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Useful Information about Your relocation Please read to make your move smoother and easier.

1) Notice Period:
In order to provide our best service please confirm pack and move dates 3 to 7 days in advance.
2) Insurance:
Damaes can occur even durin packin! "ence #e al#ays recommend insurance be arraned 2 to 3 days
before t"e packin beins. $"is means you must also provide us t"e insurance forms 2 days before #e start t"e
packin. $"e insurance value s"ould be declared on t"e form %&PP'I(&$I)N *)+ IN,-+&N(./ provided to
you alon #it" t"is email. 0indly read t"e insurance coverae details before you value your s"ipment. 1ost
people undervalue t"eir oods and not reali2in t"at t"e cost of repairs could sometimes be muc" "i"er t"an
t"e value declared! so please try and declare t"e replaceable value of oods at destination.
Important t"ins you must not foret
3 1ention split value of oods
3 1ention t"e total value
3 ,in t"e insurance value
3) Packin Day
4efore t"e packin beins please #alk our supervisor t"rou" your "ouse to reconfirm articles #"ic" "ave
to be packed or ,tored 5 'eft be"ind 5 Discarded etc.. $"e supervisor #ill also ask you for your order of
preference for packin. If you don6t "ave any preference t"e packin cre# #ill start from t"e livin room and
t"en #ork t"eir #ay to t"e ot"er rooms. 7e usually pack t"e 1aster 4edroom last.
$"e oods #ill be packed professionally 8Please read packin specifications mentioned separately)
$"e supervisor #ill prepare an inventory of articles as t"ey are bein packed. $"ey #ill also make a note of
pre9e:istin damaes! oods packed by o#ner! etc. if any.
7e re;uest you not to pack any oods by yourselves. In case you do so #e #ill "ave to mark t"em as
Packed 4y )#ner 8P4)) suc" kind of oods are not covered by insurance
&t t"e end of t"e packin if re;uired t"e cre# #ill keep measure your oods and confirm t"e final volume.
$"e final c"ares applicable are based on ross volume 5 #ei"t of oods after t"e packin.
&fter packin t"e cre# #ill load t"e oods and move t"em to eit"er port or #are"ouse as t"e case may be.
$"ey #ill also prepare a loadin c"art to reconfirm number of packaes.
<ou are re;uested not to include any =as (ylinder! &nti;ues! drus! alco"ol! #eapons! ammunition!
e:plosives! Ivory! animal skins! ,andal#ood! pornorap"y! =old! ,ilver! flammable items! li;uids!
peris"able food and ot"er items t"at can deteriorate. &lso t"ink carefully about alco"olic items. Please
contact us if in doubt.
>) 1ovin of ?e"icles:
4ike @ ,cooters 3 Please empty t"e ve"icle completely of any fuel 5 oil to ensure t"ere is no spillae or
leakae in transit
(ar 3 Please ensure t"ere is at least 1A ltrs fuel in t"e ve"icle as #e "ave to drive t"e ve"icle from your
residence to t"e loadin point at oriin and from t"e unloadin point to your residence at destination. ,ince
cars are moved t"rou" car carrier and since t"ese car carriers are not allo#ed into city please note
dependin upon t"e oriin and destination city #e #ill be drivin t"e cars for an averae distance of AB 01
at oriin and AB 01 at destination.
A) $ransit $ime! $rackin and Pre &dvice to Destination office
)nce oods are s"ipped 3 #e #ill send our destination office all details of t"e s"ipment includin packin list! !
routin information! transit time etc. 7e #ill also track your s"ipment t"rou"out its Courney. $"e transit time
varies and #ill be advised by our office. 4ut on an averae #e re;uire
House Approximate Packing ays Approximate elivery ays
,"ort Distance 'on Distance
1 4edroom Douse 1 day 3 to 7 days 1B to 2B days
2 4edroom Douse 1 to 2 days 3 to 7 days 1B to 2B days
3 4edroom Douse 2 to 3 days 3 to 7 days 1B to 2B days
> 4edroom Douse 3 to A days 3 to 7 days 1B to 2B days
!ontd. Pg. "
Pg "
Useful Information about Your relocation Please read to make your move smoother and easier.
E) Delivery and unpackin
)nce oods arrive at destination our office #ill t"en sc"edule t"e delivery date and time. In case you re;uire
delivery at specific date and time please let our office kno# #ell in advance 8additional c"ares mi"t be
applicable). )n t"e delivery day! t"e cre# #ill deliver your oods! unpack t"em! place t"em in respective
rooms! assemble simple furniture like cots etc. If you re;uire unpackin on different day please let our office
kno# #ell in advance 8additional c"ares #ill be applicable).
7) Payment $erms
Ne# .mployees @ .mployees 7it"out $ransfer 'etter 3 Prior to Packin
.:istin .mployees 3 &fter Delivery
Payment can be made by ("e;ue! DD! 4ank $ransfer! Indian 1aster or ?isa (ard or &merican .:press
(redit (ard.
#hat oes the !ontract !over
1) Packin from one location #it"in India
2) 'oadin from upto 2
floor #it"out lift!
3) $ransportation
>) Delivery to one point at destination #it"in India
A) -nloadin upto 2
floor #it"out lift
E) -npackin on Day of Delivery
7) 1ovin of ?e"icle
F) Insurance for oods and ve"icle in transit
G) -pto 1A Days storae in transit
#hat oes the !ontract $ot !over
1) 'abour -nion *ees 9 Payable at actuals
2) $a:es! )ctroi 9 Payable at actuals
3) 7ooden Packin 5 (ratin! .scort to accompany ve"icle
>) (ollection or delivery above 2nd floor usin stairs 8if service lift not provided)! 1ultiple (ollections! 1ultiple
Deliveries! ,plit up of Packin Dates! -npackin at destination on multiple days
A) Packin and movin of items #"ic" are not part of standard "ouse"old oods like very "eavy ,tone ,tatues!
=rand Piano or very "i" value items or t"ose items re;uirin special packin and movin.
E) Dandyman services! 1aid ,ervices! Pest control treatment
7) 1ovin of danerous oods like =as (ylinders etc.
$ote% If you re&uire the above services please obtain exceptional approval.
'ther (ervices 'ffered )y *lobe +oving , (torage !o. Pvt. -td. at re&uest
+esidential 1ovin #it"in city or #it"in India
+esidential 1ovin from )ne (ountry to &not"er
Pet movin
)ffice 1ovin
1ac"inery 1ovin
*ine &rt and .:"ibition 1ovin
,torae of oods
Insurance for Douse"old oods! )ffice =oods! &utomobiles etc.
+elocation services like "ome searc"! sc"ool searc"! city orientation etc.
!ontd. Pg. .
Pg .
/ips /hings to o )efore Packing Your *oods
$ry not to travel on t"e same day of your packin 5 loadin since t"ere may be many t"ins to do before you
)rani2e yourself and your "ouse t"e best you can before t"e packers arrive.
0eep a#ay all essential items like money! passports! travel documents! Ce#ellery! precious documents!
insurance! keys! etc. so t"at t"ey don6t et packed by mistake
(learly identify items #"ic" "ave to be packed or stored 5 left be"ind 5 discarded etc.
(learly identify items #"ic" are of "i" value or re;uire special packin
1ake a list of instructions for cre# if any
If you #ant t"e oods to be packed room #ise and if you "ave names for your rooms 3 you may place post it
sticks on t"e doors like %1aster 4ed +oom/ %0id6s +oom/! %,tudy +oom/ etc.
Packin and 1ovin day can be very tirin so remember to et ood ni"ts sleep.
If possible take time off from #ork so t"at you can focus completely on your move
If you "ave c"ildren 3 it may be a ood idea to leave t"em #it" your friends 5 family or "ave a baby sitter to
take care of t"em durin t"e packin and loadin process. $"e dust! lack of attention! seein many people at
"ome etc. can be disturbin for c"ildren.
If you "ave pets 3 it may be a ood idea to keep t"em in a room or a#ay from packin 5 loadin activities.
If you cannot be present t"rou"out t"e entire packin 5 loadin process! t"en please desinate a trusted
person to be t"ere to oversee and to make decisions for you. Please make sure t"at t"is person is fully briefed
of your re;uirements and t"e packin cre# are made a#are t"at t"is person "as t"e aut"ority to make
decisions and sin documents on your be"alf.
*or more details on t"ins to do 3 please visit "ttp:55###.lobemovin.net5movinHc"ecklistHne#.asp:
+ela: and enCoy your move 3 let t"e professionals at =lobe 1ovin @ ,torae (o. take care of t"e rest.

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