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Literature and drawing mysteries

University of Groningen, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Denise Fernando, Emiel Langelaan, Andrej Sarnatskiy
April 2014


Problem and Research Question.
Problem: Can a numerical program be created that is able to draw fractals?
Question: What are the requirements to create a numerical program that is able to draw
fractals and how is this done?

This research question will be answered on the basis of sub questions:
What is the definition of fractals?
Hypothesis: fractals are images, forms or structures that model complex physical
processes and dynamical systems. Basically a fractal is a simple process that goes
through infinitely many iterations which becomes a very complex process.

What are the dimension definitions?
Hypothesis: dimension is not easy to understand. There are many dimensions e.g.
self-similarity dimension, compass dimension, box-counting dimension etc.

What are the dimensions of the Cantor set, the Koch curve, the Sierpinski gasket?
Hypothesis: The Cantor set has a dimension

. The from the Koch curve

and the Sierpinski gasket has a dimension


Which (numerical) program is the most suitable for drawing fractals?

How can a numerical program be created to draw fractals?

Gain sufficient literature knowledge regarding fractals, dimensions of fractals and all the
knowledge necessary to successfully create a numerical program that is able to draw

The research regarding the definition of fractals and dimensions hereof is done by consulting
literature. Using methods as the reference books, other interesting books regarding fractals,
earlier made researches, internet etc.
With the acquired knowledge it is possible to perform a study and calculate the dimensions of
the Cantor set, the Koch curve and the Sierpinski gasket.
With a short search and consulting persons who know more about numerical programs the
decision of which program is suitable for drawing fractals can be made.
By using and practicing with the selected program the required knowledge will be gained and
used for creating the numerical program desired.

We will make use of the following references:
Book Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science by Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Hartmut
Jrgens & Dietmar Saupe .
Book Dynamische systemen en chaos by H.W. Broer & F. Takens.
Internetpage: Exploration of Fractals, by
Eric Green(1998).

The majority of the activities mentioned in the planning will be executed in jointly effort.
A schematic overview is given in the table below.

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25

Week 26
15-4-14: Lecture Present Science
16-4-14: Lecture Information literacy
Rest of the week:
Introductory meeting with mentor, start writing the research proposal

22-04-14: Lecture How to write a Math article
24-04-14: before 17:00 delivery of the research proposal
Rest of the week:
Performing practical (Latex), research topic, read through reference books,
finish concept research proposal

28-04-14: before 18:00 delivery revised research proposal
Rest of the week:
Read through reference books, elaboration of sub questions 1, 2 and 3,

Read through reference books, elaboration of sub questions 4 and 5,
processing results using the computer,

Writing the report:
Title page, resume, introduction, discussion, conclusions, references.

Set up report, write the content page, Delivery concept report

Delivery final concept report, Work on presentation (powerpoint etc.)

Begin with poster production

11-06-14: Symposium
Rest of the week:
Poster production

Delivery poster
Free: Exams

23-06-14: Symposium Poster presentation
24-06-14: Symposium Poster presentation

Assumption based on data from previous years .The official deadlines are not known yet.

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