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Hi folks,

I have a prayer request for the city of Jackson, Wyoming. There are a handful of states with only one
remaining abortion clinic and Wyoming is among them.

Jackson, Wyoming is the abortion industry's last stand there.

Like other abortion minded cities the mayor of Jackson and the Town Council were contacted and asked
to enact a pro life ordinance written by attorney Mike Sharman that would restrict their location. It's a
travesty that in most cities where abortions occur there are more restrictions for adult bookstores than
for abortion clinics, which can locate their altars of human sacrifice with impunity. As a result we see
abortion mills next to churches, schools, and family recreation centers.

The mayor responded in defense of the abortionist. (see email below).

Abortion can continue because in many cities the mayors and the police department defend and even
work for the abortionists. Houston is an excellent example where off duty police officers in full uniform
man the gates.

We are called to serve and protect... and so are they. We serve God and protect his unborn children,
while they serve the state and protect their agenda. Unfortunately, since 1973 the state has defended
abortion in violation of God's law and every unborn child's unalienable right to life.

Please read the comments of the mayor below and consider lifting him and the Town Council up to God.
Please pray for a revival in Jackson, Wyoming and that God will send his best warriors there to rescue
that sinful, fallen city. The Bible says that while we were yet sinners God still loved us and today we
see a modern example of that in Jackson, Wyoming.

I was told by attorney Mike Sharman that the mayor doesn't appear to be running for re-election in
November and that the Town Council is also up for re-election, so Lord willing the hearts of God's
servants will be moved to become the leaders of Jackson, Wyoming. If the local church is courageous
the city will be saved because God is not willing that any should perish, "The Lord is not slack concerning
his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should
perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9



From: Steven Lopez
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 12:28 PM
To: 'Mark Barron'; 'Don Frank'; 'Bob Lenz'; 'Hailey Morton Levinson'; 'Jim Stanford'
Cc: 'Mike Sharman'
Subject: RE: New ordinance request.

With all due respect, forget about it. Dr. Blue and his staff provide valuable medical services to locals
and visitors alike and is a well respected member of our community who is appreciated for the medical
advice and services he provides. Mayor Mark Barron / Jackson, Wyoming.

Dear Mayor Barron,

Thank you for responding to my email and for your willingness to serve others in your capacity as the
mayor of Jackson, Wyoming. I am sure that your desire to serve others comes from a good place in your
heart and that it wasnt always misdirected. And in the service of God, please know that you and the
Town Council are in my prayers. And that youre loved by God and that with His strength you can turn
from evil and defeat the sin of abortion in Jackson, Wyoming because God has already defeated it on
a hill far away.

The army of the Lord enters this battle as conquerors to reclaim what is the property of God, for we
know that the author of life is God and not the courts of men. The same God that gave us life also gave
us liberty and we encounter each other on this spiritual battlefield because our nation has chosen to
misuse use that freedom to harm our children and defend those that do. The city of Jackson, Wyoming
finds itself under the banner of abortion and being confronted by men and women under the banner of

And mayor, I ask you if God be for us, who can be against us?

And its because of His eternal love for you, the Town Council, the abortionist and his staff, the broken
hearted parents, and the lost babies that I cannot follow your advice and forget about it. Ironically, its
because we followed that advice since 1973 that our nation is fallen. But the good news is that you are
not forgotten, you are not abandoned, and you are not left alone to die in your sins.

The same is true of the babies whose lives are stolen in Jackson, Wyoming. The city of Jackson, Wyoming
is to be rescued and you only need to reach out and take His hand. And I know this because He
rescued me, a sinner who was silent while millions suffered around him.

I dont question the sincerity of your beliefs regarding abortionist Dr. Blue and his staff (and it sounds
like abortion), but I do question the truthfulness of it. The world has been told that an aborted baby is
an undifferentiated mass of cells by the abortion industry that profits at the cost of life itself. And the
world has also been told its a womans right and her body, but those are all lies.

By the 4th week there is a beating heart and developing brain. Furthermore, there is no right to
abortion in the Constitution because Ive read it and I recommend that you and the esteemed members
of the Town Council do the same. And there is no special right to do with our bodies as we please
without limit or the drunk driving laws would be of no effect after all its their body. Who are we to tell
an intoxicated motorist what they can and cannot do with their body, right?

However, something tells me the mayor of Jackson, Wyoming supports drunk driving laws, stop signs,
and perhaps even jaywalking laws. All of them regulating what citizens can do with their bodies, so there
must be another right that supersedes the desire of drunk drivers to climb behind the wheel of a vehicle
and drive home.

We understand without much debate that drunk driving laws are justified because they protect the
rights of others. The other motorists have a right to life that must be protected and weighed against
the desires of others. Similarly, the unborn share the same unalienable right to life that was written into
the founding document of our nation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776.

An unalienable is one that cannot be justifiably taken away. If it could be taken away then it would be
alienable as are most laws enacted by politicians. The founding fathers went a step further and
explained that the right isnt just unalienable, but that it comes from the highest possible authority: God
almighty. A right that comes from God not even a Supreme Court can legally remove it can only be

And that is what has happened a theft. Weve stolen the lives of unborn babies that belong to God.

There has been considerable disagreement in our nation about who these words apply to and we
fought a Civil War to ensure that it applies to black Americans and the 14th amendment was added to
the Constitution in the hopes that it would never happen again, but the battle didnt end with slavery. It
simply changed course and chose a new victim: defenseless babies. There were mayors, pastors, and
men who claimed to know God that owned slaves and supported slavery. And they were wrong even
as mayors, pastors, and men who claim to know God support abortion today. The unborn dont have a
voice, so men and women who love liberty and the source from it comes (the Creator) must be their

And rather than forgetting the unborn and becoming a silent accomplice, God tells us, And let us not be
weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9


Steven Lopez
Spiritus Films
cell: 832.882.3825

From: Mark Barron
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 9:42 PM
To: Steven Lopez; Don Frank; Bob Lenz; Hailey Morton Levinson; Jim Stanford
Cc: 'Mike Sharman'
Subject: RE: New ordinance request.

Dear Steve,

With all due respect, forget about it. Dr. Blue and his staff provide valuable medical services to locals
and visitors alike and is a well respected member of our community who is appreciated for the medical
advice and services he provides.


Mark Barron
Town of Jackson

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