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July 1, 2014 Council Meeting Packet Page 32

Council Report
July 1, 2014
To: Honorable Mayor and Members ofthe City Council
From: Jason Stilwell, City Administrator
Submitted by: Catherine Raynor, City Clerk
Subject: Summary of Council Workshop June 2, 2014
Receive and file summary related to the Council Workshop June 2, 2014 on 2014 Key Initiatives
& Mid-Year Update.
Executive Summary:
City Council held a workshop on 2014 Key Initiatives & Mid-Year Update on June 2, 2014.
The presentation used to discuss Key Initiatives at the June 2nd meeting is attached as
Attachment A.
Fiscal Impact:
As indicated in Attachment A, Key Initiatives were aligned with the proposed Fiscal Year 2014-
2015 Budget .
Budgeted (yes/no) Funding Source( general fund, grant, state)
Yes General
Previous Council Action:
Decision History: Key Initiatives are defined in January of each year, this year Council heard
this January 7, 2014.
July 1, 2014 Council Meeting Packet Page 33
Reviewed by:
City Admini strator City Attorney
Admin. Svcs Dir
Public Safety Dir
Public Svcs Dir
City Engineer
Library & CA Dir
July 1, 2014 Council Meeting Packet Page 34
2014 Key Initiatives
Mid-year upd<ltc
Key Initiatives Status Report
Key initiat ives are set annually in January
Key i nitiati ves focus organizational efforts
This mid-year review of Key Init iatives is ahead
of the June budget hearings
Key Initi atives develop or implement vari ous
Policy Plans
Fiscal Year begins July 1
Develop a comprehensi ve list of parking solutions and implement solutions
In accordance with Parking Management Plan priorities and goals.
A pirkinc manaaement pliin ws devtlope<:l bued on Input from the publk 1nd
pre!>ented at the April 1 City council meet inc. The plan Includes recommf'ndtd pohdes
a nd thnology that are rnponsin to the needs ot tht public and parking optioru: that
pto'lrlde v..lue and service to our visit ors, employtes, busineu owners, and At
to implement followins
Extend time enforcement one hour from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Provide more conve nient ond ill ttractive parkin1 options for employee s by otferln& free
parking a t the north tot of the Sunset Center ind eliminating time limits in deslanated
arecas alongJunipero St reet.
ProVide improved u tetv t nd conveni ence for walkinc a nd traveling to and from
pa rking locations ouUide the comme rcial core.
Develop a r ewards for employus and the: of impkoment101 an
employee wvict.
lmplemt-nt a pilot prosram alone Qaan Avt for Plid P<lrldne.
Propolted Budget: scooter; GPS & lPR; pro}tct;
community servlces officer (3.0 total)
July 1, 2014 Council Meeting Packet Page 35
Maintain a leadership role In developing a long-term solution to the reglonfs
water supply and develop additional local water conservation and water
supply alternatives.
o Mayor Burnett serves a s Vice President of the Monterey Peninsula Regional
Water Authority (MPRWA) and is Chair of its Technical Advisory Committee.
The goal of t he MPRWA Is t o find a sokJtion t o the Peninsula Water Shonage
due to t he over-draftin& of t he Carmel River
o Carmel-by-the-Sea fs 1nalyzlng othe r local source water supply ith:ernaUves
and q uantifying potential local need. The City provided testimony at a State
hearing to consider tlcensing of the Odella Ranch water rights. Carmel asked
the State Water Resources Control Board to approve t he petition and Issue a
determinat ion that the water delivered for municipal p urposes is consistent
with t he cease and desist order issued upon the California American Water
Company. A decision Is pending.
Conservation: The annual water conservaUon plan is schedule d t o be present ed to
I he City Council in S@ptember 2014. It will inc.lude the status of several water
conservation and non-pot abte water supply alternatives. The City staff and
Planning Commission continue t o a nd approve water storage cisterns. City
facll!t ies were recently retrofitted with water conservat ion fixt ures
Revitalize the Scenic Pathway and improve Rio Park and Rio Road entrance
to the Mission Trail Nature Preserve and begin development of a regional
Scenic Pathway: Installation of a wireless transmitter to improve Irritation of the
Pathway is anticipated to b e arly t his Summer. Thi$ will trrigation and
routine maintenance to resume. A .SCenic Pathwav revitalltat lon project WIS added to the
Plan u a fi$01 year 1016-2017 project.
Rlo P1rk: this is included as a a proJect In t he C.p1tallrnprovement Plan.
Rio Road entrance to MTNP: I his Is incl uded a s a Fiscal Vear 2016-2017 Ci!pital project In the
Clpltal lmprovement Pliln.
Rftk>nal trails plannin&: The City Council convened an ad hoc commi to rtclonal
tralb connectivitv. The croup mt"@tinc.sand has identifttd of
conM"ctions improvements for the Carmel area. Staff h. examining the fist to
determinewhid'l are sc:.hedultd 10 be complt'tt'd, which wlll need t o be brought to the City
Counc11 for mclusion in the Capital Improvement Plan, a nd which wl11 re-quirt" interagent)'
Implement the Shoreline Management and Forest Management Plans focusing
on beach fires and the key priorities and Including the Del Mar Master Plan and
Mission Trail Nature Preserve Master Plan.
Shoreline and Forest Master Pl1ns : During this Spring staff began beach fire patrols to
Improve compliance resardina the allowed time, place, and manner of beach fires on Carmel
St-ich. The Plannlnc Commission recelved a comprehensive review on t he implementation
of t he Shoreline Manaeement and Forest Mancement Plans on March 11, 2014 a nd receives
recular updatb.

Shoreline: be-ach patrols, waterfront MU sltns, Scenic Roild restroom, beach
sand distr ibution
f orest: stump removal, crid pruning, trn maintenance, forHt P'Jfb and beach
maintenance worker, tree planting
Del Mar Mutff reaardlns dun-s habitat restoration, Publl' Servlcf!'s is ide-ntlfVIfll
compoN!'_nU. of a wot k plan, ''"kine se-Nices of bloloaist/botln1st and with
Community and &uildln1 o n permittinc. Rtsardlrc lnfrastructur imprO\Ittntnts, two
prefects ftf!' lrdudf!'d In the Capltallmprovfmel'lt Plan- Del Mlf Pf1n rt'Pifcemnt
cht Of( M1r Plan Phlse II path.,a
- ..
Mrsskm Trail NaUJI't Mastet Plan: with tM Input from t"e Fr!Mds of Ml ..sion Tr1H Nature
Pr.wNt, o1 number of up(tal projKt"J. wert arid Inducted In lhe Capital fmpro .tmtnl
Plan H1o11 arf!'ldentlfied In the Minion Trail Nature- PreJ.c-rvt Muttr Pl1n.
- MTNPentrancefi!.Un J'.eN)
Implement year 1 of the Information Technology Strategic Plan.
Administrative Services began Implementation of Year 1 of the IT Strategic Plan. On
f ebruary 4th, the City Council a contract wit h Public Con-sulti ng Group to
p rovide Project Manage ment services for t he followlna Vear 1 projects:
o Redesigning the City's Website;
o Implementing a new Flnanciaj a nd Payroll/ Human Resou rce (HR) system;
o Beginning an upgrade of the Granicus syste m to include the impleme ntation of
an Agenda Packet; and
o Tedmology upgrades, including:
o Replac inG certaln atrisk and non-supported hardware and software;
o Upgrading Emergeney Opera tions C@nter technoloev;
o Modernizing the current tech nology infrast ructure by increa sing net 'Work
capacity and strenithening network security; and
o Upgrad ing desktop h&rdware and software as necessal)' to support t h e new
applications listed above.
A request for lons for systems was issued on June 2, 2014 with anticipa ted
start of implementation In August
Proposed Budget : IT Strateslc Plan project Online City Hall; ERP; Security
upgrades; EOC
July 1, 2014 Council Meeting Packet Page 36
Adopt a Facility Use Plan and consider long term highest and best use of the
City's facilities.
The Init ial analysis of the Citv's facilities is complete. A draft plan was presented to
the Ctt v Council on January 7. 2014 and a public workshop was held in March 2014.
The Plan guided t he definition of future capital projecu t o be included in the
Capital Improvement Plan. Based upon the identifiation of priority facilities,
additional inspections and analysis is taking plaee m order to provide
recommendations to Council. The Plan will return to the City Council for
consideration of Jong-terrn highest and best use determlnatron of t he City's
- Proposed Budget: Ongoing facility maint enance; facility projects for PO/PW
roof interim solution; Sunset Center; City Hall; Forest Theater; Park
libr'3ry basement
Complete the design of the Forest Theater renovation to enable
construction documents and fundraising to commence for future year
During the past quarter, the City brought several experts, including the
architect of the 2009 proposed redesign, to the Theater for a pre-season
safe ty inspection and to determine paths forward for the City
Council to consider relative t o this Key Initiative. In addition1 options to
address immediate upgrades to the facility were explored. In April, 2014 it
was determined by those Involved that risks and the needed upgrades to
alleviate them were of a scope too large to complete ahead of the
summer season. The Theater has been closed for safety reasons, and a
community workshop was held in May to d1scuss paths forward.
Proposed Budget: begln repair work
Coordi nate a umpus plan and transition corridor with the update of the
Sunset Center' s strategic plan.
The Sunset Center operator has begun a strategic planning process. It will
provide insight into fut ure use and needs of the Sunset Center campus.
The transition corridor project is pending. A possible first step wou!d be to
conduct a workshop to solicit input from the public and decision-makers
on some preliminary design options.
Proposed Budget: Planning staff and consultant funding
Focus on community beautification projects including trash ca n
replacement, median beautification, a nd slgnage updates; adopt a new
waste hauler franchise agreement.
Trash can replacement : Materials to refurbish the current City tldsh cans
been ordered and staff will begin replacing existing crash cans that are in nHd of
repair utilizing the exist in& de.sfgn by the end of June.

The Planning Commission has a subcommittee to
t)(amine potential change" to the median lightlne.
- projKt
Sign ace: Shorel ine signase lmpfovements rel ated to beach f1re rules ha11e been considered
by the Forest and Beach Commi,sion and were recently l)fesented to the Plannina
Commission. Once approved, 1 project is identified In the Pfanthlt. lf
funded by the City Council, will enable the w.1terfront area SiJn improvements, fo<usinl
on beach fire ruJes nd shoreline dean lines\ .
Ntw waste hauler franchiR a&reement: the City Council directed st.ff to commtnc:e
neeotiatlons. The City Coun(ll helct a workdtop on the future sef'vi<:e options iind 1ssoc1Jted
costs on March 31, 2014 which provided good direction for negotiations. The
proposed franchise .1greement Is anticipated to come before the City Council during fi scal
fourth quilrter.
- Contrae\CGMUhnt
July 1, 2014 Council Meeting Packet Page 37
Investigate the five options for Flanders to move toward reaching a final
The five cptl ora or the Cit v Council include: lea'le as single-family r e-examine the
historic designation and consider demolishing or movinethe facilitY. sale for uu as a single-
family residence, hold occupied with minima! improvements, and hold unoccupied.
The IOtt&ltrm lust: ltfP remains ac_tilllt, and t ht City conUnues to actively show
the property. Tht City is feasinc agent; requnts for Jertefl of interest from
te-asinaaae-nu have been disuibuted.
o Re-eumlne hlstOfk deslanaton: st,lff has madfo with state and lou! historians
lnvo!Yed In the tllstoric de:sicnatlon process. Staff continues to se.rch fof a viable path
forwlld re:&ardlna this option.
-. Sale-: staff h upda11nc the tlmellne of a sale and 1s proVIdlnc w'lkthroughs real
Hold occupied: Sto1ff has completed om i niti.ll buildlne habitability anessment to
determine what minimum improvements would be to allow fo1 occupancy by
a NeKI, the Citv will need to a cost est imille tor the Initial repa irs,
and action "len for longerterm mairltenance.
,. Hold unoccupied; This option has been the sta tus quo Staff has determlnt!d the ilnnual
cost of t his o"tion. 5t'ff still needs to confirm how lona: thls option is feasible given
Olhf'r rulnt enance and upkeep r equirements.
o Bud&tot : leaal, land use, 11nd other c::omuhant"

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