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Proba de verificare a cuno$tintelor de limbi rnoderni

Limba englezil
proba orali
Bilet nr. 21
The owner of a missing cat is asking for help. "\.{y baby has been missing for over a tnonth now,
and I want him back so badly," said Mrs. Brorvn, a 56-yearold rvornan. h&s. Brown lives by
herself in a traiier park near Clovis. She said that Clyde, her 7 -yea*old cat, didn't coine home for
dinner more than a month ago. The next moming he didn't appear for breakfast either. After Ciyde
missed an extra-special 1unch, she called tha police.
When the policeman asked her to describe Clyde, she told him that Clyde had beautiful green
eyes, had all his teetir but was missing half of his left ear, and rvas seven years old and completeiy
wh.ite. She tiren told the officer that Clyde was about a foot ldgli.
A be1l
off. "Is Ciyde your child or your pet?" the officer suspiciousiy asked. "Wei1, ire's rny
cat, of course," &&s. Brown replied. "Lady, you're supposed to report missing PERSONS, not
missing CATS," said the irritated policeman. "We11, who can I report this to?" she asked. "You
can't. You have to ask around your neighbourhood or put up flyers," replied the officer.
Mrs. Erown flgureri that a billboard wculd ra,crk a loi better than air 8"x11" piece of paper on a
telephone pole. There was an empty billboard at the end of her sireet
off the interstate
highrvay. The billboard had a plrone number on it. She called that nunrber, ard they told her ihey
could blow ilp a picture of Clyde (frorn V{rs. Brown's farrriiy album) and put i'r on the billboard for
al1 to see.
"But how can people see it when they tnitiz by on the interstate?" she asked. "Oh, don't wory,
rfla'aril, they only v,,hrz by between 2 a.m. and 5:30 a.ra. The rest of tire day, the interstate is so full
of commuiers ihat no one moves." They iold her it would cost on-ly $3,000 a rnonth. So she took
niost oi ihe r1cfley oui of her savings accouiri and rerried ihe
for a month.
Tlie inorr'r-h iias passed. bul Ciyde has not appeareci. Because sire has aimost no money in savings,
h&s. Brown calied the loca1 ae\vspaper to iee if anyone could help her rent the bitlboard for
one more month. She is waiting but, so far, no one has stepped forward.
1 What is Ci5de missing?
2 How old is Ciyde?
3 What did the policeman say ihat people are sr,ipposed to report?
4What would you do if yourpei u,as lost?
lnspecior de specialitate
Frof. BALABUC Miral:e1a
Prcba de verificare a cunostintelor de limbE modernl
Limba englezl
proba orall
Bilet nr.1
Fire-fighters have had a hard time putting out a big ft'e near Boulder, Colorado.
It took fire-fighters a long time to control the fire. It was very windy. One said that the
winds can blow the fire out of the area very easily.
The fire destroyed 65 homes. During the worst part of the fire, people were asked to leave their
homes. Police were rn orried that the empty homes might be iooted. They checked every car going
in and out of the fre area.
One family returned to their home to find that only a small part of it had been hurt by the blaze.
They felt very lucky to be able to repair the damage. The fire had coine so close to their house that
the giri had to run out with only her teddy bear.
Another famiiy lost only their outdoor toilet. Their cabin had no indoor plumbing so their
outhouse was in the yard- They were thankfirl their home was nct bumed down.
1 When hcmes were empty, police checked every car coming and going into the area to check for
A things that had been burned
things that needed to be fixed
things that have been looted from the houses
2. Their cabin had no indoor so their outhouse was in the yard.
A doors
B wa11s
D water
3. The fire had come so close tc t reir house thai a girl could ody iake
teddy bear
B her new pants
C her dog
4. Would you like to become afire-fi.$tter?
lnspector de specialitate
Frof. BALABUC Mirabeia
Proba de verifieare a cuno$tintelor de limbI modernl
Limba englezil- proba orali
Bilet nr. 3
One day Nasreddin borrowed a pot from his neighbour A1i. The next day he brought it back with
another little pot inside. "That's not mine," said Ali. "Yes, it is," said Nasreddin. "While
your pot
was staying with me, it had ababy."
Some time later Nasreddin asked Ali to lend him a pot again. Ali. agreed, hoping that he would
once again receive trvo pots in return. However, days passed and Nasreddin had still not refurned
the pot. Finally Ati lost patience and went to demand his prcperty.
"I am sorry,'i said Nasreddin.
can't give you back your pot, since it has died." "Died!" screamed AIi, "how cal a pot die?"
"We11," said Nasreddin,
"y,ou beiieved me when I told you that your pot had had a baby."
1 Who was tbe owner of the pot?
2 How many times did Nasreddin borrow the pot?
3 How many pots did he give back the first time?
4 What do you understand fram the story as a whole?
Inspector de speciaiitate
Frof. BALABUC Mirabela
Proba de verilicare a cuno$tintelor de limbl moderni
Limba eaglezd
proba orali
Bilet nr. 6
One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant. There
was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the steam froirr
the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread.
The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for mo*ey, in exchange for the
steam from ihe soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin,
who was a
at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case fcr a littie while.
Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurhnt owner's ear,
and shook them, so that they made a
"What was that?" asked the restaurant owner.
"That was payraent for you," answered Nasreddin.
"What do you mean? That rvas
the sound of coins! " protested the restaurant owner.
sound of the coins is paynent for the srnell of the soup," answered Nasreddin. "Now
go back
to your restaurant."
1 \&&at food did the poor man have?
2 What kind of food did he see in the restaurant?
3 Wliy did he hold the bread over the soup?
4 What is the moral of the story?
Inspecior de specialitate
Frof. BALABUC Mirabeia
Proba de verificare a cuno;tintelor de limb[ modernl
Limba englezi
proba orali
Bilet nr. 9
In front of the enonnous Shibuya train station in Tokyo, ihere is a life-size brarae statue of a dog.
Even though the statue is very smal1 when compared to the huge neon signs flashing, it isn't
difficult to f;nd. It has been used as a meeting point since 1934 and today you will find hundreds
of people u,aiting there for their friends to arrive.
Hachiko, an Akita dog,was bom in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924. His owner, Professor
Eisaburo Uyeno and he were inseparable friends right from the start. Each day Hachiko would
accompany his owner, a professor at the Imperial University, to Shibuyatrain siation when he ieft
for work. When he carne back, the professor would always find tire dog patiently waiting for him.
Sadly, tire professor died suddenly at work in 1925 before he could returrr home.
Although Hachiko was stil1 a young dog, the bond'l:etween hirn and his owrer $ras very strong
and he continued to wait at t}re station every day. Sometimes, he would stay there for days at a
time, though some believe 'rhai he kept reiuming because of the food he was given by street
vendors. He became afarnlliar sight to commuters over time. In 1934, a stafse of him was put
outside ihe station. In 1935, Hachiko died at the place he last saw 1ds fiiend alir.e.
1 The stafue of Hachiko is small.
A Right
R \tr/rnrrcr
d'- i-inecn!i carr
2The siatue is difficult to find because there are so 1?any people there.
A Righi
B Wrong
C Doesn't say
3 The prcfessor r',rorked in a school.
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn't say
4 Do dcgs? Wky I \r/hy not?
Inspector de speciaiitate
Prof. tsALABUC hdirabela
Proba de verifieare a cunogtintelor de Iimbi moderni
l,imba erglezf;
proba orali
Bilet nr. 1.1
Liverpool city council wants to clear the city of fat pigeons. They say that people are feeding the
birds, which makes them fat. The pigeons get bigger because their normal diet would consist of
seeds and insects, not high-fat
food they are eating in the city centre.
The councii waats people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons is responsible for the
streets being so crowded with these birds. They hope to encourage the birds to move away from
the city centre and into parks and open spaces.
Ten robotic birds har.e been brought into the city centre to scare the pigeons away and visitors are
asked not to give the pigeons any food. The mechanical birds - known as 'robops'
- will sit on the
roofs of buildings. They can be moved around to different locations. They look like a peregrine
falccn, which is a bird that kills pigeons. They even make noises artd flap their wings to scare the
1 Pigeons are fatter in Livelpool than in other cities.
A Rioht
B Wrong
C Doesn't say
2 Pigeons get fat because they eat seeds and insects.
A Risht
B Wrong
C Doesn't say
3 Accordiag to the couacii, ever)ione is to biame for the aumbers of pigeoas.
A Right
C Doesn't say
4 Do you agree witir the council's decision to get rid of the pigeons? Why / Why not?
Inspector de specialitate
Prof. BALABUC h4irabela
Proba de verificare a cunogtintelor de limbi moderni
Limba e*glezil
proba oral5
Bilet nr. 15
The makers of a controrrersial coinputer game about bullying have decided to go airead and launch
it despite calls for it to be banned. In the game, players take on the role of a new student at a
schooi and have to fight the bullies, by punching them or hifiing theur with a baseball bat.
Critics have said that the game encourages violenie, but the makers deny tliis and say that, while
tirere is violence in the galne, it is
an amusing iook at school 1ife, besides which, the violence
in the game is directed against the bullies to protect pupiis who are being bullied. The rnakers alsc
say that players will leam to stand up ta buliies.
A British politician, a former minister, has called for it to be banned as it might affect the way
young people perceirre violence.
Anti-bullying charities have said that the game might make people respond viclently to buliies,
which might rnake things more complicated and result in injuries.
1 The n:akers of the computer game decided not tc reiease it.
A True
B False
2 in the
the player takes on the role ola buliy.
it tr.i.^
3 The game is set in a university.
A True
B False
4 Which are the advantages and disadvantages of computer games?
lnspector de specialitate
Prof. BALABUC Mirabela

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