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Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2014 ISSN 2321-5992

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As the technical era changes and demand grows up, static wireless network becomes obsolete now and researchers feel the need
of mobile wireless network. Sensor nodes are deployed in region to perform certain target related task. Data collected by sensor
nodes in particular region is redundant in nature and due to redundancy more energy is consumed to reach to base station,
data aggregation helps to remove this redundancy. Sometimes sensor nodes mobile due to some external effect like wind, storm
etc but now there are some applications like to track bike, train etc. also require mobility. Sensor nodes are limited in energy
but after some time energy depletes. It is very difficult to analyze the network lifetime when sensor nodes move. Many protocols
are designed that analyze the network lifetime when network is static. This paper analyze the network lifetime during data
aggregation when sensor nodes move and proves that mobile sensor nodes helps to achieve more energy conservation than
static network.
Keywords: Sensor Network, Data Aggregation, Energy Efficiency, Mobility, Network Lifetime, Analysis.
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is an example of real time system. The necessary components of WSN are sensors.
Sensors nodes are distributed randomly and uniformly over target region. [7] states that sensor nodes collect the target
application related data. Sensor nodes transmit the data to base station, base station performs analysis and process the
data. Data is redundant in nature, and consumes more energy. It is very important to remove the redundancy to achieve
energy efficiency. Data aggregation is used to remove redundancy, [10] data aggregation scheme use another nodes i.e.
cluster head and divide the network into clusters. Sensor nodes transmit the data to cluster head instead of base station.
Thus data aggregation helps to achieve energy consumption. Sensor nodes derive energy from battery but after
sometime sensors deplete energy. It is very difficult to change battery or recharge them. As the sensors are equipped
with solar cells, as sensors start to loss their energy they are charged by solar energy but in night and cloudy
environment it is not possible to charge them. Sensors are limited in energy, so it is very important to send the data in
limited time to base station otherwise data is lost. There are some applications that help to achieve energy conservation.
[9] Mobility of nodes helps to achieve energy conservation. M-LEACH [4] (Multi Hop Low Energy Adaptive Cluster
Head) is the most popular method to perform data aggregation. Multi hop means nodes transfer their data to the next
nodes instead to transfer their data directly to cluster head. In this nodes are heterogeneous i.e. senor nodes and cluster
head. At initial there is no cluster head, competition is held among the nodes. The node that is more in energy is
elected as cluster head. As in above paragraph it is said that sensor nodes move, how these nodes move? There are two
models for node movement [6]: Random Walk Mobility and Random Direction Mobility. In Random Walk mobility
Mobile node chooses a speed and direction randomly within given range and reach to another location. After reaching
to a particular location node choose another direction and speed. In Random Direction Mobility each mobile node has
constant speed and randomly chooses a direction. After reaching to boundary, it adjusts to itself on angular direction
i.e. 0 or 180.
Before when sensors nodes was static in nature sensor nodes was not able to monitor the entire network and some
dynamic applications also needs mobility. To monitor the entire region there is need of mobile sensor nodes. So
researchers feel the need of mobile nodes. Second, sometimes sensor nodes mobile due to some external effect, topology
of network changes and connection between nodes is dropped. Nodes can go back their original position if they have
the ability of mobility, as nodes know their location. Third mobile sensor nodes provide energy to that region that needs
more energy i.e. [5] states that cluster that are farther away from base station, thus balancing the energy consumption
in the network.
Shikha Mangla

Seth J ai Prakash Mukand Lal Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Radaur
IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science(IIJCS)
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Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2014 ISSN 2321-5992

Volume 2 Issue 7 July 2014 Page 37

V. Mhatre, C. Rosenberg[2] [11] In this paper author states that network is heterogeneous in nature. Single hop and
multi hop mode are used for communication between the sensor nodes. In this paper author also evolve the hybrid mode
for communication i.e. which is a combination of single hop and multi-hop modes, and which is more cost-effective
than either of the two modes. In this mode cluster head periodically broadcast a beacon to all the nodes in its cluster
and asking them to switch between these two modes. Nodes periodically alternate between these two modes. Beacon
transmission and reception consumes energy. So, it is beneficial to use either single hop or multi hop. O. Younis, S.
Fahmy, HEED[1][12] In this paper data aggregation protocol HEED(hybrid energy efficient data aggregation protocol)
is defined.This protocol selects the cluster head based on residual energy and communication cost. During the
communication nodes depletes energy and died. This paper defines the network lifetime as an essential parameter to
analyze the performance of network but does not give idea how to calculate this. Md. Zair Hussain1, M. P. Singh2 and
R. K. Singh[4] This paper analyze the lifetime in static wireless network. This paper simulate the experiment on seven
protocols by using certain parameters like network lifetime, energy consumption and average hop distance. This paper
does not give idea how to analyze the network lifetime when nodes move.
This section describes the various parameters that are used to analyze the network lifetime under some assumptions.
These are[1]:
1. [2] [11] Nodes are heterogeneous i.e. sensor nodes and cluster head nodes.
2. [1] [12] Sink or base station is located within the region(given).
3. Nodes are randomly or uniformly distributed.
4. Transmission power level of each node is fixed.
5. Nodes are aware of their location.
In this section we present a model that evaluates the network lifetime. Although there are various simulators like ns2
etc. to evaluate the network lifetime but the best results are obtained in MATLAB. Various parameters about node can
be best described in table 1. Various factors that analyze the network lifetime are: 1.) Number of Dead Sensor Nodes
2.)Average Energy 3.) Communication Overhead. During communication there is no loss of packets and no
retransmission policy in case of packet loss. Nodes communicate with the multi hops to the cluster head. Simulation is
being carried out with 100 heterogeneous nodes uniformly and randomly deployed over the target region. In the above
paragraph three analysis factors are defined, these are compared with the round. One round means one time
communication between the two sensor nodes with the packet of 512 bits. In each round node send packet of k bits to
another node and also receive packet of same size.
Network Model[3]: In this model radio consumes Epow =50nj/bit to run the transmitter/receiver circuitry and Eamp =
100pj/bit/m2 for transmitter amplifier. We can calculate the transmission and receiving cost in terms of energy. Total
energy consumed for transmitting a n-bit message at distance r is given by:
Energy consumed during transmission is best described by the following formula:
(n,r) = E
*k + E
*n*r (1)

Total energy consumed for recieving a k-bit message is given by:
(n) = E
*n (2)
Table 1: Various parameters and their values

IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science(IIJCS)
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A Publisher for Research Motivation ........ Email:
Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2014 ISSN 2321-5992

Volume 2 Issue 7 July 2014 Page 38

a Initial phase: [8] represents that initial phase is also known as set up phase. Nodes are deployed in the target region
in this phase. Network is of heterogeneous type, sensor nodes and cluster head are distributed over region randomly. If
we talk about network lifetime, in this there is no dead node. After set up of network nodes sense the network and
transmit the collected data to cluster head. In fig. 1 o represents sensor node and + represents cluster head.

Fig. 1: Initial phase
b. Final Phase: This phase represents that mode loss their energy and enter into sleep mode. This is the time to
recharge or change the batteries. As the nodes start to send their data to next node in each round, energy is going to
dissipate. One time comes when all the sensor nodes loss their entire energy, and convert into died node. In fig. 2 red
dots represents the dead node. This phase tells about the network lifetime when first node died into the network. This is
best understood by fig. 2

Fig. 2: Final Phase
We have performed the simulation with certain parameters like Round Number, Energy. Experiment is performed in
MATLAB and the results that we achieve surprised us. We perform the simulation with 100 nodes.
a.Network Lifetime: Network lifetime is defined as the time difference when network is set up and time when first
node died. We have evaluated the network lifetime through certain parameters like Round No. on which first node died.
IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science(IIJCS)
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Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2014 ISSN 2321-5992

Volume 2 Issue 7 July 2014 Page 39

We got the first died sensor node on 923 round with 100 nodes. As the nodes are increased, network lifetime is
increased. This is shown in fig. 3.

Fig. 3: Network Lifetime
b.Energy Consumption: Nodes are fully rechargeable at time of deployment. Nodes loss their energy more during
transmission and reception of data. As the nodes mobile, due to mobility very less energy is wasted as compare to
transmission and reception. This is shown in fig. 4.

Fig. 4: Energy Consumption
c.Communication Overhead: As the rounds increased communication overhead is increased. This parameter is
shown in fig. 5

Fig.5: Communication Overhead
d. Rounds v/s Dead Nodes: Fig. 6 represents that as we increase the number of nodes, network lifetime is increased
because nodes are located at small distance so communication between sensor nodes consumes less energy
IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science(IIJCS)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........ Email:
Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2014 ISSN 2321-5992

Volume 2 Issue 7 July 2014 Page 40

50 100 150 200
Number of Rounds

Fig.6: Rounds v/s Dead Nodes
e. Comparison between Static and Dynamic Environment: Following graph shows that static network expires early.

Static Dynamic N


Comparision between
static and Dynamic

Algorithm to evaluate the Network Lifetime
Input: Total Number of Nodes(N)= 100,
Maximum Rounds (rmax): 5000 Initial Energy(E0)= 0.5
Cluster Head Election
1.) Start
2.) for i =1 to N Do
3.) temp_rnd0=i;
4.) if(temp_rnd0 >=m*n+1) then
5.) S(i). E=E0; // Node is normal sensor node
6.) else S(i).E=1; // Node is Cluster Head
7.) endif
8.) endfor
Network Lifetime Analysis
9.) for i =1 to N Do
10.) for j =1 to rmax Do // Transmit the sensed data to Cluster Head
11.) If (S(i).E>=0.5) then // Node is alive
12.) else (S(i) ==0) then // Node is dead
13.) endif
14.) endfor
15.) endfor
16.) end
There are many models that show the network lifetime in static environment. This paper analyzes the network lifetime
in mobile environment during data aggregation. Although there are many protocols for data aggregation but we have
used M-LEACH protocol because nodes use multi hop to send their data to respective cluster head. This model takes
into account certain parameters like total number of sensor nodes, number of dead sensor node, energy consumption,
communication overhead. There are many simulators available but the best results are achieved in MATLAB. In this
IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science(IIJCS)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........ Email:
Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2014 ISSN 2321-5992

Volume 2 Issue 7 July 2014 Page 41

paper we have showed the network lifetime analysis with 100 nodes and we got the first died at 923 round number.
Simulation result section shows the comparison of number of dead sensor nodes, energy consumption and
communication overhead with number of rounds. A thing that surprised during simulation was that as number of nodes
are increased, lifetime of wireless sensor network is increased because nodes are located near to each other as we said
energy is wasted more on transmission and reception. If nodes are located near to each other less energy will be
consumed. This model can be used as foundation to evaluate the performance of sensor network. In future we analyze
the network lifetime when cluster head also moves.
[1] O. Younis, S. Fahmy, HEED: a hybrid, energy-efficient distributed clustering approach for ad hoc sensor networks,
IEEE Trans. Mobile Comput. 3 (4) (2004) 366379.
[2] V. Mhatre, C. Rosenberg, Design guidelines for wireless sensor networks: communication clustering and
aggregation, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks J. 2 (1) (2004) 4563.
[3] S. Lindsey, C. Raghavendra, Pegasis: power efficient gathering in sensor information systems, IEEE International
Conference on Communications(ICC_01),Helsinki Finland, June 2001.
[4] Md. Zair Hussain1, M. P. Singh2 and R. K. Singh: Analysis of Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network, International
Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 53, April, 2013 117-126.
[5] Abdelrahman Elleithy 1 and Gonhsin Liu: A Simulation Model for the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network,
International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.2, No.4, December (2011) 1-15.
[6] Chuan-Ming Liu and Chuan-Hsiu Lee, Distributed Algorithms for Energy-Efficient Cluster-head Election in
Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks, Conf. on Wireless Networks (ICWN'05) 405-411.
[7] Suat Ozdemir, Yang Xiao, Secure data aggregation in wireless sensor networks: A comprehensive overview, 8 july
[8] W.B. Heinzelman, A.P. Chandrakasan, H. Balakrishnan,An application-specific protocol architecture for wireless
microsensor networks, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. 1 (4) (2002) 660 670.
[9] S. Chatterjea, P. Havinga, A dynamic data aggregation scheme for wireless sensor networks, in: Proceedings of the
Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 2003
[10] S. Bandyopadhyay, E. Coyle, An energy efficient hierarchical clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks,
IEEE Infocom, San Francisco, CA, 2003.
[11] V. Mhatre, C. Rosenberg, D. Kofman, R. Mazumdar, N. Shroff, A minimum cost surveillance sensor network with
a lifetime constraint, submitted March 2003. Available from <>.
[12] O. Younis and S. Fahmy, Distributed Clustering in Ad-hoc Sensor Networks: A Hybrid, Energy-Efficient
Approach, in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, March 2004, an extended version appears in IEEE Transactions
on Mobile Computing, vol. 3, issue 4, Oct-Dec, 2004.
Shikha Mangla is a student persuing M.Tech from Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal institute of Engg. and
Technology (kurukshetra University kurukshetra). She recieved her B.Tech degree from kurukshetra
University kurukshetra in 2008. Her area of research is Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) .She has
published a survey paper on data aggregation protocols in International Journal of Emerging Technology
and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE).

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