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1/ ao ng la gi?
ao ng la hinh thc ao ngc vi tri thng thng cua chu t va ng t trong mt cu.
Vd: I had never seen so many people in one room. (= trt t t thng thng
Never had I seen so many people in one room. (= ao ng
2/ Khi nao chu ng !a " #u$ng %ao ng&
ao ng c dung ! nhn manh mt thanh "hn ha# # nao o trong cu.
V# co $ao nhi!u loai ao ng:
a% ao ng trong cu hoi:
Cu tng thut: She is the General Diretor.
She has seen the Grand Canyon.
Cu ho!i: Is she the General Diretor"
#as she seen the Grand Canyon"
$% ao ng trong cu $&t 'u $(ng cum t (t ti!u c)c ho*c na ti!u cc +au:
hardl# ,v,r
+carc,l# - .h,n
in no .a#
at no tim,
not onc,
not o/t,n
not onl# - $ut - a+ .,ll
not onl# - $ut al+o
no +oon,r - than
not until
on no account
und,r no circum+tanc,+
$i% du: &ary not only 'or(s at the post o))ie *ut she also 'or(s at the groery store.
+, Not only does &ary 'or( at the post o))ie *ut she also 'or(s at the groery store.
&a- never *ought another motoryle again.
+, Never again did &a- *uy another motoryle.
.ou are under no irumstanes to leave the house tonight
01 Under no circumstances are you to leave the house tonight
2u #: ao ng chi dung v! u cua cu ma thi
Vi du: No sooner had he opened the letter than did the phone ring. (+ai
No sooner had he opened the letter than the phone rang. (ung
c% ao ng trong cu $3t u cum gii t chi ni chn:
$i% du: /ustin0 1e-as0 lies at the edge o) the #ill County.
+, At the edge of the Hill County lies /ustin0 1e-as.
d% ao ng trong cu i!u 4i!n:
56c ch7: '() trong cu 8 lo9i :; ch7 *ERE; trong lo9i <; ch7 S'O+,) trong lo9i = c> th?
,m ra tr@c chA tB thC choI-
5ng thc:
D E/ E .,r, #ou; E .ould ....
= *./. E #ou ; E .ould....
D E/ E had gon, to +chool......
= 'a# E gon, to +chool...
D E/ E +hould go....
= Shoul# E go.....
$i% du: I) I had gone to the post o))ie0 I 'ould have *ought some stamps.
01 Had I gone to the post o))ie0 I 'ould have *ought some stamps.
I) it had not *een )or your help0 I 'ouldn2t have sueeded.
3, Had it not *een )or your help0 I 'ouldn2t have sueeded.
I) you should meet her0 please as( her to all me at one.
+, Should you meet her0 please as( her to all me at one.
I) I 'ere you0 I 'ould not do suh a rude thing.
+, Were I you0 I 'ould not do suh a rude thing.
,% Fo ng trong cu $&t 'u $(ng G+oG trong cHu trIc G Jo-that G va K+uchL trong cu truc
$i% du: She is so *eauti)ul that everyone turns to loo( at her.
+, So *eauti)ul is she that every one turns to loo( at her.
#e drove so arelessly that his ar rashed into a tree.
+, So arelessly did he drive that his ar rashed into a tree.
1he dotor 'as so angry that he 'ent a'ay.
+, So angry was the dotor that he 'ent a'ay.
1here 'as suh a noise that I ouldn2t 'or(
Such a noise was there that I ouldn2t 'or(
/% Fo ng trong cHu trIc v@i G+o G vM Gn,ith,rG:
$i% du: #e li(es tea and I do too.
+, #e li(es tea and so do I.
#e isn2t a student and she is not either.
+, #e isn2t a student and neither is she.
4So4 56 d7ng trong u (h8!ng 5inh v9 4neither 4 trong u phu! 5inh.
4So4 v9 4too4 : 7ng ; ngh<a0 nhng h= 4so 4 >n pha!i 5?o ng@.
4Neither4 v9 4not either 4 : 7ng ; ngh<a trong u nhng h= 4 neither4 >n 5?o ng@.
hA B?o ng@ trong u *Ct 5>u *Dng 4Enly4
$i% du: Only 'hen all attempts at the negotiation had )ailed did the men deide to go on stri(e.
Only in entral $ietnam have I seen suh senery li(e that.
NFu 4only 4 *G! ng@ ho hu! t0 thi trong u (hGng : 5?o ng@. $H dI nh:
Only he an spea( Jnglish. K(hGng o% 5a!o ng@L
Only the speial mem*ers an enter the lu* on Sundays. K(hGng o% 5a!o ng@L
ChM ;: NFu u : N mOnh 5P thQ 5?o ngR S mOnh 5P thT N.
gA B?o ng@ trong u *8%t 5u vUi 4here4 v9 4there4
Here are your (eys.
There goes the trainV
Here omes GeorgeV
,u 0 : Nrong c6ch nM# chA ng7 "hFi lM #anh !1 thO m@i Fo ng7 Pc; 9i tB 4hng Fo ng7
$H dI:
#ere ame the *us
Qhng chA tB lM %2i !1 thO 4hng Pc
#ere it ame (4hng Fo ca3. ra tr@c
1here he isV W(hGng 5a!o Xto *eY ra tr%Z
#ere she arrivesV W(hGng 5a!o XarriveY ra tr%Z
iA B?o ng@ trong u *Ct 5>u *Dng v[ ngR:
Dar(ening is the s(y.
\resent at the meeting 'ere the \resident0 the \rime &inister and all &em*ers o) the Ca*inet.
]A Fo ng trong cu $&t 'u $(ng "h> tB ho*c cRm "h> tB.
1'ie 'ithin my li)etime have 'orld 'ars ta(en plae.
Near the hurh 'as an old ruined ottage.
( % ao ng vi KmuchL; Kman#L; Kman# a tim,L va tSnh tB
VS dR:
#e read many *oo(s yesterday.
Many *oo(s did he read yesterday ( Fo Kman#L ra 'u
1he trees are *eauti)ul in their olors.
Beautiful are the trees in their olors (Fo tSnh tB ra 'u
1he days 'hen 'e lived in poverty are gone .( Kgon,L lM tSnh tB
one are the days 'hen 'e lived in poverty. ( Fo Ggon,G ra 'u
#e has helped me 'ith my e-periment many a time.
Many a time has he helped me 'ith my e-periment. (ao Kman# a tim,L ra u
,i"! o4 15 607." o4 Su89.c!/V./8 In:./"ion
Nh,r, ar, at l,a+t ,ight,,n t#",+ o/ inv,r+ion:
=. n,g intro
<. intro adv,r$ial (in; do.n; "r,"o+itional "hra+,
:. intro 0,d
T. com"arativ,
U. intro com"arativ,
V. a+
W. +o... that...
X. had; +hould; .,r,
Y. th,r, i+
=Z. h,r, i+
==. intro 0ing
=<. ,m"ha+i+
=:. th, $igg,r; th, $,tt,r
=T. [u,+tion+
=U. G+tor# +",,chG
=V. nor
=W. +o do E%n,ith,r do E
=X. intro ad\,ctiv,
N#", ]^am"l,+ Qot,+
=. n,g intro Q,v,r do E +l,,".
_nl# at night can E +tud#.
En no .a# could E h,l" #ou .ith
#our `a"an,+, grammar [u,+tion.
E $,li,v, that onl# rar,l# .ill E
n,,d #our h,l".
Qot until E got hom, did E r,alia,
that m# +ho,+ .,r, unti,d.
bu,+tion /orm i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
Nhi+ on, i+ v,r# common on th,
N_]d2 and +om,.hat common on th,
efgN and eh].
i, n,,d to l,arn th, variou+ t#",+ o/
.ord+ and "hra+,+ that r,[uir, thi+
t#", o/ inv,r+ion.
Qotic, that +om,tim,+ th, inv,r+ion
occur+ right a/t,r th, n,g intro /orm
and +om,tim,+ it occur+ in th, n,^t
+u$\,ct and v,r$.
J,, Q,g Entro /or mor, in/o.
<. intro adv,r$ial Ento th, room ran th, lad#.
dir+t com,+ lov,; th,n com,+
g/t,r g com,+ j; th,n com,+ 5;
n,^t com,+ k.
ko.n cam, th, rain and .a+h,d
th, +"id,r out.
Env,r+ion i+ o"tional.
c+,d .ith $,0v,r$+; lin4ing v,r$+; and
v,r$+ o/ dir,ction.
Nhi+ on, i+ l,++ common on th,
N_]d2; $ut mor, common on th,
efgN and eh].
Qotic, that +om,tim,+ ., hav, an
adv,r$; li4, /ir+t and do.n and
+om,tim,+ ., hav, an adv,r$ "hra+,
li4, into th, room or a/t,r g. Nh,+,
adv,r$+ and adv,r$ "hra+,+ u+uall#
+ho. location or dir,ction.
Nhi+ t#", o/ inv,r+ion u+uall# onl#
occur+ .ith $,0v,r$+; lin4ing v,r$+
and v,r$+ that +ho. dir,ction or
mov,m,nt; li4, com,; go; run; ,tc.
:. intro l,d dound in Jan dranci+co i+
2om$ard Jtr,,t; th, +o0call,d
croo4,d,+t +tr,,t in th, .orld.
2o+t among th, old ta$l,+ and
chair+ .a+ th, "ric,l,++ Victorian
2ocat,d $,t.,,n Jan dranci+co
and farin 5ount# i+ th, eold,n
eat, jridg,.
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d .ith $,0v,r$+.
Nhi+ on, i+ v,r# common on th,
N_]d2; efgN; and eh].
Nhi+ t#", o/ inv,r+ion u+uall# occur+
.ith $,0v,r$+; $ut +om,tim,+ .ith
lin4ing v,r$+.
Qotic, that th, "hra+, i+ th,
com"l,m,nt o/ th, $,0v,r$.
T. com"arativ,+ 5h,,tah+ run /a+t,r than do
mou +",a4 5hin,+, $,tt,r than do
`,++ica i+ mor, int,r,+t,d in
Env,r+ion i+ o"tional.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
Nhi+ /orm o/ inv,r+ion i+ common on
th, N_]d2; efgN; and eh].
i, normall# onl# hav, inv,r+ion h,r,
5om"ut,r Jci,nc, than i+
i/ ., ar, com"aring +u$\,ct+ o/ th,
v,r$; not o$\,ct+. dor ,^am"l,; in th,
/ t.o +,nt,nc,+; ., ar,
com"aring o$\,ct+; carrot+ and
"otato,+; not th, +u$\,ct E.:
E li4, carrot+ mor, than E do
E li4, carrot+ mor, than do E li4,
Qo.; in thi+ +,nt,nc,; ., ar,
com"aring +u$\,ct+; E and m# /ri,nd
E li4, carrot+ mor, than do,+ m#
/ri,nd 5arl.
U. intro
jigg,r than an a"ato+aur i+ th,
$lu, .hal,.
for, im"ortant than #our ",r+onal
+tat,m,nt i+ #our eng.
Qo l,++ im"r,++iv, than th,
inv,ntion o/ th, la+,r .a+ th,
d,v,lo"m,nt o/ th, .h,,l.
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d .ith $,0v,r$+.
Nhi+ /orm i+ mor, common on th,
efgN and eh] than it i+ on th,
Qotic, that ., can onl# u+, thi+ /orm
o/ inv,r+ion .h,n th, v,r$ i+ a $,0
v,r$ +inc, in ,v,r# ca+,; th,
com"arativ, i+ th, com"l,m,nt o/ th,
h,m,m$,r that l,++ than i+ al+o a
V. a+ f,gumi i+ /rom `a"an; a+ i+ Jato.
Jo0,un .ant+ to l,av, ,arl# toda#;
a+ do,+ _i.
E/ thro.n into th, .at,r; cam,l+
can; a+ can cat+.
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
i, can onl# u+, inv,r+ion i/ ., ar,
u+ing a+ /or com"ari+on+.
a+ i+ on, o/ th, tric4i,+t .ord+ in
]ngli+ho it can hav, man# di//,r,nt
W. +o- that- Jo ha""# .a+ E that E $ought
/lo.,r+ /or ,v,r#$od# in cla++.
Jo [uic4l# did +h, l,av, that .,
did not ,v,n r,alia, .a+ gon,.
Jo rar,l# do,+ a com,t a"",ar
vi+i$l, to th, na4,d ,#, that .h,n
on, do,+; it i+ con+id,r,d a ma\or
bu,+tion /orm i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
Nhi+ i+ not +o common on th, N_]d2;
$ut i+ /airl# common on th, efgN
and eh].
Nh, +o- that- clau+, mu+t $,/or,
th, v,r$ in /or thi+ t#", o/ inv,r+ion.
X. had0 should0
'ere /or i)0
pad E r,m,m$,r,d Nomomiq+
$irthda#; +h, .ouldnrt $, mad at
m, no..
Qot, that th, .ord i/ do,+ Q_N
a"",ar in th, clau+, .h,n
inv,r+ion i+ u+,d:
pad E r,m,m$,r,d = E/ E had
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
Nhi+ i+ +om,.hat common on th,
N_]d2 and mor, common on th,
efgN and eh].
Nhi+ t#", o/ inv,r+ion i+ 4ind o/
+",cial. Qotic, that ., can onl# u+,
Jhould #ou n,,d a hand; E .ill $,
mor, than ha""# to h,l" #ou.
Jhould #ou n,,d a hand = E/ #ou
+hould n,,d a hand
i,r, E #ou; E thin4 E .ould +tud#
mor, /or #our ,^am tomorro..
i,r, E #ou = E/ E .,r, #ou
thi+ t#", o/ inv,r+ion .h,n ., ar,
u+ing an i/0clau+,. En oth,r .ord+; i/ i+
omitt,d: ,v,n though th, .ord i/ do,+
not a"",ar in th, clau+,; ., +till hav,
th, m,aning o/ an i/0clau+,.
dor mor, in/ormation; +,, had; +hould;
Y. th,r, i+; th,r,
ar,; th,r, ,^i+t+;
th,r, com,+; ,tc.
Nh,r, i+ a good r,+taurant n,ar$#.
Nh,r, com,+ a tim, in ,v,r#
",r+onr+ li/, .h,n +h, r,alia,+ that
+h, i+ r,+"on+i$l, /or h,r o.n
ha""in,++; not oth,r ",o"l,.
Jci,nti+t+ h#"oth,+ia, that th,r,
,^i+t+ a c,rtain t#", o/ "articl, that
can trav,l /a+t,r than th, +",,d o/
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+uall# u+,d onl# .ith th,+, v,r$+.
Nhi+ /orm o/ inv,r+ion i+ common on
th, N_]d2; efgN; and eh]; a+ .,ll
a+ in +"o4,n and .ritt,n ]ngli+h.
fo+t ",o"l, r,m,m$,r th,r, i+ and
th,r, ar,. jcN ., mu+t al+o
r,m,m$,r that th,r, ar, oth,r v,r$+
that ., can u+, in+t,ad o/ i+ and ar,.
Nh, mo+t common on,+ ar, ,^i+t;
com,; and go.
=Z. h,r, i+; h,r,
ar,; h,r, com,+;
h,r, com,
p,r, i+ +om, good /ood /or #ou to
p,r, ar, th, $oo4+ that E donrt
n,,d an#mor,.
p,r, com,+ th, $u+s
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+uall# u+,d onl# .ith th,+, v,r$+.
mou .ill "ro$a$l# not +,, thi+ on th,
grammar +,ction o/ th, N_]d2 or on
th, efgN or eh]. Et could; ho.,v,r;
a"",ar on th, 2i+t,ning
5om"r,h,n+ion J,ction o/ th,
N_]d2. i, u+, thi+ /orm mo+tl# in
+"o4,n ]ngli+h.
==. intro 0ing jurning out o/ control .a+ th,
/or,+t locat,d in th, /oothill+ o/ th,
Ji,rra Q,vada mountain+.
5oming in la+t in th, rac, .a+ `o,
G]l,"hant 2,g+G jlo..
Qot h,l"ing th, +ituation .a+ littl,
Ju+i,; .ho .a+
n,.+"a",r on th, +"r,ading /ir,.
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d onl# .ith $,0v,r$+.
Nhi+ /orm i+ not common on th,
N_]d2; $ut might +ho. u" on th,
efgN or eh].
Qotic, th, intro ling "hra+, i+ th,
com"l,m,nt o/ th, $,0v,r$.
=<. ,m"ha+i+ jo# am E hungr#.
E+ it ,v,r hot in h,r,s
ko #ou 4no. ho. to coo4s
Env,r+ion i+ o"tional.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
mou .ill "ro$a$l# not +,, thi+ on th,
grammar +,ction o/ th, N_]d2 or on
th, efgN or eh]. Et could; ho.,v,r;
a"",ar on th, 2i+t,ning
5om"r,h,n+ion J,ction o/ th,
N_]d2. i, u+, thi+ /orm mo+tl# in
+"o4,n ]ngli+h.
=:. th, $igg,r;
th, $,tt,r
Nh, clo+,r an o$\,ct i+ to anoth,r
o$\,ct; th, gr,at,r i+ th, gravit#
bu,+tion /orm i+ o"tional.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
$,t.,,n th, t.o o$\,ct+.
=T. [u,+tion+ E+ thi+ th, la+t ,^am"l,t
ko #ou ,n\o# r,ading th,+, li+t+t
gr, ., /ini+h,d #,tt
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
mou .ill "ro$a$l# not +,, thi+ on th,
grammar +,ction o/ th, N_]d2
(N_]d2 do,+nqt t,+t [u,+tion+
an#mor, or on th, efgN or eh]. Et
.ould; ho.,v,r; a"",ar on th,
2i+t,ning 5om"r,h,n+ion J,ction o/
th, N_]d2.
=U. G+tor#
KE thin4 itr+ tim, to go;L +aid
KEtr+ tim, /or #ou; $ut not /or m,;L
r,"li,d ear#.
Kfa#$, ., +hould coll,ct our
thought+ /or a mom,nt;L
comm,nt,d 2an#.
Env,r+ion i+ o"tional.
c+,d .ith v,r$+ that r,"ort +",,ch.
mou .ill "ro$a$l# not +,, thi+ on th,
grammar +,ction o/ th, N_]d2 or on
th, efgN or eh].
=V. nor Qo on, ha+ volunt,,r,d /or th,
\o$; nor do ., ,^",ct an#on, to
volunt,,r in th, /utur,.
po40ming cannot +",a4
nortugu,+,; nor can `o+u +",a4
Nh, aoo r,gulation+ .ill not
",rmit #ou to touch th, animal+;
nor .ould mo+t ",o"l, advi+, #ou
to do +o.
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
mou might +,, thi+ on th, ada"tiv,
N_]d2 i/ #ou ar, +coring high and it
could a"",ar on th, efgN or eh].
h,m,m$,r that nor i+ con+id,r,d a
con\unction; $ut ., u+, it $,t.,,n
t.o +,nt,nc,+ (not $,t.,,n an# t.o
,l,m,nt+ li4, th, oth,r con\unction+.
=W. G+o do EG%
Gn,ith,r do E.G
KJo do E.L
KJo can N,rr#.L
KQ,ith,r do mo+t ",o"l, E 4no..L
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator#.
c+,d .ith all v,r$+.
mou .ill "ro$a$l# not +,, thi+ on th,
grammar +,ction o/ th, N_]d2 or on
th, efgN or eh].
=X. intro
j,auti/ul $,#ond $,li,/ .a+ m#
$a$# daught,r.
pa""# a$out th,ir acc,"tanc, into
th,ir dr,am +chool+ .,r, 2an# and
buic4 and "ainl,++ .ill $, #our
m,dical "roc,dur,.
Env,r+ion i+ o$ligator# in mo+t ca+,+.
c+,d .ith $,0v,r$+.
Nhi+ on, i+ /airl# rar, and "ro$a$l#
.ould not a"",ar on th, N_]d2; $ut
#ou might +,, it on th, efgN or
Env,r+ion i+ +om,tim,+ not u+,d in
"o,tic languag,.

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