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ACADEMIC DECATHLON (11/12 Grade) and OCTATHLON (9/10 Grade)

The United States Academic Decathlon (USAD) is a program that provides high school students an opportunity to
experience the challenges of rigorous academic competition through participation in team activities. In addition,
the Academic Decathlon involves memers of the usiness!industry as active supporters of a program promoting
academic excellence. "ong term relationships, developed through #oint participation, enefit the students and the
The Academic Decathlon program $as initiated in %alifornia in &'() y *range %ounty Academic Decathlon in
cooperation $ith the *range %ounty Superintendent of Schools. Texas ecame a USAD memer in &')+ and
claims && national championships.
,egion and state contests are held for schools categori-ed as large, medium and small. .ased on a point system,
the highest scoring team represents the state at the national USAD competition. All memers of the $inning team
receive scholarships. Texas provides /&01,111 in scholarship money each year.
The Academic Decathlon is designed to include students of three academic levels. 2ach nine3memer team
consists of three 4A5 students, three 4.5 students and three 4%5 students, perhaps never efore motivated, perform
the est. The Academic Decathlon is the only competition to a$ard 4%5 students scholarships6
%hec7 out the follo$ing $esite for more information aout the competition8
;<S students attend a = day $or7shop during >une (T.A), daily classes, and then several practice meets
throughout the fall. Team practices egin during the second ' $ee7s of school and last through the competition
season in ?arch or April. The final ' memer team $ill e decided around the middle of @ovemer depending on
competition dates and deadlines for region competition. Ainal teams are decided ased team$or7, motivation,
participation, ehavior, eligiility and scores from competition (in class and practice meets). BIf a minimum of &C
students enroll, there $ill e a separate class for each Academic Team8 *ctathlon Team ('
and &1
and another class for the Decathlon Team (&&
and &=
graders)D other$ise, the class $ill e comined.
BIf you are interested in #oining this prestigious ;eller <igh School group of competitors, fill out the information on
the ac7 of this form and ring it y ;<S room &(C. Eou may also reFuest!send the information electronically to Team tryouts are open to all students. Students are highly encouraged to tal7 to ?rs.
Short in room &(C prior to signing up for the class.
Looking for a challenge beyond the norm? Are you one of those
students that regular school just doesnt cut it for you? Do
your teachers sometimes say you are brilliant, but maybe you just
dont show it on paperor maybe you do show it on paper? Do
you lo!e to win? Are you passionate about politics, math,
science, language, music, art, speaking, economics, go!ernment,
teamwork, indi!iduality, or learning simply for fun?
If ANY of these senar!os see" fa"!#!ar$ ons!der %o!n!n&
the e!ther the Aade"! Death#on or the Otath#on
DECATHLON (11/12 &rade) / OCTATHLON TEAM (9/10 &rade)
*et+rn th!s for" ,!th -o+r re&!strat!on .a/et$ or to Coah 'hort !n roo" 101
This form is for informative purposes only and has no bearing on team status
Student Name: Grade Level 2009-2010:
Student e-mail: Parent e-mail:
4th Period Teacher: Campus: Room #:
Current Estimate for previous two ears of GP!:
"NL# $NCL%&' T(' )"LL"*$NG C"%RS'S *('N 'ST$+!T$NG GP!:
'n,lish- +ath .an/- Social Studies .an/- Science .an/- Lan,ua,e .'n,lish and an forei,n
lan,ua,e/- !P !rt (istor or +usic Theor
Teacher Recommendation(s) 0 List three teachers that we can contact re,ardin, our potential for the team:
Name: Su12ect: Rm # Teacher $nitials:
Name: Su12ect: Rm # Teacher $nitials:
Name: Su12ect: Rm # Teacher $nitials:
Please answer the following questions:
1 !a"e #ou had communications a$$lications% &es 'o
2 (f #ou answered no to the a)o"e question* would #ou )e a)le to ta+e the class while enrolled in ,cademic
-ecathlon or .ctathlon% &es 'o
/ 0hat strengths could #ou )ring to the team%

1 0hat $rom$ted #ou to inquire a)out )ecoming a mem)er of the team%

22222222222222222222222222 ('ame of 3tudent) has $ermission to enroll in the ,cademic
.ctathlon4-ecathlon class for the 2009-2010 school #ear* and we (guardian and student) understand that
enrollment in the class does not guarantee a s$ot on the final team
Parent45uardian 3ignature -ate
3tudent 3ignature -ate

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