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Course: Organization Behavior

Section: C

Submitted To: Prof. Mariam Saleem

Submitted On: 27 May 2014

Submitted By:

Name Sr No.
M. Jazib Niazi 03
Bakhtawar Sattar 15
Ayesha Inam 12
Ebad Aziz 13
Rabia Afzaal 14
Five-Stage Group Development Model:

Our Assignment is to explain Stages of Group Development model with the help of our personal
life experience. The first assignment of Accounting was to make an organization financial
statement it was a group assignment and at that time none of us knew each other. That was the
prestage 1.
Stage 1: Forming is characterized by a great deal of uncertainty about the groups purpose,
structure, and leadership. We all dont know each other well, so all of us were a little bit shy
and watchful. Through conversation we tried to establish our roles and get to know each other
Stage 2: Storming is the second stage and one of the intragroup conflicts. Members accept the
existence of the group but resist the constraints it imposes on individuality. However in our
group there was no conflict, the group communicated well, we use to share our ideas and views
with each other and everything was going well and in organized manner. At this stage the need
of a group leader became higher, so Jazib Niazi takes the command and started coordinating the
Stage 3: Norming stage is complete when the group structure solidifies and the group has assimilated a
common set of expectations of what defines correct member behavior. Members of our group were
working together effectively, help each other where needed and ask for each other opinion and share their
ideas and views without hesitation. And our group started fulfilling its purpose.
Stage 4: Performing is the fourth stage. The structure at this point is fully functional and
accepted. Group energy has moved from getting to know and understand each other to
performing the task at hand. The group members became supportive, tolerant and open.. We found a
way to get the job done effectively, without any clash.
Stage 5: Adjourning stage is a preparation for disbanding. Wrapping up activities is the focus rather
than high task performance. At this stage we all with our joint effort completed our task and our work
was marked with a good grade. We dont think that we met the final stage of Tuckmans five stage model.
Because we still work as a group and are together.

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