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SAMPLE PAPER-03 (solved)
PHYSICS (Theory)
Class XI

Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions
a) All he !uesio"s are #om$ulsory%
&) There are !" !uesio"s i" oal%
#) 'uesio"s # o $ are (ery shor a"swer y$e !uesio"s a"d #arry one mark ea#h%
d) 'uesio"s " o #0 #arry t%o marks ea#h%
e) 'uesio"s ## o !! #arry t&ree marks ea#h%
)) 'uesio"s !3 is (alue &ased !uesio"s #arry 'our marks%
*) 'uesio"s !( o !" #arry 'ive marks ea#h%
h) There is "o o(erall #hoi#e% Howe(er+ a" i"er"al #hoi#e has &ee" $ro(ided i" o"e !uesio" o)
wo marks+ o"e !uesio" o) hree marks a"d all hree !uesio"s i" )i(e marks ea#h% You ha(e
o aem$ o"ly o"e o) he #hoi#es i" su#h !uesio"s%
i) ,se o) #al#ulaors is not $ermied% Howe(er+ you may use lo* a&les i) "e#essary%
-) You may use he )ollowi"* (alues o) $hysi#al #o"sa"s where(er "e#essary:
7 1
9 2 2
3 10 /
6.63 10
1.6 10
4 10
9 10
9.1 10
c x m s
h x Js
e x C
x TmA
x Nm C
m x kg


.% /i(e reaso": 0Cur(ed roads are &a"ked1%
2% /i(e reaso": 0A s$ri"* &ala"#e show wro"* measure a)er lo"* use1%
3% 3he" real *ases o&ey he ideal *as e!uaio" $4 5 6T7
8% /i(e reaso": 0Thou*h earh re#ei(ed solar e"er*y+ i is "o warmed u$ #o"i"uously1%
9% :i"d he i"er"al e"er*y $ossessed a a em$eraure T+ i) here are ;)< de*rees )reedom wih ;"<
moles o) a *as%
=% Sae he laws o) limii"* )ri#io"%
7% I) .A
5 .0
m a"d he si?e o) a hydro*e" aom is a&ou 0%9 A
+ he" wha is he oal aomi#
(olume i" m
o) a mole o) hydro*e" aoms7
@% /i(e he limiaio"s o) he )irs law o) Thermody"ami#s7

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Portal for CBSE Notes, est Papers, Sample Papers, ips and ric!s
I) work re!uired &lowi"* a soa$ &u&&le o) radius r is 3+ he" wha addiio"al work is re!uired o
&e do"e &elow i o a radius 3r7
B% The measured !ua"iies a+ &+ # a"d x is #al#ulaed &y usi"* he relaio"
x =
% I) he $er#e"a*e
errors i" measureme"s o) a+ &+ a"d # are C .D+ C 2D a"d C .%9 D+ he" #al#ulae he maximum
$er#e"a*e error i" (alue o) x o&ai"ed%
.0% 3ha would &e he (elo#iy o) he o$ e"d a he ime o) ou#hi"* he *rou"d i) a rod o) le"*h l
a"d mass M held (eri#ally is le *o dow"+ wihou sli$$i"* a he $oi" o) #o"a#7
..% A dia*ram &elow is a li*h i"exe"si&le sri"*% I) a )or#e : as show" a#s u$o" M.+ )i"d he
a##eleraio" o) he sysem a"d e"sio" i" sri"*%

i% Sae ideal *as e!uaio"%
ii% Eraw *ra$h o #he#k wheher a real *as o&eys his e!uaio"%
iii% 3ha is he #o"#lusio" draw"7
.3% A u"i)orm dis# o) radius 6 a"d mass M is mou"ed o" a" axis su$$ored i" )ixed )ri#io"less
&eari"*% A li*h #hord is wra$$ed arou"d he rim o) he wheel a"d su$$oses ha we ha"* a &ody
o) mass m )rom he #hord% :i"d he a"*ular o) he dis# a"d a"*e"ial a##eleraio" o) $oi" o" he
.8% The )ollowi"* e!uaio" re$rese"s sa"di"* wa(e se u$ i" medium
y = 4 cos sin 40 t
where x a"d y are i" #m a"d i" se#o"ds% :i"d ou he am$liude a"d he (elo#iy o) he wo
#om$o"e" wa(es a"d #al#ulae he disa"#e &ewee" ad-a#e" "odes% 3ha is he (elo#iy o) a
medium $ari#le a x 5 3#m a ime
.9% ,"i)orm s$ri"* whose u$sre#hed le"*h is l has a )or#e #o"sa" k% he s$ri"* is #u i"o wo
$ie#es o) u$sre#hed le"*hs+ l
. a"d l
2+ where l
. 5 "l
2 a"d " is a" i"e*er% 3ha are he
#orres$o"di"* )or#e #o"sa" k. a"d k2 i" erms o) " a"d k7

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Portal for CBSE Notes, est Papers, Sample Papers, ips and ric!s
I) a seel rod has a radius o) .0 mm a"d a le"*h o) .%0 m% A .00 kF )or#e sre#hes i alo"* is
le"*h+ he" #al#ulae G/i(e" Y 5 2%0 x .0
a) Sress
&) Jlo"*aio"
#) Srai" o) he rod
.=% 3ha is he a(era*e s$eed duri"* he whole -our"ey+ i) a &ody #o(ers hal) o) is -our"ey wih a
s$eed o) 80 mHs a"d oher hal) wih a s$eed o) =0 mHs%
.7% :i"d he hei*h o whi#h i rises a&o(e he earh<s sur)a#e i) a $ari#le is $ro-e#ed (eri#ally
u$wards )rom he sur)a#e o) earh o) radius 6 wih ki"ei# e"er*y e!ual o hal) o) he mi"imum
(alue "eeded )or i o es#a$e%
.@% I) he de"siy o) hydro*e" a S%T%P is 0%0B k* m
+ he" #al#ulae
i% 6MS (elo#iy
ii% Mea" ki"ei# e"er*y J o) o"e *ram mole#ule o) hydro*e" a S%T%P%
.B% The $la"e Mars has wo moo"s+ A a"d K
(i) How would you #al#ulae he mass o) Mars+ A has a $eriod 7 hours+ 3B mi"ues a"d a"
or&ial radius o) B%8 x .0
(ii) Assumi"* ha Jarh a"d Mars mo(e i" #ir#ular or&is arou"d he su" wih he Maria"
or&i &ei"* .%92 imes he or&ial radius o) he earh+ he" wha is he le"*h o) he Maria"
year i" days7
20% Eedu#e he hei*h a whi#h he (alue o) * is he same as a a de$h o)
2.% A &ody o) mass m is sus$e"ded &y wo sri"*s maki"* a"*les L a"d M wih he hori?o"al%
Cal#ulae he e"sio"s i" he wo sri"*s%

i% Cal#ulae he a"*ular mome"um a"d roaio"al ki"ei# e"er*y o) earh a&ou is ow" axis%
ii% How lo"* #ould his amou" o) e"er*y su$$ly o"e N3 $ower o ea#h o) he 3%9 x .0
o" earh7

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Portal for CBSE Notes, est Papers, Sample Papers, ips and ric!s
23% 6adha was 70 k* a he a*e o) .= years% She he" de#ided o lose wei*h% She sared walki"* daily
)or 30 mi"ues a"d sared aki"* o"ly milk a"d )ruis% Her $are"s ad(ised her "o o #u o)) her
meal so drasi#ally% She showed he resul o) losi"* 30 k* &u she was )eeli"* weak% So her $are"s
ook her o do#or who ad(ised her o ake $ro$er &ala"#ed die a"d exer#ise re*ularly%
a) Is aki"* #rash die ad(isa&le7 3hy7
&) /i(e he relaio" &ewee" SI a"d C/S u"i o) hea%
#) 3ha would &e her rise i" em$eraure+ i) 6adha wei*hi"* 80 k* "ow was ad(ised o ake
8000 k#al die i" a day a"d his e"er*y was o &e used i" heai"* her wihou a"y losses7
G/i(e": S$% Hea o) huma" &ody 5 0%@3 #al *


28% :i"d he ex$ressio" )or ime $eriod o) moio" o) a &ody sus$e"ded &y wo s$ri"*s #o""e#ed i"
$arallel a"d series%
Cal#ulae he )re!ue"#y o) he )irs a"d las )ork i) a se o) 28 u"i"* )orks is arra"*ed i" series o)
i"#reasi"* )re!ue"#ies% I) ea#h )ork *i(es wih he $re#edi"* o"e a"d he las )ork is o#a(e o) he
29% Jx$lai" he ki"emai# e!uaio" )or u"i)ormly a##eleraed moio"%
A $ari#le is hrow" o(er a ria"*le )rom o"e e"d o) a hori?o"al &ase ha *ra?i"* h (erex )all o"
he oher e"d o) he &ase% I) L a"d M &e he same a"*les a"d he a"*le o) $ro-e#io"+ $ro(e ha
a" 5 a" L O a" M%
2=% I) a so"e is dro$$ed )rom he o$ o) a mou"ai" a"d " se#o"d laer a"oher so"e is hrow"
(eri#ally dow"wards wih a (elo#iy o) u mHs+ he" how )ar &elow he o$ o) he mou"ai" will
&e he se#o"d so"e o(erake he )irs7
A $ari#le is $ro-e#ed hori?o"ally wih a s$eed u )rom o$ o) a $la"e i"#li"ed a a" a"*le wih
he hori?o"al dire#io"% How )ar )rom he $oi" o) $ro-e#io" will he $ari#le srike he $la"e7

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