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The Secret Behind Creation: that is going to be the topic on which I am going to give a little

It is better that I use a Sanskrit word to explain things here.

There is a word in Sanskrit called Kama. Kama means a lot of things. It means desire. It means
Sex. It also means the God of love and Sex. So it is used in a general sense to refer to emotion,
very intense emotion there is a god behind it and he is also called by the term "Kama.

If you have that desire then creation takes place very easily, and what happens is you generally
build it over a period of many life times.

I just think about the life of Einstein. Right from a very young age, although he was a very bright
student he was called by his professor, one of the professors called him a Lazy Dog. He
himself admitted that his knowledge of mathematics is very poor. But then, he had this great
desire to understand the secret behind physical matter, the secret behind the universe. And he
came with such great passion, although his mathematical skills were very poor he was not
giving up. Even a few hours before his death, he was writing equations and he was also
regretting that he did not have more mathematical knowledge. I am sure that he is going to
come back as a mathematician and a physicist so that he could do whatever he wanted to do in
a better way and thats what happens to people.

You all come here with emotions, sometimes the emotions that we come here are stupid,
mediocre, or grandiose like emotions of Einstein. So, whatever you create there is some
emotion behind it and the best way to understand emotion is to understand the concept of
Kama which is desire, sex-the god of sex.

And where does it come from? It comes from your own soul. Your own soul wants to paint
something, your own soul wants to paint the most beautiful picture and you are not doing it for
money. it is your lifes interest, you are compelled to do that. And the same way with the
gardener who wants to do a very beautiful garden.

The same thing applies to everyone who is driven by a passion. Every one of you have a passion
to do whatever you wanted to do. And those who became Billionaires they had the passion to
make money. So, they didnt worry about getting a PhD or MD or any other qualification, they
were not interested in academic excellence. They were interested. Their focus was only on
money. They had great passion to become billionaires. Unfortunately, people who are very,
very poor and who cant even pay their rent or buy grocery, they also have a passion to be so
poor. This is very unfortunate.

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So, desire is behind this manifestation. So you may ask how would anybody want to be a poor
person. Maybe not in this lifetime. There were circumstances in a previous lifetime that this
person adored poverty for some reason.

There are people like even the Buddha, the Buddha embraced nothingness. He did not value
any material things. He didnt care for palace and his wife or his son or his father and his
passion was for emptiness. That was his passion. So that created a reality that glorified
emptiness and, he looked down upon matter as something not valuable.

I dont teach that philosophy and those of you who have been following me, you know that is a
lopsided reality. So i want you to look at every emotion that you have and evaluate it. And right
now I am thinking about San Franscissi - the vow of poverty. Maybe you belong to those people
who are poor belong to a sect, a religious sect or an esoteric sect that idealized poverty as the
only way to go to heaven or attain enlightenment. And they got disillusioned.

But then their vested interest for lifetimes have been only on poverty because poverty created
distaste towards material things and once you are disinterested in material things then you will
focus on god which is real and this kind of training brought some kind of emotions within you to
passionately go after nothingness and reject materialism and that is perhaps one of the causes
for your poverty.

So there is an emotion behind everything.

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