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From: Please Understand Me, David Keirsey & Marilyn Bates, Prometheus Nemesis Book Company.

Del Mar, CA !"#$%

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter
. At a party do you
a. &ntera't (ith many,
in'ludin) stran)ers
*. &ntera't (ith a +e(,
kno(n to you
,. Are you more
a. -ealisti' than
*. .pe'ulative than
/. &s it (orse to
a. 0ave your 1head in the
*. Be 1in a rut2
%. Are you more impressed *y
a. Prin'iples
*. 3motions
$. Are you more dra(n to(ard the
a. Convin'in)
*. 4ou'hin)
5. Do you pre+er to (ork
a. 4o deadlines
*. 6ust 1(henever2
". Do you tend to 'hoose
a. -ather 'are+ully
*. .ome(hat impulsively
#. At parties do you
a. .tay late, (ith
in'reasin) ener)y
*. 7eave early, (ith
de'reased ener)y
!. Are you more attra'ted to
a. .ensi*le people
*. &ma)inative people
8. Are you more interested in
a. 9hat is a'tual
*. 9hat is possi*le
. &n :ud)in) others are you more
s(ayed *y
a. 7a(s than
*. Cir'umstan'es than la(s
,. &n approa'hin) other is your
in'lination to *e some(hat
a. ;*:e'tive
*. Personal
/. Are you more
a. Pun'tual
*. 7eisurely
%. Does it *other you more havin)
a. &n'omplete
*. Completed
$. &n your so'ial )roups do you
a. Keep a*reast o+ other<s
*. =et *ehind on the ne(s
5. &n doin) ordinary thin)s are you
more likely to
a. Do it the usual (ay
*. Do it the unusual (ay
". 9riters should
a. 1say (hat they mean an
mean (hat they say2
*. 13>press thin)s more *y
use o+ analo)y2
#. 9hi'h appeals to you more
a. Consisten'y o+ thou)ht
*. 0armonious human
!. Are you more 'om+orta*le in
a. 7o)i'al :ud)ment
*. ?alue :ud)ments
,8. Do you (ant thin)s
a. .ettled and de'ided
*. @nsettled an unde'ided
,. 9ould you say you are more
a. .erious and determined
*. 3asyA)oin)
,,. &n phonin) do you
a. -arely Buestion that it
(ill all *e said
*. -ehearse (hat you<ll
,/. Fa'ts
a. 1.peak +or themselves2
*. &llustrate prin'iples
,%. Are visionaries
a. .ome(hat annoyin)
*. -ather +as'inatin)
,$. Are you more o+ten
a. A 'oolAheaded person
*. A (armAheaded person
,5. &s it (orse to *e
a. @n:ust
*. Mer'iless
,". .hould one usually let events
a. By 'are+ul sele'tion and
*. -andomly and *y
,#. Do you +eel *etter a*out
a. 0avin) pur'hased
*. 0avin) the option to *uy
,!. &n 'ompany do you
a. &nitiate 'onversation
*. 9ait to *e approa'hed
/8. Common sense is
a. -arely Buestiona*le
*. FreBuenlty Buestiona*le
/. Children o+ten do not
a. Make themselves use+ul
*. 3>er'ise their +antasy
/,. &n makin) de'isions do you +eel
more 'om+orta*le (ith
a. .tandards
*. Feelin)s
//. Are you more
a. Firm than )entle
*. =entle than +irm
/%. 9hi'h is more admira*le:
a. 4he a*ility to or)aniCe
and *e methodi'al
*. 4he a*ility to adapt and
make do
/$. Do you put more value on the
a. De+inite
*. ;penAended
/5. Does ne( and nonAroutine
intera'tion (ith others
a. .timulate and ener)iCe
*. 4a> your reserves
/". Are you more +reBuently
a. A pra'ti'al sort or
*. A +an'i+ul sort o+ person
/#. Are you more likely to
a. .ee ho( others are
*. .ee ho( others see
/!. 9hi'h is more satis+yin):
a. 4o dis'uss an issue
*. 4o arrive at a)reement
on an issue
%8. 9hi'h rules you more:
a. Dour head
*. Dour heart
%. Are you more 'om+orta*le (ith
(ork that is
a. Contra'ted
*. Done on a 'asual *asis
%,. Do you tend to look +or
a. 4he orderly
*. 9hatever turns up
%/. Do you pre+er
a. Many +riends (ith *rie+
*. A +e( +riends (ith more
len)thy 'onta't
%%. Do you )o more *y
a. Fa'ts
*. Prin'iples
%$. Are you more interested in
a. Produ'tion and
*. Desi)n and resear'h
%5. 9hi'h is more o+ a 'ompliment:
a. 14here is a very lo)i'al
*. 14here is a very
sentimental person2
%". Do you value in yoursel+ more
that you are
a. @n(averin)
*. Devoted
%#. Do you more o+ten pre+er the
a. Final an unaltera*le
*. 4entative and
preliminary statement
%!. Are you more 'om+orta*le
a. A+ter a de'ision
*. Be+ore a de'ision
$8. Do you
a. .peak easily and at
len)th (ith stran)ers
*. Find little to say to
$. Are you more likely to trust
a. 3>perien'e
*. 0un'h
$,. Do you +eel
a. More pra'ti'al than
*. More in)enious than
$/. 9hi'h person is more to *e
'omplimented: one o+
a. Clear reason
*. .tron) Feelin)
$%. Are you in'lined more to *e
a. FairAminded
*. .ympatheti'
$$. &s it pre+era*le mostly to
a. Make sure thin)s are
*. 6ust let thin)s happen
$5. &n relationships should most
thin)s *e
a. -ene)otia*le
*. -andom and
$". 9hen the phone rin)s do you
a. 0asten to )et to it +irst
*. 0ope someone else (ill
$#. Do you priCe more in yoursel+
a. A stron) sense o+ reality
*. A vivid ima)ination
$!. Are you dra(n more to
a. Fundamental
*. ;vertones
58. 9hi'h seems the )reater error:
a. 4o *e too passionate
*. 4o *e too o*:e'tive
5. Do you see yoursel+ as *asi'ally
a. 0ardAheaded
*. .ortAhearted
5,. 9hi'h situation appeals to you
a. 4he stru'tured and
*. 4he unstru'tured and
5/. Are you a person that is more
a. -outine than (himsi'al
*. 9himsi'al than routine
5%. Are you more in'lined to *e
a. 3asy to approa'h
*. .ome(hat reserved
5$. &n (ritin)s do you pre+er
a. 4he more literal
*. 4he more +i)urative
55. &s it harder +or you to
a. &denti+y (ith others
*. @tiliCe others
5". 9hi'h do you (ish more +or
a. Clarity o+ reason
*. .tren)th o+ 'ompassion
5#. 9hi'h is the )reater +ault:
a. Bein) indis'riminate
*. Bein) 'riti'al
5!. Do you pre+er the
a. Planned event
*. @nplanned event
"8. Do you tend to *e more
a. Deli*erate than
*. .pontaneous than
Answer Sheet
3nter a 'he'k +or ea'h ans(er in the 'olumn +or a or *. 4hen add up the num*ers in ea'h
a * a * a * a * a * a * a *

, / % $ 5 "
# ! 8 , / %
$ 5 " # ! ,8 ,
,, ,/ ,% ,$ ,5 ," ,#
,! /8 / /, // /% /$
/5 /" /# /! %8 % %,
%/ %% %$ %5 %" %# %!
$8 $ $, $/ $% $$ $5
$" $# $! 58 5 5, 5/
5% 5$ 55 5" 5# 5! "8
3 & E E E
. N 4 F
6 P
Directions for Scoring
1. Add down so that the total num*er o+ 1a2 ans(ers is (ritten in the *o> at the *ottom o+ ea'h 'olumn
Gsee ne>t pa)e +ore illustrationH. Do the same +or the 1*2 ans(ers you have 'he'ked. 3a'h o+ the % *o>es
should have a num*er in it.
2. Transfer the number in *o> No. o+ the ans(er sheet to *o> No. *elo( the ans(er sheet. Do this +or
*o> No. , as (ell. Note, ho(ever, that you have t(o num*ers +or *o>es / throu)h #. Brin) do(n the +irst
num*er +or ea'h *o> *eneath the se'ond, as indi'ated *y the arro(s. No( add all the pairs o+ num*ers and
enter the total in the *o>es *elo( the ans(er sheet, so ea'h *o> has only one num*er.
3. Now you have +our pairs o+ num*ers. Cir'le the letter *elo( the lar)er num*er o+ ea'h pair Gsee ans(er
sheet *elo( +or illustrationH. &+ the t(o num*ers o+ any pair are eBual, then 'ir'le neither, *ut put a lar)e I
*elo( them and 'ir'le it.
eport !orm for the "yers#$riggs Type %ndicator
4he M4N& reports your pre+eren'es on +our s'ales. 4here are t(o opposite pre+eren'es on ea'h s'ale. 4he +our s'ales deal (ith (here you like to
+o'us your attention G3 or &H, the (ay you like to look at thin)s G. or NH, the (ay you like to )o a*out de'idin) thin)s G4 or FH, and ho( you deal
(ith the outer (orld G6 or PH. .hort des'riptions o+ ea'h s'ale are *elo(.
& Dou pre+er to +o'us on the outer (orld o+ people and thin)s or % Dou pre+er to +o'us on the inner (orld o+ ideas & impressions
S Dou tend to +o'us on the present and on 'on'rete in+ormation N Dou tend to +o'us on the +uture, (ith a vie( to(ard patterns &
)ained +rom your senses possi*ilities
T Dou tend to *ase your de'isions on lo)i' & on o*:e'tive ! Dou tend to *ase your de'isions primarily on values & on
analysis o+ 'ause and e++e't su*:e'tive evaluation o+ personA'entered 'on'erns
' Dou like a planned & or)aniCed approa'h to li+e & pre+er to ( Dou like a +le>i*le & spontaneous approa'h to li+e & pre+er to
0ave thin)s settled keep your options open.
-3P;-43D 4DP3 9rite the 'ir'led letters in the +our *o>es.
P-3F3-3NC3 .C;-3. &ndi'ate the num*er you s'ored +or ea'h letter.
Dou have no( identi+ied your 1type.2 &t should *e one o+ the +ollo(in):
&NFP &.FP &N4P &.4P
3NFP 3.FP 3N4P 3.4P
&NF6 &.F6 &N46 &.46
3NF6 3.F6 3N46 3.46
&+ you have an I in your type, yours is a mi>ed type. An I 'an sho( up in any o+ the +our pairs: 3 or &, . or N, 4 or F and 6 or P.
0en'e there are /, mi>ed types *eside the 5 listed a*ove.
IN46 3I46 &NIP &N4I
I.4P &I4P 3.IP 3.4I
I.46 &I46 &.IP &.4I
I.FP &IFP 3.I6 3.FI
I.F6 &IF6 &.I6 &.FI
0avin) identi+ied type, the task no( is to read the type des'ription and to de'ide ho( (ell or ho( poorly the des'ription +its. Dou (ill +ind a des'ription or
portrait o+ you type on the pa)e indi'ated in the ta*le o+ 'ontents. &+ you have an I in your type, yours is a 'om*ination o+ t(o types. &+, +or e>ample, the 3 and
& s'ores are eBual and the type is, say, I.F6, then you (ould read *oth &.F6 and &.F6 portraits and de'ide +or yoursel+ (hi'h parts o+ ea'h des'ription are
;ne may also pro+it +rom readin) the portrait o+ one<s opposite to see ho( thin)s are 1on the other side.2 G0o( one pro'eeds a+ter readin) one<s o(n type
portrait depends lar)ely upon temperament. .ome o+ the types (ill read several other portraits *e+ore returnin) to the te>t, (hile other (ill return immediately to
the te>t. .ome may never read all si>teen o+ the type des'riptions.H As (ill *e sho(n, the typolo)y is use+ul i+ an o*server 'an distin)uish *et(een +our types o+
temperament. &t is not at all ne'essary to make these +iner distin'tions. 0o(ever, su'h di++eren'es 'an *e'ome use+ul a+ter lon) study.
)haracteristics fre*uent+y associated with each type
Sensing Types %ntuitive Types
.erious, Buiet, earn su''ess *y
'on'entration and thorou)hness. Pra'ti'al,
orderly, matterAo+A+a't, lo)i'al, realisti', and
dependa*le. .ee to it tat everythin) is (ell
or)aniCed. 4ake responsi*ility. Make up
their o(n minds as to (hat should *e
a''omplished and (ork to(ard it steadily,
re)ardless o+ protests or distra'tions.
Juiet, +riendly, responsi*le, and
'ons'ientious. 9ork devotedly to meet their
o*li)ation. 7end sta*ility to any pro:e't or
)roup. 4horou)h, painstakin), a''urate.
4heir interests are usually not te'hni'al. Can
*e patient (ith ne'essary details. 7oyal,
'onsiderate, per'eptive, 'on'erned (ith ho(
other people +eel.
.u''eed *y perseveran'e, ori)inality, and desire
to do (hatever is needed or (anted. Put their
*est e++orts in to their (ork. Juietly +or'e+ul,
'ons'ientious, 'on'erned +or other. -espe'ted
+or their +irm prin'iples. 7ikely to *e honored
and +ollo(ed +or their 'lear 'onvi'tions as to
ho( *est to serve the 'ommon )ood.
@sually have ori)inal minds and )reat drive +or
their o(n ideas and purposes. &n +ields that
appeal to them, they have a +ine po(er to
or)aniCe a :o* and 'arry it throu)h (ith or
(ithout help. .kepti'al, 'riti'al, independent,
determined, sometimes stu**orn. Must learn to
yield less important points in order to (in the
most important.
Cool onlookersKBuiet, reserved, o*servin)
and analyCin) li+e (ith deta'hed 'uriosity
and une>pe'ted +lashed o+ ori)inal humor.
@sually interested in 'ause and e++e't, ho(
and (hy me'hani'al thin)s (ork, and in
or)aniCin) +a'ts usin) lo)i'al prin'iples.
-etirin), Buietly +riendly, sensitive, kin)
modest a*out their a*ilities. .hun
disa)reementsL do not +or'e their opinions or
values on other. @sually do not 'are to lead
*ut are o+ten loyal +ollo(ers. ;+ten rela>ed
a*out )ettin) thin)s done, *e'ause they 'an
en:oy the present moment and do not (ant to
spoil it *y undue haste or e>ertion.
Full o+ enthusiasms and loyalties, *ut seldom talk
o+ theses until they kno( you (ell. Care a*out
learnin), ideas, lan)ua)e, and independent
pro:e'ts o+ their o(n. 4end to undertake too
mu'h, then someho(, )et it done. Friendly, *ut
o+ten too a*sor*ed in (hat they are doin) to *e
so'ia*le. 7ittle 'on'erned (ith possession or
physi'al surroundin)s.
Juiet and reserved. 3spe'ially en:oy theoreti'al
or s'ienti+i' pursuits. 7ike solvin) pro*lems
(ith lo)i' and analysis. @sually interested
mainly in ideas, (ith little likin) +or parties or
small talk. 4end to have sharply de+ined
interests. Need 'areers (here some stron)
interest 'an *e used and use+ul.
=ood at onAtheAspot pro*lem solvin). Do
not (orry, en:oy (hatever 'omes alon).
4end to like me'hani'al thin)s and sports,
(ith +riends on the side. Adapta*le,
tolerant, )enerally 'onservative in values.
Dislike lon) e>planation. Are *est (ith
real thin)s tat 'an *e (orked, handled,
taken apart, or put to)ether.
;ut)oin), easy)oin), a''eptin), +riendly,
en:oy everythin) and make thin)s more +un
+or other *y their en:oyment. 7ike sports and
makin) thin)s happen. Kno( (hat<s )oin) on
and :oin in ea)erly. Find remem*erin) +a'ts
easier than masterin) theories. Are *est in
situations that need sound 'ommon sense and
pra'ti'al a*ility (ith people as (ell as thin)s.
9armly enthusiasti', hi)hAspirited, in)enious,
ima)inative. A*le to do almost anythin) that
interests them. Jui'k (ith a solution +or any
di++i'ulty and ready to help anyone (ith a
pro*lem. ;+ten rely on their a*ility to improvise
instead o+ preparin) in advan'e. Can usually
+ind 'ompellin) reasons +or (hatever they (ant.
Jui'k, in)enious, )ood at many thin)s.
.timulatin) 'ompany, alertly and outspoken.
May ar)ue +or +un on either side o+ a Buestions.
-esour'e+ul in solvin) ne( and 'hallen)in)
pro*lems, *ut may ne)le't routine assi)nments.
Apt to turn to one ne( interest a+ter another.
.kill+ul in +indin) lo)i'al reasons +or (hat they
Pra'ti'al, realisti', matterAo+A+a't, (ith a
natural head +or *usiness or me'hani's. Not
interested in su*:e'ts they see no use +or, *ut
'an apply themselves (hen ne'essary. 7ike
to or)aniCe and +un a'tivities. May make
)ood administrators, espe'ially i+ they
remem*er to 'onsider others< +eelin)s and
points o+ vie(.
9armAhearted, talkative, popular,
'ons'ientious, *orn 'ooperator, a'tive
'ommittee mem*er. Need harmony and may
*e )ood at 'reatin) it. Al(ays doin)
somethin) ni'e +or someone. 9ork *est (ith
en'oura)ement and praise. Main interest is
in thin)s that dire'tly and visi*ly a++e't
people<s lives.
-esponsive and responsi*le. =enerally +eel real
'on'ern +or (hat other think or (ant, and try to
handle thin)s (ith due re)ard +or the other
person<s +eelin)s. Can present a proposal or lead
a )roup dis'ussion (ith ease and ta't. .o'ia*le,
popular, sympatheti'. -esponsive to praise and
0earty, +rank de'isive, leader in a'tivities.
@sually )ood in anythin) that reBuires reasonin)
and intelli)ent talk, su'h as pu*li' speakin).
Are usually (ell in+ormed and en:oy addin) to
their +und o+ kno(led)e. May sometimes
appear more positive and 'on+ident than their
e>perien'e in an area (arrants.





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