di8iness& "alucinations& irritability& "ead ac"es& !al!itations&
an%iety& Goint !ain& muscle s!asms& memory loss and in t"e end brain cancer#
@20 B =ro!ylene glycol
=ro!ylene glycol is obtained out of !etrolium and it is used in t"e manufacturing of a
+ide range of !roducts& namely antifree8e& toot" !aste& cosmetic !roducts& c"e+ing gum&
c"ocolates and !astery#
Humectant agent& t"e !ro!ylene glycol is one of t"e +orst food additives due to t"e fact
t"at is causes de!ression and it damages t"e central nervous system# It is "ig"ly neuroto%ic and
cardioto%ic and it !robably +ill slo+ly .ill you& starting +it" t"e brain#
$"is is t"e +orst food additive on t"e mar.etE
'"at Are t"e Sym!toms of Food Additive 9eactionsK
Sym!toms vary in ty!e and degree# $"ey de!end on t"e additive causing t"e reaction&
"o+ sensitive t"e !atient is to t"e !roduct and t"e amount consumed# Most reactions are
c"emical& not allergic reactions# =eo!le +"o react to one c"emical are not li.ely to react to
$"e most serious reaction to a food additive is ana!"ylactic s"oc.# $"is is a life-
t"reatening condition t"at includes breat"ing !roblems and loss of consciousness& among ot"er
!"ysical reactions# It usually occurs +it"in minutes after consuming t"e additive# '"en t"is
"a!!ens& blood vessels +iden so muc" t"at blood !ressure !lummets# Sym!toms include
s+eating& !aleness& !anting& nausea& ra!id !ulse& faintness& confusion and even !assing out#
'it"out s!eedy treatment& t"is intense allergic reaction can cause deat"#
'"at Additives ,ause 9eactionsK
$"ere are eig"t additives t"at may cause reactions<
Sulfites can cause mild to life-t"reatening sym!toms in a!!ro%imately @ !ercent
of !eo!le +it" ast"ma# Sym!toms include c"est tig"tness& "ives& stomac" cram!s&
diarr"ea& breat"ing !roblems and ot"er sym!toms of ana!"ylactic s"oc.# *%!erts sus!ect
t"at t"e reactions are caused by a "y!er-reaction to in"aled sulfur dio%ide# Some !roducts
sulfites can be found in +ine& dried fruits& +"ite gra!e Guice& fro8en !otatoes& marasc"ino
c"erries& fres" s"rim!& and certain Gams and Gellies# Sulfites at one time +ere used on
fres" fruits and vegetables to retain color and fres"ness# $"e Food and 6rug
Administration& +"ic" governs t"e use of food additives& "as banned t"em from suc" use#

As!artame I0utras+eet J is a calorie-free s+eetener# Most re!orted reactions&
include )"ives&) s+elling of t"e eyelids& li!s or "ands and "eadac"es# ;ut t"ese reactions
"ave not been verified# =eo!le +"o "ave a !roblem do+n t"e amino acid&
!"enylalanine& s"ould not consume as!artame# Some claim t"e !roduct also causes
"y!eractivity in c"ildren& but study results do not su!!ort t"ese claims#

=arabens are used to !reserve foods and medications# Some e%am!les of !arabens
are et"yl& met"yl& !ro!yl& butyl!arabens& and sodium ben8oate# In sunscreens and
s"am!oos& t"ey can cause severe contact dermatitis# $"is is a condition t"at causes
redness& s+elling& itc"ing and !ain# ;ut adverse reactions to foods containing !arabens
"ave not been clearly s"o+n in studies#

$artra8ine is a dye used in beverages& candy& ice cream& desserts& c"eese& canned
vegetables& "ot dogs& salad dressings& seasoning salts& catsu! and some ot"er foods# It
may be associated +it" "ives or s+elling: alt"oug" sus!ected of causing ast"ma attac.s&
recent studies suggest t"at t"is is unli.ely# A 34/ scientific revie+ of studies led e%!erts
to conclude t"at no more t"an 2 !ercent of c"ildren react to dye additives# $"ese reactions
are very rare in recent studies#

MS7 Imonosodium glutamate& or glutamic acidJ forms 20 !ercent of dietary
!rotein# MS7 is used in Friental foods and in manufactured meat& !oultry and ot"er
!roducts by manufacturers and restaurants to en"ance flavors# It is believed to cause
),"inese 9estaurant Syndrome#) A !atient may "ave a "eadac"e& a burning sensation on
t"e bac. of t"e nec.& c"est tig"tness& nausea& diarr"ea and s+eating# $"ere "ave been rare
re!orts t"at !eo!le +it" ast"ma +"o "ave consumed MS7 "ave more severe ast"ma
attac.s# $"is is still being researc"ed#

0itrates and nitrites are used to !reserve foods& !revent deadly botulism infection&
en"ance flavors and color foods# $"ey may rarely cause "eadac"es and "ives in some
!eo!le# 0itrates and nitrites are used in "ot dogs& bologna& salami and ot"er !rocessed
meats and fis"#

;H$ Ibutylated "ydro%ytolueneJ and ;HA Ibutylated "ydro%yanisoleJ are added
to cereals and ot"er grain !roducts to !revent t"em from in o%ygen and
c"anging color& odor and flavor# $"ey "ave been lin.ed to c"ronic "ives and ot"er
reactions on rare occasions#

;en8oates are !reservatives for some foods including cereals& salad
dressings& candy& margarine& oils and dry yeast# ;en8oate reactions are very rare#

Ho+ Are 9eactions to Food Additives 6iagnosedK
$oday& scientists +ould demand stricter control of t"e !rocess re!orted in 3@3 to
diagnose tartra8ine as t"e cause of t"e "ives# $"ey (uestion if ot"er claims of adverse reactions
to food additives are based on !ro!erly controlled studies s"o+ing a relations"i!#
Lou may "ave reason to believe t"at you "ave adverse reactions to certain food additives#
If you do& remove t"e additives from your diet for a fe+ days# Lour sym!toms s"ould !rom!tly
go a+ay if t"e additive is t"e cause# $"ere is no evidence t"at any food additive causes a reaction
t"at lasts more t"an one day#
$o confirm t"at an additive is causing a reaction& a controlled study can be done# $"e
food additive s"ould be added and removed from t"e diet# 0eit"er t"e !atient nor t"e !"ysician
s"ould .no+ if t"e additive is in t"e diet# $"e !atient s"ould t"en be +atc"ed to see if t"ere is a
c"ange in sym!toms# Sym!toms s"ould im!rove +"en t"e food is removed from t"e diet#
Ho+ ,an 'e =revent a 9eactionK
$"e only +ay to !revent a reaction is to avoid t"e cause# $o ma.e sure you do not consume t"e !roduct& carefully read ingredient lists on food labels& and (uestion
restaurant staff about met"ods#
$o avoid sulfiting agents& loo. for sulfur dio%ide& sodium or !otassium sulfite& bisulfite&
or metabisulfite in ingredient lists#

$y!es of Food Ingredients
$"e follo+ing summary lists t"e ty!es of common food ingredients& +"y t"ey are used&
and some e%am!les of t"e names t"at can be found on !roduct labels# Some additives are used
for more t"an one !ur!ose#
$y!es of
'"at $"ey 6o *%am!les
of Uses
0ames Found
on =roduct ?abels
=reservatives =revent food s!oilage
from bacteria& molds&
fungi& or yeast
IantimicrobialsJ: slo+
or !revent c"anges in
color& flavor& or te%ture
and delay rancidity
Iantio%idantsJ: maintain
Fruit sauces and
Gellies& beverages&
ba.ed goods& cured
meats& oils and
cereals& dressings&
snac. foods& fruits
and vegetables
Ascorbic acid& citric acid& sodium
ben8oate& calcium !ro!ionate&
sodium eryt"orbate& sodium
nitrite& calcium sorbate&
!otassium sorbate& ;HA& ;H$&
*6$A& toco!"erols IVitamin *J
S+eeteners Add s+eetness +it" or
+it"out t"e e%tra
;everages& ba.ed
goods& confections&
table-to! sugar&
substitutes& many
!rocessed foods
Sucrose IsugarJ& glucose&
fructose& sorbitol& mannitol& corn
syru!& "ig" fructose corn syru!&
sacc"arin& as!artame& sucralose&
acesulfame !otassium
Iacesulfame-MJ& neotame
,olor Additives Fffset color loss due to Many !rocessed F6A, ;lue 0os# and 2& F6A,
$y!es of
'"at $"ey 6o *%am!les
of Uses
0ames Found
on =roduct ?abels
e%!osure to lig"t& air&
tem!erature e%tremes&
moisture and storage
conditions: correct
natural variations in
color: en"ance colors
t"at occur naturally:
!rovide color to
colorless and )fun)
foods& Icandies&
snac. foods
margarine& c"eese&
soft drin.s&
gelatins& !udding
and !ie fillingsJ
7reen 0o# /& F6A, 9ed 0os# /
and >0& F6A, Lello+ 0os# @
and -& Frange ;& ,itrus 9ed 0o#
2& annatto e%tract& beta-carotene&
gra!e e%tract& coc"ineal
e%tract or carmine& !a!ri.a
oleoresin& caramel color& fruit and
vegetable Guices& saffron
Flavors and
Add s!ecific flavors
Inatural and synt"eticJ
=udding and !ie
fillings& gelatin
dessert mi%es& ca.e
mi%es& salad
dressings& candies&
soft drin.s& ice
cream& ;;N sauce
0atural flavoring& artificial
flavor& and s!ices
*n"ance flavors already
!resent in foods
I+it"out !roviding t"eir
o+n se!arate flavorJ
Many !rocessed
Monosodium glutamate IMS7J&
"ydroly8ed soy !rotein&
autoly8ed yeast e%tract& disodium
guanylate or inosinate
Fat 9e!lacers
com!onents of
used to re!lace
=rovide e%!ected
te%ture and a creamy
)mout"-feel) in
reduced-fat foods
;a.ed goods&
dressings& fro8en
confections& ca.e
and dessert mi%es&
dairy !roducts
Flestra& cellulose gel&
carrageenan& !olyde%trose&
modified food starc"&
micro!articulated egg +"ite
!rotein& guar gum& %ant"an gum&
+"ey !rotein concentrate
0utrients 9e!lace vitamins and
minerals lost in
Ienric"mentJ& add
nutrients t"at may be in t"e diet
Flour& breads&
cereals& rice&
margarine& salt&
mil.& fruit
beverages& energy
bars& instant drin.s
$"iamine "ydroc"loride&
riboflavin IVitamin ;
J& niacin&
niacinamide& folate or folic acid&
beta carotene& !otassium iodide&
iron or ferrous sulfate& al!"a
toco!"erols& ascorbic acid&
Vitamin 6& amino acids I?-
try!to!"an& ?-lysine& ?-leucine&
$y!es of
'"at $"ey 6o *%am!les
of Uses
0ames Found
on =roduct ?abels
*mulsifiers Allo+ smoot" mi%ing of
ingredients& !revent
Mee! emulsified
!roducts stable& reduce
stic.iness& control
crystalli8ation& .ee!
ingredients dis!ersed&
and to "el! !roducts
dissolve more easily
Salad dressings&
!eanut butter&
margarine& fro8en
Soy lecit"in& mono- and
diglycerides& egg yol.s&
!olysorbates& sorbitan
Stabili8ers and
=roduce uniform
te%ture& im!rove
Fro8en desserts&
dairy !roducts& !udding and
gelatin mi%es&
dressings& Gams
and Gellies& sauces
7elatin& !ectin& guar gum&
carrageenan& %ant"an gum& +"ey
!H ,ontrol
Agents and
,ontrol acidity and
al.alinity& !revent
;everages& fro8en
desserts& c"ocolate&
lo+ acid canned
?actic acid& citric acid&
ammonium "ydro%ide& sodium
=romote rising of ba.ed
;reads and ot"er
ba.ed goods
; soda& monocalcium
!"os!"ate& calcium carbonate
Mee! !o+dered foods
free-flo+ing& !revent
moisture absor!tion
,alcium silicate& iron ammonium
citrate& silicon dio%ide
Humectants 9etain moisture S"redded coconut&
soft candies&
7lycerin& sorbitol
Least 0utrients =romote gro+t" of yeast ;reads and ot"er
ba.ed goods
,alcium sulfate& ammonium
=roduce more stable
;reads and ot"er
ba.ed goods
Ammonium sulfate&
a8odicarbonamide& ?-cysteine
$y!es of
'"at $"ey 6o *%am!les
of Uses
0ames Found
on =roduct ?abels
Firming Agents Maintain cris!ness and
=rocessed fruits
and vegetables
,alcium c"loride& calcium lactate
Modify !roteins&
!olysacc"arides and fats
,"eese& dairy
!roducts& meat
*n8ymes& lactase& !a!ain& rennet&
7ases Serve as !ro!ellant&
aerate& or create
Fil s!ray&
+"i!!ed cream&
,arbon dio%ide& nitrous o%ide

'"ile food additives "ave been used for centuries& t"ey "ave gained increased
im!ortance and +ides!read use in t"e last fe+ decades# Food additives "el! assure a constant
food su!!ly of safe& "ealt"y& nutritious& varied and a!!ealing !roducts at an affordable !rice&
somet"ing +e "ave come to e%!ect#
;ecause of strict regulation and t"oroug" testing& food additives are safe elements of our
diet# Ff course& clear labelling adds to consumers2 ability to ma.e informed c"oices about t"e
foodstuffs t"ey buy.

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