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Asif Mujteba

Phone: +92 333 4323230 E-Mail: S!"e: asif.mujteba

About Me
# am a highl! moti$ate% #.&. enthusiast' ha$ing (+ !ea)s of e*"e)ience buil%ing
%!namic an% )obust a""lications' +ell $e)se% in ,n%)oi%' i-S' .lacbe))! an% /2ME
%e$elo"ment' e*"e)ience buil%ing mobile a""s fo) $a)ious %omains lie 0-#P' 1)a"hics
an% ,nimation' Stoc &)a%ing' ,u%io20i%eo St)eaming' 3ocation base% ,""s' .luetooth
an% 4#5#' #nstant Messaging using 6MPP. 7a$e the abilit! to tae an i%ea2conce"t an%
con$e)t into a li$e a"" )eaching millions of "eo"le.
Career Summary
(+ !)s of Soft+a)e 8e$elo"ment e*"e)ience using /a$a' -bjecti$e-9 an% goo%
no+le%ge of -bject -)iente% P)og)amming' 8ata St)uctu)es an% 8esign
Patte)ns. M! e*"e)ience is ")ima)il! +ith Mobile ,""lication %e$elo"ment.
P)esentl! +o)ing as S). Mobile ,""lication 8e$elo"e) - &echnical 3ea%
.S :7-;S< in 9om"ute) Science f)om =ni$e)sit! +ith majo) in Soft+a)e
,%$ance% 9o)e /a$a' -bjecti$e-9 conce"ts
E*cellent no+le%ge of ,n%)oi% an% i-S S8>
E*"e)ience +ith i-S f)ame+o)s lie =#>it' Sto)!boa)%' 9o)e8ata' Message=#'
,%%)essboo' 9o)e1)a"hics' ,ssets3ib)a)!' ?ua)t@9o)e' Me%iaPla!e)' Push
;otifications' .a)9o%e Scanning an% sAlite
E*"e)ience +ith ,n%)oi% S8> 9om"onents lie ,cti$ities' 5)agments' Se)$ices'
#ntents' ,ctionba)s' 9ontent P)o$i%e)s' .)oa%cast Becei$e)s' 0ie+P)o"e)t!
,nimato)s' 9an$as' Me%iaPla!e) an% sAlite
4o)ing >no+le%ge Se)$e) si%e technologies lie /SP an% P7P
1oo% =n%e)stan%ing of /a$aSc)i"t' 7&M3C an% 9SS
St)ong communication an% time management sills
Sr. Mobile Application developer, AOMATA LLC une !"#$ % present
8e$elo"e% .0 S"o)ts ,n%)oi% a"" fo) &02= 1lobal' enabling use)s to b)o+se2 $ie+ li$e
5ootball st)eams an% 0i%eos on 8eman%.
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( ,n%)oi%' an%)oi% stu%io' g)a%le' sub$e)sion
8e$elo"e% E$ent 3i$e ,n%)oi% a"" +hich is a social e*"e)ience a"" fo) all t!"es of
e$ents' ,ccess u" to the minute e$ent %etails' sha)e "hotos' as Auestions an% inte)act
+ith othe) "eo"le +hile maing ne+ connections th)ough )eal-time social st)eams. &he
a"" is li$e on ,n%)oi% Sto)e
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( ,n%)oi% Stu%io' /a$a' ecli"se' /#B,' sub$e)sion
8e$elo"e% Smat#- 8ata t)ansfe) Solution fo) ,n%)oi%2i-S2.lacbe))!' +hich enables
use)s to easil! t)ansfe) thei) im"o)tant %ata lie contacts' "hotos' $i%eos' au%ios2music
an% %ocuments f)om one "hone to anothe). &he ,n%)oi%' iPhone an% .lacbe))! ,""s
a)e all li$e on ,"" Sto)es!"?ls=1&mt=8
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( *9o%e 4.(' -bjecti$e-c 2.0' iPhone' ,n%)oi% Stu%io' /a$a'
ecli"se' /#B,' sub$e)sion
Sr. Soft)are En'ineer * Team Lead iOS, Smonte Tec&nolo'ies +,vt.- Ltd
Sep !"#! % May !"#$
8e$elo"e% Me%ia.o* a""lication fo) iPhone an% iPa%' the a"" follo+s a subsc)i"tions
base% f)eemium mo%el an% allo+s use)s to listen li$e Ba%io' Dou&ube lea)ning' ,u%io
boos an% S#P base% calling +o)l%+i%e.
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( *9o%e 4.4' -bjecti$e-c 2.0' iPhone' iPa%
8e$elo"e% 4hiteboa)% 9onojo 9ollabo)ati$e a""lication fo) iPa%' im"lemente% featu)es
lie sc)een 9ollabo)ation among use)s' sc)een )eco)%ing an% "la!bac' tem"lates sho"'
#nteg)ation +ith %)o"bo*2 .o*2 4eb8,02 5aceboo2 &+itte). &he a"" is li$e an%
a$ailable at a"" sto)e.'%'in'1'#hiteboard'app/id(()(87)3(?mt=8
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( *9o%e 4.4' -bjecti$e-c 2.0' iPa%
4o)e% on ,ccu"a% a""lication fo) iPa%' the a"" enables me% )e"s to %eli$e)
")esentations to %octo)s b! %o+nloa%ing allocate% ")esentations f)om se)$e) an% also
c)eating custom ")esentations b! gi$ing custom )outes. ,ll $isits a)e )eco)%e%2t)ace%
locall! an% s!nce% bac on se)$e) late).
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( *9o%e 4.4' -bjecti$e-c 2.0' iPa%
8e$elo"e% 4hiteboa)% M-/- a""lication fo) iPa%' im"lemente% featu)es lie 0ecto)
1)a"hics' se"a)ate la!e)s' objects )esi@ing an% )otating' custom sha"e %)a+ings' %)a+ing
te*t' bucet fill tool' highlighting' un%o2)e%o' 5aceboo2&+itte)2%)o"bo* sha)ing an% #n-
,"" "u)chase. &he a"" is li$e an% a$ailable at a"" sto)e.'mo&o/id%)%1(%(%?mt=8
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( *9o%e 4.4' -bjecti$e-c 2.0' iPa%
4o)e% on /ose"hine 7a)t Poet)! a"" fo) iPhone E iPa%' enable% the a"" to )un 9MS
base% content instea% of static %ata' S!ncing a"" +ith se)$e) on "ush notifications'
facilitating use)s to %o+nloa% the me%ia content associate% +ith "oems to be $ie+e%
offline. # +as in$ol$e% in the +hole ")ocess f)om %e$elo"ment to the submission to the
a"" sto)e. &he a"" is li$e an% a$ailable at a"" sto)e.'poetry'app/id%"1(7%"?mt=8
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( *9o%e 4.2' -bjecti$e-c 2.0' #"hone' #"a%' S0;
Soft)are En'ineer, TricastMedia +,vt.- Ltd
Sep !"## % Au' !"#!
# %e$elo"e% /2me c)icet fantas! league game name% 8)eam6# a$ailable on -0# sto)e
fo) ;oia %e$ices' +hich enables use)s to c)eate thei) o+n teams' "u)chase "la!e) f)om
ma)et "lace' bu! f)om e*change "ools an% $ie+ "la!e) )anings' the use)Fs team sco)e is
u"%ate% +ith the "e)fo)mance of "la!e)s in e$e)! match.!3?clic$*ource=publisher+channel&channel=&pos=3
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( /2ME' 9o)e /a$a' Ecli"se 3.C' 0isual Sou)ce Safe
# %e$elo"e% /2me game name% 9a))om a$ailable on -0# sto)e fo) ;oia %e$ices' +hich
is "la!able in both Single Pla!e) an% multi-"la!e) mo%es' in multi-"la!e) mo%e use) can
c)eate thei) o+n game se)$e) o) join someoneFs game using online htt" se)$e) o) using
%e$iceFs .luetooth connection' the game is "o)te% to ,)abic an% Pe)sian. &he game also
has %o+nloa%s section +hich %is"la!s othe) ")o%ucts b! the com"an!' +hich a)e
a$ailable fo) %o+nloa%.!(31?clic$*ource=publisher+channel&channel=&pos=
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( /2ME' 9o)e /a$a' Ecli"se 3.C' 0isual Sou)ce Safe
Soft)are En'ineer, Softec& Systems +,vt.- Ltd
May !"#" % Sep !"##
# %e$elo"e% .lacbe))! an% ,n%)oi% 9lients fo) a Stoc t)a%ing ,""lication ha$ing
featu)es lie $ie+ing li$e stoc ")ices in multi"le e*changes' multi"le +atch lists' stoc
t)a%ing' %etaile% )e"o)ts an% cha)ting. # +as )es"onsible fo) a""lication %e$elo"ment'
co%e signing an% %e"lo!ment :-&, an% 8esto"<. # +o)e% on both use) inte)face an%
bacen% soft+a)e.
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( .lacbe))! S8>' ,n%)oi% S8>' 9o)e /a$a' Ecli"se 3.C' 0isual
Sou)ce Safe
# +o)e% on /2ME 0e)sion of Stoc &)a%ing ,""lication. # a%%e% multi-e*change
ca"abilities to the a""lication an% %i% some =# t+eaing
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( /2ME Polish' Sun 4i)eless &oolit 2.C.2' Ecli"se 3.C' 0isual
Sou)ce Safe
# %e$elo"e% .lacbe))! an% ,n%)oi% 9lients fo) an e$ent management com"an!' the
a""lication use% )estful +eb se)$ices fo) use) authentication an% getting use) info)mation
f)om se)$e)' enable% .a)co%e scanning using @*ing ba)co%e S8> an% t+itte) integ)ation'
enabling use)s to "ost t+eet an% see t+eets b! othe)s fo) s"ecific e$ents.
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( .lacbe))! S8>' ,n%)oi% S8>' &+itte) Me ,P#' @*ing S8>'
9o)e /a$a' Ecli"se 3.C
# %e$elo"e% a Sho""ing ,""lication using 9)oss-Platfo)m f)ame+o) Phone1a"' the
a""lication %oes ,/,6 )eAuests an% facilitate% use) to b)o+se the ")o%ucts catalog
a%%ing items to locall! sto)e% sho""ing ca)t an% ultimatel! "lace o)%e)s at the se)$e). &he
a""lication +as %e"lo!e% on .lacbe))!' ,n%)oi% an% i-S %e$ices
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( Phone1a"' 7&M3 C' 9SS 3' /a$aSc)i"t' /?ue)! Mobile'
.lacbe))! 4eb 4o)s S8>
# %e$elo"e% an a""lication fo) 9o9a-9ola on its G2C
.i)th%a!. &he a""lication enables
use)s to "la! an! of the )elease% 9o9a-9ola $i%eo ,%$e)tisements' )ingtones an% $ie+
"o"ula) +all"a"e)s an% Auotes' Scan .a)co%es an% Sen% Email Suggestion to the
com"an!. &he a""lication use% S-,P .ase% client to get %ata f)om se)$e)s.
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( .lacbe))! S8>' >Soa" 2' @*ing S8>' 9o)e /a$a' Ecli"se 3.C
ava .eveloper, To)er Tec&nolo'ies +,vt.- Ltd
anuary !""/ % April !"#"
# +o)e% on 3ib)a)! Management S!stem P)oject' # +as "a)t of %e$elo"ment team an%
mainl! +o)e% on )e"o)ting an% sea)ch mo%ules
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( 9o)e /,0,' /SP2Se)$lets' /as"e) )e"o)ts' &omcat C.0' /a$a
8e$elo"e)' 7&M3 an% /a$aSc)i"t
# +o)e% on 9lient 9o))es"on%ence S!stem' # +as )es"onsible fo) gathe)ing ne+
)eAui)ements f)om clients' im"lementing the featu)es an% %e"lo!ing the u"%ate% )eleases.
Tools and Tec&nolo'ies( 9o)e /,0,' /SP2Se)$lets' &omcat C.0' /a$a 8e$elo"e)' 7&M3
an% /a$aSc)i"t
0S +1O2S- Computer Science, 3niversity of Central ,unjab !""4 5 !"#"
6inal ,roject( Multi-Pla!e) /2ME M#8P 2.0 game using .luetooth
C7,A( 3.3(

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