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To whom it may concern:

Prior to working as a Systems Analyst, with her current employer, Aishwarya worked with
me as the lead in the position of a junior business analyst in Customer Service
Operations. I had the pleasure of interviewing and hiring her. She is a respected
colleague and a dear friend of mine.
Aishwarya continually outperformed her peers when she was with the company. She
has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is extremely organized and is
able to effectively multi-task to ensure that all the projects are completed in a timely
manner. She has an ability to draw on her own experience and observations to
develop thoughtful opinions on a variety of issues.
Aishwarya is always willing to offer her assistance and has an excellent rapport with the
many constituents served by our office including clients, sub consultants and other
professional organizations.
She would be an asset to any institution and has my highest recommendation in any
endeavor she chooses to pursue.


Vijay Vamsi
Project Manager
Digitally signed by Vijay
DN: cn=Vijay Vamsi, o, ou,
om, c=US
Date: 2013.04.11 14:14:50

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