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Server 2012 Features

Installation options
Unlike its predecessor, Windows Server 2012 can switch between "Server Core" and "Server with a GUI"
installation options without a ull reinstallation! Server Core " an option with a co##and"line interace onl$
" is now the reco##ended coni%uration! &here is also a third installation option that allows so#e GUI
ele#ents such as ''C and Server 'ana%er to run, but without the nor#al desktop, shell or deault
pro%ra#s like File ()plorer!
User interface
Server 'ana%er has been redesi%ned with an e#phasis on easin% #ana%e#ent o #ultiple servers!
&he operatin% s$ste#, like Windows ., uses the 'etro"based user interace unless installed in Server
Core #ode!
Windows Store is available in this version o Windows but is not installed b$ deault!
Windows 1owerShell in this version has over 2200 co##andlets, co#pared to around 200 in Windows
Server 200. 32!
Task Manager
Windows Server 2012 includes a new version o Windows &ask 'ana%er to%ether with the old version!
In the new version the tabs are hidden b$ deault showin% applications onl$! In the new 1rocesses tab,
the processes are displa$ed in var$in% shades o $ellow, with darker shades representin% heavier
resource use!
It lists application na#es and status, as well as C1U, #e#or$, hard
disk and network utili5ation! &he process inor#ation ound in the older versions are now #oved to the
new 6etails tab! &he 1eror#ance tab shows "C1U", "'e#or$", "6isk", "Wi"Fi" and "(thernet" %raphs!
&he C1U tab no lon%er displa$s individual %raphs or ever$ lo%ical processor on the s$ste# b$ deault7
instead, it can displa$ data or each 8U'9 node! When displa$in% data or each lo%ical processor or
#achines with #ore than 0- lo%ical processors, the C1U tab now displa$s si#ple utili5ation percenta%es
on heat"#appin% tiles!
&he color used or these heat #aps is blue, with darker shades a%ain indicatin%
heavier utili5ation! :overin% the cursor over an$ lo%ical processor;s data now shows the 8U'9 node o
that processor and its I6, i applicable! 9dditionall$, a new Startup tab has been added that lists startup
however this tab does not e)ist in Windows Server 2012!
&he new task #ana%er
reco%ni5es when a Windows Store app has the "Suspended" status!
IP address management (IPAM)
Windows Server 2012 has an I1 address #ana%e#ent role or discoverin%, #onitorin%, auditin%, and
#ana%in% the I1 address space used on a corporate network! &he I19' is used or the #ana%e#ent and
#onitorin% o 6o#ain 8a#e S$ste# <68S= and 6$na#ic :ost Coni%uration 1rotocol<6:C1= servers!
>oth I1v- and I1v0 are ull$ supported!
Active Directory
Windows Server 2012 has a nu#ber o chan%es to 9ctive 6irector$ ro# the version shipped with
Windows Server 200. 32! &he 9ctive 6irector$ 6o#ain Services installation wi5ard has been replaced b$
a new section in Server 'ana%er, and a GUI has been added to the 9ctive 6irector$ 3ec$cle >in!
'ultiple password policies can be set in the sa#e do#ain!
9ctive 6irector$ in Windows Server 2012
is now aware o an$ chan%es resultin% ro# virtuali5ation, and virtuali5ed do#ain controllers can be sael$
cloned! Up%rades o the do#ain unctional level to Windows Server 2012 are si#pliied7 it can be
peror#ed entirel$ in Server 'ana%er! 9ctive 6irector$ Federation Services is no lon%er re?uired to be
downloaded when installed as a role, and clai#s which can be used b$ the 9ctive 6irector$ Federation
Services have been introduced into the @erberos token! Windows 1owershell co##ands used b$ 9ctive
6irector$ 9d#inistrative Center can be viewed in a "1owershell :istor$ Aiewer"!
Windows Server 2012, alon% with Windows ., includes a new version o :$per"A,
as presented at the
'icrosot >UIB6 event!
'an$ new eatures have been added to :$per"A, includin% network
virtuali5ation, #ulti"tenanc$, stora%e resource pools, cross"pre#ise connectivit$, and cloud backup!
9dditionall$, #an$ o the or#er restrictions on resource consu#ption have been %reatl$ lited! (ach
virtual #achine in this version o :$per"A can access up to 0- virtual processors, up to 1 terab$te o
#e#or$, and up to 0- terab$tes o virtual disk space per virtual hard disk <usin% a new !vhd) or#at=!
Up to 102- virtual #achines can be active per host, and up to .000 can be active per ailover cluster!
SB9& is a re?uired processor eature or :$per"A on Windows ., while or Windows Server 2012 it is
onl$ re?uired or the supple#entar$ 3e#oteFC role!
3esilient File S$ste# <3eFS=,
codena#ed "1roto%on",
is a new ile s$ste# in Windows Server 2012
initiall$ intended or ile servers that i#proves on 8&FS in so#e respects! 'aDor new eatures o 3eFS
Improved relia#ility for on-disk str$ct$res
3eFS uses >F trees
or all on"disk structures includin% #etadata and ile data! 'etadata and
ile data are or%ani5ed into tables si#ilar to a relational database! &he ile si5e, nu#ber o iles in
a older, total volu#e si5e and nu#ber o olders in a volu#e are li#ited b$ 0-"bit nu#bers7 as a
result 3eFS supports a #a)i#u# ile si5e o 10 ()ab$tes, a #a)i#u# o 1.!- G 10
olders and
a #a)i#u# volu#e si5e o 1 Hottab$te <with 0- @> clusters= which allows lar%e scalabilit$ with no
practical li#its on ile and older si5e <hardware restrictions still appl$=! Free space is counted b$ a
hierarchical allocator which includes three separate tables or lar%e, #ediu#, and s#all chunks!
File na#es and ile paths are each li#ited to a 22 @> Unicode te)t strin%!
%$ilt-in resilience
3eFS e#plo$s an allocation"on"write update strate%$ or #etadata,
which allocates new
chunks or ever$ update transaction and uses lar%e II batches! 9ll 3eFS #etadata has built"in
0-"bit checksu#s which are stored independentl$! &he ile data can have an optional checksu# in
a separate "inte%rit$ strea#", in which case the ile update strate%$ also i#ple#ents allocation"
on"write7 this is controlled b$ a new "inte%rit$" attribute applicable to both iles and directories! I
nevertheless ile data or #etadata beco#es corrupt, the ile can be deleted without takin% down
the whole volu#e oline or #aintenance, then restored ro# the backup! 9s a result o built"in
resilienc$, ad#inistrators do not need to periodicall$ run error"checkin% tools such
as C:@6S@ when usin% 3eFS!
&ompati#ility 'it( e)isting APIs and tec(nologies
3eFS does not re?uire new s$ste# 91Is and #ost ile s$ste# ilters continue to work with 3eFS
3eFS supports #an$ e)istin% Windows and 8&FS eatures such
as >itBocker encr$ption, 9ccess Control Bists, US8 Journal, chan%e notiications,
links, Dunction points, #ount points, reparse points, volu#e snapshots, ile I6s, and oplock! 3eFS
inte%rates with Stora%e Spaces, a stora%e virtuali5ation la$er that allows data
#irrorin% and stripin%, as well as sharin% stora%e pools between #achines!
3eFS resilienc$
eatures enhance the #irrorin% eature provided b$ Stora%e Spaces and can detect whether an$
#irrored copies o iles beco#e corrupt usin% back%round data scrubbin% process, which
periodicall$ reads all #irror copies and veriies their checksu#s then replaces bad copies with
%ood ones!
So#e 8&FS eatures are not supported in 3eFS, includin% na#ed strea#s, obDect I6s, short
na#es, ile co#pression, ile level encr$ption <(FS=, user data transactions, hard
links, e)tended attributes, and disk ?uotas!
Sparse iles was not supported b$ 1review,
but it is supported b$ 3&'!
3eFS does not itsel oer data deduplication!
disks with #irrored or striped volu#es are replaced with #irrored or striped stora%e pools
provided b$ Stora%e Spaces! :owever, in Windows Server 2012, auto#ated error"correction
is onl$ supported on #irrored spaces, and bootin% ro# 3eFS is not supported either!
II" *+,
Windows Server 2012 includes version .!0 o Internet Inor#ation Services <IIS=! &he new
version contains new eatures such as S8I, C1U usa%e caps or particular websites,
centrali5ed #ana%e#ent o SSB certiicates, WebSocket support and i#proved support
or 8U'9, but ew other substantial chan%es were #ade!
Windows Server 2012 supports the ollowin% #a)i#u# hardware speciications!
Windows Server 2012 i#proves over its predecessor Windows Server 200. 32E
"pecification -indo's "erver .,/.
-indo's "erver .,,*
1h$sical processors
0- 0-
Bo%ical processors
when :$per"A is disabled
0-0 2/0
Bo%ical processors
when :$per"A is enabled
'e#or$ - &> 2 &>
Failover cluster nodes <in an$ sin%le
0- 10
&(anges from -indo's "erver .,/. to .,/. .
'icrosot has conir#ed the ollowin% chan%es introduced b$ Windows Server 2012 32E

9uto#ated &ierin%E Stora%e Spaces stores #ost re?uentl$ accessed iles on astest ph$sical

6eduplication or A:6E 3educes the stora%e space or A:6 iles with lar%el$ si#ilar contents b$
storin% the si#ilar contents onl$ once

Windows 1owerShell v-, which now includes a 6esired State Coni%uration <6SC= eature

Inte%rated Iice 20/ support <(ssentials edition=

3eturn o the Windows Start button


U(FI"based virtual #achines

Up%rades ro# driver e#ulators to s$nthetic hardware drivers to #ini#i5e le%ac$ support

Faster A' deplo$#ent <appro)i#atel$ hal the ti#e=


Internet Inor#ation Services .!/E Support or lo%%in% to (vent &racin% or Windows and the abilit$
to lo% an$ re?uestKresponse headers! &o i#prove scalabilit$, i IIS is coni%ured with 100 or #ore web
sites, b$ deault it will not auto#aticall$ start an$ o the#! 9lon%side this, a new "Idle Worker 1rocess
1a%e"Iut" coni%uration option has been added to application pools to instruct Windows to pa%e"out
the process i it has been idle or the idle ti#e"out period <b$ deault, 20 #inutes=!

Server 'essa%e >lockE 1eror#ance and event lo%%in% ?ualit$ i#prove#ents, support or :$per"
A Bive 'i%ration over S'>, bandwidth prioriti5ation #ana%e#ent, and the abilit$ to re#ove S'> 1!0

Windows 6eplo$#ent ServicesE Support or #ana%in% W6S via 1owerShell!


Windows 6eender is available in a Server Core installation, and is installed and enabled b$

I1 9ddress 'ana%e#ent <I19'=E ()tended to support role"based access control, allowin% or

ine"%rained control over which users can view or chan%e coni%urations or 6:C1 reservations,
scopes, I1 address blocks, 68S resource records, etc! 9dditionall$, I19' can inte%rate withS$ste#
Center Airtual 'achine 'ana%er 2012 32 to have coordinated I1 polic$ across both ph$sical and
virtual environ#ents! &he I19' database can be stored in a SLB Server instance instead o Windows
Internal 6atabase!

Group 1olic$ has a new "1olic$ Cache" settin% which allows do#ain"Doined #achines to store a
cop$ o the %roup polic$ settin%s on the client #achine and, dependin% on the speed o access to the
do#ain controller, use those at startup ti#e instead o waitin% or the polic$ settin%s to download! &his
can i#prove startup ti#es on #achines that are disconnected ro# the co#pan$ network!
Group 1olic$ settin%s have been added to cover new eatures in Windows .!1 and Internet ()plorer
11, such as enablin%Kdisablin% S16HK2 support, coni%urin% start screen la$outs, and detectin% phone
nu#bers in web pa%es!

&BS support is e)tended to support 3FC /044, "&ransport Ba$er Securit$ <&BS= Session
3esu#ption without Server"Side State", which i#proves peror#ance o lon%"runnin% &BS"secured
connections that need to reconnect due to session e)piration!
.,,* !eat$res
Windows Server 200. is built ro# the sa#e code base as Windows Aista7 thereore, it shares #uch o
the sa#e architecture and unctionalit$! Since the code base is co##on, it auto#aticall$ co#es with #ost
o the technical,securit$, #ana%e#ent and ad#inistrative eatures new to Windows Aista such as the
rewritten networkin% stack <native I1v0, native wireless, speed and securit$ i#prove#ents=7
i#proved i#a%e"based installation, deplo$#ent and recover$7 i#proved dia%nostics, #onitorin%, event
lo%%in% and reportin% tools7 new securit$ eatures such as >itBocker and 9SB3 <address space la$out
rando#i5ation=7 i#proved Windows Firewall with secure deault coni%uration7 !8(& Fra#ework
2!0 technolo%ies, speciicall$ Windows Co##unication Foundation, 'icrosot 'essa%e
Lueuin% and Windows Worklow Foundation7 and the core kernel, #e#or$ and ile s$ste# i#prove#ents!
1rocessors and #e#or$ devices are #odeled as 1lu% and 1la$ devices, to allow hot"plu%%in% o these
devices! &his allows the s$ste# resources to be partitioned d$na#icall$ usin% Dynamic Hardware
Partitioning7 each partition has its own #e#or$, processor and IKI host brid%e devices independent o
other partitions!
"erver &ore
6eault user interace or Server Core! >ecause Windows ()plorer is re#oved ro# Server Core, pro%ra#s such
as 8otepad use the Windows 8& 2!)"st$le ile dialo%!
Windows Server 200. includes a variation o installation called Server Core! Server Core is a si%niicantl$
scaled"back installation where no Windows ()plorer shell is installed! 9ll coni%uration and #aintenance
is done entirel$ throu%h co##and"line interace windows, or b$ connectin% to the #achine re#otel$
usin% 'icrosot 'ana%e#ent Console! :owever, 8otepad and so#e control panel applets, such as
3e%ional Settin%s, are available!
Server Core does not include the !8(& Fra#ework, Internet ()plorer, Windows 1owerShell or #an$ other
eatures not related to core server eatures! 9 Server Core #achine can be coni%ured or several basic
rolesE 6o#ain controllerK9ctive 6irector$ 6o#ain Services, 96B6S <969'=, 68S Server, 6:C1
server, ile server, print server, Windows 'edia Server, IIS 4 web server and :$per"A virtual server!
Server Core can also be used to create a cluster with hi%h availabilit$ usin% ailover clusterin% ornetwork
load balancin%!
9ndrew 'ason, a pro%ra# #ana%er on the Windows Server tea#, noted that a pri#ar$ #otivation or
producin% a Server Core variant o Windows Server 200. was to reduce the attack surace o the
operatin% s$ste#, and that about 40M o the securit$ vulnerabilities in 'icrosot Windows ro# the prior
ive $ears would not have aected Server Core!
Active Directory roles
9ctive 6irector$ roles are e)panded with identit$, certiicate, and ri%hts #ana%e#ent services! 9ctive
6irector$, until Windows Server 2002, allowed network ad#inistrators to centrall$ #ana%e connected
co#puters, to set policies or %roups o users, and to centrall$ deplo$ new applications to #ultiple
co#puters! &his role o 9ctive 6irector$ is bein% rena#ed as 9ctive 6irector$ 6o#ain Services <966S=!
9 nu#ber o other additional services are bein% introduced, includin% 9ctive 6irector$ Federation
Services <96FS=, 9ctive 6irector$ Bi%htwei%ht 6irector$ Services <96 B6S=, <or#erl$ 9ctive 6irector$
9pplication 'ode, or 969'=, 9ctive 6irector$ Certiicate Services <96CS=, and 9ctive 6irector$ 3i%hts
'ana%e#ent Services <963'S=! Identit$ and certiicate services allow ad#inistrators to #ana%e user
accounts and the di%ital certiicates that allow the# to access certain services and s$ste#s! Federation
#ana%e#ent services enable enterprises to share credentials with trusted partners and custo#ers,
allowin% a consultant to use his co#pan$ user na#e and password to lo% in on a client;s network! Identity
Integration Feature Pack is included as Active Directory Metadirectory Services! (ach o these services
represents a server role!
!ailover &l$stering
Windows Server 200. oers hi%h"availabilit$ to services and applications throu%h Failover Clusterin%!
'ost server eatures and roles can be kept runnin% with little to no downti#e!
In Windows Server 200. and Windows Server 200. 32, the wa$ clusters are ?ualiied chan%ed
si%niicantl$ with the introduction o the cluster validation wi5ard!
&he cluster validation wi5ard is a
eature that is inte%rated into ailover clusterin% in Windows Server 200. and Windows Server 200. 32!
With the cluster validation wi5ard, an ad#inistrator can run a set o ocused tests on a collection o
servers that are intended to use as nodes in a cluster! &his cluster validation process tests the underl$in%
hardware and sotware directl$, and individuall$, to obtain an accurate assess#ent o how well ailover
clusterin% can be supported on a %iven coni%uration!
8oteE &his eature is onl$ available in (nterprise and 6atacenter editions o Windows Server!
"elf-(ealing 0T!"
In Windows versions prior to Windows Aista, i the operatin% s$ste# detected corruption in the ile
s$ste# o an 8&FS volu#e, it #arked the volu#e "dirt$"7 to correct errors on the volu#e, it had to be
taken oline! With sel"healin% 8&FS, an 8&FS worker thread is spawned in the back%round which
peror#s a locali5ed i)"up o da#a%ed data structures, with onl$ the corrupted ilesKolders re#ainin%
unavailable without lockin% out the entire volu#e and needin% the server to be taken down! &he operatin%
s$ste# now eatures S!'!9!3!&! detection techni?ues to help deter#ine when a hard disk #a$ ail!
Hyper-V is (ypervisor-#ased virt$ali1ation soft'are2 forming a core part of Microsoft3s
virt$ali1ation strategy+ It virt$ali1es servers on an operating system3s kernel layer+ It can #e
t(o$g(t of as partitioning a single p(ysical server into m$ltiple small comp$tational
partitions+ Hyper-V incl$des t(e a#ility to act as a 4en virt$ali1ation (ypervisor (ost
allo'ing 4en-ena#led g$est operating systems to r$n virt$ali1ed+ A #eta version of Hyper-
V s(ipped 'it( certain )*5-56 editions of -indo's "erver .,,*2 prior to Microsoft3s
release of t(e final version of Hyper-V on .5 7$ne .,,* as a free do'nload+ Also2 a
standalone version of Hyper-V e)ists8 t(is version s$pports only )*5-56
arc(itect$re+ -(ile t(e IA-9. editions of -indo's "erver .,,* cannot r$n or install Hyper-
V2 t(ey can r$n t(e MM& snap-in for managing Hyper-V+
-indo's "ystem eso$rce Manager
Windows S$ste# 3esource 'ana%er <WS3'= is inte%rated into Windows Server 200.! It provides
resource #ana%e#ent and can be used to control the a#ount o resources a process or a user can use
based on business priorities! Process Matching Criteria, which is deined b$ the na#e, t$pe or owner o
the process, enorces restrictions on the resource usa%e b$ a process that #atches the criteria! C1U
ti#e, bandwidth that it can use, nu#ber o processors it can be run on, and allocated to a process can be
restricted! 3estrictions can be set to be i#posed onl$ on certain dates as well!
"erver Manager
Server 'ana%er is a new roles"based #ana%e#ent tool or Windows Server 200.!
It is a co#bination
o Manage Your Server and Security Configuration Wiard SCW ro# Windows Server 2002! Server
'ana%er is an i#prove#ent o the Configure my server dialo% that launches b$ deault on Windows
Server 2002 #achines! :owever, rather than serve onl$ as a startin% point to coni%urin% new
roles, Server Manager %athers to%ether all o the operations users would want to conduct on the server,
such as, %ettin% a re#ote deplo$#ent #ethod set up, addin% #ore server roles etc!, and provides a
consolidated, portal"like view about the status o each role!
:t(er feat$res
:t(er ne' or en(anced feat$res incl$de;
&ore :" improvements
Full$ #ulti"co#ponenti5ed operatin% s$ste#!
I#proved hot patchin%, a eature that allows non"kernel patches to occur without the need or a
Support or bein% booted ro# ()tensible Fir#ware Interace <(FI="co#pliant ir#ware on ).0"
0- s$ste#s!
6$na#ic :ardware 1artitionin%
Support or the hot"addition or replace#ent o processors and #e#or$, on capable
Active Directory improvements
ead-only domain controllers (:D&s) in Active Directory2 intended for $se in #ranc( office or
ot(er scenarios '(ere a domain controller may reside in a lo' p(ysical sec$rity
environment+ T(e :D& (olds a non-'ritea#le copy of Active Directory2 and redirects all
'rite attempts to a !$llDomain &ontroller+ It replicates all acco$nts e)cept sensitive
ones+ In :D& mode2 credentials are not cac(ed #y defa$lt+ Moreover2 only t(e
replication partner of t(e :D& needs to r$n -indo's "erver .,,*+ Also2 local
administrators can log on to t(e mac(ine to perform maintenance tasks 'it(o$t
re<$iring administrative rig(ts on t(e domain+
3estartable 9ctive 6irector$ allows 966S to be stopped and restarted ro# the Management
Conso!e or the co##and"line without rebootin% the do#ain controller! &his reduces downti#e or
oline operations and reduces overall 6C servicin% re?uire#ents with Server Core! 966S is
i#ple#ented as a Domain Contro!!er Service in Windows Server 200.!
Policy related improvements
All of t(e =ro$p Policy improvements from -indo's Vista are incl$ded+ =ro$p Policy
Management &onsole (=PM&) is #$ilt-in+ T(e =ro$p Policy o#>ects are inde)ed for
searc( and can #e commented on+
1olic$"based networkin% with 8etwork 9ccess 1rotection, i#proved branch #ana%e#ent and
enhanced end user collaboration! 1olicies can be created to ensure %reater Lualit$ o Service or
certain applications or services that re?uire prioriti5ation o network bandwidth between client and
Granular password settin%s within a sin%le do#ain " abilit$ to i#ple#ent dierent password
policies or ad#inistrative accounts on a "%roup" and "user" basis, instead o a sin%le set o password
settin%s to the whole do#ain!
Disk management and file storage improvements
T(e a#ility to resi1e (ard disk partitions 'it(o$t stopping t(e server2 even t(e system partition+
T(is applies only to simple and spanned vol$mes2 not to striped vol$mes+

Shadow Cop$ based block"level backup which supports optical #edia, network shares
and Windows 3ecover$ (nviron#ent!

6FS enhance#ents " SHSAIB on 6FS"3, 3ead"onl$ Folder 3eplication 'e#ber! &here is also
support or do#ain"based 6FS na#espaces that e)ceed the previous si5e reco##endation o /,000
olders with tar%ets in a na#espace!

Several i#prove#ents to Failover Clusterin% <:i%h"availabilit$ clusters=!


Internet Stora%e 8a#in% Server <iS8S= enables central re%istration, dere%istration and ?ueries
or iSCSI hard drives!
Protocol and cryptograp(y improvements
Support or 12." and 2/0"bit 9(S encr$ption or the @erberos authentication protocol!
8ew cr$pto%raph$ <C8G= 91I which supports elliptic curve cr$pto%raph$ and i#proved certiicate
Secure Socket &unnelin% 1rotocol, a new 'icrosot proprietar$ A18 protocol!
9uthI1, a 'icrosot proprietar$ e)tension o the I@( cr$pto%raphic protocol used
in I1sec A18 networks!
Server 'essa%e >lock 2!0 protocol in the new &C1KI1 stack provides a nu#ber o co##unication
enhance#ents, includin% %reater peror#ance when connectin% to ile shares over hi%h"latenc$ links
and better securit$ throu%h the use o #utual authentication and #essa%e si%nin%!
Miscellaneo$s improvements

Windows 6eplo$#ent Services replacin% 9uto#ated 6eplo$#ent Services and 3e#ote

Installation Services! Windows 6eplo$#ent Services <W6S= support an enhanced #ulticast eature
when deplo$in% operatin% s$ste# i#a%es!

Internet Inor#ation Services 4 " Increased securit$, 3obocop$ deplo$#ent, i#proved dia%nostic
tools, dele%ated ad#inistration!

Windows Internal 6atabase, a variant o SLB Server ()press 200/, which serves as a co##on
stora%e back"end or several other co#ponents such as Windows S$ste# 3esource
'ana%er, Windows Share1oint Services and Windows Server Update Services! It is not intended to
be used b$ third"part$ applications!

9n optional "6esktop ()perience" co#ponent provides the sa#e Windows 9ero user interace as
Windows Aista, both or local users, as well as re#ote users connectin% throu%h 3e#ote 6esktop!
emoved feat$res

&he Ipen Shortest 1ath First <IS1F= routin% protocol co#ponent in 3outin% and 3e#ote 9ccess
Service was re#oved!

Services or 'acintosh, which provided ile and print sharin% via the now
deprecated 9pple&alk protocol, has been re#oved! Services or 'acintosh were re#oved in
Windows C1 ro# client operatin% s$ste#s but were available in Windows Server 2002!

8&>ackup is replaced b$ Windows Server >ackup, and no lon%er supports backin% up to tape
9s a result o 8&>ackup re#oval, ()chan%e Server 2004 does not have volu#e snapshot
backup unctionalit$7 however ()chan%e Server 2004 S12 adds back an ()chan%e backup plu%"in
or Windows Server >ackup which restores partial unctionalit$!
Windows S#all >usiness
Server and Windows (ssential >usiness Server both include this ()chan%e backup co#ponent!

&he 1I12 service has been re#oved ro# Internet Inor#ation Services 4!0 &he S'&1 <Si#ple
'ail &ranser 1rotocol= service is not available as a server role in IIS 4!0, it is a server eature
#ana%ed throu%h IIS 0!0!

88&1 <8etwork 8ews &ranser 1rotocol= is no lon%er part o Internet Inor#ation Services 4!0!
&he ollowin% eatures are new to Windows Server 2002E

Internet Inor#ation Services <IIS= v0!0

Si%niicant i#prove#ents to 'essa%e Lueuin%

'ana%e Hour Server N a role #ana%e#ent ad#inistrative tool that allows an ad#inistrator to
choose what unctionalit$ the server should provide

I#prove#ents to 9ctive 6irector$, such as the abilit$ to deactivate classes ro# the sche#a, or to
run #ultiple instances o the director$ server <969'=

I#prove#ents to Group 1olic$ handlin% and ad#inistration

1rovides a backup s$ste# to restore lost iles

I#proved disk #ana%e#ent, includin% the abilit$ to back up ro# shadows o iles, allowin% the
backup o open iles!

I#proved scriptin% and co##and line tools, which are part o 'icrosot;s initiative to brin% a
co#plete co##and shell to the ne)t version o Windows

Support or a hardware"based "watchdo% ti#er", which can restart the server i the operatin%
s$ste# does not respond within a certain a#ount o ti#e!
&he abilit$ to create rescue disk was re#oved in avor o 9uto#ated S$ste# 3ecover$ <9S3=!

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