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Chapter 1
The Well-Construction Process
Claire Davy, EITICAT, ano Bernt S. Aadnoy, University of Stavanger
This bao" has beeu cornpiled priucipall y 10 lcad wrl! ellt!incels Ihrough nrlvauccd dlilllll~ .uid lI'ell-desi~n
n-chnology. Thc well-construcuon procexs provirlcs rhc flllll!;IlICIlI;d hackhonc 10 SIlPJ lOrl xuch wcll desigll
ami complerion designo \Ve also wj ll intruducc thc ncvv Icchnology 111"1IS .ipplied in rhe design 01' wcllx uud
in lile drilling proccsx.
Idmllced Drillillg aud 11'1'1/I-lllllllogy is aimcd ,11thc appl ic.u ion nf luudamental well-clcxigu tcchuiqucs.
hui it also adclresscs lar more coniplcx chullcngc-: ihe SPJ -: Ic.\lbOOK /l/lr!UI1I1'/I{lIl.l n( Drillun; L//gi//eC/";l1g
(Mitche}l 2(09) holds wcalth o! inoruuuion on rhe tund.uncutuls. Thc objcctivc of IlIis hook is to c.rpture rhe
vaxt developmcnt th.u has raken place in drilling dllling rhc pasr dccadc ro address mcetiug rhe rcqurrcrucnts
01' designing more-challcngiug IITlIs mi comph-rions. Signilic;lnl arlv.mces havc becn sccn in dccpwarer orill-
ing, uudcrbalauced drilling. loggillg while drillill~. and prcxsurc .nut rempcr.uurc rueasurementx clurillg drilling ,
as a tew exumples. These rwo SPE books are dosel)' lied logelha .uul wi ll be conxidcrcd complcrneuuuy.
In short. this hook will link thcorv lo praciical applic.u ion-, ,Iml uuludcx dcruilcd case sllIdies whcrc
appropriate. Although some derivnuons 01"fund.uucruals ,1Il: rcquircd. lile idea is ro refer lo Fundumcntnls
ojDrilling. Dlgil1l!a;l1g 10 a Irfe cxtcnt.
This chapter scts out the Iramework 01"rhe well-cuasuuction prOl"CSS inro which. in pruciice, the dcsi gu
icchniqucs are drawn (Hit' ,1/ a time at rhe appropriarc pOillIS. Ofrt'll. st'vn,iI altcrn.uivc IV<lyS In design a IVl~1I
will be reviewcd <11Ihe nutxc]. Once rhc sclcrrinn has n;IiTI.l\\cd lile choice lu a limited nuruhcr 01 dcsigns.
thorough checks will he made on each dCSlgli lo SSL'SS\i<lililil)' ,111(1 determine thc vnluc each dcsigll olh'rs
in icnns 01' hoth direci outcomcx .uul opportuuiucx (pariIL'ul:lrly 10 :lddre<.s IOllg-terlll litc-cyc!c ixxuex): ihc
risks \ViII also be asscsscd.
1.1 This Chapter in the Context of This Book
\Ve will bcgin by describin,!; the sreps llJ aI ale 1l0l"1ll:!1I)' carricd out in wcll dcsign---workin,!; 011the principie
01' dcsigllill,!; geared to lile well objcciivcs. which uSllally rcqurrex hnl1(\lIl lIp .lexign. The rcader is rheu :-.ys-
tcuurtically wulkcd through cach step . .'\s thc xte px are rccountcd. Ihc leXI jJ OIIllS to cxample topics th.u the
dcsigncr should investig.uc more dccply hy rcfcrring lo pun iculur P;II, 01 lile book. TUII'rd Ihe crul orille
chaptcr are ex.unplcs ni" hUI\" lo ,((.Idless a Iriely 01 di{fereltl L"hallcn~es I:lcing wc!l desl,!!ncrs. SUIllC CXI1l-
pies point lo how ihe ropics set (HII in ihis buok C:1II be IIsL'd.
This lirsr chapter links the IC<ider into (he vnriou, lopie; ("(lI elcd illlhl.s book. giving iustructions lur !tlL <II-
illg pertincnt iuformution. It nlso points ro the illlerpl"v bct wccn InpICS. glllding wcll designe!"s lO arcas in ihc
book on rel.ued isslles. posxiblc allicd cffccis. alllllcchnolllgics ih.u L 1lbe: used dllring vurious proccsses.
These introductions are pcrfonncd llsin,!; the basis (Ir a l)'picJ high-lcvc] IHllislic \Vell-cll~illening IIl;n;,!;c-
IllCIlI xysicm. which is intcndcd 10providc support lo thc \\"cll-desigll ,Iud clllllpktinn design pnlccsses.
1.2 Overview of aWell Project
The cicmcnrs 01' wel] construcuon are conxidcrcd in lile I:lrgel pcr-pccuvc. which includc s projcct Ill<lllage-
mcnt, opponuniiy nnd risk assessmcnt. and economic cvalnauou.
2 AcJ vancecl Orilllng and Well Technology
lile 11\'c'IYICW1)(;1 wc!l projcel includex ull ihc high-Icvcl proces-es (1/ IV!:11design. implcmrnt.uion rcport-
ill~. ;11)(1kedh;d; Th,:SL' !J mc!:sscs Iorrn p.ut nI' thc wc ll-dclivcrv proccsx ami thc dccision-. 1lI;ldc thcrciu.
!more I'I/y de~cri"!:d in O~q;ll/ (20()(1)1. which are lile outcome 01' xound projcct 11l;llIagcillclll
Tlu: IIL'/I-del ivcry prllccss cncompasscs all rhe aclil'itics required lO gel lrrun xt.ut lo li nivh ;llld is thc
ICSplllhlhilily <lllhe drlllillg te.un. Thc prnccx-, Sp;IIlS Irom ihc tirsl cnnccpt otOnccd Ior :1we!l lilmllgll
dC"cIIlJ l"I,~ Ihal L'tlllCepl i nto a dci.ulcd designo cOllslruLlillg rhc wc ll. maint.rin inj; ir dllrillg lis lifc. ;11111.
lill;tll\'. ;h;lIldllllillg itTill' pron:ss Illlled hcrc providcs nn cxtrcmety silllpliticd vcrsion 1'01'rhc purpuxc 01'
gllldlll~ cllglIll'ns IICI\' III ad\,;lllu:d \1'1'11designo Expcricuccd clIginecrs wi!l k noxv that 111,111)' ulthc CUII1-
plllll'lIl\ tI( rhc J rtlces~;1S IHIICt! hcrc are in Iact canicd ou: in un itcr.u ive m.uuicr .uul th.u thc rcsulrs 01' onc
c:ilL'lIi:1I11111111iutcrcncc oltcu ;jll'l'1 otherx. 1\ ili~hly skillcd wcll-dcxign cnginecr is able lo dctcnuinc whe
lilc' ouuomc O!lllIl' tilltllllg wi l l impuct orher aspeds 01' advauccd well design ami GIII 1Ike apprtlp"i;lle
tlllloll"lIp ;ICIIOII. ResJ l\lllsibi/ilics within rhc drillin~ te.un lur (,arrying. out dcsign nnd plannitlg. apprllving
Ihis 1I'I1Il. <111\1m'er'l'ClIlg ihc implcmcntariun on-siic are normal ly dcfincd in lile II'L'II-cnginecring
IIl<ttl<t:,'elllenl "yslCIII. ;IS .uc 1111: rcxpouxibiliuc ar Ihe iutcrlaccs 01' cxtcrnal inform.uion input (c.g .. by
:,'l't>lllglSl 1>/ /l~,,'IT()lr cllgincl'rl. ;11Il1;11 Ihe il1lcrfan:s lur rcpnrtiug 10 exiernal parrics such ;1.\ rcgulatnry
1" IdIl',".
Thc \\cll-dcliI'L'ly pt'llL'CS' J ;I\ bccn vicwed ami dctincd lrum many perspccuvcs=-espccialty in ihc IHe
)')1)'-'-111ordc r ID Iinc [une :111\1highlighl rhc cftccrivcuess 01' thc parts 01' the process Ih;H were signiticlIlIly
inlp;lditlg Ihe kcv IK'I'I'orlll:lllu: itltlil'alnrs (Kctly 199-'1;Robins and Robcus 11)1)6;Dudouet ami Detiuil laumc
199.~: Dupui: .. I lJ 1)7: /'vlorg<ltl el al. 11)1)1)).However. in practico. rhc detail ncedcd in ahnust cvcrv caxe 01' wr ll
tlC'I:,'11;tlld cumplct inn tlesign is dilfcrcnt Irum une well ro unorhcr, The main uses ofrhc dcscripuons olbusi-
11"" pr"ccsscs. ;11wJ ;ICI'et' ICl'l~101' der"l is nceded. are lO cnsure th.u mauers rcquiring Iollow-up are prop-
nly 1I:lg:,'l'd Ih;1I input 1;11lile requircd .ucuracy) is providcrl hy all parucs, and that un aurlit
C.\I.SI\ 11)xuppor: Ih,: pr\)l'css mi enublc uucking of decisions mude.
Thc fraIlICH'(1rK 111;11 guidcs lile rc.uler Ihmugh lhis chnpter refcrs lo a managemcnt sysrern that sllpporls rliix
IIL'II-dcli\'cry J 1r<)c,~ss;1I1tlthe subproccssex of well and completiun dcsign, wcll construction. ancl completion
plncemcut. rlglll Ihr()II.~j 1\l:1 rcspnnslble lumdover 01' ihe wcll Ior produciion. und all J llOcesscs undcrpinned
Ihrt>\I,~Itt)UI hy vvc ll illll'gl'ily-;ssurallrt: processcs.
1,2.1 Arl vanccd \Vd I Design, Exccllc.u advauccd wcll dexign ix thc rhreud that su\lains a xuccessfu: 11'1:'11-
dclivr rv pt'\ln's~, Thc Ili'I)L'l"S of .ulvanced wc!l desigll ix ximil.u' lO ihat uscd al a hasic levcl: hOI\'CI'Cr. rhrrc
;Irc' 111'11 prinvipal ditfnclln's ;1\ rhc dl'~igll procccdx:
Ah crn.u i vr \I;)S (Ir fllllilling IhC nccds are consunu ly considcrcd.
Thc designer h;s I() push out (Ir lile couvcntional box .uul somerimcs beyund lile comfort zonc of borh
IIIC tlt'SlgllU :lld his m hcr pccrs. Dcsign rnlcs rhut muy llave been sel previouxly IIHISI he challen~,'"
ClIIl\isl"lllly. \Ve IIIIISI alll':l)'s reI'CrIlO [he objcctivcs wc are trying lo achieve and not rcmain bouud by
Ir~ldili()lI;d dC~I:;ll tlll:llj()d{llo~:y.
Tu he skillcd in ;llh;llIl'ed IITII desigll. tl: designcr must lirsl bccome conversan: with thc Icchllnlll!IC'
Ih;1I :II\~.rv.ul.ibk: <11)(11101he put utT by pcrccivcd risk. Every risk ih.u is prcscntcd can be miuuui/cd. As
dl'SI,~IICIS illlcsllg:ilC tuuhcr 11110cxpcricuccs wirh certuin technologics 01' inlCITSI. thcy \\'111 becomc nnuc
;,hl,' 1'0SI;IIL' 1'111rhcir Ill;1I1;gCIIlt:1I1what rc.rl risks sull cx ist with rliut icchnology uudwh.u oppouuuiuc-
11Ihn, h.rvc rc;i1lled.
1_3 Objectives, Needs, Assurance, and Resources
Tlh' lir,1 SICp in ;l\/I'anccd wrll dcsigll is cSlablishing rhe bOllllt!<lry condiiions: Whut are wc ;Iilllillg In do .'
Wh.u is thc arella In which wc wi]] work? Hnw can we be sure lo achievc thc objccuvev? And wh.n tunl-.
l'lJ lIiJ lIIICllI. .uu l ,s~illcd pcoplc dI>lIT h.ivc al our dispusal')
Thc wc ll II il l he ICljuc,<lecl lo fllllill specitic corpor.uc objecrivcs. 1I \ViII also havc 10 Il1cCI dcsign CIIII-
slraillls. ur nccds. xuch as CUIlIT\'ing Iluids of a purtrcular composition or acu:ssillg a reservoir al a puint
dispLlcnl flnlll Ihe wcll. Sllli';ICC 1\le;lliun. Axsurauce ihut thc lI'ell (k'iign IlIcels Ihcsc ObjL'l'lil't~S ;]Iltl need,
The Well Conslruclion Process 3
1l11ISr be eslahlshctI ro enablc releusc llf I"llwllces Ior thc project. TtJ csiim.ue the :lLIrhuri/:l!iOIl for cx pcnditurc
(AFE). lile xpecific rcsourccs rcquircd to c.u ry out rhc work pruurum muxt also be eSI:lhlisiled.
'1'0conuneuce thc journcy along rhc wcli-dctivcry prtKes.\. I\'C hcgill with what i-; normal. good pracricc :11
the st.ut: In delinc the objccrivcs of rhc wc!l. The objecuvcx will dcpend un rhc purpnsc ot rhe \\'cI11II<li s lo
he consrrucled. aud the enviroumcnt wiihin which r , sel.
A wcll ma)' be ucedcd ro flllfill :1numbcr of objcctivcs dCJ lcllding on irs pllrposc-l ma v nccrl lo mcet lile
rcqllrclllclllS 01' wildcru explor.uion. fleld :IJ lprais:tI. dcvclnpmcnt. or cvcn rcdcvclopmcur:
For datuonly or Ior l1J el'lilln. production. or ohxcrv.u ion
'1'0 [ul i ll liccnse couuniuucut rcquircmcrus
ThL' we!l acuvitv could be ell\'\:lged in scveral varyng cuvironmcnrs:
Onshore or onshore
Ncw basin 01' kl1owllgcnlogy
Swcc: crude. sour crudc. g;ls. water, or sic.un
Sitllated in hot dcsert condition. in iempcr.uc clun.ue. ur in arctic couditinns
Locared in un area (Ir slret cnvironmcutal compliancc or undcr various regulauuy rcglllcs includiug
thosc rh:[ are no: yct fll)' m.uured
The well may be tnr a ruajor olu)fllpny IU' Ior a much sllHlllcr indcpcudcru
AII of rhcsc vnrying rcquircments pl;ICC diltcrent dcmandx on the we ll. HO\VCVl~r.the processes of wcll dcsgn
can <ti!l Iollo-v a <imilur paih.
1.3. J Objecttves. TI/e Staftillg t'oint. Tire bcst pr.icticc , lo tocus on the l;lrgel objecrivc. Thi includcs re-
pcat scssious witl: the client ro clarify well objertives. Oltcn. rhc clicrux link Ior a wcll's purpose io corporaic
srratcgc, s 1101lully ;1I11101aledllrIIy. .uul as rhc we ll eng ineer secks auxwerx 10 questions. therc is a tirm-
ni,' lIJ l 01' xtratcgics ami objccrivcx by ihc clients re.un. which olicn consisis of rnembers 01 diffcrcnt
tunctions (c.g .. reservoir engineers ami Spcctic objeciivcs tor rhe drilling program ami Ior thc
complerion Im)gram will becomc cvide nt :1\ Ihis queslonillg proccxs proceeds.
The wcll cnginccr 1l111S1 cstablish Irom rhexc corpor.ue ohjertives any spcciic rcquirerueurs 01' llllilalinns
10wcll dcsign:
Final we llborc sile
Cumpletion inierval
Fonnation evuluarion requiremcntx
Perfornrion strategics antl sand comrol
Approvcd corpor.ue objectivcs shouhl he documented wuh sgn-off by al! rclevant partics. This provides wcll
desigllers wilh thcir proper rernit aud l gO(ld SI;rrng poi nr.
E,x;uupit:s rhur \ViII be more Iully cxplnined in the hook will rC1ll11Ohone n on wel ls lIsing advanccd wcll
dcsign and new lcchnologcs In ITlCCIrhc objcctivcs 01' rhe \Vel I wirhin the constraints imposcd.
Fiual Wellurre Si:e. Today. muny more oprions can be conxidercd for final wcllborc sizc, Traditionnlly,
linal casing or Iiucr sivcs wcre xet bCI\\'CCII .:J 'i .uul 7 in.. ihcxc s/.es pcrmiucd tubng slrillgs lo be coniained
withi lile clsing 01 liner and 10 havc " puckcr sct thcrcin, isolating thc annulux hctwecn the lubllg and lile
casng m liuer. Production Il.'chnlllllgisls cuuld specfy rhc idcul tubing size to suit all the nnricip.ucd produc-
rnll nud\ ami cup.uiries rhroughou: rhc IITII"~ lile. TIlL" casing or Iiuer sizc was cstablishcd trum ihc rcquircd
lubng SIC. but Illl' tuhing srrng ,ile lV as Ot"k'J I rcstrictcd by a non-nptioua] final wcll-borc xizc. Explorarion
well aimng [o log only rhe boreholc could cvcn run out of wnrkable holc sizc whcn casings had 10 be ser to
cloxc off troublesome zoucx.
Advanccments lO provide more oJ llnns rcccutly huvc bccn demonstr.ued. Thc: have bCCJ Idriven by 111;1I1~'
signficanl uccdx, including the rcquiremcut tur hgger bmc cnmplct ion le.g .. Ior rubn~ with :11loutxidc
di.unerer o! 9% iu. (2.:J .:Juuu) Ior hglH;IC we lls].
, Advanced Orilling and Well Technology
'!"he rcqu irement lor 100 many casing scutx rraditionally has Iorccd rhc dcsigllcr inro a xrnn l lcr-t hau-
pr.rct icablc tinal wcllborc sizc. or into having ver)' Iargc xurtacc casing, Severul rechnulng ies havc
rccc utl y curuc lo rhc torc trunt lo .uldrexs thcse challcnpcx: cxpandablc caxing. 11100n;gc:d-prcsslIlc drilling.
and casing drillint!,
rXp;lIId;lble casings have the poieruiul to otlcr an cruirely diflcrcnt IV;Y of sclting out c;lsing cOllllgllr,llions
withiu ihc wcll. cnabling Ihe rcservoir wcllbore sife rhat is ideal Ior produc ion lU be rc;/i/,ed, Ex p.uulublc
c;lsings C;1I1cvcn cnable !"OCIISun oplirniling Ihe hole SI/e withoui comprollll,lng rcxervoir wcllhore si/,e
(l',g .. where Sexicnded-reach wells requirc un idl';t1 hule xizc In the high',lIIgJ c portion. nr require h,l\'illg;
uouhlc ((lIlC cascd oll carly).
f3cing ahle lo puxh casing se;!ts clown Iarthcr is onc 01'lile many poxiiivc unrihutc-; 01'rhc 1II,lIl;gecJ -prcsslll'C
tlrilllllg tecluuquc. which is dcscribed in Chaprer 9.1111 some C;lSCS.IIlIS techniquc i, comhincd wilh C1',ng
tlrillillg lu e11Surc thc auainmcnt ofrhc casing-sear dcprh. The icchniquc 01'casing drilltng 1;;,,1'0 dcxcribcd in
Ch.rpier l),2. and it h,l' becn used in innovativc wa)'s lo OI'\:ITOI11CIoss 01' linal we llborc slle caused by ho!c
Scveral "'1'1I aalllples have rcvulutionizcd complerion designo wirh thc prodnrt iun packcr now bcing
xcntecl in produciion casing nbove a seuled liner 10p, logelher with pruducuou-well kill pllilo,upltic, Iltal do
11tHrcquire k il l lluid in ihc aunulus cloxe 10 thc rescrvoir. These examplcx in 111mreduce thc l';sing (Ir lincr
sile necdcd anoss the rcscrvoir and are we ll illusuntcd in rhc over-pressurcd gas wclls nf lile xourhcrn
North Sea.
Monohore completions are now nccepted praciice in some areas where corroxion ur lile l'asillgs is unlikcly
ro I)('CIII dllrillg Ihe producrion life 01' the we 11, The principie 01' desiring lile i(]e,j lublllg silX spCCirlcalinn
1111"hce(llll~'s cvcn more important because it is now possible 10obtuin Ihis,
COIIIJl/eIf)// //1tervals. Are lile zoncx ro be produccd all to be open lrom the OIlISCl'l Is Iher.: ; likclihood
01'dillerill2! prcssurc regimos Iroru one zone to unother? Is lile rescrvoir prexsurr pledicl;lblc bclurc lile /llll(~~
are pcuctruretl hy dri lling? Will the pure pressure be derectable al the time of drilling',1
The answer 10 these questions and the certainty of cach wil] lcad wcll designt'rs tu ensille 1/;11they II,IVC
conlingclll pl;lIlS in place 10avoid wasting lime (aud money) in responding lo a posviblc U1I1CUIIlCIor whirh
ihere is no established plan,
Fortntttiou livaluation Requirements. The big:gest advance in Ihis rexpect IS lile use ol undcrbalnnccd-
drilling rcchniqucs. which can offcr nor only thc bcnctit 01' reducing impuinnent blll Iso the ;tlllll\'anCt' 01
welllt'Sling whilc drillillg (see Chapter 1),1),
Thcre is considerable rcwurd rol' dcsigncrs inlllinilllil.illg he criticnl p.uh time 1'01'rig opcrations A.s thcsc
are he ighteued turther. innovation is creeping in 10 removc acriviries Irorn thc cruical p.uh. inclllding Iorn 101 ,
tion cvaluat iun acuviucs. Openhole logging tools have bccorne cranuncd into xhoncr unu x 10cnablc cornbi-
u.uinn nJ IIs to rcplace xeveral runx of logging tools and 10 bccome a nonn, Likcwise. long.::r coring rllllS ~II\'
achicvablc in une uucmpt. More focus is placer! on enlighteniug thc rustorner with Ihe C()~I (Ir infunuauon
g;lincd in lhcse lI'ay' 10cnablc cnmpromises to be seuled IIpOl1. Logging results derived Irom rucnsurcmcut-
whilc-rlrillinj: techniques are now widely accepted as dcfinitivr survcys Ior Ioruun iou cvalu.uiou jllllpUSCS 111'
oil rompanicx and rcgulatory bodics. although thcrc is controvcrsy ovcrthc ourcomc rcading s. Unlortuuatclv.
it is xtill neccssary ro spend lime 011a gyru survcy lO define dirccrional p.uhs of wclls ihat mav l.ucr huvc ot hcr
wcllx nc.uhy 01' are to be sidctracked in or near a reservoir.
f'erfnmliOI/ Strategies and Sand Control. Thc Iirxt design choice would be 111pertor.ue ()I' ro havc ;11;
opcnholc complcrion 01' surts. Perfor.uion iechnolop y has moved nhc.ul. ami rhc choice 1'01'xclrcuou no:
Sp;IIIS wid r,lIIge,
Once the we ll (lt:signer h;s infnrrnation about pore p!'essures and rcservoir charactcriz.uion. incllldillg the
cxicut ami thickncxs 01' inrcrbcds aud ihe narure of ihc rescrvoir rock anel ils pel'llleahilily llleCh;lIlisIlIS. a)!rct',
Illcnl (;11I lx: reached on h(l\\' perfllralinn inlervals will he c/oscll---whal Ing lhe)' lllay nced lO he basecl UpOl1.
lhe: illlensity of perforation IsllolS per foot), <lj)(lllle phasing, Frolll Illllcl Iypcs ;1IIe!predil'lion ni' 1'lIIrnlioll-
inl'a,;ion ch;lraCleristics ami perforalion-challncl cOllstraints on prodllClioll. lhe desircd deplh oi' pellelr;lioll
;lId Iype llr perfmalinll rh;lrges can be SeICl'led, Thcse IlHISl be compalible wilillhe Il'chniqlll' hy whicll IhcI'
\\'ill he IIlIroduccd alHl dise!larged,
Thl' wll\llc cOlnpleliol1 sCljllence \ViII llave ID be cOlIsidered in delail ;'tI l!lis Imilll ami I,)/(II ir sccnarios
\\'ur!-;etllhmut!1I III CllSlIIC Iklt lhe \Vell CIII be uscd ill lile \Va)' rCl]uircd,
. ..,..; .''7''''':
The Well-Construclion Process 5
Opcnhule completions can have screens or slortcd pipc sct aeross rhern. or simply can ha ve raw snnd-
[are exposcd. The use ol expnndable sand scrccns ami s.uulpack have chnnged thc oprions Ior cornple tion
1.3.2 Define the Necds of the \Vell. J )iITerellli;lIing rhe nccdx 01";1well al <Incarly stuge can simplify I11I1(h
of the planning. !f thc final produci lo be conducted Ihrough rhe wcll is to be gas. thcn Ihis immcdi.ucly calls
Ior a requircrncnt Ior gas inlegrily ul rhe \VeJ I. This .rlso can lcad 10conxirnintx on well conrigurnuons. tubular
ronnectiunx, and kick tolerunces pcrrnincd by SOIiiC oil comp.mics' in-housc wcll-design policics.
11"rhe lluids ():ll are lo be convcycd will hnvc signifiGlI11 carbon diox idc or xour gas content. thcn this nor-
mally implics Iunhcr rnetullurgy constrainis \O the m.ucrials Ih;1I will he used.
Thc product ion mng nit ude. li fel i IJ iC prrxluct ion prof le. ;1I1dchnngcs of lu ills must he establ ished. Otren.
IIlis will be linkcd closely ro lile economics of rhe projcct thnt rhis well suppons.
For cxumple. ir the well is to be :111cxplorarion wcll ro collcct gcological samplcs amllog data onJ y and no
uid is lo be Ilowcd. ihcn Ihe si/e ol rhc Iinnl contluit could wcll be quite small (6 in., or 152 mrn). However.
ir thewcll muxt produce al a high Ilow raie. a mnx inuun-xizcrcxcrvoir conduit wi ll be most Invorcd.Whcn
considering ir this is the requircrncnt, il ;llso nccds 10 be csiublished wheihcr a high olf-takc will be sustaiu-
able by thc rcscrvoir {)\'C)"" considerable periorl. Rclaicd biCIS ro be csiablishcd ;IIT rhe viahility (both prarri-
ea! und cconomic) 01' rc-cntering thc wcll ro change lubing size or complerion configuration as Ihe wcll life
procceds ;1I1dthe supply from the reservoir ch.mgcs in prcssure nnd, perh.ips. r.uc.
Similarly, the shape 01' the wcll IiiUSI be undcrsrood by all in lighl of the Iorecasts o" hyclrocarbon deliver-
ability (e.g .. with a Iengrhy horizontal wel l) nnd ihc suxrcptibility of wells ro water ingrcss over time.
Thc kcy 10good well de~igli al this slage is h;ving airead)' ihought throuuh rcmcdial plan s lO cope wiih the
changes of Iluids tiowing inro lile wcll during the we ll's prcdictcd life cyclc. Thc kcy lo success for a COIil-
pany is having all thc srnkcholders agree on such plnux, ;Ilid ihc likclihood of thcir bcing necdcd al this slage.
Severa! iteratious made 011xuch pointx ut Ihis slagc \ViII provide huge gains for rhc advanccd wcll-dcxign
cngineer (and the cornpauy). both in the subscquent dcsign pmress nnd in thc longerrerm.
A similar se: 01' discussions is nccdcd 10 csinhlish rhc cornplction dcsign and lO chullengc ir. 11 must be
esrablished whether any Iorm of sman icchnology is 10opcr.ue nr be residen: in this well ;11 uny lime in rhc
wcll's lile. Will downhole monitoring systems he requircd? Are downhole low-control devices envisagcd?
Would lile field development benefit Irom spccial adapl;tlions or specinl conripurarions of wells? Coukl rhe
we ll be expected lo have ajuncrion in it?
A busix 0"1" design Ior both Ihc complcrion nnd ihe wcll i~normally dralted at Ibis stage to capture the
assumptions thus Iar and 10 providc a reposirory Ior more dct:ul as furthcr data on thc matcrialx or Iornun inn
propcnies are collcctcd.
The basis 01design can be uscd as thc lrsl lonnal st.uemcnt showing thal well iniegruy is lo be cstablishcd
for rhc lifc of the well, The docnment will llame rhc coruliuunx likely 10 be encouniered nnd pninl OUI how
cach is tu be met in a way rhat shnws that bnxic philosophies slIppmling wcll intcgrity are mainraincd. POi"
cxample, OSI oil companics ndopt ;] iwo-bnrricr pnliry. ;lIld demonsuution 01" thc inre nt nI meeting this
policy can guidc the devcloprncm of dcsiglls .md will ccrruinly inllucncc material and cquiprncm seleciions
and operntionnl scquencing.
Data Sourciug, Col/alioli, and Aualysis. Once thc basic rcquircments for ihe wcll have bcen establishcd,
as lli;lIlY d;ll;] as possiblc ;rc ;lSSCllihlcd lo define Ihe enl'lltllililCnl wilhin which Ihis wellmusl be conslrllcled.
Dala soughl are Iypically:
Likcly and available surfacc location. 11Il'llIding IlDte of rcslriclions
WcatheL wilter depth (ir anyl. ;nd ;ln)' cOlislr;lnls ililplied Ihcrcby
Subsurfacc cI;l~including
o A geologicll prognosis
o Gcological inl"mlii;tinll ~h()wing reginn;) SlrCSSl'S
() Pnrc prt'ssure/clcplh profiics. rcscrl't)ir fluid Iypc
o Fraclllre prcssllfc/deplh prnJ ilcs
e Teliipcralure/deplh prnfilcs
r:- NC;]I by \Ve 11 palhs
6 Advanced Orilling and Well Technology
() Thc n.uurc 01' each of the geological Iormarionx ami thcir drill 'lhilil)'. wcll-bore stubility pcrt or-
ma ncc al various holc anglcs <lile!az.unuths
o Mud prograrns trom paSI wclls .md the ir succexx
For each of rhc componcntx ot work in data collarion aIHI lIlalysis. rhc arlvanccd !llC:lhOLlnlogics in this book
e.m be cons idercd. Guidance on whcn these advanccd lllclhllllolngies may be usrd apprnprl,II~ly is indic.ued
in Tahlc 1.1.
First Pass: Planniug (he \Vell. Tire interpreratiun of ihcxe dal,l wiih a Vlell" In Illeeli/l<:! wcll objccrivcs
t cstabl ixhcd earlier) is uxed to define (ideall)'). in the follo\\'illg ordcr:
l. Complcrion dctails
1 \Ve 1I paths
~ Forrnation characrcrixtics thar will impact well design
el C<lsing-scat placcmenrs in certuin Iormations or al or bclow specitie dcprhx
'i Casing contigurations: sizcs, \\;ei"ghIS. ,1I1e1 connectioux
Tire overall \Vell dcsign is ihereby gcneraied, incorporating
Complct ion desigu
Wcll profile ami dircction
Clsillg design: production casing or lincr and intermcdiutc ami surruce ,lring"
For C;IC!r of lhe componcnts of work in planning the well, thc advanccd leclrnologics cm be considcred.
Guidancc on when rhese advanced techuologies may be uscd appropri.ue ly ix gi\'cll in '1',,1>1('1.2. Tire pore
pressulc and fracture pressure plot wirh dcpth are the kcy lO derermining which en;lbling tcchnulogy could
;Hld value by rctercnce lO 'rabie 1.3.
-_.._-_..._-------_._---_._-----_ ... _--
Data Callalion and
Analysis Tapie Chapler far Relerence
Chap 6.2
Geamechanics and Wellbore Slability
Images While Drilling
Wellbare slabilily
Pare pressure Chap.5.2 Normalizalion and Inversion Melhads
Well-Pl3nnong Tapie Cnapter for Referenec
-------- ------- ---
Casing seat placemenls Chap 2 Advanced Casino and Tubll1g De siqn
Casing confiqurations 1
Tubing seleclion
Completion delails Chap.3.4 Laads. Friction and Buckling
Well palhs-lrajeclory design Chap. 3.1 Advanced Orill51ring Oesign
Well eonlrol modeling Chap.4.2 Well Canlrol Modeling
._.__.. _------_._-_._--------
.......... _.......... _-------
The WelJ Construclion Process 7
Enablinq- Technologies Topie Chapler rar Reference
Using underbalanced-dnrlinq fluid Chap. 9.1 Uncerbalanced-Drunnq Opcralions
Using at-balanced-drillinp fluid Chap.9.3 Managed-Pressure Drilling
Using toarn as drilling fluid Chap.4.3 Foam Onlling
Cilsing while jnlling Cllap.9.2 Casing While Orilling
1.3.3 Assur:lllcc lo Arhieve the Dexign. Once thc wcll design is outlincd. it will be irnporuuu lo cnsure Ih;1I
the complete tlri Iling progr.un can SlIppOrl ihc requircmcnts 10 tulfi!l rhe objectivex 0'- rhe wcll. Axsuruucc 111;11
thc wcll can huvc cnnrinucd inlcgrily will bccornc prouressively more nf a concern In s:llisry thc l'cgu!;llOry
aut hori Iics.
\-lanagclllcnl will nccd 10 be preseuted with several ways lo dcsign the well, with lile eOSI for cnch sel OUI
und ;1 lisl ni the slrenglhs. wenkuesscs. opportunii ies, and lhreals presented by cuch. Axxurance Ihal the
dcsigncd wcll can be put in Ihe ,'rtluml \ViII need to be justificd. The more non-standard lid thc more dcvia-
liom lrorn Iradilinll,t1 icchnolog y ihar are proposcd. the greater the dcpth 01' srudy 10 prove ihc projcct viable.
ldenulication 01thc opportunitics thut the design offers is highly valuable al this sragc. The reservoir cllgi
ncers xhouk] be cncourugcd lo share thcir vision of how rhe well will continue lo drain ihe icld dllring ih lite.
including production r.ues. tluid rypcs, ;1I1dwhether water influx or xand production will Iike ly occur ;Irtn.l
spccific numbcr 01'ycnrs.
Ccrtuin p;rlS of Ihis book provide guiclance 011 how this can be uddresscd within <In advanccd design
approach. Table 1.4 poilll~ to the following cnmponeuts:
Di rect prograll1
Drilling, 1I'01101'cr. and complerion fluids
DI'illillg practices
Considerations [or Specia! Environmeutal Conditions. When data are initiall y coll.ued, it will bccomc
cvidcnt whcther special euviroruncntal cunduions exist. Examples thar will require a complete uddiriounl se:
of consider.uions are dccpwuter or highpressurelhigh-Icmperature subsurfacc condirious.
FOI carh 01' ihese speciul cnviromuerus. therc are complete chapters in this book {O gllidc rhc cngineer
as !O extra consider.uions ami dilfereut appronchcs rluu IllUS be made tal' SlICJ advanced wc] I deS/gil a~ pcr
Tahlc 1.5.
Well Planning Topie Chapter lar Referenee
Orillpipe Chap.3.1
Advanced Drillstring Design
Drillslring Dynarnics
Wellbore Hydraulies Mud and compteticn-ftuids
Drilling Vibration
Oirectional proqram=qeosteerinq
wellbore measurernents: tools.
techniques a<le!inlerprelalion
Forrnation evatuauon program Chap.6.4 Formation Pressure While Orilling
8 Advanced Drilling and Well Technology

Specialist Environmental
Condition Tapie Chapter for Reference
---O-eepwater wel;s---- Chap. 7 Oeepwater Onlllng J
Hiqh-pressure/hiqh-ternperature Chap.B High-PressureIHigh- Temperalure
wells Well Oesign and Onlling
.......... _----_._-- --- -----
I.J.4 Rcsources lo Meet These Rcquircmcnts. Resourcc-, 10cnahle the dcsi~ncd \ \ cIIIO be put in place ar
ncxt dctcrmiucd hy the aclvanccd well-design engineer. In particular, il is detcnuincd what i\ uvailublc .uid
what is :Ipprtlplllle with respect lO
Dri Iling rigs or workover unirs
Servicc cquipmcut
Acccxs rourcs lo supply the drilling ri~ anrl thcir limii.uions
Local asxistancc, support, und any constraints
Expcrt perxonncl to deliver the required objectives
Ncw technologics llave cmcrged within the provisin of n11111)' serviccx rcquircd Ior l'llilSlrllcling and servic-
ing wcl!s. L:x:lIllples are ser out in Chapter 9.4, "Coiled Tubing Drilling" alld Chaptcr 9..'1. "Novel Drilling
Tire complete wcll design and the rcsources 10 be uscd are normully documented 111~Idrilling programo
Appeudices ol this prograrn provide rhe outline 01' how speciul componcnrs olrhc progfillll such as rhe mud
m thc clircctional program will be execured. For operarions on ihe United Kingdolll COlltilll:nlill Shelf eu KCS),
the drilling. progralll is referred to as the Hcalth and Satety Executive (HSE) Submissiou. 1\, in many couu-
trics, it muxt be submined to Ilre regulatory aurhoruy Ior approval or acccprnnce prior 10 pcnnixxion beillg
grillllccI 1'01'rhe oi 1cornpany lo construct rhe well.
The dc tai lcd proccdures for ull rhe planned activirics ihcn are compilcd 111;1tlcl~ldetl drilling prngram.
Thc wcll cnginccr perfrmns siguificuut planning with all 01' the rcquired partirs ~Ind ;rlSIJ urg~lnilxs loruml
risk asseSSlllcllts thar addrcss the adclitional risks crcaterl by the intcractivity nf rhc v.uious couuibuunx
(which are ovcr and above thc risk assessmcnis rhnt euch service providcr pcrtonn-, in-houxc un thc re-
t ivu ics ror which cach is wholly respousiblej. It is importnnt not to miss thc lisJ ..:s prcxcnicd by hringing
tugclher cliffcreur tc.uns ofservice providers: No 111'0 wcll designs are idcruical: ihus. myriud ofrisks are
prexcutcd Ior which miuimiznrion, mirigation, and rcsponxes need 10 be IIHlughl through tormally bcforc
activiry o n-site.
A typical m.magcmcnt sysrcm Ior cornpanies opcrating on thc UKCS fonnalizcx 1\'11;11 in l'lel Icnd.s In work
well nnywhcre. Exccrprs 01' tlow charts Irom thix mnnugcmcru xysrcm are proviclcd in Figs. 1.1 th rough 1.4
ID show ho,v thc design proeess is rigorously integrated: rhe chanx iucludc dctiuirc stcl's aud chcck s by lile
wcll cx.unincr Inr wcll intcgriiy, and risk asscssmcnt acrivitics are injcctcd as the design dcvclups righ: rom
rhc basis ol dc;;ign through ihe wel-driiling progr;1ll und Oll through ihe dcvclopmcnt ni' dcrnilcd proccdurcs.
Wcll design anrl complcrion cksign are uddresscd in the sarne rigorous manncr.
The managcment sysrcm gocs 011lo point OUI in particular the SIC));;in which \\'cll-lnll'gr-iIY conccrns wouid
he idcnti licd as the wcll is construrtcd (or as thc complerion i, put in rhc ground). ,1;;rCJ lortin,!! ,111(.1 hundovcr
or the product we!l lo thc cuxrorner is achicverl. ami as revicw occurx.
1.4 Implementatiol1
1.4.1 Dcliv('ry of the Advauccd Well Dl'sign. Enahling OIl-SiIC dclivcry ol thc lk\lgn 1L:lluires xevcru! KL'\'
s)'\tellls lo be in place. The si/.e or rhe projcct to which Ilris wcll ronlribulcs C,III v~lry grt:;i1ly. Whcrc lile \wll
Responsible Team
[1J Cornpany asset
[J Company operations
oWell examiner
basis 01design
Risk assessment
basis of design
Risk assessment
The Well-Construction Process 9
L_-'-- _
Signature Authority
Asset manager liI Enqincer
Operations manager

[ ]
Weli examiner Peer
Process Requirements
---------- ,. -_._---------_ ----~
Manoatory II required
Outline well-operations
program and health and salety 1---.
executive notilication
basis of design
Detailed well -;;-;;-l
flO,PlejJ irlaltio_n"s_p_ro_g_r_a"'lm~""--_-----l Well examinati~
basis of design
L .
Well exarnination Program changes
End 01 well report
Fig. 1.1-0verall well-planning process-document and signature requirements (courtesy 01 Chris Dykes
is a luue cxplor.u inn well. sysll'1l1S wi!l be strenmlincd and likely cuxtomived. Where the wcll is (lile ol m.iny.
it oficn rcquirex support by ,1 corporntc set of sySICIllS that also support. Ior cxample. the production opera-
tiullS 01- a pl.ufnnn.
Thcrc ,11"(:.however. S)'stCIllS nf nnportunce 111,lt are noied here as ideall y rcquircd 10 SOIllC scalc. whurcvcr
Ihe PIOJCCI. Thc systelm uecclcd 10 support rhe succcssful consuuciion of the desigued well compuse. ,IS a
minimum. SySlC111S ih.u pcriorrn rhc folloll'llg tasks:
10 Advanced Orilling and Well Technology
Responsible Team
O Asset
O Operations
O Well examiner
O Well partner
.'.slteSlJ wey,,\.:
t cnjracto(/:,!~
Prepare and submit
PON 15
Prepare and submit
oit spill
contingency plan
ALJ ditsi(esJ 'rvey ..
. c6ntractr'
Prepare AFE supporting
docurnenlation for long lead time
well materials, goods and services
Approve FE r6rlo~g lead time
well rnaterlals; gi:iods and services
. -.- .. -
Order long lead time
well malerials, goods and services
Fig, 1.2-Well-planning process-preplanning phase (courtesy 01 Chris Dykes International).
Clc.uly define and documcut responsibiliries and accoumubiluics
Publish policies ami procederes. particularly to ensure sarCI)' al sile
Monitor tor actual operations: as-huilt vs. planncd to derert and m.mngechange
Alcn rol' vnri.uions in local that rnay cornpromise thc dcsign
Euable eflcctive communicuriou
Ensurc follow-through on authoriuuive direciions
Clcurly Define and Documont Responsibitities and Accountubiities. \ meeting 10dril/lile 11'(,11011 P{/Ir'f
C;11I be cttcctive in achicving the se definitions. Usually. rcxpnnsibilities a11(1 nccount.rhiliues \ViII be dOCII-
mcuicd i11 the managcmcn: systcm.
The Well-Construetion Process 11
Responsible Tearn
J Assel
[J Opera1ions
1,'''":''''::,,+, .:"'0-'" .....,.,.
,e.o :-'/;'." : .... ,. 1
[] Supply chain
L DECC consent to locate
G Well examiner
Notify fisheries lederation]
Initiate weekly planning
I Consents and notifications
Oil spill eontingency plan
Rig selection process
Conduet offset data review
SMS: bridging and SC docs
'<Tender contraet services
POPA exemptions
I !
'Cost determinatian process
Prepare casing design

IOECC: PON/WON notilicalions

Conduct lorque/drag
Applicationfor consenl lo drill
buckling analysis
Applicalion lo abandon/suspend
Application lo eomplele/workover
Well numbering system
Conduct well-operations
Consent for site survey
!/, Award contracts
design review
PON 15b: Permit for ehemical use/diseharge

I :~'i;W~,r: :s2:\A\;~:
PON 151:Permit for ehemieal use/discharge
Prepare AFE
(workover/well intervention)

Rig HSEQ audit
Prepare load-out lists :
Procure materials

Emergency response exercise I
Prepare and approve
~OUtline well-operalions
rig-move procedure
program and health and safety
I Wll examiner review I
executive notification
I Health and safety 1
Hold onshore
executive submission
riq-move meeting
Conducl risk assessment
I Well-design examination sheels I
and critical elements listing
Hold preoperations meetings I
Fig. 1.3-Well-planning process-delailed planning phase (courlesy af Chris Dykes International).
Publish l'olicies and Proccdurcs, l'articularly to Eusure Safet. Well stand.ndx will cxist lo define poli-
l'i(:s ;ltlccllllg llie conxtrurtiuu process ;1Il) the OUICOJ 1lewcll. These are norrunlly broud cnough ro cncompass
complcrions .uul complerion inxtall.uiou opcrIIIUJ 1S. wcll clcanup and wcll lestillg. ami handovcr 01' wclls 10
Ilw custorncr.
Monitor Actual perations: As-Built vs. l'lanned to Detect CIU/lIge ami Manage 11. Formal documcrus
c.xpljlllng nccdcd changcs 10lile program are drawn up ami channclcd through the approval process betore
ginillg lile Ipprl)\ j lo cn.ut rhc chungc, Following are ex.uuplcs 01'the nccd fur xuch rhallge:
12 Advanced Drilling and Well Technology
Submit--da~ydrilling reports
Submit 5/7-day operations
look ahead
Issue weekly operational and
emergency response
dut rotation
Submit well-activity reports
casing running
cementation fishing
Submil lessons to company
Complete EEMS
chemical-useage reports
Responsible Team
O Operations O EH&S
Drilling O
Well examiner
Conduct well
Submit weekly
HSE activity report
Prepare activity
Prepare and submit
PON 1 reports
Prepare and subrnit
PON 1 reports
Prepare and submit
RIDDOR reports
Prepare and submit
RIDDOR reports
Prepare well
change request
Fig. 1.4-Well-planning process-program (courtesy 01 Chris Dykes tnternational).
Cement job Iai!s
Siuck casing muxt be xet high
Actual gcology ur porr pressurc is not as predicted
Alert for Variations iu Local lrata That May Compromisc tlt e Desigu. V ari.uionx that occur on xitc II111st
1l0! he pcrmiucd to compromiso designo For cxample, gcolo!:')' picks coming in ton higil m not at all \ViII
;Jlcct tlu: l-;l.sillg setting depth.
The Well-Construction Process t3
E/laMe CO/llIII/lllicafioll. P]IIlS. including execution rcsponxihilities. necd ro be re luycd trom IO\I-'n lu kcy
al site. From lile well-sire the reslIlls 01 monitoring are Icd bnck 10 IOWI1 by rhe conrrnctorx daily.
weekly, 01' monthly.
Ensure Follow-Through 011 Authoritative Uirections. The oil cOlllpan)' represcnu.rivc ;1\ rhc wctlsitc is
[he focus and cocoordinator Ior oversccing communications aud Ior cnsuring iharthe oil company direct ives
are implclllenled.
1.5 Reporting and Feedback
1.5.1 \NIHII Is Reported? Minimum rcporring rcquircments are very suict. They are used for ihe rolln\V ing
To meet obJigalory respuusibilitie ami sarisfy regulatory nuthoriiics
Toinfonu orhers in the sire tcrnnund nil compauy, which is uhimately uanslated into being Ior satery
or comrncrciul )lllrJ loses
Il is rnandatory that all detailx dCllIonslraling \V l'1I imcgriry ami cornpliancc to [he approved program are
How Does Reporting Occur? Rcporring can occur in a number 01" formats and trequencies Irom daily
drilling reports to wcek ly xumrnarie s, ami. atter ihe wef l is linishcd. the Iactx will be rccordcd in un cnd uf
well reporto Reports are by the oil cornpany drilling supervisor ur represcntutivc to the oi l company office
responsible Ior the licensc. They ;:.Isn may uriginalc from rhe service cornpany and drilling contractor.
1.6 How Best To Use Advanced Technologies in the Overall Advanced Well Design
Using advanccd technoJogies in the ovcrull advanccd wcll dcsign rcquircs:
l. COIH.:Cpl options to be generutcd
2. A robust business case rol' the preferred choice
3. A sound deployrncnt Irumework
4. Excellcnce in project management
This book provides the wcll-design engineer with inforrnarion 011rhc IICWrccbnologics ihat are available for
well construction aud givcs examples of how ihose rcchnolog ics can be used in advanced well designo Engi-
ncers will find thcse examples useful in laking their capabilities beyond rhe basics,
As (he cngineer follows specific examplcs, il is also uselul 10 consider what oihcr innovative applications
there miglu be Ior thal particular rechnolugy. In the evolving energy induxrry, creariviry ami rcxponsible de-
ploymeut 01' IlCW technologies will provide the cornperirive cdge.
This book servex only lo introduce thc rcchnotogies ami some cx amplcx of rhcir upphc.uion. lurthcr
rcxeurch 10 gain full Iamiliarity wirh rhe particular rcchnology of inrcrcst is highly reconuneuded.
A cauiion is ncedcd here about incorporating new rcchnolouy into wcll designo The cxtent to which new
technolngy deployrnent can benetit Irorn good project munagemcurcannot he oversr.ued. The upsue is that
ncw tcchnology implcnicntation can improve syslclns performance bccause so much aueutiou has In he paid
lo dctnil. The dowuside is that ir such auention and ,1rigorous approach lo risk numagcrucu: are uot madc. thc
application 01"the new lccilnology may be doomcd. Thc prcparntion of proposals needs, ihcrcforc. ro iucor-
porate an analysis of the strengrhs. weakncsses. opporrunities and threuts (SWOTs) Ior caen option so that
lhese are thoroughly considcrcd prior ro a managcmcnt challenge.
Cas Study. Whcn addre,~ing case studies. the development 01' dcsigu optious broadly Iollows thc srcps
sct oUI in this chapter. Reference SIHlUlt! he mude by the dcsigner lo the rclevunt technolug y in Ihis book .uul
in published paper such as thnxe tound in the SPE litcr.uure. For cach wcll-dcxign npt iuu uulicuted, rhe
aClivirics o!well construction. including ihe completion. should be xet out by the designe!": cach cnginccri
likcly to CIllI rhis cxcrcixe wiih sligluly ditfercnt uutcumcs.

14 Advanced Drilling and Well Technalagy
Obicctivc. To illustrare the valuc 111:11;\ hnrizontal well would havc compared lo a tradirioual vertical wcll.
I'nr an oil rompan)' th.u is unfumiliar witl: (,r.1.ipprchcusivc about) horizuntnl wellx.
IdclI/i(ril/g Hotuulruv Contlitions. Rcxcrvoir Plnn. The salid trend is in [he uorth/sotuh dircction within thc
rcscrvoir. Wluu is lile optimum dirccrion 1'01':1 horizontal we!l in this rcscrvoir? Fig. 1.5 is a sketch of a plan
;11rescrvoir level. with North oricnrcd tlp ihe pagc, showing hruided sands.
\sSCSSIII('f /1.
l. A horizonml we l] with cast/wcst oricntanon is needed lO Ir"ns<.:cl ;111ihrcc north/xouth channcls of
') Thc wc ll C:111conuncuce al <In)' point on thc xurlnce.
Conceins Considrreil. The (ksign engincer is 10 consider ouly two conccptx (vertical ami horizontal) In
ordcr 10 compare thcse wclls. Howcvcr, during thc design prol'l~ss it may bccurnc cvidern that wirh <In open
vicw 10 new tcchnology. oihcr oprions could be evaluated (e.!; .. cxpnndablcs, multilutcrnls. or underbalauccd
drillil!~) V erilicauun 01' rhe wcll obicrtives cal! be carricd 10 ensure th.u they (J I\: properly tormulatcd in thc
context 01' thcboundary col!dilions.This providcs a sound basis Irom which xeveral conccpis 01' well-design
solutions beg in lo emergc.
Here. thc analysi-, is dirccied in panicular al the traditional vertical well vs. a horizontal well: howevcr,
local Iacrors lila)' cnuse some 01' thexe comparisons 10 diffcr when put into practice. Thix analysis is necdcd
10 gencr;lle ; business case. pnruculnrly in thc il!SI:lIlLC that this 1I1ay be thc first venrure 1'01' sume cornpanies
:1\v;Y trorn trudirion. Tablc 1.6 providcs a comparixou of a rraclitional vertical wcll and a horizontal wcll.
The conceptual designs showil!g simplistic \V el I archiiccture a1\(1 cosrx 1'01' each ot the t wo apprcachcs
are gCllerated as a Iunction of the u mc/deprh curvc. Becausc the horizontal well is a longcr drilJcd deprh.
it is 110 xurprise Ihal rhe lime cst im.ued rol' drilhng is grcaier. Let us sal' thnt rhe durarion to drill rhe hori-
zonral well carne out as lile lcngth known as P50. correspouding lo ihe most likely rime rcquired. Further
computations uxing a risked set 01'ourcornes could euable gencrm ion of other poirus corrcsponding 10 P90
and PID.
Accnrdillg 10 one set of ligures. [he nlosl likely ourcorne would be approximately 140 days Ior (he long
horizontal wcll. bu: considcring both the possible uccclcraring of events and lile delaying 01' progress. Ihis
well could t akc as liulc as 125 days or as much as 170 dnys. In contraxt. the vertical wcll is comparec al "p.
proximaicly 120 da)'s but has a much [igiller range tor PIO to P90. trnm approxim.ucly 115 lo \30 days.
Thcre <In: severnl mnuers rha: xuch <In analyxis pcnnits us 10 conlirrn. Apart Irom the horizomal weil taking
more lime rhan the vertical we!l. it is observcd thatthere is a gl'caler risk ntrached 10 the horizontal well dura-
tion: this is denorcd by the widcr sprcad al 1'10 ami 1"90. II is important that similar unalysi is undertakcn on
the posviblc produciion and iucrcmetuul Iiber.ued reserves 10 check that the bcnerits 01' thexe conviucinuly
outwe igh rhe COSI concerux and arklcd risk.
Tlus proccss has the capnbility [O provc [he case one wuy ur anorhcr and can be quite powerlul whcn in-
sertcd inio " business case. In this lV ay. a large number 01' drilling/rcscrvoir optious can be scrccned 10
idenrify the best ccouomic aud iechuicully Ieusiblc solutions. The desi~1l cngineer is expected 10 produce
Fig. 1.5-Drainage points lar three braided sands .
TIlO Welt-Conslruction Process 15
such aualyses lO screeu thc available dcsign options ~1I1C1preve rhe case tor rhe applicnuon 01' ncw vs, uadi-
tional Icchnology.
Project Management, Excellence in projcct-managcmcnt rcchniques is required lO lacilinuc and bcuelir
troru thc use 01' the new tcchnologics,
Proposals Ior the application ofnew iechnology are idcally supportcd by informatiou to present the st.uc of
thc artorninimize risk, andmaximizc valuc. Typical srudics rhatcan heundertakeu 10 providc this intornuuion
._------------- .... __..._.._.._-
ldenrification of rhc newtcchnology bencfirs where they apply Inexplor.uiou wcl!s
Tcchnolog y gap nnnlysis al the conceptual stages ol a projcct tu dcmonstr.ue which technologies llave
lile porenrinl to add value
The position of cachncwrechnology to beuscdin ,1 projecl-scl out in thc tcchnology dcploymeut plan
lo support the field developmcnt plan or rhc field rcdcvclopmcut plan
Technicnl asscssmcnt 01"the integration of uew/ncw and ncw/uaditioual iechnolog ics 10 achicvc the
besi-valuc well over a well's entire lifc cycle
The cost and potcnrial value geueraied by thc newrechnology: tnr ihe correct applic.uion
of the new rechnology can
\' lmprove projeci cconouucs
o l.iber.uc reserves of eithcr bypasscd oil or prcviouxly ununainnblc reserves
Sl,lIlIS of the maturity of cach rcchnology, Ilaming cxumplcs in which dcployincut has occurrcd in
similar circumstanccs
The dcgree of reliabiliry 01" thc cquipmcnt componcnts
Thc level of contidcncc wirh which the technulog y can he dcploycd in thc purticul.u selling or which
it is intcnded-c-onshorc/offshorc. local country. or b,1S1I1
The nmount of plalllling rhnt ix necded lo successfully dcploy ihc ICC]IlOlogy
Thc root causes tluu han- umlcrpinned cx isuug succc: Slmies
The background aud rhc lIlldcrlyillg cause of rclcvaui luilurcs of Ihis tcchuolop y
Conuiburing Inctors likely ro "id succexs m 10 uuderminc Ihc dcpl()ynll'nt
Tradilionat Vertical Well Horizontat Well
Is simple and relatively
Well design is easily
accepted as a proven
melhod wilh a low cost,
bul is it a good value?
May not intcrscct any of
Ihe pay sano channel
Longer zone in lhe pay
Greater confidence in
peneuatinq Ihe reservoir
Concern over perceived
nsks 01achieving Ihe
Higher imlial well cost
and interventions
Accesses more reserves
Reservoir depletion is
less understood (e.q.,
well may have a shorter
life ,f cones water anc
less of a cnoxe etfeel
around lt1e wellhore)
Increased production
rate s likely lo
acceler ate prooucnon
16 Advancec Drilling and Well Technology
A c<ll~log of the man-hours rcquired lo effcctively achieve rhc voluruc of planning rcquired 10 bring thix
tcchnology dcploymcnt to re.uiiy without cost overruns
Thc wcll cngincer will nncl that it is uscful lO gel a Ieel l'or rhe above maucrs so that they are we ll cquippcd
lO respond to cusromer requesis tor use 01' ncwcr technologies in a realistic manuer. This bnok is iutended IS
a good slarting poiut ror borh ihosc cousidering such implcmcntation and also 10 support thosc who huve
deploycd cennin newer technologics and can benefit from prompts. knowledge nnd methodologies rhat apply
1.0 othcr technologies as yCI IIIt1ri.d. 1I i, hoped thut rhe informarion provided can hclp with prcparing thc
businesxes cases 10bring cuch 10 [ruition. Kecping updated with rcsults aud I'indings Irom othcr industry col-
lcagucs and other SPE collengucs \V iII complement what you lind in this book.
Figs. 1.1 through lA. which xhnw the diagr;lIllS of lile wcll engineering mauagement system, are couuesy nf
Cluix Dykes interuauonal. al Id :t spccia] acknowledgment gocs 10 Chris Dykes for his kind permixsior: to
rcprint rhcse.
Dudouet, M. and DeGuillaumo. 1. 199.1. Main Contractor's V iewpoint of the Lekhwair Turnkcy Projcct: Case
Hisrory. Paper SPE 29417 presenied al thc SPEI/ADC Dri lIing Conterence, Amsterdam, 2S February-?
Dupuis. D. 1997. True Line 01" Buxincxs: Drilling Project Managemeni. Paper SPE 37633 presented at the
SPE/lADC Drilliug Conference. Amxicrdam, 4-6 March,
Kelly, J .H. 1994. Tcamwork: Thc Methodology for Succcsxtully Drilling the J udy/J oanne Devclopment.
Paper SPE 28862 presenrcd at the European Petroleum Confercncc, London, 25-27 October.
M itchell, R.1'v1.(ed). 200<) (in prog rcss). Fundmnetual o] Drilling Engineering, Richardson, Texas: SPE.
Morgan. D.R .. Willis. J .c.. and l.indlcy. S.e. 1999. Dcvclopmeru and lmplemcntation of a Process That
Fostcrs Organiz arional Lcarning. Paper SPE 52773 prescnicd al the SPE/fADC Drilling Confcrence.
\msicrdam, 9-1 I March.
Okstad, E.H. 2006. Decision Framework Ior \V ell Delivery Proccsses Applicarion 01"Aualytical Methods
to Decixion Making. Doctorul thcsis. Deparuncnt of Petroleum Engineering ami Applied Gcophysics.
Norwcgian Univerxity ni" Scicncc and Tcchnology, Trondhcim, Nnrway.
Rayfield, M.A, Johnsou. G.i\ .. McCarthy. S.. and Clayton, C 2008. Parullel Appraisal ami Dcvelopmcnt
Planning of the PILIlO Ficld. Paper SPE 117004 prcscnred at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Concrcucc
ami Exhibition, Perth. Australia, 20-22 Octobcr.
Robins, K.B. and Roberis. J.D. 1996. Operutor/Contractor Teamwork is the Kcy lo Performance lmprovc-
mcnt. SI'EDC 11 (2) ()XIOl. SPE-29l33PA. [)OJ: 10.211X/29333-PA.

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