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Secrets of the Damned. [ part three ].

In the light of the "removal" of certain "occult-documents" and UFO
material from Librarys, I shall try to "enlighten" a few points on certain Magical-
themes !pells cast by the gutteral-speech of magi and "depts from ancient-
days , Invocations#$vocations% "LL methods of "opening-up" the &ells within, which
when opened form a "bridge" a crossing for both $arthly-magical-forms and
spacial-forms% '(eni)ens and tunnel-entitys*% +I,-".IO/ brea0s through "nything
.he vibration of a church-bell continues if not through the "ethers through
"stral-spaces, it does not necessarily !.O1 2ith every action there is a -e-
action .he purpose of a ritual is to &reate a constant-brea0 in spacial-time, as
well as heighten the cerebral-conciousness to .rue-awareness !ometimes
ceremonial-rituals seem childish or mere silly, however after a period of time
enacting the same rites causes "change" and "contacts"
2ords spo0en in a certain-fashion a certain high-octave, are
transmitted as vibratory-signals, they "pierce" through the astral-veil and
"dependent" on what one wishes to achieve, even pierce into the Universal-
tunnels and (imensions around us% OM is a well 0nown vibratory-seed% ,ut
most do not pronounce its function correctly3 "UM is better to start with% ,lood
is used at ceremonies, not 4ust (ar0-rites to appease or attract certain-beings%
&ertainly the fumes from newly spilt-blood are into5icating to some elementals
.here is a world of difference between "$lementals" and say "$ntitys"% "s there
is a world of difference between "(aemons" and "(eni)ens" My
encounters#$5periences#studys of the Occult have ta0en over 67yrs .here is /O
rapid "scension to occult attainment 8 &ontrary to some so called Masters of
today 9 "ncient-walls in castles, old-mansions, contain "triggers", trapped-vibratory-
signals, which can be " accidently" released by a human- &atalyst%
.hese "signals" are also "retained" in places li0e "!tonehenge", the
1yramids and other Monoliths% Indeed the great ":owerd 1hilip Lovecraft", whom
I have much respect, became enlightened upon the "strange-shapes and
contours" of walls and stones ect found in ancient-places3 (ar0 rites or
&eremonial-sacrifice are enacted#performed in these ancient-places, to "simply"
call-forth the inherent#waiting vibratory-signals which lay within .hese "signals"
are "&alling-cards" .o call-forth the re;uired-,eing% .o ma0e things simple lets
say we have in front of us a "gigantic-Ma)e", and in its centre or thereabouts
are a number of ,eings 'spacial or earthly* whom we need to call-forth to
contact to have intercourse with :ow do we reach them3 .he Ma)e is a Matri5
of many-worlds we could easily get lost locating a being3 :owever as chance
may have it, we 0now the beings /"M$ which we can vibrate in chant or spell%
!econdly we can "release" a vibratory-signal hidden in a Molecular-structure, a
signal-trapped centuries ago, a lin0 to an $ntity or god-li0e form, part of its
essence its form immersing into the stone-walls%
It is not by chance that most secret-occult-societies are formed from
rich-humans, whom have the ability to "a;uire" such ancient-dwellings for a period
of time "s previously mentioned in other treatise, Los angeles#1aris#London#:ong-
0ong#:aiti have underground-passages to "ncient monoliths% 8 U!" Occultists were
;uite happy to invade into and beneath I-"<s "ncient catacombs 9 It is an
invasion which will prove "fatal" for these occultists !till, I believe, they &annot
decypher certain Manuscripts and engraved-scrolls3 !imply because they live in
this world and have /O. ventured beyond li0e some !o vibration is the =$> to
magical-attainment% !I?IL! are the ($+I&$, the tool which employs "attraction
and recognition to the would be host"% &arefully constructed at a certain
correlation with the stars, using a metal or material consistent with the :osts
2O-L(% .ropical-fish are provided with a climate a world to live within, heat,
light ,roc0s food% "nd we must create a climate to allow our "host" to manifest
within /othing is gained by "Inaccuracies", or lac0 of 2ill%
"n e5orcism is performed primarily to cast-out the inhibiting-being,
whether (aemonic or $ntity% Using +ibrational-speech in a consistent-manner a
doorway is opened to vacate the unwanted beast% Internally the sufferer can
e5perience severe physical-brea0down death being close by% " (aemon can
transfigure the body, e5tend or enlarge parts of the form% "n $ntity however
cannot% " daemon within drains the life-fluids from its host, whereas a $ntity
controls the perception of mind, the thoughts and tele0enisis-activity% "n $ntity is
far stronger in evasion of spiritual -words% "n $ntity fears neither the crucifi5 nor
the ,iblical-;uotes% :owever unli0e an daemon an $ntity &annot remain within
the host for a consistent period of time% .his short te5t is for the benefit of
dar0-rituals, for they call-forth (aemons and $ntitys and (O /O. always
manage to dispel them bac0 to their worlds% .he result is "possesion" of either
the Magician or one of his followers, be they "dept#@elator#Magus or /eophyte
their occult 0nowledge will not save them from possesion% :$-$ "?"I/, in some
of these (ar0-rites the said (aemon or $ntity may not be dispelled but cast into
the surrounding walls3
In all fran0ness, there is a large compliment of Occultists whom
practice the /egative-signal side, whom wish to achieve the "opening" of a
permanent-portal for certain $ntitys to flow in .hey "-$ close to doing 4ust that,
and are better 0nown as the "Illuminati", the old .hule-society

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