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Wary of e-commerce in the name of the new network MLM scam Time: 2013-04-28

14:33:08 Internet era, the rapi e!e"opment of e-commerce, #on"ine shoppin$#,

#money on"ine# an other wors hot on the Internet% With the e!e"opment an
pop&"ari'ation of the network, some MLM or$ani'ations (e$in with #e-commerce#,
#)&yin$ *n"ine#, #on"ine a!ertisin$#, #money on"ine#, #on"ine shoppin$#, #Tao(ao
shop#, #network marketin$#, #network Marketin$, ## network +$ent #,# network +ffi"iate
#,# e-"earnin$ trainin$ #,# on"ine f&n in!estment #an in the name of e!e"opment p&""
the hea off the assem("y "ine, res&"tin$ in a "ar$e n&m(er of Internet &sers in the !ictim
st&ck in a ,&a$mire% +t present, #-etwork Marketin$# main"y inc"&es the fo""owin$
three types: .irst, the traitiona" MLM #-etwork /ition# With the Internet p"atform that
se"" physica" pro&cts, (y e!e"opin$ off"ine profita("e, (&t this moe" is too o(!io&s, has
(een i""e$a" pyrami scheme companies an crimina"s $ra&a""y a(anone% 0econ, (y
e!e"opin$ own"ine mem(ers to increase a c"ick-thro&$h rate of ret&rn $i!en the
commission )rowse pai a!ertisin$ to earn points thro&$h the network (y a sin$"e c"ick
a!ertisin$ e!e"opment for c"ickin$ on as, sen an recei!e e-mai", on"ine re$istration
an other means e1ist% This on"ine re$istration an more for free in o&r co&ntry fin
m&ch, (&t the maintenance of the network of persona" information safe from spam
harassment pose a $reat threat% Thir, the so-ca""e m&"ti-"e!e" information a(o&t network
marketin$ 2m"m3 moe MLM carrier This moe is main"y for shoppin$ sites% We(site
content may inc"&e: (&siness p"annin$, persona" finance content, istance e&cation,
trainin$, traers, a!ocacy ser!ices, information ser!ices, 40m( space, mana$ement
contro" centers, re$istere &sers wi"" pay a certain amo&nt of renmin(i, yo& can app"y to a
&ser name, to &se we(site p"atform% +n, after s&ccessf&""y 5oine the site, yo& can (e
e"i$i("e to recommen, e!e"op others to 5oin the site an yo& can earn points accorin$
to the n&m(er recommene (y the s&ccessf&" party% These three types of -etwork
Marketin$, main"y thro&$h on"ine shoppin$, pai a!ertisin$ c"icks, on"ine $ames, money
$ames an other carriers e!e"op off the assem("y "ine% In aition to these ma5or means
of comm&nication, MLM has e!o"!e more new an more s&(t"e forms, s&ch as: the
name of #nationa" en$a$e pi"ot#, #western e!e"opment# an other (anner, "&re the
masses to participate in so-ca""e #capita"# or #s&nshine 6ro5ect #7 (anner of# recr&itment
#,# 5o( escription #,# recr&itment #an the name trick st&ents, farmers, "ai-off workers
to participate in pyrami schemes7 (anner of# franchise, ## franchisin$ #,# chain sa"es #,#
irect #an the name of the Miwest an other p"aces to trick peop"e an minority peop"e
to en$a$e in pyrami se""in$ acti!ities in ifferent p"aces7 the name of the c&rrent
fashiona("e# e-commerce #,# )&yin$ *n"ine #,# on"ine a!ertisin$ #,# money on"ine #,#
on"ine shoppin$ ##Tao(ao shop#, #network marketin$#, #network marketin$#, #network
+$ent#, #network +ffi"iate#, #e-"earnin$ trainin$#, #on"ine f&n in!estment# an in the
name, the &se of the Internet for pyrami schemes7 &ner a "e$a" the company, o&terwear
companies, thro&$h the e!e"opment of franchisees, a$ents, etc%, in orer to $et rich ,&ick
as (ait to "&re Internet &sers in network Marketin$ i""e$a"% 8e$ar"ess of the MLM
or$ani'ation camo&f"a$e, cons&mers etermine whether a site sites "ike MLM, simp"y
$rasp the main feat&res of -etwork Marketin$% .eat&res a: 9irt&a" stron$ -etwork is
a"ways a !irt&a" space, pyrami schemes e1p"oit this feat&re !irt&a" network, &ner the
$&ise of #e-commerce#, #f&n#, #!ent&re capita"#, #new ener$y e!e"opment#, #.ore1#
an #:o" .&t&res# s&ch as the name of co!er for them to con&ct #karate# s"ei$ht of
han tricks of the rea" "ine% .eat&res two: more ecepti!e ;sin$ the site as a MLM
p"atform MLM in the traitiona" sense than more ecepti!e an co!ert% These MLM
we(site an more (anner of #istance e&cation#, #persona" trainin$ (&siness,# #e-
commerce#, #new ener$y e!e"opment,# the (anner appea"in$ to ecei!e the p&("ic,
co!erin$ its e!e"opment mem(ers 2off"ine3 the nat&re of profit% .eat&res three:
concea"e <ompare with traitiona" MLM, -etwork Marketin$ more concea"e%
=e!e"opment of mem(ers are on the network, mem(ers m&st re$ister thro&$h the we(site
to 5oin MLM mem(ers, an &ser names are &se pse&onyms or coe, an ha!e their own
"o$in passwor, contact each other primari"y thro&$h e-mai" or instant messa$in$ too"s
carry o&t% .eat&res fo&r: sprea across the re$ion Internet has sprea across the re$ion,
makin$ the pyrami to (reak own $eo$raphica" an nationa" (o&naries, e!en in a
co&ntry, (&t a"so e!erywhere% >owe!er, &e to "imitations of territoria" 5&risiction o!er
the (&siness sector can on"y s&per!ise the acti!ities of this area of MLM, pyrami
schemes nationwie &na("e to c&t off from the so&rce% .eat&res fi!e: in (&siness
re$&"ation #$ray 'one# 9o"&mino&s on"ine reso&rces s&ch as the sea, the (&siness sector
to fin traces of i""e$a" pyrami scheme easier sai than one in the h&nres of mi""ions
of messa$es% What?s more, MLM we(site an many more re$istere &sers to enter a
passwor to "o$ on the way, the a!era$e &ser can not (rowse its contents, an site
mana$ement is not within the scope of (&siness re$&"ation, so the (&siness sector can not
take the initiati!e to re$&"ate e1 officio s&spicio&s we(sites, an e!en irect"y sh&t own,
can on"y (e fo&n in the rea" wor" case MLM marks or reporte to attack, $et fewer
cases so&rce of information channe"s, res&"tin$ in e1treme"y passi!e network Marketin$
In&stry an <ommerce in!esti$ate% <&rrent"y, accorin$ to the :o!ernment informe
the meia e1pos&re an on"ine transaction sec&rity information center comp"aints from
cons&mers, the c&rrent omestic network ha!e (een in!esti$ate or s&specte pyrami
se""in$ or$ani'ation more typica" are: #9an$&ar shoppin$#, #6acific irect p&rchase
network ## happy tri(e #,# .@< internationa" #,# tho&sans ferry #,# ten e$rees space #,#
+merican fast networkin$ #,# s&preme internationa" ##, #search c"o& Tesco#, #TA>
internationa"#, #pass an Ma"" #,# 0in$apore +: I6* #,# 0han$hai an more shoppin$, ##
0han$hai home Imperia" #,# :o"en 8oa $ame wor" #,# >on$ @on$ +)M #,# )ei5in$
:o"en (i""ion ;-IT+ internationa" /"ectronic <ommerce <o%, Lt% #,# /n$e"har
e"ectronic ## +&stra"ia a= on"ine meia a!ertisin$ company #an so on% *n"ine
transaction protection center remine neti'ens frien: &na("e to etermine whether it is
in MLM we(site (efore, o not easi"y in!est, it is recommene to search on the we(
a(o&t the comments a(o&t the site?s &sers for reference, or to s&ch on"ine transaction
sec&rity center or$ani'ationa" cons&"tin$ in&stry, yo& can a"so cons&"t yo&r "oca"
cons&mer associations or the (&siness sector% If accienta""y straye into MLM we(site,
sho&" a comp"aint irect"y to the "oca" po"ice station or the po"ice immeiate"y to the
(&siness sector% This can he"p the re"e!ant epartments to &nerstan the sit&ation, in
time to stop to a!oi more peop"e ecei!e% With conitions s&ch as fi"in$, once cracke
MLM or$ani'ation, there may reco!er a"" or part of the "oss% +ppeni1 1: 0&specte of
#e-(&siness# marketin$ or$ani'ation "ist MeiaTek Wor" Trae /n$e"har e"ectronic
wor" thro&$h .e(ay Internationa" .e(ay woman?s )ay <ompany / -etwork )&siness
/n$"ish T9I /1press Tra!e" /1perience +sia M=: +merican Life -etwork :"o(a"
/&cation -etwork Meiya Internationa" Mycoo" <hen$& Mai coo" M=: Internationa"
/-<ommerce <o%, Lt% =on$tai 0hoppin$ -etwork ream ma"" >an$'ho& +n
internationa" c"&( +n(ei Te p&rchase Techno"o$ies Limite 2+n(ei Te3 Me""ow 2M/L*3
internationa" >on$ @on$ Meissen 2M/0;-3 most catt"e IT trainin$ -etwork <hi <h&an
new new new <hi <hi network 0in$apore internationa" >ei"on$5ian$ )ranch 6o"yo"s I6<
cross-in&stry a""iance / <osway /cosway 0in$apore 4= )o cai e-commerce network
company ->T #Leikesesi# Liaonin$ Tiany&an )io mass mai"-orer company in -an5in$
=in$ @ai Train$ <ompany )ei5in$ Taihe /"ectronics <o%, Lt% )ei5in$ /&rope +sian
+"(ert internationa" )&siness <o%, happy 1BB en$ineerin$ A+I6 network phone company
)ei5in$ Ain .en$ <ar"in Imon internationa" /"ectronic <ommerce >an$'ho& too (am(oo
hea"th 6ro&cts <o%, Lt% of >on$ @on$ an internationa" "on$ ten e$rees space
contin$ent hea"th :"o(a" in!estment +!isory <o%, Lt% >&(ei )ei5in$ Ain1in$ Cin Lin
.en$ Train$ :ro&p <o%, Lt% :&an$1i @im Don$ stem $"o(a" force 2:L)3 /.T 2mai"in$
pro&cts3 )ei5in$ 0h&n >in$ .ort&ne Techno"o$y Ehe5ian$ F&'ho& :erman capita"
$oos company I Lao,i +merican fast networkin$ #0&ntan# <TG0 ser!ice station in
Fin$y&an, :&an$on$ 0hen'hen mi""ion s&rp"&s <otta$e techno"o$y pro!ier network
Techno"o$y <o%, Lt% fa"se #Lo!e 0cotia :ro&p ;0+ wine# wea"th rente f&rnishin$s
+merican 8ena 28/-+3 Lt Tr&mp -ationa" 9i""a$e enrichin$ &nion e,&ity in!estment
f"ows wea"th 0MI -e!er"an White >o&se capita" 0in$apore L9 2"e$en!ent&re3 0IF*
:"o(a" <hon$ .aci"ity ;-+I<* +merican / / Ma Internationa" +&stra"ia (efore
the era of network-(i""ion ma"" += .@< internationa" 0earch c"o& tho&sans ferry pass
an Tesco ma"" ;=cap I6* /)/D p&rchase 2<hina3 cons&mer +""iance <hina s&pp"iers
o(!io&s"y happy tri(e 0in$apore I6* ten tho&san +: shoppin$ an more shoppin$
0han$hai 0han$hai =orsett :o"en 8oa home $ame wor" +)M 6acific >on$ @on$
internationa" irect p&rchase /1treme +ppeni1 2: -etwork MLM way to report
comp"aints 0+I< http:HHwww%saic%$o!%cnH +ministration report te"ephone 010-884I23II
884I2341 Lo$ in 6eop"e?s 8ep&("ic of <hina 0tate +ministration for In&stry an
<ommerce norms prohi(it irect comp"aints co"&mn MLM Information 0ystems
2http:HH$sy5%saic%$o!%cnH'15$H3% +"" the ma5or cities in the co&ntry to report phone or /-
mai": 01, )ei5in$: 1231I 02, 0han$hai: 1231I 03, Tian5in: 022-1231I We(site: http:
HHwww%t5h%nethttp: HHwww%t5aic%$o!%cn 04, <hon$,in$: 023-43G2G041 /-mai":
c,$p5yJ143%com 0I, >&(ei: 02G-84GG3024 We(site: www%e$s%$o!%cn mai":
$p5yJe$s%$o!%cn 04, Aian$1i: 0GB1-43I0244 /-mai": 51$s$p5J51aic%$o!%cn 0G, Inner
Mon$o"ia: 04G1-44283G2,44283G4 we(site: www%nm$s%$o!%cn 08, >ainan: 1231I 0B,
-in$1ia: 0BI1-I4G201I,I4G2014 10, 0hanon$: 0I31-1231I88I2G334 we(site:
www%saic%$o!%cn 11, Cin5ian$: 1231I /-mai": $on$pin$5&J15aic%$o! 12, D&nnan: 08G1-
4I44402 13, +nh&i: 0II1-44GI1G0 We(site: ah31I%$o!%cn 14, .&5ian: 0IB1-8GG1IB40 1I,
Fin$hai: 0BG1-82381I8,82I1400 we(site: $p5y,hJsaic%$o!%cn mai":% :p5y J saic%$o!%cn
14, Liaonin$: 024-B431I rpm 2B12 1G, >&nan: 0G31-8842B12 We(site: http:
HHwww%hnaic%net%cn >on$&n >&nan In&stria" an <ommercia" Information -etwork-
mai": s$s%$5Jtom%com 18, >enan: 03G1-44GGB324,44GGB2G2 1B, :&an$on$: 020-
8II8G042 /-mai": 5c1J$$s%$o!%cn 20, 0ich&an: 028-844143BI 21, :&i'ho&: 08I1-
48I188G,4822BIB we(site: www%$'$s%$o!%cn 22, :ans&: 0B31-8I33313,8I33213 mai":
$saic%$o!%cn 23, 0haan1i: 02B-8G2B4410 24, Aian$ 0&: 02I-8330B8IG 2I, Ehe5ian$: 0IG1-
88383388 t&rn I042 24, Ai"in: 0431-I21231I We(site: www%5"$s%$o!%cn 2G, 0han1i: 03I1-
G480231,03I1-G48023B 28, >e(ei: 0311-88434I4B 2B, >ei"on$5ian$: 04I1-844I1320 30,
:&an$1i: 0GG1-II31214

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