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Myths and Legends.

[ Part two ] TRThompson

To continue, "Darkness" resolves "many-conflicts" chiefly renewing certain
"essences", certain "Secret-ions". IT IS NOT Goly-light !Daylight" which estroys
#am$ires or "other-%eings", they &ust cannot work efficiently in the "'ays" of the
(ight of the Day) I always think a woman is more sensual more magical in the
arkness, her '*+( Self manifesting) The O,( a %eautiful-$owerful %ir leans
to the Dark, yet it is NOT evil) +ll manners of willife "$refer" the night, their
%oy more accustome to the Nights-rays. -ou See, many humans DO NOT
.ercieve that which is unseen, that which is Natural an /agical) +n occultist
"knows" much more than any scientist)) 0or science has 1ounarys %ut not
gateways, gateways which are o$en to certain +e$ts) 2 The (aw of the vam$ire
is "renewal", sustainment, achieve %y fresh o3ygenate-1loo) 1loo which has
%een "somewhat" charge %y 4ormonial-action, (ust sensual-em$owerment. ,arm
%loo flows easier, tastes sweeter an has the "re5uire" nutriments6en7ymes that
a #am$ire eagerly re5uires. (et us take a IN891I, o they re5uire %loo:
NO.*, they re5uire S**D, NIG4TS**D, from their res$ective-host. (IG4TS**D
is TOT+((- ifferent) Something the scientists shoul look at) S98891I they
re5uire the same, %ut unlike Incu%i are $artial to %oth se3es) Great isnt it the
Occult, much %etter than wishy washy science) + #am$ire "oes not slee$" %ut
gains re$rouctive-energies in a static-state of %eing. /ostly vertical an NOT
hori7ontal as $ortraye in films) These "1eings" can emonstrate an a%ility to
change-sha$e, %ut to o so "rains" their /anifest-5uality. They are calle the
9nea, yet NO-T4ING is really ea) ; +s I state the only real-efense is
$ure-silver a goo-conuctor in transmutation of their form. Their $alour woul %e
rosy, their li$s full an of course goo shar$ inignant-teeth. /olars which are
hollow for a%straction6suction of %loo, eyes which retaliate to light-sources.
!Daylight6sunshine" . The $u$ils $erha$s "flashing" as it were. #la-Te$es was no
#am$ire , more *li7a%eth-1athory) Such %rains within them "Demonstrating" a
(atent-lust for %loo) I woul rather talk aroun a ta%le to them than 4itler or
8aesar, they ha an unerstaning of the $ower of 1(OOD) It shoul %e
amira%ly acce$te that most /yths<(egens are 0orme from some '*+( fact)
The 4oly-Grail *=ISTS) 4ell an 4eaven are in Truth "$arameters" of e3isting-
worls, al%eit unseen) I have always %een availa%le for occult-research, an as
a 8atalyst of .aranormal6Su$ernatural manifestation usually "awaken" any hien
guarian) -*S I have ha '*+( D+*/ONI8 8ON0'ONT+TION, +%uction an
OO1*, ND* *ncounters) /y life has %een full of wonrous an "eventful"
.erha$s a "5uick" wor on the +ngel-of-Death, is he a Daemon-ty$e or
(uciferian-ty$e: Does he heral from a certain imensional-7one, or from a
Thought-0orm constructe %y $owerful-covens: 2 In most cases >;. To call him
forth "nees" /O'* than one iniviual) To sen him %ack "nees" /O'* than
one-iniviual) Dennis-,heatley ha met many GOOD occultists in research for
his %ooks. It was a Time when Great-/en D+'*D to e3$lore the In-%etween
$laces as +OS i) !+ustin-Osman-s$are". I however have $laye my $art an
still have a num%er of "S*+(S" to %reak, two out of three actually %efore
o$ening a certain-G+T*) O%viously my Dreams, which are also "remote-viewing-
states", are NOT the norm, that is I s$en time with "other-%eings", see other-
1efore finishing let me state again in .aramount-O%scenities) I o not nor ever
have touche D'9GS, an have always %een availa%le to $rove the #aliity of
my "encounters" #I+ any methos. T'Thom$son.

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