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October 2014
Dear parents, carers, families and friends,
It has been a very busy few weeks in school and it was great to hear lots of positive feedback from parents
at the Open Afternoon about the quantity and quality of the childrens learning in !ust four weeks" #e were
also delighted that nearly every pupil had a special visitor to share their learning with$ so thank you for
giving them the support they en!oy"
The 2015 school website
#ith pupils moving into new classes this academic year$ we have set up their new class blogs on the
school website http%&&northwheatleyprimary"net" 'ou will need to re(subscribe to these using your emails$
then you will be notified of all new posts" 'ou can subscribe to as many of the class sites as you would like$
the )elebration$ *overnors$ +,-A and my headteacher site have continued on from last year so you should
be receiving updates automatically from them" #e will also be awarding top contributor awards to children
and their families in our -riday )elebration Assemblies as pupils love to read the comments.
A big thank you to all the /'-0 parents who came along to 1earning 2ourney #orkshop on the 12

0eptember$ it is great to see you accessing your childs blog to share in their learning" I know 3iss 0harpe
and 3rs )o4 having been spending a lot of their own time ensuring they are up to date"
Jeans for Genes
+upils often show us that they appreciate the needs of others less fortunate than themselves5 last week
they achieved this by fund raising and raising 677"00" #e appreciate everyones generosity especially as
the event came soon after the 0ponsored #alk" 0ome children were so keen to help that they even
brought their pocket money in. ,hank you"
Onebillion app
I know many of you are keen to keep up to date with the latest technology$ especially$ when it can help your
child" I was recently told about about an app that helps younger childrens mathematical understanding and
development that is having ama8ing impact in 3alawi" #e have looked at it in school and the 901 and -0
children who have used it$ love it. If you would like to find out more$ there is some information on this
website ,he app downloads onto tablets&ipads at
home if your child would like to use it"
New curriculum and Assessment without Levels
3any of you will be aware that the +rimary curriculum has changed from this 0eptember$ the new +rimary
curriculum is certainly more challenging that the old :ational )urriculum and this means that children are
now e4pected to achieve more in certain areas of their learning than they used to in their year groups ; or
you could say that the goal posts have moved once again..<" ,he :ew )urriculum is now compulsory for
pupils in maintained ;1ocal authority< schools for all pupils this year apart from those in 'ear = and 'ear 2
as they will still be tested using the old 0A, system" -rom ne4t year$ all pupils will be taught using the new
curriculum" #e started embedding the new curriculum last year using the )ornerstones topics for the
foundation sub!ects&topic work" 0taff have been busy in the last few weeks$ and during the summer
holidays$ learning the new age related e4pectations for pupils in the different sub!ect areas and they now
have these firmly embedded in their teaching"
Along with the :ew )urriculum$ has come a system of assessing pupils which does not use levels" Instead$
pupils will be described as working at$ below or beyond the age related e4pectations for their year group"
As a school$ we have adopted a new system of assessing pupils and tracking their progress" ,o help
parents to learn more about the changes$ I will be holding an open workshop on ,uesday 4
:ovember at
>pm in )lass >" #e hope you can come along to find out more and to help you ahead of the +arents
/vening on ,uesday 11
PE and Sports !ndin"
+upils are really en!oying the challenges$ and space$ swimming at ?etford pool" 3rs 3orris and 3rs
@olland$ are delighted in the progress that they are making and ama8ed by the skills of the older pupils"
#e are delighted that using part of our 0ports -unding$ part of the Olympic 1egacy$ is having such an
impact" #e are really fortunate to have several qualified sports coaches on our staff now$ 3iss 0harpe as
gymnastics coach$ 3rs )o4 with her hockey coaching and now 3iss 3ason as a dance coach" 0taff are
using their skills to teach pupils on ,hursday afternoons and this is further enhancing the teaching provided
by 3r )hicken" ,he themes for +/ this half term are% multi(skills ;901< and athletics ;902< and gymnastics
throughout school" 902 will also be learning to play tri( golf" :e4t half term$ pupils will be developing their
dance and tag rugby skills ;902< and invasion sports skills;901<"
#!sical instr!ments
I hope that you will have noticed an improvement in the quality of pupils singing over the past year ; if you
havent then do watch some of the videos on the school website<" ,his improvement is thanks to the hard
work of 0ally,aylor$ she has been teaching singing and music every #ednesday afternoon" 0ally is keen to
undercover the musical talents of every pupil and would love to give them the opportunity to have a go at
playing a range of musical instruments as part of their lessons" Auilding on the advice given in the )hannel
4 documentary$ BCont stop the music$ 0ally would love to call an instrument amnesty for pupils of :orth
#heatley +rimary and asks if you have any unwanted$ unused or under(loved musical instruments in your
homes could you please donate them to school for pupils to use in their music lessons" 'ou never know
you may !ust provide the opportunity for the ne4t budding 3usician of the 'ear. All instruments from
percussion to double bass would be much loved and well looked after by our pupils" ,hank you in eager
anticipation of your support"
Professional cookery lessons in school
-ollowing the success of the cookery demo today$ we have asked ?ob 2essop to come into school to teach
our 902 pupils food technology skills on a weekly basis" ,he lessons will start after half term and some of
their culinary delights will be on sale at the +,-A )hristmas -ayre" Its going to be an e4citing few weeks.
#e hope that ?ob will also be able to offer an after school cookery club for pupils as soon as the new hall is
New bank account changes in school
All maintained primary schools in :ottinghamshire have changed banks and now bank with Aarclays
instead of the )o(op" ,hey way money is paid into the new account has changed too$ so from now on
school dinner monies will be paid into the school bank account and then transferred over to :otts")ounty
)ouncil$ school dinner cheques will now need to be made payable to $orth %heatle& Primar& School"
,he previous procedures will remain in place$ dinner monies should be sent in a named envelope and if
there is a significant outstanding balance$ we wont be able to provide school dinners until it is paid"
'ere to help
If there is anything that we can ever help with$ please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at school" #e
are always happy to do what we can and are here to work with you. 9eep in touch.

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