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7 Strategies Questions and answers

Bk Ch7 S7.7 Q1
a Describe the role of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service.
b Explain ho !uarantine las help control the spread of plant and ani"al diseases in Australia.
Bk Ch7 S7.7 A1
a #he role of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service $AQIS% is to protect Australian
plants and ani"als fro" exotic diseases that "i&ht be introduced fro" other countries.
b Quarantine las ensure that ever' person( ani"al( plant and ob)ect co"in& into Australia is
checked and*or !uarantined to keep our countr' free fro" exotic diseases. AQIS inspectors are on
dut' +, hours a da' at ever' "ain entr' point for ships and aircraft in Australia. -eople as ell as
car&o and "ail are checked as the' arrive. I"ported ani"als are kept in !uarantine for a period of
ti"e before bein& released. -lant seeds are carefull' checked. .oods such as cars and "achiner'
are checked and cleaned if necessar' to ensure the' are free of forei&n soil and plant "atter that
"i&ht harbour diseases.
Bk Ch7 S7.7 Q+
Describe one exa"ple each of ho public health pro&ra"s help to control and prevent disease b'
tar&etin& the/
a patho&en
b host
c environ"ent.
Bk Ch7 S7.7 A+
a #ar&etin& the patho&en is a a' of ensurin& that infectious diseases do not occur in the first place.
Sterilisation procedures and strict &uidelines in place for health orkers ai" to reduce the spread
of blood0borne infections such as 1I2 and hepatitis. 3e&ulations re!uirin& the isolation of
patients ith certain diseases prevent the spread of those diseases. #he introduction of las
relatin& to notifiable diseases "eans appropriate authorities need to be notified in the case of
particular infectious diseases and those patients "ust also be isolated.
b #ar&etin& the host can also prevent or reduce the incidence of certain diseases. 4or exa"ple(
education ca"pai&ns ai"ed at increasin& co""unit' aareness about the effect of s"okin& on
health "a' encoura&e s"okers to !uit5 infor"ation about routine i""unisation increases the
likelihood of children bein& i""unised a&ainst potentiall' serious diseases.
c Attention to the environ"ent b' &overn"ent bodies increases safet' standards for the co""unit'(
thereb' reducin& the risk of disease. 4or exa"ple( re&ulations about food handlin& alon& ith
h'&iene inspections for food outlets reduces the chances of food spoila&e and therefore related ill
health5 ater treat"ent plants for do"estic ater supplies reduce the risk of patho&enic or&anis"s
"akin& their a' into ho"es.
Bk Ch7 S7.7 Q6
Explain ho public education ca"pai&ns can be beneficial to the health of the co""unit' at lar&e. 7se
a specific exa"ple in 'our anser.
Bk Ch7 S7.7 A6
-ublic education ca"pai&ns can be beneficial to the health of the co""unit' at lar&e because the' can
alter the behaviour of "e"bers of the co""unit' in a's that i"prove their health. 4or exa"ple(
education ca"pai&ns tar&etin& o"en and encoura&in& the" to have re&ular pap tests for the earl'
dia&nosis of cervical cancer have led to a decrease in the incidence of the disease in 8e South 9ales.
7.7 Strate&ies QA pa&e 1 of
Cop'ri&ht : -earson Australia $a division of -earson Australia .roup -t' ;td%
Bk Ch7 S7.7 Q,
<utline the advanta&es and disadvanta&es of usin& pesticides on food crops.
Bk Ch7 S7.7 A,
#he use of pesticides on food crops is an effective a' of controllin& crop pests( so it reduces the
da"a&e to crops and ensures a "axi"u" 'ield. But tar&et species can develop a resistance to the
pesticide that is used. 9hen this happens the pesticide beco"es less effective( so "ore concentrated
preparations need to be applied or ne ones need to be developed.
Bk Ch7 S7.7 Q=
9h' are so"e plants and ani"als that are used for foods &eneticall' en&ineered>
Bk Ch7 S7.7 A=
So"e plants and ani"als that are used for foods are &eneticall' en&ineered because b' doin& so the
crop 'ield or health of livestock is i"proved and this "eans that "ore food ill be available for
7.7 Strate&ies QA pa&e + of
Cop'ri&ht : -earson Australia $a division of -earson Australia .roup -t' ;td%

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