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lnbxx Lhe new search englne&
CuL wlLh Lhe old and ln wlLh Lhe new, ls equlpped wlLh 3
search englne Lechnology, lL dellvers fasLer and more rellable lnformaLlon Lo Lhe
onllne user.
lnbxx has many feaLures LhaL have been creaLed Lo make Lhe llfe of Lhe onllne
researcher easler, our [ob ls Lo dellver lnformaLlon fasLer and smarLer, Lherefor
Lhe lnLelllgenL search box , Lhe paglnaLlon , Lhe wlshllsL .

lnbxx ls Lhe soluLlon Lo all onllne researchers' problems, lL offers a resulL
opLlmlzed llsL 20 Llmes fasLer Lhan Lhe average search englne based on ux
1he Lhlrd generaLlon of search englnes ls dlsplayed ln lnbxx, lL has many
lmporLanL lnvenLlons wlLh paLenL pendlng sLaLus, hlghllghLed by lLs search box
lnLelllgence, 100!s resulLs per query, Lhe hoverlng paglnaLlon of all lLs daLa, lasL
buL noL leasL Lhe wlshllsL.
All Lhese Lools are creaLed Lo make Lhe llfe of Lhe researchers easler and save
Lhelr Llme by provldlng Lhem wlLh Lhe mosL relevanL number of llnks posslble.

lnbxx ls wrlLLen wlLh xx ln regards of 20, as ln 20 Llmes fasLer and smarLer, lnbxx
only concern ls Lo save Llme and offer Lhe besL avallable lnformaLlon Lo all onllne

- '()*+, #-$ ."/(00.1("+( ls Lhe replacemenL of Lhe auLo suggesLlon, our search
box lnLelllgence fllLers 100!s of auLo suggesLlon ln mllllseconds for all users
searchlng for lnformaLlon, and offers Lhem ln a dlsplay form dlvlded ln auLo
suggesLlon and sub suggesLlon perfecLly dlsplayed for Lhe user Lo declde whaL he
wanLs Lo look for, Lhus savlng Llme wlLhouL leLLlng Lhe user change Lhe query Lo
geL hls resulLs.
- 233!4 *(450/4 per search query dlvlded Lhrough web, lmages, vldeos and news ln
phase 1 (Alpha) wlLh Lhe hope of geLLlng 1000 resulLs (beLa) ln mllllsecond
offerlng lL ln Lhe besL meLhod avallable ln our recenL Lechnology for ux deslgn.


- 1he ,-6(*."1 7)1.")/.-" ls based on a hoverlng algorlLhm, Lhls algorlLhm
allows Lhe user Lo open page 3 of any caLegory ln 3 Lo 7 seconds. 1hls
meLhod changed Lhe concepL of SLC (search englne opLlmlzaLlon), and
allowed Lhe user Lo be able Lo browse all posslble lnformaLlon avallable on
all pages, Lhus savlng Llme and geLLlng Lhe maxlmum needed lnformaLlon
per query.

- 1he 8.4,0.4/9 allows Lhe user Lo save daLa ln Lhe form of any llnk from all
caLegorles he flnds relevanL and lmporLanL Lo hls search on Lhe cllenL slde wlLhouL
referrlng Lo Lhe server slde, whlch he can vlew aL any Llme even offllne.
- lnbxx wlll be addlng many more lnvenLlons ln Lhe comlng fuLure.

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