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UFO Encounter 2, Cage-shaped Object resting in farmers-field.

Time 20!, sept "#$%. &eather clear, no-clouds clear starr' s('.
)ighting*close-encounter, bet&een (ings-l'nn and &isbech, cambs, +, road.
This encounter &ith a C+-E-shaped object occured &hilst a /ost-
office securit' .an on the strip of road abo.e mentioned, the C+-E resting
on the farmers field. 0 had performed this particular-dut' for some t&o-'rs
ta(ing mails from peterborough-ro'al-mails to (ings-l'nn sorting-office. 1'
thoughts on that night &ere dra&n to m' girlfirend a&aiting me on m'
return home. 2e had 3uite an 4intense4 se5ual-relationship. 0 had just left
2isbech, crossed a hump in the road &hich la' beside a /ublic-hse
named the locomoti.e, and some distance in front and to the right 0 noticed
a 6E78 9right luminous-object, perhaps a mile or so a&a'. 1' .ision &as
perfect the road ahead 4the +, /eculiarl' empt'4: +s 0 proceeded 0 got a
closer-glimpse of this object. 0t &as a Cage a shimmering cage just resting,
there on the field to the right. 0 slo&ed the .an do&n to a stop, s&itched
off the engine and (ic(ed the safet'-securit' do&n to release the
dri.ers-door. 0 opened the door and crossed the road to the bro(en-do&n
fence, the +, still 4strangel'4 3uiet, no sound nothing. 0 stepped the
fence and approached 4this-object4. The follo&ing is accurate and &ell
remembered. ; The field &as empt' bar this C+-E &hich sho&ed
dimensions of around eight-b'-eight ft. 0ts luminosit' &as incredible blurring
and smarting m' e'es. 0ts 9+7) around $ on each side &ere 4rotating4 the
colours of 7ed*green*blue, in a positi.e fashion. 0 came &ithin eight-ft of it,
there &as <O top or 9ottom, and certainl' nothing &ithin: There &as, as in
all of m' sightings <O audible-sound: 0 felt dra&n to it unafraid but feeling
0 &as both T=E7E in the field, and 'et, E>)E2=E7E: )uddenl' perhaps
after four-minutes it rose up&ards reaching some fort' to fift' ft, then
?ematerialised, .anishing into a dimensional-.icinit' or Cloa(ing and
returning to some 4unseen4 ship@ 0 loo(ed at the ground it &as not
scorched not ruffled, and then &ent bac( to the /ost-office .an. again the
+, seemed 4too-3uiet4, 0 shut the securit' mechanism and started her up. A
+fter tra.elling for about fi.e-minutes 0 became a&are of a unseen-strong
prescence sitting to the left of me@ +s though this 4prescence4 &ere tr'ing
to communicate@ 0 repeatedl' (ept turning and loo(ing left to catch an'
glimpse of this being, but &as unre&arded. +fter another fi.e-minutes this
feeling of an un&anted guest dissapeared. 0 returned to the (ings-l'nn post-
office finished m' duties offloading-mail and proceeded to a public-hse Bnot
out of fear:C 2hich 0 .isited each night for a couple of beers before
returning to m' girlfriends. =o& ?UE to this encounter the follo&ing
happened: ; + gu' a stranger to the pub the 1a'des-=ead, came to the bar
and commented on m' +<D= &hich 0 ha.e al&a's &orn, its form more
pre.ailent on blac( t-shirts. =e as(ed if 0 &as one of those occultists or
ps'chics@ )a'ing it &as a 4load of crap an'&a'4: 0 &as just finishing m'
half-pint from m' glass and slo&l' returning to the bar &hen 0 suddenl'
turned loo(ed at this un(no&n .isitor and said4E 48ou li.e in 1anchester,
'ou ha.e a daughter called Fat' short for catherine, a son ten-'rs old
called /eter &hom racing-cars and a .er'-long garden, &hich ends
near a pool &here three gnomes are fishing, one headless4. =e tried to cut
me short, but 0 continued, 4 8ou ha.e a 1arble-fireplace &here a large
picture sho&s t&o-s&ans and to the right resting on that fireplace is a
-reen-.ase. =e stood gobsmac(ed sa'ing nothing and then returned to his
seat. 0 finished m' glass said m' goodb'es to the 1anager and then &ent
home. The follo&ing night the 1a'des-head 1anager ga.e me a free couple
of pints sa'ing this gentlemen &as so frightened b' m' accurac' that he
consumed a bottle of &his(': 0T goes to sho& that E+C= Close-encounter
amplifies one p'schic abilit's, E6E< changes perception of time:

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