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The questions are hints for you to speak. I do not want a short answer (yes or no as an
answer). You have to expand your answers.
1. Are you ambitious? Why or why not?
2. Do you have a career plan?
3. Where do you want to be in 10 years time?
4. Would you prefer to wor for one company durin! your career?
". Would you prefer to wor for several companies durin! your career?
#. Would you prefer to wor for yourself durin! your career?
$. Which area would you lie to wor in? Why?
%Areas& 'ales ( maretin!) *inance)+ana!ement)Administration ( personnel),roduction)
-esearch ( development.
/. What should you do to !et ahead in your career?
0. Which three 1ualities are the most important for a successful career in business?
10. Are certain careers more suitable for women than for men?
11. Which careers do you consider for women only? Why?
12. Which careers do you consider for men only? Why?
13. Would you lie a drin?
14. 2an 3 !et you anythin!?
1". 2ould 3 confirm your contact details?
1#. 2an you use this paca!e software?
1$. Which paca!e software can you use?
1/. 2an you spea any other lan!ua!es?
10. 2ould you tell me more about your present 4ob)activities?
20. 2ould you tell me your current salary?
21. When can you start wor?
22. Would you lie some more coffee?
23. 2an you drive?
24. 2an you wor at weeends?
2". 2an you wor on your own?
2#. 2an you use a computer?
2$. 2an you use spreadsheets?
!e""in# on"ine
2/. Do you en4oy shoppin!?
20. Do you shop online? Why? Why not?
30. Which items have you bou!ht online? Why?
31. 'ome people prefer not to buy !oods and services online. Why?
32. What differences between online sellin! and hi!h street retailin! can you thin of?
33. What are the similarities between online sellin! and hi!h street retailin!?
34. What do you thin teena!ers lie to buy online?
3". What problems do you thin teena!ers have buyin! online?
3#. Would you lie to wor for a family owned company? Why? Why not?
3$. Would you lie to wor for a multinational company? Why? Why not?
3/. Would you lie to wor for your own company %be self5employed.? Why? Why not?
30. Which business sectors would you lie wor in? Why?
%6usiness 'ectors& 7n!ineerin!) -etailin!) 2onstruction) 8ourism) 6anin! ( *inance)
8ransport) 3nformation 8echnolo!y) 7lectronics) *ood ( drin) ,harmaceutical) others.
40. What are the most successful companies in your country? Why?
%reat ideas
41. 9ow are new ideas found?
42. 9ow important is the 3nternet in business?
43. 9ow important is creativity in business?
44. Are creativity and innovation the same thin!?
4". What does your university do to encoura!e new ideas?
4#. What should companies do to encoura!e new ideas?

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