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ModTech International Conference - New face of TMCR

Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation - New face of TMCR

25-27 May 2011, Vadul lui Voda-Chisinau, Reu!lic of Moldo"a 1


Dan Diaconu otropa
, Miai !ra"i#
$ Mia#%a I"&n#'cu

Technical #ni"ersity $%heor&he 'sachi( of Iasi-Ro)ania, *eart)ent of Ci"il +n&ineerin& and +,ui)ents
Corresondin& author -who uload the a!stract./ Mihaela I!0nescu, i!)ih1yahoo2co)

Abstract: The aer resents an e3eri)ental test,
erfor)ed at the 4aculty of Ci"il +n&ineerin& and
+,ui)ents fro) #2T2 Iasi, concernin& the assess)ent of
elasticity )odulus "ariation for a )aterial called
5+R67T+N, when it is su!8ected to te)erature chan&es
roduced !y a real fire2
The test results are co)ared to those &i"en !y ro&ra)
4*7 -4ire *yna)ics 7i)ulation., "ersion 52
The tests ha"e !een erfor)ed on two tyes of )odels/
aralleleieds and cylinders2
9ther asects re"ealed !y tests refer to te)erature and
s)o& distri!ution inside and outside the )odel and
Key words: fire action, co)!ustion, fire scenario, !urnin&,
nu)erical si)ulation2
The aer is !ased on an e3eri)ental test, de"eloed
in the fra)ewor: of a research ro8ect na)ed/
(7tudies concernin& the resonse of anisotroic shells
-)ade of layered co)osite )aterials, associated
)aterials or syste)s of e,ui"alent ca!les. to static
and dyna)ic actions -wind, earth,ua:e, fire.(
-Vra!ie, 2007.2 The e3eri)ental tests and the
nu)erical si)ulations )ain uroses are/
- ,uantitati"e and ,ualitati"e infor)ation referrin& to
anisotroic cylindrical shell resonse -dislace)ents,
)odulus of elasticity. to the fire action;
a2 !
4i&2 12 +3eri)ental )odel
- co)arisons !etween the test results -fla)e
di)ension, te)erature. and the nu)erical analysis
results erfor)ed !y usin& ro&ra) 4*7 -4ire
*yna)ic 7i)ulator., "ersion 5, created !y <uildin&
and 4ire Research =a!oratory of NI7T -#7'. and
VTT -4inland., ro&ra) of C*4 -Co)utational
4luid *yna)ics. tye, !ased on "olu)e ele)ent
)ethod ->a::arainen, 2002.2
The resent wor: e)hasi?es the second ai) of the
ro8ect, referrin& to the use of )odern technolo&ies
for the analysis of !urnin& in closed co)art)ents,
!y usin& co)uter ro&ra)s of C4* tye -Ca"arool
et al2, 2010.2
This )ethod is already used in countries with hi&h
e3erience in this field, li:e #nited 5in&do) and
#nited 7tates of ')erica, as a to research tool
-*rysdale, 200@.2
The )odel -scale 1/1. su!8ected to e3eri)ental tests
is a cylinder, 2) in inner dia)eter, 1) in hei&ht and
0202) in wall thic:ness -4i&21a,!.2 It is )ade of a
co)osite )aterial, ha"in& as )atri3 a )aterial
called 5erysten reinforced with a nettin& of &lass
fi!res2 5erysten is a hydraulic sulhate !inder, ha"in&
a !
4i&2 22 +3eri)ental )odel e,uied with )easurin& de"ices
as !asic )aterial hydrated sulhate of li)e or dry
The test scenario re,uires the use of a tray for @0l
*iesel fuel, with !orders 0210) in hei&ht, located
inside the )odel, at its lower art, and a ca with a
cor!el, 0210) in hei&ht, and a central circular hole,
025A5) in radius -area around 1)
.2 The tray and the
ca assure the co)!ustion )aintenance and control,
in order to o!tain the te)erature field for )odel
defor)ation2 The )odel is e,uied with different
)easurin& de"ices -4i&22.2
The te)eratures on the inner surface of the )odel
ha"e !een re&istered !y usin& si3 ther)ocoules of 5
tye, ha"in& the )easurin& ran&e u to 1B00
C2 They
are located on two &eneratrices of the cylinder, 120
aart, the distance !etween the), alon& the )odel
hei&ht, !ein& 0225)2 The outut data ha"e !een
stored !y a syste) with 12 channels, roduced !y
Cole Car)er -#7'.2
a !
4i&2 B2 Virtual )odels with finite "olu)es for !urnin& analysis
The te)eratures on the outer surface of the cylinder
ha"e !een )easured !y usin& a IR ca)era, while the
)easure)ent of the outer dislace)ents of the )odel
ha"e !een erfor)ed !y usin& dislace)ent &a&es of
C+=+7C9 CT5'V tye, disosed on a &eneratri3,
!etween those ro"ided with ther)ocoules2 The
outut data ac,uisition has !een done with a syste)
of +7'M TR'V+==+R C4 tye2
The free radial dislace)ent of the cylinder has !een
carried out !y usin& a suort )ade of two steel
lates with two !olts, which restrained the
dislace)ent alon& the ortho&onal direction2
The e3eri)ental )odel cali!ration resu)ed two
tyes of nu)erical si)ulations/
12 nu)erical si)ulations for the control of hot &ases
distri!ution and te)erature inside the )odel and in
its nei&h!ourhood;
22 nu)erical si)ulations for esta!lishin& the si?e
order of the )easured dislace)ents2
Ta:in& into account the no"elty of the e3eri)ent
fro) two oints of "iew/ the staff lac: of e3erience
and the fire dan&er in"ol"ed !y the test, the
researchers decided to erfor) nu)erical si)ulations
for !urnin& heno)enon with the hel of a
seciali?ed co)uter ro&ra) called 4*7 -4ire
*yna)ics 7i)ulator.2
The control of hot &ases distri!ution and te)eratures
!y nu)erical si)ulation has !een done !y usin& two
"irtual )odels with finite "olu)es/
- a aralleleied )odel -4i& Ba., ha"in& the sa)e
"olu)e as the real )odel, with a ca with central
hole, 1)
in area, at the to, and a layer of *iesel
fuel, 0205) in thic:ness -corresondin& to 1A0l
*iesel fuel., at the !otto);
- a cylindrical )odel -4i&2B!., e,ual in "olu)e to the
real )odel, with a ca with central hole, 1)
in area,
at the to, and a layer of *iesel fuel, 02025) in
thic:ness -corresondin& to @0l *iesel fuel., at the
!otto)2 The second )odel was )ore co)le3 than
the first one, and in a !etter a&ree)ent to the
e3eri)ental test2 The )odel was e,uied with
nu)erical de"ices for re&isterin& the te)erature,
which ha"e !een located on the inner surface of the
co)art)ent, 0225 ), 0250 ), 0275 ) and 1200 )
aart fro) the )odel !otto)2 's a result of usin&
se"eral "irtual )odels -with a central or eriheral
hole located at the uer or lower art of the )odel,
ha"in& di)ensions/ 02D ) 3 02D ), 02A ) 3 02A ), or
02@ ) 3 02@ )., it has !een decided that the
e3eri)ental test will !e erfor)ed on a cylinder
without any hole at the lower art, !ut with a hole, 1
in area, at the uer art -Tho)as E <ennetts,
1FFF.2 's concerns the fuel ,uantity, it has !een
adoted a final *iesel fuel layer 02025 ) in thic:ness
-e,ui"alent to @0 l of *iesel fuel.2 The initially
adoted ,uantity, of 1A0 l, would lead to a )uch too
&reat !urnin& ti)e, and the ,uantity of outut data
would e3ceed the a"aila!le )e)ory of the re&isterin&
a !
4i&2 D2 Relation te)erature-ti)e -a2 on the inner surface; !2 on the outer surface.
The e3eri)ent too: lace on the outer latfor) of
the 4aculty of Ci"il +n&ineerin& and +,ui)ents
fro) Technical #ni"ersity of IaGi2
In case of usin& @0l *iesel fuel, the !urnin& has !een
re&istered 15 )inutes !efore fire fi&htin&2 It has !een
decided that !urnin& could not last )ore than 1@-20
)inutes, accordin& to the re)ainin& fuel, floatin& on
the water in the tray2
The te)eratures &enerated !y fire on the inner and
outer surfaces of the )odel are resented in -4i&2Da.
and -4i&2D!., resecti"ely2
The nu)erical test -RoGu E *iaconu-Hotroa, 200F.
is !ased on a "irtual )odel with finite "olu)es which
consists in/
- a sace, ha"in& di)ensions D25) alon& I
a3is, D) alon& 6 a3is and D) in J a3is
- a cylinder, 2) in the inner dia)eter, 1) in
hei&ht, 0202) in wall thic:ness;
- a late at the uer art of the cylinder, with
a central circular hole, 025A) in radius
-aro3i)ately 1)
in area.2
The !oundary conditions refer to the initial
te)erature of the fire co)art)ent, which is B
and to the *iesel fuel ,uantity of @0l, which ensures a
layer of fuel at the lower art of the cylinder, 02025)
in thic:ness, and a rate of heat de"elo)ent ->RR.
e,ual to F0F :KL)
The !urnin& analysis has !een erfor)ed !y usin&
4*7 ro&ra) that offers infor)ation a!out to the rate
of heat, fla)e and s)o& de"elo)ent durin& fire, as
well as infor)ation concernin& the te)eratures
inside the analy?ed co)art)ent, at certain ti)e
The results "iew has !een done with 7)o:e"iew, ost
rocessor ro&ra) of 4*72
The )ost i)ortant asects re"ealed !y the test refer
to the )a3i)u) di)ension of the fla)e, si)ulated
!y the rate of the released heat -4i&25a. and the
distri!ution of te)eratures in the analy?ed
co)art)ent, corresondin& to the )a3i)u) fla)e
di)ensions -4i&25!.2
The e3eri)ent re"eals so)e i)ortant conclusions
concernin& the co)!ustion ro!le)s2
a !
4i&2 52 <urnin& si)ulation accordin& to ro&ra) 4*7
The te)erature on the inner surface of the cylinder
is near 700
C, while the nu)erical si)ulation leads
to a te)erature of @00
C -4i&25!.2 The difference
could !e e3lained !y the heat dissiation in the free
sace of the real !urnin&, co)ared to the heat
accu)ulation in the closed "olu)e of the fire
co)art)ent, in case of nu)erical si)ulation2
The )a3i)u) len&th of the fla)e, )easured fro)
the ca le"el, is aro3i)ately twice the cylinder
hei&ht and is in &ood a&ree)ent with the results of
the nu)erical si)ulation -4i&25a.2
The !eha"iour of the whole structure )ade of
5erysten, su!8ected to an i)ortant te)erature
chan&e, is not satisfactory2 The collase is caused !y
the )assi"e crac:in& of the !asic )aterial2 The
cylinder )aintained its initial osition due to the
nettin& of &lass fi!res2 't the first )o)ents of the
e3eri)ent, for a short ti)e, the relation ti)e - radial
dislace)ents is a linear one and then, the
dislace)ents re)ain constant u to the final
)o)ent, of fire fi&htin&2
The nettin& of &lass fi!res, unrotected !y the !asic
)aterial, which has crac:ed durin& the e3eri)ent,
!eco)es !rittle under the hi&h te)erature action2
's a final conclusion, the use of such a )aterial for
structures su!8ected to fire action -li:e ies for
co)!usti!le fluids or tan:s for storin& the). is not a
roer one, fro) fire resistance oint of "iew2
The e3eri)ental tests on the hysical )odel, in
connection with the nu)erical si)ulation, !ased on
4*7 ro&ra))e, reresent a )odern technolo&y of
analy?in& the !urnin& heno)enon2 This technolo&y,
which has !een de"eloed first of all in the aircraft
field, e3tends now to other fields, li:e )achines
)anufacturin& and ci"il en&ineerin&, where cases of
controlled or uncontrolled !urnin& -fire. could occur2
'c:nowled&e)ents/ This wor: was suorted !y
CNC7I7-#+4I7C7#, Cro8ect CN II-I*+I, code
I*MA1F, contract no2A02
12 <urlacu, =2 E *iaconu-Hotroa, *2 -200@.2 Fire
security of buildings and equi!ents, +d2 $Matei Teiu
<ote?(, I7<N/ F7@-F7B-@F55-DA-2, IaGi, Ro)ania2
22 Ca"arool, *2; RoGu, *2 E *iaconu-Hotroa, *2
-2010.2 "ti!i#ing the construction ele!ents of
underground ar$ing through te!erature
distribution analysis in fire situations, Croceedin&s of
*e"elo)ent, +ner&y, +n"iron)ent, +cono)ics
-*+++., 2 212-217, I7<N/ F7@-FA0-D7D-25B-0,
Tenerife, Canary Islands, 7ain2
B2 *rysdale, *2 -200@.2 %n Introduction to Fire
&yna!ics '(econd )dition*, Nohn Kiley E 7ons,
I7<N/ F7@-0D71-F72F0-7-c., +n&land2
D2 >a::arainen, T2 -2002.2 (tudies on Fire (afety
%ssess!ent of Construction +roducts, VTT
Cu!lication, I7<N/ 0-F25-22B-25-5, 4inland2
52 RoGu, *2 E *iaconu-Hotroa, *2 -200F.2
Nu!erical si!ulation of e,haust s!o$e and hot gases
rocesses in fire for areas-buildings with co!le,
geo!etry, Croceedin&s of 7
7y)osiu) $Co)utational Ci"il +n&ineerin&
200F(, 2 271-2@1, I7<N/ F7@-F7B-@F55-A@-D, IaGi,
A2 Tho)as, I2R2 E <ennetts, I2*2 -1FFF.2 Fire in
enclosures with single ventilation oenings .
co!arison of long and wide enclosures, Croceedin&s
of A
International 7y)osiu) on 4ire 7afety
7cience, 2 5A7-575, I7<N/ F51-B@-5F71-1, Coitiers,
72 Vra!ie, M2 -2007.2 (tudies concerning the
resonse of anisotroic shells '!ade of layered
co!osite !aterials, associated !aterials or syste!s
of equivalent cables* to static and dyna!ic actions
'wind, earthqua$e, fire*2 Cro8ect CN II-I*+I, code
I*MA1F, contract no2A02
72 OOO Fire &yna!ics (i!ulator '/ersion 0* 1ser2s
3uide -2010.2 NI7T, 7#'2

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