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TI RAN, 2011
Botim i:
Ministris s Integrimit Europian
Ky botim u mbshtet nga:
Projekti: Support to the Albanian Ministry of European Integration (SMEI II).
Ky projekt fnancohet nga Bashkimi Europian (IPA 2008) dhe Qeveria Gjermane dhe zbatohet nga Bashkpunimi
Ndrkombtar Gjerman (GIZ).
Prgatitur nga:
Ilir Bai
Blerina Raa
Maksim Sinemati, Pranvera Xhelo, Viktor Gumi, Denata Mesi, Sonila Meksi, Rudina Vuksani
Rishikimi gjuhsor:
Dhurata Agalli
Paraqitja Grafke:
Erald Lamja
Shtypshkronja Kumi
Ky botim sht mundsuar me mbshtetjen e Bashkimit Europian dhe Qeveris Gjermane. Prmbajtja e ktij botimi sht
prgjegjsi e vetme e projektit Support to the Albanian Ministry of European Integration (SMEI II) dhe n asnj mnyre
nuk mund t interpretohet si opinion i Bashkimit Europian.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and the German Government. The
contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the project Support to the Albanian Ministry of European
Integration (SMEI II) and can in no way be taken to refect the views of the European Union.
1. HYRJE ................................................................................................................................7
2.1 AKTET NDRKOMBTARE .............................................................................................9
NGA KSHILLI I MINISTRAVE ......................................................................................11
2.3 STRUKTURA E LIGJIT ..................................................................................................12
3. FAR PRCAKTOJN DISPOZITAT JURIDIKE? ...........................................................14
3.1 DISPOZITAT Q URDHROJN (COMMANDS) ..........................................................14
3.2 DISPOZITAT Q NDALOJN (PROHIBITIONS) ...........................................................16
(PERMISSIONS, AUTHORIZATIONS) ..........................................................................17
3.4 PRCAKTIMI I DISA TE DREJTAVE .............................................................................18
3.5 SHPREHJA E PRKUFIZIMEVE ....................................................................................19
III. FJALORT ..........................................................................................................................39
1. TERMAT Q KAN LIDHJE ME PUSHTETIN PUBLIK ....................................................41
1.1 MINISTRIT ..................................................................................................................41
QEVERISJES VENDORE N REPUBLIKN E SHQIPRIS ...........................................41
N ORGANET E ADMINISTRATS SHTETRORE ........................................................42
1.4 INSTITUCIONET PUBLIKE ............................................................................................43
2. TERMA Q KAN LIDHJE ME LEGJISLACIONIN ...........................................................45
3. SHPREHJE DHE FORMULIME JURIDIKE .......................................................................47
BASHKIMIN EUROPIAN ................................................................................................. 57
IV. ENGLISH STYLE GUIDE FOR ALBANIAN LEGISLATION .....................................................61
1. SPELLING ........................................................................................................................63
1.1 CONVENTIONS ............................................................................................................63
1.2 CAPITALISATION .........................................................................................................64
1.3 HYPHENS AND COMPOUND WORDS ........................................................................67
2. PUNCTUATION ..............................................................................................................69
2.1 FULL STOP ...................................................................................................................69
2.2 COLON ..........................................................................................................................70
2.3 COMMA ........................................................................................................................70
2.4 BRACKETS ....................................................................................................................71
2.5 DASH VS. HYPHEN .......................................................................................................71
2.6 QUOTATION MARKS ....................................................................................................71
2.7 APOSTROPHE ..............................................................................................................71
2.8 THE OBLIQUE or SOLDIUS ..........................................................................................72
3. ITALICS ............................................................................................................................72
4. NUMBERS .......................................................................................................................72
4.1. NUMBERS WRITTEN OUT ...........................................................................................72
4.2 FRACTIONS ..................................................................................................................75
4.3. INCLUSIVE NUMBERS ..................................................................................................75
4.4. ROMAN NUMERALS ....................................................................................................76
4.5. DATES ...........................................................................................................................76
4.6. TIME ..............................................................................................................................76
5. ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND SYMBOLS ...........................................................76
5.1 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................................76
5.2 MATHEMATICAL SYMBOLS ........................................................................................78
5.3 SCIENTIFIC SYMBOLS AND UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ...........................................78
6. PERSONAL NAMES AND TITLES ...................................................................................79
7. GENDER NEUTRAL LANGUAGE ....................................................................................80
8. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ...............................................................................................80
9. SCIENTIFIC NAMES ........................................................................................................82
10. LISTS AND TABLES ......................................................................................................... 83
11. FOOTNOTES AND ENDNOTES ......................................................................................83
12. DIAGRAMS ..................................................................................................................... 83
13. VERBS ............................................................................................................................. 83
13.1 SPELLING .....................................................................................................................83
13.2 AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................84
Ky manual sht hartuar pr ata q merren me prkthimin e normativave juridike nga gjuha shqipe n at
angleze. Duke qen se shumica drrmuese e ktyre personave nuk jan jurist, duhet t vihen n dukje veantit
kryesore q i dallojn normat juridike nga tekstet e tjera. N radh t par, prkthyesit duhet t ken parasysh se
tekstet q krkojn t prkthejn n gjuhn angleze jan norma juridike t Republiks s Shqipris t cilat kan
fuqi ligjore. Vet teksti i prkthyer i ktyre normave nuk ka fuqi ligjore, por vetm qllim informues, pra, me fal t
tjera, prkthimi i tyre synon ti njoh lexuesit e huaj me sistemin juridik shqiptar. Duke pasur parasysh rndsin e
tyre, prkthimet duhet t jen t sakta si nga ana gjuhsore, ashtu dhe nga ana juridike. Q prkthyesi ta kuptoj dhe
ta prkthej mir tekstin burimor, sht e nevojshme q ai t zotroj, t paktn, njohurit baz pr sistemin juridik
shqiptar, pr llojet e akteve juridike dhe funksionet e pjesve t veanta t tyre, n mnyr q t transmetoj qart dhe
sakt prmbajtjen juridike n gjuhn angleze.
Manuali synon t shrbej si nj instrument prkthimi q t ndihmoj prkthyesit pr prftimin e njohurive
baz, t nevojshme pr nj pun t suksesshme. N t ka nj numr t madh udhzimesh dhe shembujsh praktik t
modeleve t prkthimit t disa dispozitave standarde q ua lehtsojn punn prkthyesve dhe mundsojn unifkimin e
stilit gjat prkthimit t normave juridike shqiptare n gjuhn angleze. N kt tekst t shkurtr nuk sht e mundur dhe
as nuk synohet t prmenden t gjitha problemet q lindin gjat prkthimit t normativave juridike. Gjithashtu, falori
prmban vetm nj numr t vogl termash juridike shqip dhe termash t barasvlershm me kto t fundit n gjuhn
angleze. Termat e barasvlershm n gjuhn angleze nuk konsiderohen zyrtare, por jan dhn me synimin pr t unifkuar
prdorimin e tyre n tekstet e prkthyera nga prkthyes t ndryshm.
Prkthyesi duhet t bj nj prkthim besnik, duke pasur parasysh, n t njjtn koh, llojin dhe qllimin e
rregullit juridik q prkthen. Parimi i besnikris n prkthimet me karakter juridik sot ndryshon trsisht nga ai q
zbatohej n t kaluarn, kur prkthyesi kishte si detyr t transmetonte me rigorozitet do fal t tekstit burimor, madje
edhe sintaksn. Kurse tani mbizotron mendimi se prkthimi duhet ti qndroj besnik prmbajtjes s tekstit burimor,
megjithse prkthyesi ka njfar lirie pr t krijuar nj tekst t ri n frymn e gjuhs angleze. Sidoqoft, liria e prkthyesit
sht gjithnj e kufzuar: ai, n radh t par, duhet ti prmbahet n mnyr rigoroze forms s tekstit burimor dhe t
prpiqet q, n prputhje me modelet e prkthimit q jepen n kt manual, t prdor formulat standarde, pra ato t
terminologjis t barasvlershme angleze, t sugjeruar pr titujt juridik, shkurtimet, institucionet etj. n gjuhn shqipe.
Njtrajtshmria n prkthimin e termave sht nj kusht i domosdoshm n t gjitha prkthimet, sepse do njri prej tyre
(termave) sht pjes e t gjith sistemit juridik shqiptar. N kto kushte, zgjedhja e termave t barasvlershm anglez
nuk sht e lir. N qoft se nj term i barasvlershm n gjuhn angleze sht prcaktuar tashm pr nj term, pra pr nj
nocion, t caktuar shqiptar, ather ai duhet t prdoret n t gjitha prkthimet n prputhje me rregullin: nj term do t
thot nj nocion, n qoft se kjo sht e mundur. Nga kjo del se n prkthimet e normave juridike nuk duhet t prdoren
sinonimet. Pr hir t njjsis, prkthyesi sht i detyruar t prdor termin zyrtar, megjithse mund t mos jet dakord me
Kur nuk ka nj term zyrtar dhe as nj propozim t till, ather prparsi kan termat angleze neutrale. Sigurisht, duhet
t shmangen termat juridike angleze t karakterit teknik, me qllim q te lexuesi i huaj t mos krijohet konfuzion kur bhet
fal pr nocione t njjta n legjislacionin anglo-amerikan. Lexuesi duhet ta ket gjithnj t qart se termat angleze t
prkthyera duhet t interpretohen mbi bazn e nocioneve t sistemit juridik shqiptar. Termat shqipe, n prgjithsi, mund
t prkthehen fal pr fal, nse kuptimi i tyre sht i qart n kontekst dhe nse termi prkats anglez nuk ka kuptim
tjetr teknik n legjislacionin anglo-amerikan. Por, n praktik shpesh krijohet keqkuptim, kur prkthyesi prkthen fal pr
fal, duke mos e ditur q ekziston termi teknik prkats n gjuhn angleze.
Pr kt qllim, vlen t theksohet se prkthyesi
Nj shembull i mir sht Ligji nr. 9879, dat 21.02.2008 "Pr Titujt". N kt ligj, termi letra me vler sht zvendsuar me termin
tituj. Sigurisht, n nj rast t till, prkthyesi nuk mund ta prkthej faln titull n title", por securities.
Pr shembull, shoqri tregtare nuk prkthehet n commercial society apo trade society por, thjesht, n company. Ose, konta-
biliteti mbi bazn e t drejtave dhe detyrimeve t konstatuara prkthehet n anglisht me termin accrual accounting.
e ka pr detyr t konsultohet me materialet ndihmse t prcaktuara nga Drejtoria e Prkthimit t Legjislacionit pran
Ministris s Integrimit Europian dhe, n munges t sugjerimeve q duhet t jepnin kta falor, me specialist t fushs
prkatse t cilt kan njohuri t mjaftueshme t gjuhs angleze.
sht shum e rndsishme q prkthyesi t ket prvoj, me qllim q, n mnyr t pavarur, t mund
t vlersoj se kur, ku dhe n far mase prkthimi mund t jet i lir dhe, n t njjtn koh, t transmetoj
me besnikri prmbajtjen e tekstit shqip. N ndryshim nga dispozitat e prgjithshme, kalimtare dhe prmbyllse
q prsriten shpesh dhe kshtu n shumicn e tyre jan tipike, dispozitat m t rndsishme t legjislacionit
prmbajn urdhra, ndalime, lejime dhe autorizime juridike q nuk jan t zakonshme. Duke qen se do sistem
juridik ka traditn e vet t tekniks legjislative dhe mnyrn e vet t shprehjeve normative, kto dispozita kryesisht
nuk mund t prkthehen me metodat e linguistiks krahasuese, sepse n kt rast do t mund t kishim pasoja
juridike t padshiruara dhe t padobishme. Kjo do t thot q prkthyesi duhet t jet n gjendje t njoh llojet
e dispozitave n gjuhn shqipe dhe t formuloj dispozitat prkatse n gjuhn angleze q do transmetojn
qart kuadrin juridik prkats. Pr shembull, nj nga dallimet baz mes gjuhve juridike shqipe dhe angleze sht
prdorimi i foljes n kohn e tashme n gjuhn shqipe, ndrkoh q n gjuhn angleze prdoret pjesa foljore shall
q shpreh nj form urdhrore juridike dhe jo kohn e ardhme. Duke pasur parasysh rolin ky t dispozitave q
kan karakter urdhrues, ndalues, lejues dhe autorizues, ky manual sjell shembuj praktik t prkthimit t tyre n
gjuhn angleze.
Prkthyesi sht prgjegjs pr saktsin e prkthimit. Prmbajtja e tekstit burimor duhet t transmetohet
gjithnj n mnyr objektive, pra duhet t prkthehet ajo q sht thn dhe jo ajo q prkthyesi mendon se
duhej t ishte thn. N rastin kur teksti shqip sht i paqart n kuptimin e tij, ather prkthyesi ka pr detyr
t krkoj interpretimin zyrtar. Nse edhe ky i fundit nuk e sqaron shtjen, ather duhet t ruhet dykuptimsia,
pra paqartsia n versionin e prkthyer. Prkthyesi duhet t synoj njvlershmrin, qartsin dhe saktsin dhe
madje, nse sht e nevojshme, mund t ndryshoj radhn e falve ose t prdor konstruksione sintaksore t tjera,
specifke pr gjuhn juridike angleze, nse sht e nevojshme. Parimisht sintaksa mund t ndryshohet q prkthimi
t jet n frymn e gjuhs angleze, por vetm nse kuptimi dhe raporti logjiko-semantik mbeten t pandryshuar.
Nj vmendje t veant duhet ti kushtohet shprehjes s mohimit, pr m tepr q gjuha angleze nuk mund t
lejoj nj numr t madh mohimesh n fali, kshtu q nj gj e till mund ta bj dispozitn t pakuptueshme
ose madje ti ndryshoj kuptimin. Po ashtu rekomandohet q prkthyesi t mos i shndrroj dispozitat negative n
pozitive dhe anasjelltas, sidomos kur sht fala pr dispozita q prcaktojn barrn e provs ose faktet q duhet
t konfrmohen. Pra, vlen t theksohet se sintaksa mund t ndryshohet, me qllim q prkthimi t bhet sa m i
kuptueshm dhe m i qart.
Ky synim pr t pruar qartsi duhet t realizohet duke shmangur prdorimin e falve zvendsuese
n normat juridike, kshtu q kryefala mund t prsritet shum her m tepr sesa ndodh zakonisht n gjuhn
e prditshme. Gjithashtu duhet t kihet parasysh se emrat q n gjuhn shqipe jan n njjs dhe q nuk e
prcaktojn sakt ndonj person ose objekt t caktuar, shpesh prkthehen n gjuhn angleze n shums. Kshtu,
nevojitet nj prvoj e madhe q t prdoret sakt dhe drejt pjesza e trajts s shquar the n prkthimin n
gjuhn angleze. N fund, duhet t theksohet se prkthyesi nuk ka liri veprimi kur teksti burimor prmban ndonj
citat (referim) t marr nga nj tjetr rregull shqiptar, i cili tashm sht prkthyer. N kt rast, prkthyesi ka pr
detyr t prdor prkthimin ekzistues anglisht t tekstit t cituar, qoft edhe sikur t jet fala vetm pr nj
dispozit. Kshtu duhet vepruar edhe n rastin e emrtimit t ligjeve, rregulloreve, vendimeve etj. shqiptare q
tashm jan prkthyer n gjuhn angleze. Pas korrigjimit t tyre prfundimtar, t gjitha prkthimet vendosen n
internet dhe kshtu prkthyesit i lehtsohet puna, nse ka nevoj pr citime, duke e ndihmuar at pr t siguruar
konsekuenc gjat zgjedhjes s termave t barasvlershm n gjuhn angleze.

Hierarkia e legjislacionit shqiptar parashikohet n nenin 4 dhe nenin 116 t Kushtetuts s Republiks
s Shqipris. N baz t tyre, normat ligjore n Republikn e Shqipris parashikohen n aktet normative t
mposhtme, t cilat kan fuqi ligjore n t gjith territorin e Republiks s Shqipris:
a. Kushtetuta;
b. marrveshjet ndrkombtare t ratifkuara;
c. ligjet;
. aktet normative t Kshillit t Ministrave.
Kushtetuta e Republiks s Shqipris Constitution of the Republic of Albania
Marrveshje ndrkombtare t ratifkuara Ratifed International Treaties
Ligj Law
Akt normativ i Kshillit t Ministrave Regulation
Vendim i Kshillit t Ministrave Council of Ministers Decree

Shqip English
Traktat Treaty
Marrveshje Agreement
Marrveshje kuadr Framework Agreement
Konvent Convention
Kart Charter
Protokoll Protocol
Deklarat Declaration/Statement
Memorandum Mirkuptimi Memorandum of Understanding
Kuti shpjeguese: Cilat jan aktet ndrkombtare?
Pr nga kuptimi i prgjithshm, traktati sht nj nocion q i mbulon t gjitha llojet e akteve
ndrkombtare me karakter obligues, t arritur n parim n form t shkruar mes subjekteve ndrkombtare.
Pr nga kuptimi i veant, traktati nnkupton zakonisht aktet ndrkombtare m t rndsishme, si pr
shembull traktatet pr paqen, pr kufjt, pr miqsin, pr tregtin e lir dhe pr bashkpunimin, etj. N
praktikn ndrkombtare ky term po zvendsohet gjithnj e m shum me terma t tjera.
Pr nga kuptimi i prgjithshm, marrveshja sht nj nocion q i mbulon t gjitha llojet e akteve
ndrkombtare t cilat nuk e prmbushin prkufzimin e traktatit. Pr nga kuptimi i veant, marrveshja, n
parim, sht nj akt zyrtar i nj niveli m t ult q rregullon fushat e ngushta t traktatit. Ekziston nj tendenc
e prgjithshme e prdorimit t termit marrveshje pr traktatet dypalshe ose shumpalshe t kufzuara.
Integrimi rajonal ndrkombtar mbshtetet n marrveshje kuadr t prgjithshme t karakterit juridiko-
kushtetues. Ndryshimet dhe plotsimet n kto marrveshje, si pr shembull n rastin e pranimit t shteteve
antare t tjera, gjithashtu quhen marrveshje. Aktet q nnshkruhen brenda kuadrit t nj marrveshjeje
t karakterit juridiko-kushtetues ose nga organet e institucioneve rajonale quhen zakonisht marrveshje, n
mnyr q t dallohen nga traktatet baz (pr shembull Traktati i Parisit, Traktati i Roms, Traktati i Amsterdamit,
por themi Marrveshja pr Stabilizimin dhe Asociimin mes Republiks s Shqipris dhe Bashkimit Europian).
Pr nga kuptimi i prgjithshm, konventa sht nj nocion q i mbulon burimet e s drejts q nuk
jan ligje ndrkombtare, parime t prgjithshme t s drejts ndrkombtare, terma juridike ndrkombtare
ose analiza shkencore dhe didaktike. Prdorimi termit konvent prfshin t gjitha marrveshjet ndrkombtare
kshtu q n kt kuptim ky term sht i njjt me termin traktat. Pr nga kuptimi i veant, konventa n t
kaluarn sht prdorur rregullisht pr marrveshjet dypalshe, kurse sot shrben pr traktatet shumpalshe
zyrtare me nj numr m t madh palsh. Konventat zakonisht jan t hapura ndaj t gjith bashksis
ndrkombtare ose numrit m t madh t shteteve. N shum raste, marrveshjet q arrihen nn kujdestarin
e organeve t organizatave ndrkombtare ose q i kan miratuar ato, quhen konventa.
Termi kart nnkupton n mnyr t veant nj akt zyrtar dhe formal, pr shembull traktati q
rregullon nj organizat ndrkombtare (Karta e Kombeve t Bashkuara, etj.).
Termi Protokoll nnkupton akte zyrtare t nivelit m t ult sesa ato q quhen traktate ose konventa.
Ky nocion mbulon nj sr aktesh ndrkombtare, si jan aktet q rregullojn interpretimin e dispozitave baz
q jan rregulluar me traktat, aktet q prmbajn dispozita zyrtare q nuk jan prfshir n kuadrin e traktatit
ose akte q rregullojn shtje teknike dhe t zbatimit t dispozitave t vet traktatit. Gjithashtu, ndonjher
protokolle quhen edhe ato akte me t cilat plotsohen ose ndryshohen akte t tjera.
Deklarat quhen aktet ndrkombtare t ndryshme q n shum raste shprehin vullnetin e palve
pr akte t natyrs jo obliguese. Megjithat, deklaratat mund t jen traktate obliguese, pra karakteri obligues
i dispozitave duhet t prcaktohet sipas do rasti t veant t deklarats. Deklarata, pr shembull, jan aktet
e prfshira n traktat pr hir t interpretimit ose t argumentimit t dispozitave t traktateve, akte t natyrs jo
zyrtare pr shtje m pak t rndsishme etj.
Memorandumi i Mirkuptimit
Termi Memorandum Mirkuptimi nnkupton akte ndrkombtare t natyrs m pak zyrtare. N shpesh
raste, ai prdoret pr prcaktimin e rregullave operative, duke u mbshtetur te marrveshja kuadr prkatse
ndrkombtare, por edhe pr prcaktimin e shtjeve teknike ose t specializuara t ngushta.
Ndarjet strukturore t ligjit n rend zbrits jan:
1. pjest
2. titujt
3. krert
4. seksionet
Struktura-baz e nj teksti ligjor sht neni.
Pjest prbrse t nj neni n rend zbrits jan:
1. numri i nenit
2. paragraf
3. nnparagraf
4. nn-nnparagraf
Pjest: Kto prdoren zakonisht n rastin e ligjeve m voluminoze, si jan Kushtetuta ose kodet.
Titujt: Mund t jet e nevojshme q pjest e nj ligji t ndahen n tituj, pr shembull, n rastin e Kodit Civil.
Pjesa I sht ndar n Titulli I, i cili parashikon subjektet e s drejts civile; Titulli II, i cili parashikon institutin e
prfaqsimit; Titulli III, q rregullon veprimet juridike etj.
Kreu: Kur kemi ligje t gjata, q prmbajn m shum se 15-20 nene. Mnyra m e mir e organizimit t tyre sht
bashkimi i neneve me objekte t njjta, n krer.
Seksionet: Nenet e nj kreu, q kan objekt t njjt, mund t grupohen n seksione.
Tabela XX: Prkthimi anglisht i pjesve prbrse t ligjeve
shqip anglisht
Neni Article
Paragraf/Pika Paragraph
Nnparagraf/Germa Subparagraph/Point/Indent
Shnim: Gjat prkthimit t paragrafve dhe nnparagrafve duhet ruajtur sistemi i renditjes q sht prdorur
n versionin shqip. Kur pikat jan renditur me shkronja (a, b, c, , d, dh,...) i njjti sistem duhet prdorur edhe n
anglisht, pavarsisht se kto shkronja i mungojn alfabetit anglez, pra (a, b, c, , d, dh,...)
Neni 73
Mnyrat e ftimit dhe kalimit t kuotave
1. Kuotat e kapitalit t nj shoqrie me prgjegjsi t kufzuar e t drejtat q
rrjedhin prej tyre mund t ftohen apo kalohen nprmjet:
a) kontributit n kapitalin e shoqris;
Seksioni I
Neni 30
Miratimi i prospektit
Prospekti, prpara publikimit ose dorzimit t tij tek investitort e mundshm,
paraqitet pr miratim pran Autoritetit. Emetuesi, s bashku me krkesn pr
miratimin e prospektit, paraqet prospektin, vendimin pr emetimin e titujve, si dhe
do dokumentacion tjetr, t parashikuar nga ky ligj apo q i krkohet nga Autoriteti.
Prospekti publikohet dhe u jepet investitorve t mundshm, vetm pasi ai t
miratohet nga Autoriteti.
Paragraf 1/Paragraph 1
Paragraf 2/Paragraph 2
Nr.9901, dat 14.04.2008
Nr.9879, dat 21.02.2008
Legjislacioni prmban norma juridike q n parim shprehen dhe hartohen me an t shum dispozitave. Dispozita
juridike, n shum raste, sht hipotetike, ka do t thot se raporti mes kryefals dhe kundrinorit kushtzohet nga
dika. Dispozita hipotetike prbhet nga kushti dhe pasoja. Dispozita hipotetike, n shum raste, shprehet me fali
kushtore, n t ciln hipoteza ndodhet n falin e varur, ndrsa pasoja n falin kryesore, kshtu q raporti baz
logjiko-semantik gjen vend qart te shprehja :n qoft se x, ather duhet y. Pra, pr shembull, nse sht shkaktuar
dm, ai q e ka shkaktuar dmin duhet t paguaj dmshprblim. Ekzistojn shum mnyra pr shprehjen e dispozitave
hipotetike t s njjts prmbajtje. Pr shembull, personi q shkakton dmin, sht i detyruar t paguaj dmshprblim.
Shembull 1: Neni 5 i Ligjit nr. 9880 Pr nnshkrimin elektronik
Nse transaksioni ligjor sht nj kontrat ather secila
prej palve duhet t nnshkruaj t njjtin dokument
me nnshkrimet elektronike t kualifkuara prkatse.
If the legal transaction is a contract then each party
shall sign the same document with its respective
qualifed electronic signature.
Normat juridike ose dispozitat kan nj funksion normativ t prgjithshm, megjithse n to ka jo vetm
shprehje normative, por edhe shprehje t tjera treguese dhe prshkruese. Pjesa m e rndsishme e dispozits
sht prmbajtja normative e saj, sepse ktu prcaktohen detyrimet n formn e urdhrave dhe t ndalimeve, si dhe
lejet, kompetencat dhe t drejtat. Ve ksaj, ka edhe dispozita q japin prkufzime dhe dispozita q prshkruajn
ndonj gjendje faktike ose konstatojn ekzistencn e disa entiteteve, sikurse jan shtetet, organet administrative,
etj. Megjithat, shumica e dispozitave jan norma sjelljeje q urdhrojn nj subjekt t caktuar t bj dika
(URDHRI), apo q ia ndalojn nj subjekti t caktuar t bj dika (NDALIMI), apo q e lejojn nj subjekt t caktuar
t bj dika (LEJA) ose e autorizojn nj subjekt t caktuar t bj dika (AUTORIZIMI). Pr shprehjen e prmbajtjes
normative, rol ky ka folja kryesore e saj.
Gjat prkthimit t rregullave juridike nga gjuha shqipe n at angleze, prkthyesi duhet t dalloj, n
radh t par, se pr ciln lloj dispozite bhet fal, dhe, m pas, t formoj anglisht dispozitn prkatse, e cila do
t paraqiste pasojn juridike t dshiruar. Mirpo, nj dispozit e caktuar nuk shprehet medoemos n t njjtn
mnyr n sisteme juridike t ndryshme, kshtu q prkthyesi nuk duhet ti prkthej rregullat juridike sipas
metodave t linguistiks krahasuese. Pra, ai ka pr detyr t msoj ti formuloj urdhrat (commands), ndalimet
(prohibitions), lejet (permissions), autorizimet (authorizations), t drejtat (rights), prkufzimet (defnitions) dhe
dispozitat me karakter deklarativ n prputhje me rregullat e gjuhs angleze q ekzistojn n teknikn legjislative
anglo-amerikane ose n teknikn legjislative t Bashkimit Europian. N vijim, jepen shpjegime lidhur me prkthimin
e llojeve kryesore t dispozitave ligjore.
Vshtirsit m t mdha shfaqen gjat prkthimit t dispozitave q e imponojn detyrimin n formn
e urdhrit, sepse n gjuhn juridike shqiptare shpesh prdoret koha e tashme, ndrsa n at angleze prdoret folja
ndihmse shall. Duhet t kuptohet se kjo nuk shpreh kohn e ardhshme, por nj mnyr urdhrore juridike, e cila,
n gjuhn angleze, do t mund t shprehej ndryshe has a duty to. Gjithashtu, duhet t theksohet menjher se
shall prdoret vetm n pjesn vendimore t dispozits dhe asnjher n hipotez (shih Shembullin 1). Shprehja e
urdhrave me ndihmn e foljes ndihmse shall sht tradit n gjuhn juridike angleze dhe fllesat i ka n shekujt e
mesjets, kur sht prkthyer e drejta romake. Me ndrmarrjen, koht e fundit, t nismave Plain English, Clarity
dhe Fight the Fog, n Bashkimin Europian po bhen prpjekje q gjuha legjislative t bhet m e kuptueshme pr
njeriun e zakonshm, kshtu q, midis t tjerave, sht propozuar q n vend t shall t prdoret must pr shprehjen e
imperativit n rregullat juridike. Megjithat, deri tani ky propozim nuk sht pranuar gjersisht n teknikn legjislative
t shteteve q i prkasin sistemit juridik anglo-amerikan. Pr m tepr, korrektort juridik n Bashkimin Evropian
vazhdojn ti prmbahen parimit t prdorimit t foljes ndihmse shall n gjuhn angleze n dispozitat e pjess
qendrore t t gjitha akteve juridike detyruese, si dhe t prdorimit t kohs s tashme n gjuhn franceze. Prdorimi
i kohs s tashme n vend t mnyrs urdhrore pr shprehjen e nj qndrimi prshkrues sht praktik e zakonshme
n shum sisteme juridike kontinentale, po ashtu edhe n Shqipri, sikurse duket kjo edhe nga kta shembuj:
Shembull 2: Neni 6, Ligji nr. 10236, dt. 18.2.2010, Pr marrjen n kontroll t shoqrive publike
Prpara se t bj ofertn e marrjes n kontroll, ofruesi
njofton me shkrim Autoritetin dhe administratort e
shoqris, objekt i oferts.
Before the takeover bid, the oferor shall notify
the Authority and the management of the oferee
company in writing.
Shembull 3: Neni 13, pika 1, ligji nr. 9952, dt. 14.7.2008, Pr parandalimin dhe kontrollin e HIV/AIDS-it
Institucionet shtetrore prgjegjse e organizatat
joftimprurse prgatisin dhe e shprndajn
informacionin, si dhe realizojn edukimin dhe
komunikimin, pr parandalimin dhe kontrollin e HIV/
AIDS-it, n prputhje me pikn 2 t nenit 10 t ktij ligji.
Responsible state institutions and non-proft
organizations shall prepare and propagate information
and carry out education and communication activities
on preventing and controlling HIV/AIDS in accordance
with Article 10 (2) of this Law.
Shprehja e detyrimit me ndihmn e pjess foljore shall bn t ditur qart se fala sht pr nj dispozit
me karakter detyrues. Kjo do t thot se subjekti, me t cilin ka t bj dispozita, duhet t bj ose ti jap dika nj
subjekti tjetr; pra nuk ka asnj paqartsi lidhur me sjelljen n nj situat t till. Mosrespektimi ose shkelja e saj
sjell si pasoj vendosjen e sanksioneve, si edhe brjen t pavlefshme t nj akti, dokumenti ose veprimi juridik. Kur
detyrimi shprehet n form dftore tipike t kohs s tashme, ekziston rreziku q kuptimi prshkrues i dispozitave
t mos gjej shprehje, nse nuk kuptohet nga konteksti. Pr kt arsye, n raste t tilla, ligjvnsi shqiptar prdor
shprehje t tilla foljore si ka pr detyr ose duhet.
Shembull 4: Neni 11, ligji nr. 9952, dt. 14.7.2008, Pr parandalimin dhe kontrollin e HIV/AIDS-it
Informimi, edukimi dhe komunikimi pr parandalimin dhe
kontrollin e HIV/AIDS-it duhet t prmbajn t dhna pr:
Information, education and communication for
preventing and controlling HIV/AIDS shall include:
Shembull 5: Neni 74, pika 1, Ligji nr. 9154, dt. 06.11.2003, Pr arkivat
Shrbimi arkivor dhe autoritetet publike krijuese t
dokumenteve jan t detyruara:
The Archive Service and public authorities generating
any documents shall:
Vlen t prmendet se Joint Practical Guide e Bashkimit Evropian rekomandon shmangien e prdorimit t
kohs s ardhshme n dispozitat juridike n gjuht angleze dhe franceze ather kur kjo sht e mundur. E njjta
gj vlen, si rregull, edhe pr normat juridike shqipe, sepse ligjet kan funksion ekstratemporan (jo-kohor).
Duhet t theksohet se folja ndihmse angleze should nuk ka kuptim prshkrues dhe, pr kt arsye,
nuk prdoret kurr n dispozitat detyruese. N rregullat dhe direktivat europiane fala should prdoret vetm n
preambula dhe kjo n kuptimin rekomandohet.
N ndryshim nga krkohet, prdorimi i foljes modale duhet bn t qart se mosprmbushja e detyrimit
e bn t pavlefshm aktin, dokumentin ose procedurn prkatse. Kur dispozita shqip formulohet me duhet,
prkthyesi mund t prdor shall ose must, por megjithat prparsi ka must. Si rregull, folja ndihmse must
prdoret pr shprehjen e dispozitave, n t cilat ekzekutuesi i veprimit as nuk prmendet dhe as nuk dihet nga
konteksti, pra kryesisht n falit vetvetore (apo, passive voice n anglisht). Must gjithashtu prdoret n dispozitat
q krkojn plotsimin ose prmbushjen e disa kushteve, ndrsa subjekti nuk sht qenie e gjall:
Shembull 6: Neni 17, pika 4, Ligji nr. 10236, dt. 18.2.2010 Pr marrjen n kontroll t shoqrive me ofert publike
Shuma minimale e dmshprblimit duhet t
prcaktohet n dokumentet e themelimit t shoqris,
objekt i oferts, dhe nuk duhet t tejkaloj vlern e
kapitalit t ksaj shoqrie shumzuar me numrin e t
drejtave t vots, q kan aksionet me prparsi.
The minimum amount of compensation must be
specifed in the acts of association of the oferee
company and must not be bigger than the capital
of the company multiplied by the number of voting
rights assigned to preferential shares.
Sot nuk ka qndrim unik pr prdorimin e foljes ndihmse must n rregullat juridike n gjuhn angleze.
Ndrsa mbshtetsit e nisms Plain English shprehen n favor t prdorimit t foljes must n vend t shall n
t gjitha dispozitat detyruese, juristt e sistemit juridik anglo-amerikan, n shumicn e tyre, jan kundr ktij
prdorimi. Sikurse sht thn tashm, redaktort juridik t Bashkimit Evropian e kan kundrshtuar propozimin
pr prdorimin e prgjithshm t foljes must. Prgjithsisht, mund t themi se must prdoret n ato dispozita
detyruese, n t cilat krkohet q t prmbushet ose t plotsohet dika, me qllim q t prodhoj pasoja juridike.
N teknikn legjislative anglo-amerikane dispozita t tilla quhen requirements, ndrkoh q n gjuhn shqipe nuk
bhet dallim mes commands dhe requirements, por fitet prgjithsisht pr krkesa ligjore me karakter urdhrues.
Duke pasur parasysh prmbajtjen, nuk sht gjithnj e leht t vendoset nse duhet t prdoret must apo shall,
sepse jan t mundshme rastet kufzuese, sidomos kur sht fala pr formalitete procedurale. N dispozitn
pasardhse, falia e par prcakton natyrn detyruese t procedurs, kurse falia tjetr prcakton kushtin q duhet
t prmbushet n mnyr q vendimi t jet i vlefshm.
Save as otherwise provided in this Statute, decisions of the Board of Governors shall be taken by a majority
of its members. This majority must represent at least 50% of the subscribed capital. (Pika 1 e Nenit 8
Protokolli pr Statutin e Banks Europiane t Investimeve, Traktatit Themelues i Kushtetuts s Europs).
Sidoqoft, prdorimi i foljes must n prkthim krkon kujdes. Nse prkthyesi nuk sht i sigurt, duhet t
prdor shall n vend t must, sepse shall mund t prdoret n vend t must, ndrsa ende nuk sht pranuar gjersisht
q must mund ta zvendsoj gjithnj shall. Duhet t theksohet se koha e tashme prdoret edhe n gjuhn angleze
pr shprehjen e detyrimeve procedurale n aktet nnligjore, pr shembull The candidate signs the application.
Ndalimi sht nj detyrim negativ q ndalon qart nj subjekt t caktuar t bj dika. Pra, krkon q
nj subjekt i caktuar t mos e kryej nj veprimtari t caktuar, sepse, n rast t kundrt, mund t paditet, pra t
akuzohet dhe t sanksionohet. Pr shprehjen e detyrimit pr moskryerjen e nj veprimtarie t caktuar (nuk duhet),
m shpesh prdoret forma negative e mnyrs urdhrore shall not ose asnj person nuk (pr shembull No person
shall...) (Kujdes prdorimin e mohimit t dyfsht!). Kur thuhet qart se dika ndalohet (ndalohet, sht e
ndaluar), kjo prkthehet it is prohibited.
Shembull 7: Pika 1, Neni 32 i Kodit t Familjes dhe Legjislacionit pr Birsimet s Shqipris
Asnjri nuk duhet t nxjerr prftime t parregullta
fnanciare ose prftime t tjera nga veprimtari q
lidhen me birsimin jasht vendit.
No person shall make any unlawful fnancial gains or
any ther gains from adopton activities abroad.
Shembull 8: Neni 13 i Kodit t Familjes dhe Legjislacionit pr Birsimet s Shqipris
Ndalohet martesa midis kujdestarit dhe dhe personit q
ndodhet n kujdesin e tij gjat kohs q vazhdon kujdestaria.
Guardians shall not marry their wards during the term
of guardianship.
Dispozita, me ann e s cils hiqet nj kompetenc, leje ose e drejt e caktuar, gjithashtu prbn ndalim
q shprehet me nuk mund ose nuk lejohet, pra may not n anglisht. Dispozita analoge prcaktojn se nj
subjekt ose pushtet publik i caktuar nuk ka kompetenc, leje ose t drejt t bj dika:
Shembull 9: Neni 12, Kodi Civil i Republiks s Shqipris
Personi nuk mund t ket njkohsisht m shum se
nj vendbanim.
A person may not have more than one place of
residence at any time.
Shembull 10: Pika 2, Neni 4, Ligji Nr.10 273, dat 29.4.2010 Pr dokumentin elektronik
Marrsi, i cili ka pranuar prdorimin dhe qarkullimin
e dokumentit elektronik, nuk mund t refuzoj
dokumentin elektronik n mnyr t njanshme,
vetm pr faktin q ai sht prgatitur, prdorur dhe
qarkulluar n form elektronike.
Addressees who have recognized the use and
circulation of electronic documents may not refuse
any electronic documents unilaterally based on the
ground that such documents have been prepared,
used and circulated electronically.
Pr mohimin e detyrimit t prmbushjes n gjuhn shqipe prdoret nuk sht nevoja ose nuk duhet,
ndrsa n gjuhn angleze need not ose no person must:
Shembull 11: Pika 1, Neni 25, Ligji nr. 9917, dat 19.5.2008 Pr parandalimin e pastrimit t parave dhe fnancimit
t terrorizmit
Subjektet nuk duhet ta prdorin sekretin profesional ose
prftimet prej tij si arsye pr mosrespektimin e detyrimeve,
q rrjedhin nga ky ligj, kur krkohet informacion ose kur, n
prputhje me kt ligj, urdhrohet nxjerrja e nj dokumenti,
q ka lidhje me informacionin.
Subjects must not use any professional secrets or any
benefts thereof as reasons for noncompliance with
this Law if information is requested or if, in accordance
with this Law, the production of any documents in
relation to such information is ordered.

Lejimi shpreh dika q lejohet qart, pra dika q nuk ndalohet. Shpesh prdoret pr shprehjen e prjashtimit
nga rregullat e prgjithshme t prcaktuara q urdhrojn ose ndalojn. N qoft se nj veprimtari e caktuar lejohet,
kjo do t thot se subjekti, me t cilin ka lidhje dispozita, mund ta kryej kt veprimtari t caktuar, por edhe mund
t mos e kryej. Pra, dispozita nuk sht detyruese. Sa i prket autorizimit (pra, kompetencs), organi ose personi i
autorizuar e kryen nj veprimtari t caktuar, sepse pr kt sht i autorizuar me ligj dhe kryerja e veprimtaris, n
shpesh raste, konsiderohet e detyrueshme. Hera hers sht e vshtir t dallohet lejimi nga autorizimi, por kjo nuk
prbn ndonj problem pr prkthyesin, sepse, megjithse funksionet e tyre jan t ndryshme, n gjuhn angleze
prdoret kryesisht may pr shprehjen e lejimit ose t autorizimit. Lejimi n gjuhn shqipe shprehet me mund,
lejohet ose sht e lejuar. N dispozitat procedurale shprehja sht e lejuar prkthehet it is admissible, ndrsa
shprehjet it is permitted dhe it is allowed nuk prdoren n normat juridike n gjuhn angleze. Autorizimi n normat
n gjuhn shqipe shprehet me falt sht i autorizuar ose mund. Pr shprehjen e autorizimit n gjuhn angleze,
krahas foljes modale may, prdoren edhe shprehjet is authorised to, is empowered to, si dhe has the power to. N
qoft se autorizimi sht i detyrueshm, pra nse krkon nj veprimtari t caktuar, prkthyesi duhet t prdor foljen
modale shall, pr t ciln kemi folur m lart n kt material, kur diskutuam pr dispozitat prshkruese ose detyruese.
Shembull 12: Pika 1, Neni 4, Ligji Nr.10 253, dat 11.3.2010 Pr gjuetin
1. Gjuajtja e individve t llojeve t ndaluara,
prjashtimisht, mund t bhet n rastet:
1. As a derogation, individuals from prohibited species
may be hunted in the following cases:

Shembull 13: Pika 2, Neni 5, Ligji Nr. 10 216, dat 21.1.2010 Pr detergjentt
Aplikuesi mund t krkoj rishikimin e aplikimit pr
prjashtim pasi ka plotsuar krkesat e prcaktuara sipas
ktij ligji. Mbi bazn e informacionit t siguruar nprmjet
dosjes teknike t rishikuar, ministria mund t marr
vendimin pr ta zgjatur, modifkuar ose hequr prjashtimin.
Applicants may apply for a revision of their applications
for exemption after they have complied with the
requirements of this Law. Basen on the information
contained in the revised technical fle, the Ministry may
take a decision to extend, modify or revoke an exemption.
Shembull 14: Pika 2, Neni 20, Ligji Nr.10 197, dat 10.12.2009 Pr fondet e pensionit vullnetar
2. Veprimtaria e vetme e nj shoqrie administruese
sht administrimi i fondit t pensionit. Autoriteti mund
t lejoj dhe t nxjerr rregullore pr kushtet, q duhet
t prmbush shoqria administruese, n mnyr q
t kryej veprimtari, t cilat jan t lidhura ngusht me
administrimin e fondit t pensionit, si administrimi i
fondeve t investimeve dhe administrimi i aseteve, me
kusht q shoqria administruese t jet e pajisur me
licencn e duhur, pr t kryer kto lloj veprimtarish.
2. The only activity a management company shall
undertake is the management of pension funds. The
Authority is authorized permit and issue regulations on
the conditions a management company has to meet
to also undertake activities that are closely related to
pension fund management, such as the management
of investment funds and asset management, provided
the management company obtains the appropriate
license to conduct such activities.
T drejtat dhe lirit baz q jan t garantuara n Kushtetutn e Republiks s Shqipris dhe shprehen n
formn e urdhrave q e detyrojn shtetin t ofroj mbrojtjen e caktuar (Republika e Shqipris u siguron ndihm shtetasve
shqiptar q jetojn e punojn jasht shtetit pr t ruajtur e pr t zhvilluar lidhjet me trashgimin kulturore kombtare. /
The Republic of Albania shall protect the rights of its citizens with a temporary or permanent residence outside its borders.
Neni 8, Pika 2, e Kushtetuts) dhe n formn e ndalimeve q e detyrojn shtetin t mos kryej veprimtari ose veprime t
caktuara (Censura paraprake e mjeteve t komunikimit ndalohet. / Prior censorship of the media is prohibited. Neni
22, Pika 3, e Kushtetuts). Megjithat, m shpesh t drejtat prcaktohen n dispozita me an t shprehjes treguese ka t
drejt, pra has the right to (Kushdo ka t drejt, n prputhje me ligjin, t marr informacion pr veprimtarin e organeve
shtetrore, si dhe t personave q ushtrojn funksione shtetrore. / Everyone has the right, in compliance with the law, to
get information about the activity of state bodies, as well as of persons who exercise state functions. Neni 23 i Kushtetuts).
N norma juridike t tjera, nj form tjetr e shpesht pr prcaktimin e disa t drejtave n gjuhn shqipe sht edhe ka
t drejt, ndrsa n gjuhn angleze prdoren has the right to, is entitled to ose madje may.
Shembulli 15: Pika 1, Neni 6 i Kodit t Procedurs Penale
I pandehuri ka t drejt t mbrohet vet ose
me ndihmn e mbrojtsit. Kur nuk ka mjete t
mjaftueshme i sigurohet mbrojtja falas me avokat.
Defendants have the right to self-representation or
assistance of defence counsels. If they have insufcient
means they are entitled to free legal aid.
Dispozitat q prcaktojn kuptimin e nocioneve juridike, domethn prkufzimet ligjore, kan funksion
prshkrues, po t kemi parasysh se autori i prkufzimit normativ krijon kuptime t reja q kan natyr detyruese
zyrtare. Pr kt arsye, n normat juridike n gjuhn angleze prkufzimet jan shprehur rregullisht me prdorimin
e foljes ndihmse shall. Megjithat, sot pr formulimin e prkufzimit, gjithnj e m shum, po prdoret koha
e tashme si n gjuhn shqipe, ashtu dhe n at angleze, pr shembull: Termat n kt Ligj kan kuptimin e
mposhtm:/ For the purpose of this Law, the following terms mean:. Pr prcaktimin e pjesve t veanta t
nj nocioni ose t elementeve t veanta t nj gjendjeje faktike, pra t kriterit pr ekzistencn e nj gjendjeje t
caktuar, shpesh n gjuhn juridike prdoret konsiderohet, pra is deemed to be.:
Shembull 16: Germa a, Neni 3 i Ligjit Nr. 10 263, dat 8.4.2010, Pr prdorimin dhe shfrytzimin e tokave
bujqsore t pakultivuara
Tok bujqsore ka kuptimin e prcaktuar n pikn
3 t nenit 2 t ligjit nr. 9244, dat 17.6.2004 Pr
mbrojtjen e toks bujqsore
Agricultural land has the meaning specifed in
Article 2 (3) of Law No. 9244 of 17 June 2004 On the
Protection of Agricultural Land
Shembull 17: Paragraf 4 i Aneksit 1 t Ligjit Nr.9199, dat 26.2.2004 Pr prodhimin, prpunimin, certifkimin dhe
tregtimin e produkteve bio
Mbledhja e bimve dhe pjesve t ngrnshme, q rriten n
mnyr natyrale n zona natyrale, pyje dhe zona bujqsore,
konsiderohet metod e prodhimit organik me kusht q:
The harvesting of edible parts and plants which grow
naturally in natural areas, forests and agricultural land is
deemed to be a method of organic production provided that:
N normat juridike qndrimet orientuese dhe prshkruese grshetohen dhe plotsohen n mnyr
t ndrsjell. Kshtu, ka dispozita t tilla q kan funksion prshkrues dhe konstatues. Kto dispozita, kryesisht,
prshkruajn nj gjendje faktike t caktuar ose konstatojn ekzistencn e subjekteve, sikurse jan t tilla shtetet,
organet administrative, etj. Kuptimi i ktyre qndrimeve shprehet me an t pjesve t foljes me qen dhe
t foljeve q e zvendsojn at, me ekzistuar, me u ndodhur, me pasur, etj. Ndrsa m par n dispozita t tilla,
kryesisht, prdorej shall n gjuhn angleze, sot n to, gjithnj e m shum, prdoret koha e tashme. Pr shembull,
n dispozitat pr krijimin e nj subjekti ose organi n rregullat juridike t mparshme prdorej There shall be...,
kurse sot prdoret There is hereby established... (psh.: There is hereby established a corporation n vend t
There shall be a corporation).
Megjithat, prkthyesi duhet t ket kujdes. Pr shembull, Nuk ka dnim me vdekje duhet t prkthehet
There shall be no death penalty, sepse kjo prbn ndalim. Sot prdorimi i kohs s tashme sht pranuar gjersisht
edhe pr formulimin e dispozitave q prcaktojn fushat e zbatimit t nj ligji t caktuar, kshtu This Law applies
n vend t This Law shall apply.
Shembull 18: Pika 1, Neni 1 i Kushtetuts s Republiks s Shqipris
Shqipria sht republik parlamentare. Albania is a parliamentary republic.
Nr.9062, dat 08.05.2003
N mbshtetje t neneve 53, 54, 81 dhe 83 pika 1 t Kushtetuts, me propozimin e Kshillit t Ministrave,
V E N D O S I:
Neni 1
Martesa, si nj bashkjetes ligjore, mbshtetet n barazin morale dhe juridike t bashkshortve, n ndjenjn e
dashuris, respektit dhe mirkuptimit reciprok, si baza e unitetit n familje. Martesa dhe familja gzojn mbrojtjen
e veant t shtetit.
Neni 2
Prindrit, organet kompetente dhe gjykatat, n vendimet dhe veprimtarin e tyre duhet t ken si konsiderat
parsore interesin m t lart t fmijs.
Neni 3
Prindrit kan detyr dhe t drejt t kujdesen pr mirrritjen, zhvillimin, mirqenien, edukimin dhe arsimimin e
fmijve t lindur nga martesa ose jasht martese.
Shteti dhe shoqria duhet tu ofrojn familjeve mbshtetjen e nevojshme pr t mbajtur n gjirin e tyre fmijt, pr
t parandaluar keqtrajtimin dhe braktisjen e tyre, si dhe pr t ruajtur qndrueshmrin e familjes.
Neni 4
Fmijt e lindur jasht martese kan t njjtat t drejta dhe detyra si fmijt e lindur nga martesa.
Neni 5
do fmij, pr nj zhvillim t plot dhe harmonik t personalitetit, ka t drejt t rritet n nj mjedis familjar, n
nj atmosfer gzimi, dashurie dhe mirkuptimi.
Neni 6
N do procedur q i prket t miturit, ai ka t drejt t dgjohet, n prputhje me moshn dhe aftsin e tij pr
t kuptuar, duke ruajtur t drejtn q i japin dispozitat e veanta q garantojn ndrhyrjen dhe dhnien e plqimit
nga ana e tij.
N rastet kur i mituri krkon t dgjohet, krkesa e tij nuk mund t rrzohet, vese
No. 9062 of 8 May 2003
Pursuant to Articles 53, 54, 81 and 83 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, upon the Council of Ministers
D E C I D E D:
General Principles
Article 1
Marriage, as legal cohabitation, rests on the consorts moral and legal equality, their feeling of love, respect and
mutual understanding, as the basis for domestic unity. Marriage and family shall enjoy special protection by the
Article 2
Parents, resonsible bodies, and courts shall in their decisions and activities consider the best interest of the child as
a high priority.
Article 3
Parents have the obligation and the right to look after the upbringing, development, well-being and education of
children born in or out of wedlock.
The State and society must provide families with the necessary support to keep their children with them, so that
they are not ill-treated and abandoned, and the family stability is retained.
Article 4
Children born out of wedlock shall enjoy the same rights and obligations as those born in the wedlock.
Article 5
In orden to have comprehensive and harmonious development of their personalities all children are entitled to
growing up in family conditions and in an atmosphere of joy, love, and understanding.
Article 6
In all the procedures involving children, they shall enjoy the right to being heard, according to their age and
capacity to understand, including the right recognised under special provisions guaranteeing their intervention
and granting of consent.
Where a minor requires to be heard, his/her request cannot be denied, except ...
Nr. 9887, dat 10.03.2008
N mbshtetje t neneve 78 dhe 83, pika 1 t Kushtetuts, me propozimin e Kshillit t Ministrave,
Neni 1
Ky ligj ka pr objekt prcaktimin e rregullave pr mbrojtjen dhe prpunimin e ligjshm t t dhnave personale.
Neni 2
Parim i prgjithshm
Prpunimi i ligjshm i t dhnave personale bhet duke respektuar dhe garantuar t drejtat dhe lirit themelore t
njeriut dhe, n veanti, t drejtn e ruajtjes s jets private.
Neni 3
N kt ligj termat e mposhtme kan kto kuptime:
1. T dhna personale sht do informacion pr nj person fzik, i cili sht i identifkuar ose i identifkueshm.
Elementet, me t cilat realizohet identifkimi i nj personi, drejtprdrejt apo trthorazi, jan numrat e identitetit ose
faktor t tjer t veant fzik, psikologjik, ekonomik, social, kulturor etj.
2. T dhna sensitive sht do informacion pr personin fzik, q ka t bj me origjinn e tij racore ose etnike,
mendimet politike, antarsimin n sindikata, besimin fetar apo flozofk, dnimin penal, si dhe t dhna pr
shndetin dhe jetn seksuale.
3. Kontrollues sht do person fzik ose juridik, autoritet publik, agjenci apo njsi tjetr, t cilt, vetm apo n
bashkpunim me t tjer, mbajn, prpunojn, administrojn, arkivojn dhe, pr kt shkak kontrollojn t dhna
4. Subjekti i t dhnave personale sht do person fzik, t cilit i prpunohen t dhnat personale.
5. Prpunues sht do person fzik ose juridik, autoritet publike, agjenci ose do njsi tjetr, prve punonjsve
t kontrolluesit, q prpunojn t dhna pr vet kontrolluesin.
6. Sistem arkivimi sht grup i strukturuar t dhnash personale, t aksesueshme sipas, t paktn nj kriteri
No. 9887 of 10 March 2008
Pursuant to Articles 78 and 83 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, upon the Council of Ministerss
The Parliament
of the Republic of Albania
Article 1
The scope of this Law is to establish the rules on the protection and legal processing of personal data.
Article 2
General Principle
The legal processing of personal data shall take place by respecting and guaranteeing fundamental human rights
and freedoms, and particularly, the right to privacy.
Article 3
For the purpose of this law, the following terms shall mean:
1. Personal data is any information about a physical person, who is identifed or identifable. The elements which
help identify a person, directly or indirectly include the identity numbers, or other specifc physical, psychological,
economic, social, and cultural factors.
2. Sensitive data is any information about natural persons concerning their racial or ethnic origins, political
opinions, membership in trade unions, religious afliation or philosophical belief, criminal records, and information
about their health and sexual life.
3. Screener is any physical or legal person, public authority, agency or other unit, which, on their own or in collusion
with others, keep, process, manage, fle, and for that reason, screens personal data.
4. Subject of personal data is any natural person, whose personal data are processed.
5. Processor is any natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other unit, except for the screeners
employees, who process data for the screener.
6. Filing system is a structured set of personal data, accessible at least basen on a specifc criterion.
Nr.9901, dat 14.4.2008

N mbshtetje t neneve 78 dhe 83 pika 1 t Kushtetuts, me propozimin e Kshillit t Ministrave,

Neni 1
Objekti i ligjit, prkufzime, regjistrime t detyrueshme
1. Ky ligj rregullon statusin e tregtarit, themelimin dhe administrimin e shoqrive tregtare, t drejtat dhe
detyrimet e themeluesve, t ortakve dhe aksionarve, riorganizimin dhe likuidimin e shoqrive tregtare.
Shoqrit tregtare jan shoqrit kolektive, shoqrit komandite, shoqrit me prgjegjsi t kufzuara dhe
shoqrit aksionare.
2. Tregtart dhe shoqrit tregtare regjistrohen n Qendrn Kombtare t Regjistrimit, n prputhje me kt ligj
dhe me ligjin nr.9723, dat 3.5.2007 Pr Qendrn Kombtare t Regjistrimit, t ndryshuar.
3. Tregtart dhe shoqrit tregtare mbajn libra kontabl, hartojn e publikojn t dhnat fnanciare dhe raportet
pr gjendjen e ecuris s veprimtaris, prfshir dhe raportet e kontrollit t ekspertve kontabl t autorizuar n
prputhje me ligjin pr kontabilitetin dhe pasqyrat fnanciare.
4. Nse nuk parashikohet ndryshe, gjykata e prmendur n kt ligj sht seksioni tregtar i gjykats s rrethit
gjyqsor prkats, sipas dispozitave t neneve 334 deri n 336 t Kodit t Procedurs Civile.
5. Dispozitat, q krkojn dhnie informacioni n faqen e shoqris n internet, mund t zbatohen nprmjet
krijimit t nj lidhjeje informatike t drejtprdrejt me faqen n internet, ku Qendra Kombtare e Regjistrimit
publikon informacionin pr tregtarin apo shoqrin prkatse.
6. N kuptim t ktij ligji, shprehjet n njjs prfshijn ato n shums e anasjelltas, me prjashtim t rastit
kur sipas kontekstit t dispozits rezulton ndryshe. Premri vetor ai prfshin edhe premrin vetor ajo dhe
premri vetor at i nnkupton t dyja gjinit, me prjashtim t rastit kur sipas kontekstit t dispozits rezulton
Nr.9901, date 14.04.2008
Pursuant to Articles 78, 83 Paragraph 1 of the Constitution, upon the Council of Ministers proposal
Entrepreneurs and Companies
Article 1
Scope of the Law, defnitions, diferent registrations
(1) This Law regulates the status of entrepreneurs, the founding and managing of companies, the rights and
obligations of founders, partners, members, and shareholders, companies reorganization and liquidation.
Companies are gjeneral partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies or joint-stock
(2) Entrepreneurs and companies shall register with the National Registration Centre in accordance with this law
and Law No. 9723 of 3 May 2007 on the National Registration Centre, as amended.
(3) Entrepreneurs and companies shall keep books, compile and disclose annual accounts and performance
reports including verifcation of authorized auditors in compliance with Law on Accounting and Financial
(4) If not provided otherwise, the court referred to in this Law is the competent court in accordance with Articles
334 to 336 of the Civil Procedure Code.
(5) Provisions requiring disclosure of information on a company website may be satisfed by establishing an efective
link to the registered information held by the National Registration Centre on the concerned entrepreneurs or
(6) As used in this Law, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular, unless the context
otherwise requires. The personal pronoun he includes she and it; and the word him includes her and it
unless the context otherwise requires.
Neni 2
1. Tregtari sht personi fzik, sipas kuptimit t Kodit Civil, i cili ushtron veprimtari ekonomike t pavarur, q krkon
nj organizim tregtar t zakonshm.
2. Personi fzik, i cili ushtron nj profesion t pavarur (si avokat, noter, kontabilist, mjek, inxhinier, arkitekt, artist etj.),
vlersohet tregtar, nse nj ligj i posam i ngarkon kt status.
3. Personi fzik, i cili ushtron veprimtari bujqsore, blegtorale, pyjore e t ngjashme, vlersohet tregtar, nse
veprimtaria e tij prqendrohet kryesisht n prpunimin dhe shitjen e produkteve bujqsore, blegtorale, pyjore
4. Personi fzik, veprimtaria ekonomike e t cilit, pr shkak t vllimit t tij, nuk krkon nj organizim t zakonshm
tregtar (tregtar i vogl), nuk vlersohet tregtar e nuk i nnshtrohet ktij ligji. Ministri i Financave dhe ministri
prgjegjs pr ekonomin, me urdhr t prbashkt, miratojn pragjet e vllimit t veprimtaris, n baz t t
cilave lind detyrimi i regjistrimit si tregtar.
5. Tregtari regjistrohet sipas neneve 28 pika 1 dhe 30 t ligjit nr.9723, dat 3.5.2007 Pr Qendrn Kombtare t
Regjistrimit. Nse tregtari ka krijuar nj faqe n internet, t gjitha t dhnat e njoftuara pran Qendrs Kombtare
t Regjistrimit publikohen n kt faqe.
6. Tregtari sht i detyruar t ndjek parimet e ndershmris profesionale, t zbatueshme n mjedisin tregtar, ku
ai vepron. Tregtari, pr detyrimet q rrjedhin nga veprimtarit e ushtruara, prgjigjet personalisht me t gjith
pasurin e t drejtat e tij t tashme dhe t ardhshme, prfshir pasurit e luajtshme e t paluajtshme, pronsit
industriale e intelektuale, kredit ndaj t tretve e do t drejt apo pasuri tjetr, vlera e t cilave mund t shprehet
n para.
7. Tregtari e humbet statusin e tij kur pushon ushtrimin e veprimtaris ose kur sht i detyruar ta pushoj at. N
nj rast t till ai regjistrohet nga regjistri, n prputhje me nenet 48 deri n 53 t ligjit nr.9723, dat 3.5.2007 Pr
Qendrn Kombtare t Regjistrimit.

Neni 3
Shoqrit tregtare
1. Shoqrit tregtare themelohen nga dy ose m shum persona fzik dhe/ose juridik, q bien dakord pr arritjen
e objektivave ekonomik t prbashkt, duke dhn kontribute n shoqri, sipas prcaktimeve n statutin e saj.
Shoqrit me prgjegjsi t kufzuar dhe shoqrit aksionare mund t themelohen edhe vetm nga nj person fzik
dhe/ose juridik (shoqrit me ortak apo aksionar t vetm).
2. Shoqrit tregtare duhet t regjistrohen sipas nenit 22 t ligjit nr.9723, dat 3.5.2007 Pr Qendrn Kombtare t
Regjistrimit, si dhe neneve n vijim, sipas forms prkatse t shoqris tregtare.
3. Shoqrit tregtare ftojn personalitetin juridik n datn kur kryhet regjistrimi i tyre n Qendrn Kombtare t
Regjistrimit. Shoqrit prgjigjen me t gjitha aktivet e tyre pr detyrimet, q rrjedhin nga veprimtarit e ushtruara.
Article 2
(1) An entrepreneur is a natural person, in accordance with the Civil Code defnition, whose independent economic
activities require an ordinary business organisation.
(2) A natural person pursuing an independent profession (such as lawyers, notaries, accountants, physicians,
engineers, architects, artists, etc.) is deemed to be an entrepreneur if so provided by special laws.
(3) A natural person conducting agricultural or forestry activities is deemded to be an entrepreneur if he is mainly
organizing the processing and sale of agricultural or forestry products (agro-business).
(4) Economic activities, which, due to their volume, do not require an ordinary business organization (small scale
businesses) are not deemed to be entrepreneurs and are not subjected to this law. The Minister of Finance and the
minister responsible for economy shall determine by joint regulation the threshold volume of business at which
registration as an entrepreneur is required.
(5) Entrepreneurs shall register under Art. 28 (1) and 30 of Law No. 9723 of 3 May 2007 on the National Registration
Centre. In case an entrepreneur has created a website, all data reported to the National Registration Centre shall be
placed on that website.
(6) Entrepreneurs shall apply the standard of professional diligence that their business environment is entitled to
expect. They shall be held personally liable for any obligations deriving from their activities with all their assets,
including their movables and immovables, intellectual and industrial property, claims, concessions, and any other
property the value of which can be expressed in money.
(7) An entrepreneur shall lose his status once he ceases or is obliged to cease his activities. In this case he will
be deleted from the Registry in accordance with Art. 48 to 53 of Law No. 9723 of 3 May 2007 on the National
Registration Centre.
Article 3
(1) Companies are founded by two or more persons, who agree on achieving
joint economic objectives through contributions defned by the articles of association. Limited liability companies
and jonit-stock companies may also be formed by one person only (single-member company).
(2) Companies shall register in accordance with Art. 22 and subsequent articles of Law No. 9723 of 3 May 2007 on
the National Registration Centre as relevant to the form of company in question.
(3) Companies shall acquire legal personality on the date of their registration with the National Registration Centre.
They shall be liable with all their assets for the obligations deriving from their activities.
Nr.96, dat 03.08.2008
N mbshtetje t nenit 100 t Kushtetuts dhe t piks 2 t nenit 105 t ligjit nr.9267, dat 29.7.2004 Pr
veprimtarin e sigurimit, t risigurimit dhe t ndrmjetsimit n sigurime dhe risigurime, me propozimin e Ministrit
t Financave, Kshilli i Ministrave
1. Ky vendim ka pr qllim t prcaktoj:
a) kategorit e investimeve t aktiveve n mbulim t provigjoneve teknike e matematike;
b) kufjt maksimal t lejueshm t investimit t aktiveve n mbulim t provigjoneve teknike e matematike;
2. Shoqrit e sigurimit jan t detyruara t mbajn aktive n mbulim t provigjoneve teknike dhe matematike, jo
m pak se vlera bruto e provigjoneve teknike. Aktivet n mbulim t provigjoneve teknike dhe matematike duhet t
jen t kategorizuara dhe t shprndara n mnyr, q t mos jen t lidhura me nj lloj t vetm aktivi apo enti si
dhe t mos jen t lidhura me detyrime t tjera, prve atyre q rrjedhin nga kontratat e sigurimit.
3. Shoqrit e sigurimeve t mbulojn provigjonet e tyre teknike dhe matematike vetm me kategorit e aktiveve,
t prcaktuara si m posht:
a) bono thesari, obligacione, instrumente t tregut t paras e t kapitalit, q krijohen apo vrtetojn borxhin,
e emetuar dhe t garantuar, nga organet e qeverisjes qendrore n Republikn e Shqipris. Me krkes t
vecant t shoqris dhe me miratim t Autoritetit, shoqrit e sigurimit mund t investojn n instrumentat
e lartprmendur t vendeve antare t BE-se, SHBA, Japoni si dhe letra borxhi t garantuara nga organizata
ndrkombtare ku Republika e Shqipris bn pjes;
b) t tjera letra me vler, letra borxhi me t ardhura fkse e t ardhura t ndryshueshme, t tregtuara n nj treg te
c) aksione n fonde investimesh, brenda territorit t RSH;
d) aksione si pjes t kapitalit t nj shoqrie tregtare, t listuar n nj treg t rregulluar ligjrisht brenda territorit
t Republiks s Shqipris;
e) aksione n shoqri sigurimi dhe shoqri risigurimi, vetm me miratim t Autoritetit;
f ) toka, ndrtesa dhe t drejta mbi pasuri t patundshme n Republikn e Shqipris;
g) kredi individuale hipotekore pr apartamente banimi vetm pr punonjsit e shoqris s sigurimit;
h) ertifkata depozitash dhe letra t tjera me vler, t lshuara nga banka t licensuara nga Banka e Shqipris;
i) para dhe ekuivalent t saj (t cilat prfaqsojn mjete monetare n ark, mjete monetare n bank dhe
depozita me afat maturimi m t vogl se 3 muaj), n banka t licencuara nga Banka e Shqipris, me seli n
Republikn e Shqipris;
No. 96 of 3 August 2008
Pursuant to Article 100 of the Constitution and Article 105 (2) of Law No 9267 of 29 July 2004 On Insurance and
Reinsurance Activities, and Insurance and Reinsurance Intermediation Activities, upon the Minister of Finances
proposal, the Council of Ministers
1. The purpose of this Decree is to specify:
a) investment categories for assets covering technical and mathematical provisions;
b) maximum limits for investing assets covering mathematical or technical provisions;
2. Insurance companies must hold assets to cover their technical and mathematical provisions that cannot be less
than the gross amount of technical provisions. Assets covering technical and mathematical provisions must be
categorized and distributed in such a way that they are not linked to a single type of assets or entity, and must not
be linked to other liabilities except for those deriving from insurance contracts.
3. Insurance companies must cover their technical and mathematical provisions only with the following categories
of assets:
a) Treasury bills, bonds, money and capital market instruments deriving from, or certifying, debt, issued and
guaranteed by local governments in the Republic of Albania. After applying with the Authority and receiving its
approval, insurance companies may also invest in the abovementioned instruments in EU Member States, USA
and Japan, and in debt securities guaranteed by international organizations the Republic of Albania adheres to;
b) other securities, debt securities with fxed income and variable income, traded on a regulated market;
c) shares in investment funds in the Republic of Albania;
d) equity shares of companies listed in a legally regulated market in the Republic of Albania;
e) shares in insurance companies and reinsurance companies provided this is approved by the Authority;
f ) land, buildings and rights on immovable properties in the Republic of Albania;
g) individual mortgage housing loans extended only to the staf of the respective insurance company;
h) certifcates of deposit and other securities issued by banks that have been licensed by the Bank of Albania;
i) cash and cash equivalents (including cash on hand, cash in bank and time deposits with maturity periods of less
than 3 months) with banks that have been licensed by the Bank of Albania and the registered ofces of which
are in the Republic of Albania;
j) amounts due from reinsurers, which are not pending for more than a year from their accrual;
k) reinsurers shares in technical provisions;
j) shumat q detyrohen nga risiguruesit, q nuk jan pezull m shum se nj vit nga lindja e detyrimit.
k) pjesn e risiguruesit n provigjonet teknike;
l) depozita me shoqri ceduese dhe borxhe t zotruara nga ato;
m) shuma, q detyrohen nga policmbajtsit dhe ndrmjetsit, e q rrjedhin nga veprimtaria e sigurimeve t
drejtprdrejta dhe risiguruese, n.q.s nga dita e detyrimit t pagess nuk kan kaluar m shum se 3 muaj, por
jo me shume se 20 % e provigjonit te primit te paftuar;
n) krkespagesa, q rrjedhin nga pjest e shptuara dhe subrogimet, t cilat nuk jan pezull m shum se 1 vit;
o) interesa dhe qera t maturuara, t ardhura t tjera t maturuara dhe shpenzime te parapaguara;
p) aktive t qendrueshme t trupzuara, prvec atyre t parashikuara n shkronjn f t piks 3 t ksaj VKM, t
vlersuar n baz t normave t amortizimit;
Nuk do t konsiderohen aktive n mbulim t provigjoneve teknike pr shoqrin e sigurimit:
a) Aktivet q shrbejn pr fnancimin e kapitaleve t veta t nj shoqrie sigurimi, apo t nj subjekti tjetr q
sht objekt kufzimesh rregullative nga nj Autoritet Mbikqyrs, brenda t njjtit grup kapitali.
b) Letrat me vler t shoqrive t cilat jan fliale, shoqri mbshtetse, aksioner, n shoqrin e sigurimit apo
do rast tjetr q konsiderohet si pal e lidhur me shoqrin e sigurimit;
4. Shoqrit e sigurimit, prsa i prket aktiveve dhe investimeve t aktiveve, n mbulim t provigjoneve teknike dhe
matematike, mund t investojn jo m shum se:
a) 40 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike dhe matematike bruto n letra me vler t listuara si dhe letra me vlere
t tregtuara n nj treg t rregulluar dhe pjesmarrje n fonde investimesh, apo n skemat e investimeve
b) 20 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike dhe matematike bruto n Toka dhe Ndrtesa, prfshir 10 pr qind n do
pjes toke a ndrtese ose n nj numr pjessh toke apo ndrtesash, afr njra tjetrs, sa mund t vlersohen
efektivisht nj investim;
c) 5 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike dhe matematike bruto n aksione dhe letra t tjera me vler t listuara n
nj treg t licensuar letrash me vler, si: aksione, obligacione dhe instrumente t tjera t tregut t paras dhe
kapitalit t s njjts siprmarrje apo hua, dhn t njjtit huamarrs. Ky kuf mund t ngrihet n 10 pr qind
nse siprmarrja nuk investon m shum se 40 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike bruto n hua ose letra me
vler t institucioneve emetuese a huamarrse, ku n seciln prej tyre ka investuar m shum se 5 pr qind t
aktiveve t veta;
d) 10 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike dhe matematike bruto n, letra borxhi, obligacione t garantuara me aktive
dhe n aksione q nuk jan t listuara, si dhe t tjera letra me vler me t ardhura fkse apo t ndryshueshme,
me kusht q investimi i shoqris s sigurimit n nj subjekt q emeton kto letra me vler nuk tejkalon 10 pr
qind t kapitalit t ktij t fundit;
e) 5 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike dhe matematike bruto n hua t pasiguruara, prfshir 1 pr qind pr do
hua t vetme;
f ) 25 % e vlers s provigjoneve teknike dhe matematike n shuma q detyrohen nga cesort, risiguruesit, si dhe
pjesa e risiguruesit n provigjonet teknike, n prputhje dhe me pikn 3 (j). Bjn prjashtim nga ky kufzim
risiguruesit q jan t klasifkuar si BBB- e m lart nga Standart & Poor;
g) 3 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike bruto n formn e paras dhe ekuivalentve t saj;
l) deposits in ceding companies and debts possessed by them;
m) amounts due from policyholders and intermediaries deriving from direct insurance and reinsurance activities, if no
more than 3 months have passed from the due date, but no more than 20% of the unearned premium provision;
n) claims deriving from salvaged parts and subrogation that have not been pending for more than a year;
o) due interests and rents, other due income and advance payments;
p) tangible fxed assets, except for those provided for in Paragraph 3 (f ) of this Decree, valued based on depreciation
The following shall not be considered assets covering technical provisions of insurance companies:
a) Assets used to fnance an insurance company equity or the equity of another entity that is under regulatory
restrictions imposed by the Supervisory Authority, within the same equity group;
b) Securities of companies that are subsidiaries, auxiliary companies or shareholders of the insurance company, or
otherwise considered as parties related to the insurance company.
4. Regarding assets covering technical and mathematical provisions and their investment, insurance companies
may not invest more than:
a) 40 percent of their gross technical and mathematical provisions in listed securities and securities traded on a
regulated market and shares in investment funds or collective investment plans;
b) 20 percent of their gross technical and mathematical provisions in land and buildings, including 10 percent in
any part of land or building or a number of parts of land of buildings that are sufciently close to each other to
be efectively considered a single investment;
c) 5 percent of their gross technical and mathematical provisions in shares and other securities listed on a
licensed securities market, such as: shares, bonds and other money and capital market instruments of the
same undertaking or loans extended to the same borrower. This ceiling may be extended to 10 percent if the
undertaking does not invest more than 40 percent of its gross technical provisions in loans or securities of
issuing or borrowing institutions, investing more than 5 percent of its assets in each of them;
d) 10 percent of their gross technical and mathematical provisions in debt securities, secured bonds and shares
that are not listed, and other securities with fxed or variable income, provided that an insurance companys
investment in an entity issuing such securities does not exceed 10 percent of the equity of the latter;
e) 5 percent of their gross technical and mathematical provisions in unsecured loans, including 1 percent in each
individual loan;
f ) 25 percent of their technical and mathematical provisions in amounts due from ceding companies and
reinsurers, and a reinsurers share in the technical provisions, in accordance with Paragraph 3 (j). This rule shall
not apply to reinsurers rated by Standard & Poor as BBB- or above;
g) 3 percent of their gross technical provisions in the form of cash or cash equivalents;
h) 5 percent of their gross technical provisions in fxed tangible assets, other than those specifed in subparagraph b;
i) 15 percent of their gross technical provisions in mortgage loans as per the provisions of Paragraph 3 (g),
including 5 percent of their net technical provisions in a single loan;
j) 2 percent of their gross technical provisions in claims deriving from salvaged parts and subrogation, including
1 percent for each individual amount, in accordance with Paragraph 3 (n);
h) 5 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike bruto n aktive t qndrueshme t trupzuara, t ndryshme nga ato t
prcaktuara n pikn b);
i) 15 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike bruto pr kredit hipotekore, sipas prcaktimit t piks 3, shkronja g,
prfshir 5 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike neto pr do hua t vetme;
j) 2 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike bruto n krkespagesa q rrjedhin nga pjest e shptuara dhe subrogimet,
prfshir 1 pr qind pr do vler individuale, n prputhje me shkronjn n) t piks 3;
k) 20 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike bruto n depozita me shoqri ceduese dhe borxhe t zotruara nga ato;
l) 5 pr qind t provigjoneve teknike bruto n interesa t llogaritur, qira t pagueshme dhe shpenzime te
5. Shoqrit e sigurimit t cilat jane te liensuara prpara hyrjes n fuqi t ktij vendimi, t prshtasin aktivet
n mbulim t provigjoneve teknike e matematike dhe kufjt e investimit t tyre brenda dats 31.03.2008. Pr
prshtatjen e aktiveve sipas piks 4 (b) t ktij vendimi, vetm pr periudhn nga hyrja n fuqi e vendimit deri n
30.06.2008, zbatohet kufri i siprm n masn 30% t provigjoneve teknike bruto.
6. Vendimi i Kshillit t Ministrave nr. 268, dat 28.4.2005 Pr prcaktimin e kufjve maksimal t lejueshm
pr aktivet dhe investimet e aktiveve, pr mbulimin e provigjoneve teknike dhe matematike, nga shoqrit e
sigurimeve, shfuqizohet;
7. Ky vendim hyn n fuqi pas botimit n Fletoren Zyrtare.
k) 20 percent of their gross technical provisions in deposits with ceding companies and debts owned by them;
l) 5 percent of their gross technical provisions in accrued interest, payable rent and advances.
5. Insurance companies that have been licensed prior to this Decree entering into force shall adjust their assets
covering technical and mathematical provisions and their investment limits by 31 March 2008. The maximum limit
of 30 percent of the gross technical provisions shall be applied to adjust assets in accordance with Paragraph 4 (b)
of this Decree only from the efective date of this Decree till 30 June 2008.
6. The Council of Ministers Decree no 268 of 28 April 2005 On Specifying the Maximum Allowed Limits for Assets
Covering Technical and Mathematical Provisions and Their Investment by Insurance Companies shall be repealed.
7. This Decree shall enter into force after its publication in the Ofcial Gazette.
N prputhje me vendimin Nr. 201, dat 29.3.2006 t Kshillit t Ministrave t Republiks s Shqipris, PR DISA
RREGULLORES S KSHILLIT T MINISTRAVE, projektaktet shqiptare duhet t shoqrohen, ndr t tjera, edhe nga
tabela e prputhshmris me acquis communautaire pr projektaktet normative. M posht, jepet modeli n shqip
i ksaj tabele, si edhe prkthimi n gjuhn angleze, i cili lipset mbajtur parasysh nga prkthyesi gjat prkthimit t
legjislacionit shqiptar n gjuhn angleze.
Tabela 1 e prputhshmris duhet t prmbaj:
1. Numrin natyror, titullin e plot dhe numrin n Fletoren Zyrtare t legjislacionit t BE-s q synohet t
prafrohet nga projektakti, subjekti dhe objekti q synon t rregulloj
2. Titulli i projektaktit (aktit), subjekti dhe objekti q synon t rregulloj
3. Shkalla e prafrimit
a b C d e
Pjest e legjislacionit
t BE-s q prafrohen
(neni, paragraf, shtja)
(n disa raste mund t
prshkruhen citime dhe
prmbledhje t acquis)
Parashikimet e
projektaktit (aktit)
(titulli, seksioni, neni,
paragraf, shtja etj.)
Prputhja e
projektaktit (aktit)
me legjislacionin
e BE-s (i plot, i
pjesshm ose jo i
Arsyet pr
prputhje t
Periudha e
pr arritjen e
prputhjes s
1. Natural number, full title and the number of publication in the Ofcial Journal of the E legislation, the subject
and the objective of its regulatory scope
2. Title of the draft legislation and the subject and objective of its regulatory scope
3. Degree of approximation
a) b) c) d) e)
Provisions and parts
of EU legislation to be
approximated with
(article, paragraph, issue)
(in some cases quotations
and summaries of the
Acquis might be given)
Provisions of the
draft legislation
(title, section, article,
paragraph, item, etc.)
between the draft
legislation with
the EU legislation
(complies fully,
complies in part,
not applicable)
Reasons for partial
Date foreseen
to achieve full
Tabela 2 e prputhshmris duhet t prmbaj:
1. Titulli i projektaktit (aktit), subjekti dhe objekti q synon t rregulloj
2. Numrin natyror, titullin e plot dhe numrin n Fletoren Zyrtare t legjislacionit t BE-s q synohet t
prafrohet nga projektakti, subjekti dhe objekti q synon t rregulloj
3. Shkalla e prafrimit
a b C d e
Parashikimet e
projektaktit (aktit)
(titulli, seksioni, neni
paragraf, shtja etj.)
dhe krkesat e
legjislacionit t BE-
s (neni, paragraf,
Prputhja e
projektaktit (aktit) me
legjislacionin e BE-s
(i plot, i pjesshm
ose jo i aplikueshm)
Arsyet e
prputhjes s
pjesshme ose t
Periudha e
pr arritjen e
prputhjes s
1. Title of the draft legislation and the subject and objective of its regulatory scope
2. Natural number, full title and the number of publication in the Ofcial Journal of the E legislation, the subject
and the objective of its regulatory scope
3. Degree of approximation
a) b) c) d) e)
Provisions of the
draft legislation
(title, section,
article, paragraph,
issue, etc)
Provisions and
demands of EU
legislation (article,
paragraph, issue)
Compatibility between
the draft legislation with
the provisions of EU
legislation (complies,
partially complies, not
for partial
compatibility or
Date foreseen
to achieve full
N falort, sipas rendit alfabetik, jepen emrtimet e ministrive dhe t organeve t pushtetit publik, midis t cilve ka edhe
nga ato institucione q sot nuk ekzistojn m ose u jan ndryshuar emrtimet. Megjithat, duke qen se n tekste edhe kto
emrtime shfaqen, ato prmenden ktu n mnyr q emrtimet e tyre t prkthehen njlloj n anglisht. Ju kujtojm n
mnyr t veant q t ndiqni me kujdes jo vetm prkthimin e emrtimit, por edhe mnyrn e shkrimit, pra prdorimin e
germave t mdha/t vogla, etj. Kto veanti kan t bjn edhe me emrtimet q kan lidhje me legjislacionin.
Enti shqiptar shkurt Prkthimi n anglisht shkurt
Qeveria e Shqipris QSH Government of Albania GoA
Kshilli i Ministrave KM Council of Ministers CoM
Ministria e Punve t Jashtme MPJ Ministry of Foreign Afairs MoFA
Ministria e Integrimit MIE Ministry of European Integration MoEI
Ministria e Mbrojtjes MM Ministry of Defense MoD
Ministria e Brendshme MB Ministry of Interior MoI
Ministria e Financave MF Ministry of Finance MoF
Ministria e Drejtsis MD Ministry of Justice MoJ
Ministria e Ekonomis, Tregtis dhe Energjetiks METE Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy MoETE
Ministria e Bujqsis, Ushqimit dhe
Mbrojtjes s Konsumatorit
MBUMK Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Consumer Protection
Ministria e Punve Publike, Transportit dhe
MPPTT Ministry of Public Works, Transportation
and Telecommunications
Ministria e Puns, shtjeve Sociale dhe
Shanseve t Barabarta
MPSSHB Ministry of Labour, Social Afairs and
Equal Opportunities
Ministria e Turizmit, Kulturs, Rinis dhe Sporteve MTKR Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports MoTCYS
Ministria e Arsimit dhe Shkencs MASH Ministry of Education and Science MoES
Ministria e Mjedisit, Pyjeve dhe
Administrimit t Ujrave
MMPAP Ministry of Environment, Forestry and
Water Administration
Ministria e Shndetsis MSH Ministry of Health MoH
Minister Shteti Minister of State
shqip anglisht
Qark Region
Qarku i Tirans Region of Tirana
Rreth District
Rrethi i Skraparit District of Skrapar
shqip anglisht
Ministria Ministry
Kabineti Cabinet
Drejtoria Directorate
Drejtoria e Prgjithshme Directorate General
Sektori Unit
Ministr Minister
Drejtor kabineti Chief of Cabinet
Kshilltar ligjor Legal advisor
Kshilltar ekonomik Economic advisor
Kshilltar pr median Media advisor
Zdhns shtypi Spokesperson
Zvendsministr Deputy Minister
Sekretar i Prgjithshm Secretary General
Drejtor departamenti Director of Department
Drejtor i prgjithshm Director General
Drejtor drejtorie Director of Directorate
Specialist Expert
Shef sektori Head of unit
Specialist prokurimesh Procurement expert
Specialiste e arkiv-protokollit Filing-protocol expert
Kshilli i Komuns Communal council
Kshilli Bashkiak Municipal council
Kshilli i Qarkut Regional council
Kryetari i komuns Mayor
Kryetari i Bashkis Mayor
Kryetari i Kshillit t Qarkut Head of regional council
Kryesia e Kshillit t Qarkut Chairmanship of the regional council
Antar t Kshillit Komunal Members of the communal council
Antar t Kshillit Bashkiak Members of the municipal council
Sekretari i Kshillit Komunal Secretary of the communal council
Sekretari i Kshillit Bashkiak Secretary of the municipal council
Prefekti Prefect
shqip shkurt anglisht shkurt
Banka e Shqipris BSH Bank of Albania BoA
Agjencia pr Kthimin dhe Kompensimin e
AKKP Property Restitution and
Compensation Agency
Zyra pr Regjistrimin e Pasurive t Paluajtshme ZRPP Immovable Property Registration Ofce IPRO
Departamenti i Administrats Publike DAP Department of Public Administration DoPA
Instituti i Statistiks IS Institute of Statistics IS
Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Doganave DPD Directorate General of Customs DGC
Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Tatim-Taksave DPT Directorate General of Taxes DGT
Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Standardizimit
dhe Certifkimit
DPSC Directorate General of Standardisation
and Certifcation
Agjencia e Prokurimit Publik APP Public Procurement Agency PPA
Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Metrologjis dhe
DPMK Directorate General of Metrology and
Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Patentave dhe e
DPPM Directorate General of Patents and
Drejtoria e Akreditimit DA Accreditation Directorate AD
Avokati i Popullit AP Peoples Advocate PA
Autoriteti i Konkurrencs AK Competition Authority CA
Inspektorati i Kontrollit t Nafts, Gazit dhe
Produkteve t Tjera
IKNG Oil, Gas and other Products
Agjencia Kombtare e Energjis AKE National Energy Agency NEA
Enti Rregullator i Energjetiks ERE Energy Regulatory Entity ERE
Instituti i Studimeve Industriale dhe Projekteve ISIP Industrial Research and Design Institute IRDI
Instituti i Sigurimeve Shoqrore ISSH Social Insurance Institute SII
Instituti i Shndetit Publik ISHP Institute of Public Health IPH
Agjencia pr Inventarizimin dhe Klasifkimin
e Pasurive t Paluajtshme
AIKPP Agency for the Inventory and
Classifcation of Immovable Property
Agjencia pr Legalizimin, Urbanistikn dhe
Integrimin e Zonave Informale
ALUIZI Agency for the Legalisation, Urbanisation
and Integration of Informal Areas
Kontrolli i Lart i Shtetit KLSH Supreme State Audit Institution SSAI
Autoriteti i Mbikqyrjes Financiare AMF Financial Supervisory Authority FAS
Instituti i Studimit t Tokave IST Land Study Institute LST
Komisioni i Ndihms Shtetrore KNSH State Aid Committee SAD
Drejtoria e Patentave dhe e Markave DPM Patent and Trademark Ofce PTO
Drejtoria e Politikave t Ndrtimit DPN Directorate of Construction Policies DCP
Kshilli Kombtar i Radios dhe Televizionit KKRT National Radio and Television Council NRTC
Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Siguris
Ushqimore dhe Mbrojtjes s Konsumatorit
DPSUMK Directorate General of Food Safety and
Consumer Protection
Kuvendi i Shqipris Parliament of Albania
Albinvest Albinvest
Korporata Energjetike Shqiptare KESH Albanian Power Corporation APC
Enti Rregullator i Telekomunikacionit ERT Telecommunications Regulatory Entity TRE
Kshilli i Lart i Drejtsis KLD High Council of Justice HCJ
Prokuroria e Prgjithshme Prosecutor Generals Ofce
Shkolla e Magjistraturs SHM School of Magistrates SoM
Agjencia Kombtare e Hidrokarbureve AKF National Hydrocarbon Agency NHA
Qendra Kombtare Shkencore e
QKSH National Hydrocarbon Research Centre NHRC
Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Rrugve DPGJ Directorate General of Roads DGR
Drejtoria e Prgjithshme e Ujsjells-
DPU Directorate General of Water and
Kshilli i Ministrave KM Council of Ministers CoM
Kapitaneria e Prgjithshme e Porteve KPP General Port Authorities GPA
Agjencia Kombtare pr Shoqrin e
AKSHI National Agency for Information
Drejtoria e Politikave t Transportit dhe
Post Telekomunikacioneve
DPTPT Transport and Post-Telecommunication
Policy Directorate
Instituti i Kurrikulave dhe Standardeve IKS Institute of Curricula and Standards ICS
Qendra e Inventarizimit t Pasurive
QIPK Cultural Heritage Inventory Centre CHIC
Instituti i Arkeologjis IA Institute of Archaeology IA
Agjencia e Akreditimit t Arsimit t Lart AAAL Higher Education Accreditation
Agjencia Kombtare e Arsimit dhe Formimit
AKAFP National Agency of Education and
Vocational Training
Agjencia Kombtare e Turizmit AKT National Tourism Agency NTA
Agjencia e Mjedisit dhe e Pyjeve AMP Agency of Environment and Forest AEF
Akademia e Shkencave ASH Academy of Sciences AS
Galeria Kombtare e Arteve GKA National Art Gallery NAG
Inspektorati Shtetror i Puns ISHP State Labour Inspectorate SLI
Inspektorati Sanitar Shtetror ISSH State Sanitary Inspectorate SSI
Inspektorati i Mjedisit IM Environmental Inspectorate EI
Instituti i Sigurimeve t Kujdesit
ISKSH Health Insurance Institute HII
Kshilli Kombtar i Puns KKP National Labour Council NLC
Komisioni i Licencimit KL Licensing Committee RPC
Komisioni pr Mbrojtjen nga Rrezatimet KMR Radiation Protection Committee RPC
Qendra Arsimore e Trajnimit dhe Kualifkimit QATK Training and Qualifcation Education
Qendra Kombtare Arsimore e Vlersimeve
dhe Provimeve
QKAVP National Education Assessment and
Examination Centre
Qendra Kombtare e Kontrollit t Barnave QKKB National Medicine Control Centre NMCC
Qendra Kombtare pr Transfuzionin e
QKRGJ National Blood Transfusion Centre NBTC
Shrbimi Kombtar i Punsimit SHKP National Employment Services NES
Shrbimi Social Shtetror SHSSH State Social Services SSS
Zyra Shqiptare pr t Drejtat e Autorit ZSHDA Albanian Copyright Ofce ACO
Zyrat e Shrbimit Turistik ZSHT Tourist Service Ofces TSO
Autoriteti i Komunikimeve Elektronike dhe
AKEP Electronic and Postal Communication
Inspektorati i Lart i Deklarimit dhe
Kontrollit t Pasurive
ILDKP High Inspectorate of Asset Declaration
and Verifcation
Qendra Kombtare e Licencimit QKL National Licensing Center NLC

shqip anglisht
akt administrativ administrative regulation
shtojc annex (to)
buxhet shtetror state budget
deklarat declaration
dekret decree
dispozita kalimtare dhe t fundit transitional and fnal provisions
dispozita t prgjithshme general provisions
dispozit provision
e drejt publike public law
gjykim; vendim gjyqsor judgement, judicial decision, court order
interpretim autoritativ i ligjit authoritative interpretation of a law
kapitull chapter
kart, statut charter
kontrat contract
konvent convention
korrigjim i ligjit pr.... corrigendum to the law on
Kushtetut constitution
ligj law
ligj kushtetues constitutional act
ligj pr disa ndryshime n Ligjin pr law on amendments to the Law on
marrveshje agreement
marrveshje kuadr framework agreement
marrveshje ndrkombtare international agreement
memorandum mirkuptimi memorandum of understanding (MoU)
ndarje; pjes; e ndar division
nen article
njohje, pranim me kart, statut recognition by charter
njohje, pranim me vendim recognition by decision
paragraf paragraph
prfundim conclusion
peticion petition
pik/paragraf paragraph
pjes part
procesverbal record, minutes
projekt propozim pr nj ligj
draft proposal of a law
draft-law, bill
projekt-ligji prfundimtar fnal bill, fnal draft law
propozim, mocion
mbrojtje; deklarat me shkrim e pals mbrojtse
protokoll protocol
rekomandim recommendation
rregull; urdhres; sh. rregullore; rregulla regulation
rregullore e brendshme rules of procedure
seksion section
shkmbim i letrave exchange of letters
shkmbim i notave exchange of notes
statut statute
titull title
traktat ndrkombtar international treaty
udhzim instruction
urdhr order
vendim decision
vendim kuadr framework decision
vendim; rezolut resolution
shqip anglisht
ekzekutim administrativ (i nj vendimi) administrative enforcement (of a decision)
nse, me kusht (q) if, provided, where
nse rrethanat nuk prcaktojn ndryshe unless the circumstances indicate otherwise
ligj, dokument zyrtar legal act, ofcial document
pavarsisht nga notwithstanding
pavarsisht nse regardless of whether
pa vones without delay
shnim note
lejohet (kod i procedurs) to be admissible (procedural law);
lejohet (e drejt reale) to be permitted (substantive law)
jam prgjegjs ose i detyruar to be liable
jam ligjrisht prgjegjs (ndaj dikujt pr dika) to be liable for; to (liable to sb for sth)
q i nnshtrohet (nj detyrimi) to be liable to (sth)
jam i autorizuar
to be authorised to, be empowered to, have the
power to
vendbanim (i prkohshm) residence (temporary)
avokat mbrojts defence counsel
hiqet e gjitha be deleted in its entirety
numri i dosjes fle number
gjendja faktike factual situation
Neni 8 ndryshohet dhe thot Article 8 is amended to read
jepet me ligj conferred by law
jap (nj grad ose titull etj.) to confer (sth on sb)
autorizimi sht dhn (nga dikush) authorisation is granted by (sb)
parashtroj krkesn pr fllimin e procedurs pr
rishikimin e Kushtetuts
to submit a request for constitutional review
dorzoj, bj, paraqes nj krkes to fle, make, submit a request
me krkesn e at sbs request/at the request of sb
me krkese by request (of sb)
diskriminim direkt direct discrimination
veprimtari activity
objekt scope, subject matter
shtohet pas falve is inserted after the words
legjislacion i brendshm i vendit domestic legislation
i miratuar, i kaluar (ligji) adopted, passed
i miratuar (ligj) passed, enacted
kalon; miratohet; pranohet (nj ligj etj.) to pass, enact
jap nj vendim to issue a decision
nxjerr nj vendim to render a decision
arrij n nj vendim, marr nj vendim to arrive at, make, reach, take a decision
dftes e dorzimit (t posts etj.) delivery note
jap (nj shprblim); (drejt) caktohet me arbitrazh to award
instanc e dyt (shkalla ) second instance
institucion i shkalls s dyt second instance institution
barts/posedues i objekteve, mjediseve ose i toks holder / possessor of things, premises or land
Kombsi ethnicity
duhet, do
shall (used in legislation to express has a duty to) must,
detyron (ligji) to oblige (the law obliges sb to do sth)
jam i detyruar; jam i shtrnguar to be obliged (to do sth)
zyrtar i gjykats ofcial of the court
procedur me dy shkall two-instance proceedings
person fzik natural person
gjob fne
kam t drejt to have the right to, be entitled to
mbikqyrje nga inspektor inspectional supervision
vendim i inspektimit inspection decision
institucion institution
kompetenc ekskluzive/jurisdiksion ekskluziv exclusive jurisdiction
dokument document
kryej detyrn to perform ones duty
marr prsipr nj detyrim to assume, take on an obligation
ndiej nj detyrim to feel an obligation
prmbush nj detyrim to discharge, fulfll, meet an obligation
kam (nj) detyrim under (an) obligation
(afati) mbaron; digjet to expire
referuar/prmendur n paragrafn 1 t ktij neni... referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article
pas paragraft 4 shtohet paragraf i ri 5 q thot after paragraph 4, a new paragraph 5 is added which reads
akt material substantive act
ligj material/(drejt) e drejt reale substantive law
regjistr (i lindjeve, vdekjeve, martesave) register (of births, deaths, marriages)
akt, dokument, instrument ndrkombtar international instrument
opinion opinion
opinion i ekspertit expert opinion
Juridiksion territorial; kompetenc territoriale ratione territori, territorial jurisdiction, territorial competence
autoritete me jurisdiksion territorial/ autoritete
territoriale kompetente
authorities with territorial jurisdiction, territorially
competent authorities
krkes; lutje
bj (paraqes) nj krkes
to fle, make, put in, send in, submit an application
mund may
sipas, n prputhje me (falt, urdhrin etj.) accordingly
dispozitat zbatohen n prputhje me... to apply the provisions accordingly
pr arsye (pr shkak) t..., n baz t on the ground, on the basis
mbi bazn e ktij ligji by this Act
unifkim, bashkim kombtar
national afliation
projekt draft
kompetent; i aft; i zoti; (drejt) n gjendje (n mosh)
pr t trashguar
autoritet shtetror kompetent competent state authority
autoritet ekzekutiv kompetent competent executive authority
ministri kompetente competent ministry
autoritet ekzekutiv kompetent competent administration authority
jurisdiksion; kompetenc jurisdiction; competence
zhdmtoj; dmshprblej; kompensoj dmin to indemnify, compensate damages
i paguaj shpenzimet dikujt to reimburse sb for his costs
mbikqyrje; kontroll; inspektim supervision
zgjidhje (e mosmarrveshjes); pajtim; marrveshje settlement
mim remuneration (fnancial); award
gjykim; diskrecion discretion
kompensim dmi indemnifcation, compensation
zbatoj nj ligj
miratoj, kaloj nj ligj
hartoj nj ligj
shpall nj ligj
i bindem nj ligji
respektoj; zbatoj nj ligj
to administer, apply, enforce a law
to adopt, enact, pass a law
to draft a law
to promulgate a law
to obey a law
to observe a law
npuns gjykate
jap nj urdhr
zbatoj nj urdhr
u bindem urdhrave
marr urdhra (nga)
employee of the court
to give, hand down, issue an order
to carry out, execute an order
to obey orders
to take orders (from)
jap urdhr verbal to give a verbal order
Fletore Zyrtare e Republiks s Shqipris Ofcial Gazette of the Republic of Albania
titulli i ligjit title of act
pa cnuar without prejudice (to)
(afati) nuk mbaron; nuk digjet does not expire
nuk duhet shall not (as a legal prohibition)
nuk nevojitet; nuk duhet need not; must not
nuk ka dnim me vdekje (psh. n Kushtetut) there shall be no death penalty
jo kompetent/q nuk ka kompetenc, nuk ka
lacking competence, lacking jurisdiction
(drejt) nuk duhet; nuk pranohet may not; it is not admissible
(drejt) i shfuqizuar dhe i paqen null and void
(drejt) pavlefshmri; akt i pavlefshm nullity
asnj person no person
i v nj taks dikujt
to impose, levy a fne on sb
kompensim fnanciar/shprblim fnanciar monetary remuneration
njoftim notifcation
urdhr pezullimi (pr nj vendim) stay of execution, stay of enforcement
kam detyr t...
v nj tatim
taks dogane (doganore)
to have a duty to do sth (detyrim moral ose ligjor)
to levy a duty on sth
customs duty
i detyrueshm pr (marrveshja sht e
detyrueshme pr ju)
binding on, upon (the agreement is binding on you)
rishikoj, rishqyrtoj kushtetutshmrin e nj ligji to review the constitutionality of an act
vlersim i provs evaluation of evidence
regjistr hetimi inquest register
shtyrje e ekzekutimit
(drejt) vendos; nxjerr nj vendim
postponement of execution, delay of execution
to rule, fnd, decide, judge, establish, determine,
settle, resolve, pronounce, lay down, adjudge
(drejt) gjykoj; vendos (jap nj vendim gjyqsor)
pr (dika)
to adjudicate
heq dor nga t mjetet juridike to waive all remedies
prcaktoj to determine, establish, stipulate, lay down, set out
urdhroj paraburgim to order custody
prcaktohet me ligj laid down by law
heqje dor nga ankesa waiver of appeal
duke u shmangur nga by way of derogation from
trheqja e ankess withdrawal of appeal
autorizimi revokohet nga dikush ; autorizimi
shfuqizohet nga dikush
authorisation is revoked by sb

avokat q merret kryesisht me pun zyre, kshillon klientt
pr shtje ligjore, dhe i prfaqson n do gjykat
(drejt) barrister; avokat q prfaqson klientt n do
(drejt) kshilltar ligjor; avokat
attorney-at-law, prosecutor
i akuzuar accused (prior to trial)
ligjet e prgjithshme t institucioneve general legal acts of institutions
(drejt) shfuqizim (i ligjit) repeal
v (nn akuz)
hedh posht
to revoke, cancel, recall, withdraw, repeal, renounce,
quash, rescind, invalidate, annul, retract, nullify,
disclaim, declare null and void
to impeach
to dismiss
shfuqizoj nj dnim me kusht to revoke a conditional sentence
objekt scope
prfaqsues i autorizuar ligjor authorised legal representative
akt organik organic act
nse nuk e parashikon ligji unless provided by law/ that Act
nse nuk prcaktohet ndryshe unless other provided
nse ligji nuk e prcakton ndryshe unless otherwise provided by law
parime themelore fundamental principles
kundrshtim contest
komunikim communication
ky ligj prcakton, rregullon this Act regulates
verifkim verifcation
Verifkoj to certify
autorizim (kompetenc) authority, power, authorisation
autorizoj; lejoj
autorizoj; (drejt) i jap fuqi (dikujt pr t ndjekur nj
to authorise,
to empower
person i autorizuar, prfaqsues i autorizuar authorised person, legal representative
zyrtar i autorizuar authorised ofcial
deklarat me shkrim written statement
njoftim me shkrim written notifcation
njoftohet me shkrim to notify in writing
me t drejtn e mbikqyrjes by right of supervision
me t drejtn e funksionit zyrtar, pozits zyrtare ex ofcio; by virtue of the ofce
rregullohet m pas shall be further regulated
brs, autor (i nj krimi) perpetrator
(drejt) shkels (i ligjit); kundrvajts; (drejt) fajtor;
kriminel; krim
paraqes nj aktakuz
(drejt) fajsoj; akuzoj
to hand up, issue, present an indictment
to indict
objekt (mosmarrveshjeje) subject to (the disagreement)
i varur; i nnshtruar (i nnshtrohet ligjeve t natyrs) subject to (the laws of nature)
i varur; i kushtzuar (me plqimin tuaj)
q e z (e kap) (ligji etj.) ((veprimin) q e z ligji
subject to (your consent)
subject to (military law)
paraqet nj ankes to bring, fle, lodge, make, register a complaint
marr masa to take measures
veproj lidhur; bj duhet br to take action on sth/sb
rregulla nnligjore subordinate regulations / legislation (kuptim i gjer)
nis procedurn ligjore kundr to condut; initiate; institute proceedings against
nis procedurn pr rishikimin e kushtetuts to initiate constitutional review
nis procedurn pr mosmarrveshjen
to initiate / institute administrative dispute
objekti i zbatimit scope of application
ndihm aid, assistance
ligj i veant special law; lex specialis
zotsi; aftsi ligjore
zotsi, aftsi pr t lidhur kontrat
legal capacity
capacity to contract
prcaktoj nj kusht; v kusht; kushtzoj; parashikoj to stipulate
procedur procedure, proceedings
procedura e ekzekutimit, zbatimit enforcement procedure
shtje procedurale, e procedurs procedural matters
legjislacion procedural, i procedurs procedural law
zotsi, aftsi e plot ligjore
zotsi, aftsi e plot pr t lidhur kontrat
full legal capacity
full capacity to contract
plotsisht i zoti, i aft fully capable
i besoj; i ngarkoj (dikujt dika); l n dor t (dikujt) to entrust sb with sth
t drejtat dhe detyrimet rights and duties / obligations
t drejta t prcaktuara me ligj rights laid down by law
person ligjor legal person
ndihm ligjore legal aid
pasoj ligjore legal consequences
mjet juridik legal redress; legal remedy
status ligjor legal status
efekt ligjor (i dikaje) legal efect (of sth)
e drejt e pronsis right of ownership
e drejt e apelit, ankimimit right of appeal (on sth)
n kohn e duhur in due time
vendim i forms s prer, i paapelueshm judgment with fnal force and efect, non-appealable,
res judicata
vendbanim i prhershm permanent residence
lnd; shtje; subjekt matter
(drejt) shtje gjyqsore; gjyq; proces gjyqsor case no
parashikuar, prcaktuar (me ligj) provided, prescribed
ndrprerje procedure, pezullim i procedurs stay of proceedings
(drejt) kundrvajtje minor (petty) ofence
(drejt) shkelje; kundrvajtje
(drejt) krim
high misdemeanour
akuz; denoncim pr kundrvajtje minor charges
urdhr arresti pr shkelje, kundrvajtje minor ofence warrant
sipas nenit, n prputhje me nenin, n baz t nenit pursuant to Article
propozim proposal
vlen; bn; sht i vlefshm; gjen zbatim
to apply, carry out, implement, execute; enforce
to apply to
i zbatueshm; praktik applicable
(Ligji etj.) zbatohet; vihet n jet applies; shall apply
komunikim communication
masa shtrnguese
masa zbatuese
coercive measures
enforcement measures
taks; tarif; mim fee
mbaj nn arrest dik be take sb into custody
(drejt) kujdestar, agjent i prkohshm, prfaqsues i
auorizuar i prkohshm ligjor
temporary proxy, authorised legal representative
vendim i prkohshm interim decision
njohje; pranim; njohje zyrtare; vrtetim recognition
njoh ligjrisht (nj shtet etj); pranoj; pohoj; vlersoj;
miratoj; i jap leje t fas (dikujt)
to recognise
paaftsi; pazotsi pr t ngritur padi dhe pr tu
paaftsi; pazotsi pr t vepruar si pal
incapacity to sue and be sued
incapacity to act as a party
aftsi; zotsi pr t ngritur padi dhe pr tu paditur capacity to sue and be sued
aftsi; zotsi pr t vepruar si pal capacity to act as a party
tekst i rishikuar revised text
ndjekje ligjore e veprave penale prosecution of criminal ofences
ndjekje ligjore pr vepra penale prosecution for criminal ofences
shkelje e trafkut trafc violation
(drejt) dispozit; kusht; parashikim; nen; klauzol (e
kontrats etj.)
rregull; norm; ligj; rregullore; rregulla; statut rule
(sh) rregullore; rregulla regulations
legjislacion n proces pending legislation
dispozita pr organizimin e nj autoriteti provisions on the organisation of an authority
rregullore t mbshtetura n ligj regulations based on law
si e parashikon (rregulli)/si e parashikon (ligji) duly, as prescribed
rregulla, legjislacioni q zbatohen/ zbatohet (n
kuptimin e prgjithshm)
implementing regulations / legislation
ndiqet procedur (n kuptimin: ndiqet procedur
to follow the procedure
Shkall e par frst instance
vendim i shkalls s par frst-instance decision
prokur power of attorney
n interes t mbrojtjes s t drejtave in the interest of safeguarding rights
autoritete policore police authorities
vendos, marr vendim to decide, make a decision, reach a decision, come to a
decision, determine; settle, conclude, resolve; fnd for
vendos (dika; t bj dika; pr dika; kundr dikaje;
pr dik; mes dy a m shum gjrave)
to decide (sth; to do sth; on sth; against; for; between)
vendim (n mosmarrveshjen administrative) (administrative) decision
vendim n apel decision under appeal
vendim q prcakton... decision ruling that
urdhr me vendim
me vendim t ....
order by decision
by decision of ...
afat time limit, deadline
procedur e drejtprdrejt (e shpejt) summary procedure
akte zyrtare ofcial records
vzhgime zyrtare ofcial observations
person zyrtar ofcer
gazet zyrtare ofcial paper
konsiderohet; gjykohet to be considered as, deemed to be
dnim me vdekje death penalty, capital punishment
dosje fle
dosja e shtjes case fle
mosmarrveshje dispute
(drejt) zotsi (pr t gjykuar) capacity
paragraf i 2-t hiqet paragraph 2 is deleted
vendoset presje dhe shtohen falt a comma is inserted and is followed by the words
hyrje n fuqi entry into force
pas hyrjes n fuqi t ktij Urdhri by virtue of the entry into force of this Order
hyn n fuqi to enter into force
kompetenc reale ratione materiae, subject-matter jurisdiction
kompetenca t gjyqsorit judiciary powers
pushtet gjyqsor judiciary
plqim (i palve) consent (by parties)
miratim i Kuvendit
n prputhje me ligjin
i ligjshm
approval by Parliament
in accordance with the law
n mnyr t ligjshme; ligjrisht; me ligj lawfully
konfikt kompetencash confict of jurisdiction
n kundrshtim me contrary to
organ body
ankues; padits; pal paditse plaintif
m posht hereinafter
me qllim t mir, n mirbesim, autentik in good faith, bona fde
brenda kufjve t kompetencave within the limits of ones powers, intra vires
n afatin e caktuar within the specifed time / prescribed time limit
n prputhje me dispozita t posame in compliance with special provisions
brenda kufjve t jurisdiksionit dhe objektit within the limits of their jurisdiction and scope
prputhet plotsisht me fully comply with
n prputhje me dispozitat e Nenit in accordance with the provisions of Article ;
pursuant to Article
n kuptimin e... in terms of
n kuptimin e nenit 7, paragraf 2 within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 7
pr qllimin e ksaj Direktive for the purpose of this Directive
pr qllimin e ktij ligji; n kuptimin e ktij ligji (n
varsi t kuptimit)
for the purpose of this Act; within the meaning of this
n kuptimin e paragraft 1 t ktij neni... within the meaning of paragraph 1 of this Article
anulim annulment
shfuqizoj plotsisht (nj ligj etj.)
prapsoj nj vendim; anuloj nj vendim
to abolish
to overrule; reverse a decision
n vend t... in lieu of
taks administrative administrative fee
procedur administrative administrative procedure
mosmarrveshje administrative (mund t nis
procedura)/mund t nis procedura pr
administrative dispute (may be initiated / instituted)
udhzim pr mjetin juridik instruction on legal redress / legal remedy
rregullohet me ligj to regulate by law
numr i regjistrit register number, reg. no
padi kushtetuese constitutional complaint
kushtetueshmri constitutionality
dnim me kusht conditional sentence
i miratuar (paraprakisht) subject to (prior) approval by
sipas kushteve t prcaktuara subject to the conditions stated
n fuqi to be valid, lawful, legal, binding, efective, in force
trup gjykues me pes antar panel of fve judges
dora vet manu propria (m.p.); personally signed
duke patur parasysh taking into consideration, must thereby consider,
having regard to
ndalohet it is prohibited
pezulloj ekzekutimin e vendimit to suspend execution of the decision
rezervoj t drejtn to reserve the right
krkes claim; application; request; motion
krkes pr rishikim gjyqsor request for judicial review
shprehje mirnjohjeje expression of gratitude
prfshirs inclusive; until (and including)
ligj/ligj pr... .Law/Law on.
ligji zbatohet the act applies
ligjshmria legality
lejohet me ligj; pranohet me ligj permitted by law; admitted by law
ligji parashikon provided by law
prfaqsuesi ligjor i pals legal representative of the party
autorizim ligjor statutory authorisation
zvendsohet me falt is replaced by the words
statuti pr kufzimin statute on limitation
do t thot/sht ....means/is...(in defnitions)
ankes appeal; complaint
ankesa nuk pranohet appeal not admitted
procedur ankimore appellate proceedings
ankes kundr appeal against
procedur e prshpejtuar expedited proceedings
anglisht shqip
accession negotiations bisedime pr antarsim
analytical examination of the EU acquis shqyrtim analitik i acquis s BE-s
bilateral intergovernmental conference konferenc dypalshe ndrqeveritare
explanatory phase faz shpjeguese
screening vlersim paraprak
screening and assessment of the degree of
harmonisation of the national legislation with the
EU acquis
vlersim paraprak i shkalls s prshtatjes t
legjislacionit kombtar me acquis e BE-s
Screening Report Raport pr vlersimin paraprak
benchmarks for the opening of the chapter kriteret pr hapjen e kapitullit
benchmarks for the closure of the chapter kriteret pr mbylljen e kapitullit
general remarks vrejtje t prgjithshme
Free movement of goods (Chapter 1) Lvizja e lir e mallrave (Kapitulli 1)
Freedom of movement for workers (Chapter 2) Lvizja e lire e puntorve (Kapitulli 2)
Right of establishment and freedom to provide
services (Chapter 3)
E drejta e vendosjes dhe dhe liria e ofrimit t
shrbimeve (Kapitulli 3)
Free movement of capital (Chapter 4) Lvizja e lir e kapitalit (Kapitulli 4)
Public procurement (Chapter 5) Prokurimi publik (Kapitulli 5)
Company law (Chapter 6) Ligji pr shoqrit tregtare (Kapitulli 6)
Intellectual property law (Chapter 7) Ligji pr pronsin intelektuale (Kapitulli 7)
Competition policy (Chapter 8) Politika e konkurrencs (Kapitulli 8)
Financial services (Chapter 9) Shrbime fnanciare (Kapitulli 9)
Information society and media (Chapter 10) Shoqria e informacionit dhe mediat (Kapitulli 10)
Agriculture and rural development (Chapter 11) Bujqsia dhe zhvillimi rural (Kapitulli 11)
Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy
(Chapter 12)
Siguria e ushqimit, politika veterinare dhe ftosanitare
(Kapitulli 12)
Fisheries (Chapter 13) Peshkimi/t drejtat e peshkimit (Kapitulli 13)
Transport policy (Chapter 14) Politika e Transportit/pr Transportin (Kapitulli 14)
Energy (Chapter 15) Energjetika (Kapitulli 15)
Taxation (Chapter 16) Tatimi (Kapitulli 16)
Economic and monetary policy (Chapter 17) Politika ekonomike dhe monetare (Kapitulli 17)
Statistics (Chapter 18) Statistikat (Kapitulli 18)
Social policy and employment (Chapter 19) Politika sociale dhe punsimi (Kapitulli 19)
Enterprise and industrial policy (Chapter 20) Politika e ndrmarrjeve dhe e industris (Kapitulli 20)
Trans-European networks (Chapter 21) Rrjetet Ndreuropiane (Kapitulli 21)
Regional policy and coordination of structural
instruments (Chapter 22)
Politik rajonale dhe bashkrendim i instrumenteve
strukturore/dokumenteve pr strukturat (Kapitulli 22)
Judiciary and fundamental rights (Chapter 23) Gjyqsori dhe t drejtat themelore (Kapitulli 23)
Justice, freedom and security (Chapter 24) Drejtsia, liria dhe siguria (Kapitulli 24)
Science and research (Chapter 25) Shkenca dhe krkimi (Kapitulli 25)
Education and culture (Chapter 26) Arsimi dhe kultura (Kapitulli 26)
Environment (Chapter 27) Mjedisi (Kapitulli 27)
Consumer and health protection (Chapter 28) Mbrojtja e konsumatorit dhe e shndetit (Kapitulli 28)
Customs Union (Chapter 29) Bashkimi Doganor (Kapitulli 29)
External relations (Chapter 30) Marrdhniet e jashtme/me jasht (Kapitulli 30)
Foreign, security and defence policy (Chapter 31) Politika e jashtme, e siguris dhe e mbrojtjes (Kapitulli
Financial control (Chapter 32) Kontroll fnanciar (Kapitulli 32)
Financial and budgetary provisions (Chapter 33) Dispozita fnanciare dhe buxhetore (Kapitulli 33)
Institutions (Chapter 34) Institucionet (Kapitulli 34)
Other issues (Chapter 35) shtje t tjera (Kapitulli 35)
Mission of the Republic of Albania to the European
Misioni i Republiks s Shqipris pran Bashkimit
Head of Mission of the Republic of Albania to the
European Union
Kryetari i Misionit t Republiks s Shqipris pran
Bashkimit Europiane
members of the Negotiating Team in charge of
individual chapters
antart e Ekipit Negociator prgjegjs pr kapituj t
State Delegation for Negotiations on the Accession
to the European Union
Delegacioni Shtetror pr Negociatat mbi Antarsimin
n Bashkimin Europian
Head of the State Delegation Kryetar i Delegacionit Shtetror
Deputy Head of the State Delegation Zvendskryetari i Delegacionit Shtetror
Negotiating Team Ekipi Negociator
negotiating structure Struktur negociuese
Chief Negotiator Kryenegociator
Head of the Working Group Kryetari i Grupit t Puns
Secretary of the Negotiating Team Sekretari i Ekipit Negociator
Secretariat of the Negotiating Team Sekretariati i Ekipit Negociator
working groups for the preparation of negotiations
on the individual chapters of the EU acquis
grupet e puns pr prgatitjen e bisedimeve pr
kapituj t veant t acquis s BE-s
negotiating positions Pozicione negociuese
co-competent authority autoriteti bashkkompetent
implementation deadline afati i zbatimit
co-competent authority autoriteti bashkkompetent
Pre-Accession Assistance Mbshtetje Para Aderimit (IPA)
EU acquis Acquis e BE-s
to transpose prafroj
transposing the EU acquis prafrimi i acquis s BE-s
accepting the EU acquis pranimi i acquis s BE-s
accession partnership partneritet n procesin e pranimit
Stabilisation and Association Process (SAP) Procesi i Stabilizimit dhe i Asocimit (PSA)
implementation deadline afati i zbatimit
directly/indirectly applicable drejtprdrejt/jo drejtprdrejt i/e zbatueshme
Albania Progress Report (issued by the European
Raport Progresi pr Shqiprin (q bn Komisioni
strengthening administrative capacity forcimi i kapaciteteve administrative
comments and recommendations komente dhe rekomandime
European Commission Opinion on the Application
of Albania for Membership of the European Union
Opinion i Komisionit Europian pr Krkesn e
Shqipris pr Antarsimin n Bashkimin Europian
National Plan for the Implementation of the SAA
Plani Kombtar pr Zbatimin e MSA-s (PKZMSA)
non-binding jo i detyrueshm
not aligned with jo i prputhur me
competent authority autoritet kompetent
justifed recommendation rekomandim i argumentuar
binding i detyrueshm
upon accession of the Republic of Albania to the EU Pas antarsimit t Republiks s Shqipris n BE
the provisions of Directive.... will be transposed into
Albanian legislation
dispozitat e Direktivs. do t prafrohen me
legjislacionin shqiptar
Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) Marrveshja e Stabilizim-Asociimit (MSA)
implementation capacity kapacitetet zbatuese
European citizenship Qytetaria Evropiane
Treaty of the European Union (TEU) Traktati i Bashkimit Europian (TBE)
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Traktati pr Funksionimin e Bashkimit Europian (TFBE)
Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Albania to the
European Union
Traktati pr Antarsimin/Pranimin e Republiks s
Shqipris n Bashkimin Europian
Technical Assistance Information Exchange Ofce
Zyra e Shkmbimit t Informacionit mbi Asistencn
Teknike (TAIEX)
aligned/in line with prshtatur, harmonizuar (me), n prputhje me
alignment of Albanian legislation with the EU acquis prshtatja, harmonizimi e legjislacionit shqiptar me
acquis e BE-s
the majority of the provisions of Directivehave
been incorporated into the Law on
shumica e dispozitave t Direktivs... jan prfshir n
Ligjin pr ...
candidate country vend kandidat
potential candidate country vend potencial kandidat
acceding country vend kandidat pr tu pranuar
British spelling and usage
Give preference in your work to British English usage. Where there is a choice, spelling should follow the frst entry
in the Oxford English Dictionary. Infuences are crossing the Atlantic in both directions all the time (the spellings
program and disk have become required British usage in data processing, for example).
Words that end in -ise/-ize
Both spellings are correct in British English. However, the -ise form is much more common. When translating
Albanian legislation, the -ise form should be used.
Words that end in -yse/-yze
The -yse form for such words as paralyse and analyse is the only correct spelling in British English.
Keep the digraphs in aetiology, caesium, foetus, oenology, oestrogen, etc. (etiology, etc., are US usage), but note that
a number of such words (e.g. medieval) are now normally spelt without the diagraph in British English.
Words with -ct/-x
In connection, refection, etc. use -ct. But note complexion and fexion, some of the fe words ending in -exion.
Metric units
Write gram, kilogram, litre, metre (not kilogramme, liter). However, use tonne not ton (ton refers to the non-metric
measure). Write metre for the unit of length, meter for measuring instruments.
Programme vs. program
Use program for computer softWare, programme elsewhere.
For plurals of words of Latin origin, follow the list below:
addendum ................................................. addenda
apparatus ................................................. apparatus
appendix ................................................. appendices (books); appendixes (anatomy)
bacillus ................................................. bacilli
bacterium ................................................. bacteria
consortium ................................................. consortia
corrigendum ................................................. corrigenda
criterion ................................................. criteria
curriculum ................................................. curricula
focus ................................................. focuses; focal points; foci (mathematics, science)
formula ................................................. formulas (politics), formulae (science)
forum ................................................. ora or forums
genus ................................................. genera
index ................................................. indexes (books), indices (science, economics)
maximum ................................................. maximums or maxima
medium ................................................. media; mediums (spiritualism)
memorandum ................................................. memoranda
phenomenon ................................................. phenomena
plus ................................................. pluses
premium ................................................. premiums
referendum ................................................. referenda or referendums
spectrum ................................................. spectra (science), spectrums (politics)
symposium ................................................. symposia or symposiums
Words that end in -able
When adding -able, drop a fnal silent -e (debatable, conceivable), unless it afects the pronunciation of a preceding
consonant (changeable, traceable); the only common exceptions are sizeable and saleable.
Confusion between English words
Guard against errors involving the words below:
dependent (adj.) .................................. dependant (noun)
license (verb) .................................. licence (noun)
counsel (verb) .................................. council (noun)
practise (verb) .................................. practice (noun)
principal (adj.) .................................. principle (noun - thought; approach)
principal (noun) .................................. a person represented by an agent
stationary (adj.) .................................. stationery (noun)
note also
dependence ...................... dependency
all together (in a body) ...................... altogether (entirely)
discreet (prudent) ...................... discrete (separate)
elicit (verb - draw forth) ...................... illicit (adj. - unlawful)
Capitalise specifc references, but lower-case general references.
Specifc institutions
Capitalise all nouns and adjectives in designations of specifc institutions, their subdivisions (directorates,
departments, sections), committees, working parties and the like:
Ministry of European Integration
Albanian Competition Agency
General Directorate for Standardisation and Metrology

In cases where this rule would produce a long series of capitalised words, use discretion, especially where the name
of a department, committee or programme reads more like a description of its function than a real title:
Committee for the adaptation to technical progress of the Directive on the introduction of recording
equipment in road transport (tachograph).
Joint MAFWM/MEPPPC working party on forest and forest product statistics
Non-specifc references
Use lower case for non-specifc references:
The Ministry of Justice is one of the 13 ministries.
The European Integration Committee is one of the parliamentary committees.
The Court of Justice rules on matters referred to it by courts or tribunals in the Member States.
It was decided to set up a number of working groups.
Legislative instrument
Capitalise references to specifc acts, ordinances, regulations:
The Ordinance on measures for the control and eradication of honeybee diseases entered into force in 2004.
On 21 October 2003 the Parliament of Albania adopted the Chemicals Law.
but use lower case for general references:
It was felt that an act rather than an ordinance was the appropriate instrument.
Volume, chapter, section, article should have an initial capital when followed by a numeral, whereas
paragraph, subparagraph and item should have a lowercase letter. Payment of the tax referred to in Article
16, paragraph 2, point 4 of this Law The payment referred to in other articles...
Albanian legislation titles
Be aware that Albanian laws are capitalised in full, whereas ordinances, regulations, decisions, etc., are only
capitalised in the frst word.
Note the form of the title itself, i.e. how the position of the word act is optional whereas subordinate legislation has
the obligatory form:
type of the legal act + on.. :
Law on Urban Planning in the Republic of Albania
but for shorter acts it is possible to pre-modify the word Law:
Road Trafc Safety Law
Public Administration Law
Public Procurement Law
Ordinance on the technical requirements and type-approval procedure relating to front fog lamps for
motor vehicles and their trailers.
Ordinance on measures for the control and eradication of brucellosis and conditions for establishing the
health status of ovine and caprine herds in relation to brucellosis
Regulation on the limitations of use of radio frequencies.
Regulation on the procedure for granting a concession on maritime demesne
Decision on the appointment of government ofcials in charge of the ISPA Programme management
NB: Note the diference between secondary (EU acquis) and subordinate legislation (Albanian legislation)
Ofcial titles
Capitalise the titles of ofcials and their ofces:
The current President of the Council is the Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Director-General for
Translation is Rytis Martikonis. Majlinda Bregu, the Minister of Integration, visited the Czech Republic
NB: The word Ministry is usually followed by of something. Ministry of
Ministers always have a responsibility for a particular area. However, of is more frequently used, therefore we have
opted for of:
Minister of Foreign Afairs and European Integration
Minister of Defence
Minister of the Interior, etc.
Political entities
Capitalise references to specifc political entities; use lower case when the reference is general, e.g.:
the (Albanian) Government the Member States (of the EU)
the Baltic States the State (where reference is to a specifc state,
e.g. the Republic of Albania)
nation states a matter for governments
the Albanian authorities state-owned
Capitalise names of political parties and organisations:
the Socialist Group the Liberal Party
a liberal conservative, etc.
International agreements, conferences etc.
Follow the same specifc/general rule for treaties, conventions, arrangements, understandings, protocols, etc.:
Stabilisation and Association Agreement
Treaty of Paris
International Tin Agreement
European Partnership
Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
by treaty
under an agreement
the parties agreed to a memorandum of understanding
NB: Titles of important international documents should normally be checked in the original. In such cases,
back-translation is not an option, as for the titles as for the parts of these documents such as the titles of
the chapters, subchapters, etc. Therefore, the basic documents concerning European Integration such as
the European Partnership, SAA, National Programme for the Integration of the Republic of Albania into the
European Union, the Opinion on the application of Albania for membership of the European Union (Avis)
and similar are necessary as reference. Also, in references to the institutions or documents whose name has
been changed, it is vital that the name in force at the time is used and not replaced by the new name.
Permanent and ad hoc bodies
Distinguish between the Commission Delegation in the United States, the UK Commission, etc. (permanent), and
delegation to a meeting (ad hoc group of persons).
NB: The title European Commission is current usage, but in legal texts, the form Commission of the European
Communities must be used.
Religious references
Capitalise references to religions and specifc institutions: the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Patriarchy, St.
Michaels Church; however, the church charities takes lower case.

Compass points
No capitals are used for north, north-west, north-western, etc. unless they form part of an administrative or political
unit or a distinct regional entity. Hence South Africa, Northern Ireland but southern Africa, northern France. Note,
however, Central and Eastern European countries (capitalised because the connotations are more political than
geographic). Compass bearings are abbreviated with a capital and without a full stop (54E).
Compound compass points are hyphenated and, in ofcial designations, each part is capitalised (South-West
Germany, the North-West Frontier); always abbreviate as capitals without space between the letters (NWFrance).
Proprietary names
Proprietary names (or trade names) are normally capitalised, unless they have become generic terms, such as
aspirin, gramophone, linoleum, nylon, celluloid. Thus, capitalise registered trade names such as Airbus, Boeing, Land-
Rover, Polaroid.
Place names
Capitalise all parts of recognised geographical names and political divisions: North Pole, Northern Ireland, River
Plate, Scandinavian Peninsula, the Baltic States, Lower Bavaria.
Start with a capital in running text only if the quotation is a complete sentence in itself:
Aristotle once said Law is order, and good law is good order.
The American Government favours a two-way street in arms procurement.
Derivations from proper nouns
Words derived from proper nouns usually take a capital (e.g. bunsen burner, degrees Fahrenheit). Consult an up-to-
date dictionary. However, not all such adjectives take a capital:
arabic (numerals) french (chalk, polish, windows)
morocco (leather) roman (type)
Compounds may be written as two or more separate words, or with hyphen(s), or as a single word; many compounds
have followed precisely those steps: (data base * data-base * database). Use hyphens sparingly but to good purpose: the
phrase crude oil production statistics needs a hyphen to tell the reader whether crude applies to the oil or to the statistics.
Thus crude-oil production statistics (applies to the oil) and crude oil-production statistics (applies to the statistics).
Sometimes hyphens are essential to clarify the sense:
re-cover recover
re-creation recreation
re-form reform
re-count recount
Some examples
The rules for hyphenation are complex and not always helpful. The primary purpose of hyphenation should be
to enhance clarity. Avoid overuse of hyphens. Compound terms used before a noun (attributively) tend to be
hyphenated more frequently than similar terms used following the noun. Note the following examples:
well-known problem broad-based programme
two-day meeting user-friendly softWare
balance-of-payments policy cost-of-living index
long-term investment non-co-operation
large-scale project
policy for the long term production on a large scale
Adverbs that end in -ly
In adverb-participle modifers, no hyphen is used when the adverb ends in -ly.
a fully indexed pension a beautifully phrased sentence
a broadly based programme
Chemical terms
Note that open compounds designating chemical substances do not take a hyphen in the attributive position:
boric acid solution sodium chloride powder
Prefxes are usually hyphenated in recent or ad hoc coinages:
anti-smoking campaign co-responsibility levies co-sponsor
ex-army no -resident non-fammable
pre-school quasi-autonomous
If prefxes are of Latin or Greek origin, however, they tend to drop the hyphen as they become established:
antibody subcommittee subparagraph
Two-word terms are more resistant to losing the hyphen:
end-user all-embracing end-product
case-law of-duty of-market operations

endgame Waterproof overalls
Words with co-still retain the hyphen in British spelling:
co-operation non-co-operation co-ordinate
co-produce co-administration
Nouns formed from phrasal verbs
These are often hyphenated, but the situation is fuid and US usage (no hyphen) is increasingly being adopted in
British English:
Handout takeover comeback
follow-up run-up spin-of
Present participles of phrasal verbs
When used attributively these are generally hyphenated:
cooling-of period setting-up stage
Avoiding double consonants and vowels
Hyphens are often used to avoid juxtaposing two consonants or two vowels:
aero-elastic anti-intellectual part-time
re-entry re-examine re-election
Hyphen omitted
As compounds become established, the hyphen is often omitted in frequently used words:
bookkeeping macroeconomic socioeconomic
radioactive subsection
Numbers and fractions
Numbers take hyphens when they are spelled out. Fractions take hyphens when used attributively, but not when
used as nouns:
twenty-eight, two-thirds completed
an increase of two thirds
Prefxes before proper names
Prefxes before proper names are hyphenated:
pro-American intra-Community
mid-Atlantic trans-European (exception: transatlantic)
Co-ordination of compounds
Hyphenated compounds should be co-ordinated as follows:
gamma- and beta-emitters acid- and heat-resistant
hot- and cold-rolled products
Where compounds are not hyphenated (closed compounds), they should not be coordinated but written out in full:
agricultural inputs and outputs
minicomputers and microcomputers
macrostructural and microstructural changes prenatal and postnatal efects
macro- and micro-structural changes pre- and post-natal efects
macro- and microstructural changes pre- and postnatal efects
mini- and microcomputers agricultural in- and outputs
Closed compounds in technical texts
There are two major categories. Firstly, those that consist of pairs of short native English words:
sugarbeet groundwater foodstufs
yellowcake wetfsh shortgrasses
Secondly, there is the highly productive category of compounds derived from Greek or Latin stems:
keratoderma keratomalacia keratolytic
phyllophaga phyllopod
Do not feel bound by the punctuation of the original document, as far as the inner structure of a sentence is
concerned. Punctuation rules and conventions vary from one language to another. However, as opposed to other
categories of translating where sentences can be combined, cut and similar, when translating legal documents it is
unacceptable to do so.
Avoidance of double punctuation
If a sentence ends with an abbreviation that takes a full stop (e.g. etc.) or a quotation complete in itself that ends
in a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark before the fnal quotation marks, no further full stop is required:
Winston Churchill once said, Numbers do not daunt us.
The full stop is normally deleted from headings. An exception is run-in side headings, which are followed by a full
stop in English typographical practice.
A full stop follows abbreviations unless the last letter of the word is included:
No Mrs Ltd
Latin abbreviations
Write all Latin abbreviations in roman type, followed by a full stop:
i.e. e.g. op. cit. ibid. et al.
et seq.
No preceding space
Colons should be closed up to the preceding word:
The United Kingdom comprises four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Rules for the use of the comma are vague and include many exceptions. Personal judgement is often required and
should be guided by considerations of clarity.
Meaning of sentence changed
On occasion, the insertion or deletion of commas can completely change the meaning of a sentence:
The ambassador did not die as reported, (i.e. the circumstances were diferent from those reported)
The ambassador did not die, as reported, (i.e. he is still living)
Non-defning relative clauses
Non-defning relative clauses must be set of by commas to distinguish them from relative clauses that defne the
preceding noun:
The translations, which have been revised, can now be typed. (Adds detail they have all been revised.)
The translations which have been revised can now be typed. (Defnes the subset that is to be typed - only
those that have been revised are to be typed.)
NB: In defning relative clauses, that often reads better than which: The translations that have been revised can
now be typed.
Inserted phrases
Use two commas, or none at all, for inserted text.
Local self-governments may, in compliance with the provisions of this Act, issue binding regulations...
Strings of adjectives
Several adjectives all modifying a later noun but not each other should be separated by commas: moderate, stable prices
Where the last adjective is part of the core, however, it is not preceded by a comma: moderate, stable agricultural prices.
Here, moderate and stable each separately modify the core agricultural prices.
Square [ ] and round ( ) brackets are not interchangeable.
Hyphens are shorter than dashes. Both hyphens (-) and dashes () are available in modern word processors. In
Microsoft Word: the dash = Ctrl + num- (minus sign on the number keypad)
A hyphen is used to join co-ordinate or contrast pairs (a current-voltage graph; the height-depth ratio). These are not
subject to hyphenation rules.
Use quotation marks as sparingly as possible for purposes other than actual quotation.
NB: The Ofcial Gazette of the Republic of Albania is called Fletore Zyrtare and is often translated in many ways,
in both italics and quotation marks. However, regardless of the original style, it SHOULD always be translated
in this form:
Ofcial Gazette + the number itself (words No and Nos are unnecessary, as is the comma) e.g. Ofcial Gazette
25/05 or OG 25/05
NB: Do not enclose titles of books, newspapers or foreign-language expressions in quotation marks, since
they are usually displayed in italics.
Double vs. single quotation marks
Use double quotation marks as the frst choice and single marks for quotations within these.
The Minister noted: In the text of the new act a four-wheeled vehicle means...
Words ending in -s
Common and proper nouns and abbreviations ending in -s form their singular possessive with -s (the plural
remains -s), just like nouns ending in other letters.
Mr Joness paper hostesses duties (plural) a hostesss pay (singular)
UNIXs success MS-DOSs outlook Helioss future is uncertain
Note that some place names omit the apostrophe (Earls Court, Kings Cross). Possessives of proper names in titles
(e.g. Chambers Dictionary) sometimes also omit the apostrophe. There is no apostrophe in Achilles tendon. See the
Oxford Writers Dictionary for individual cases.
Plurals of fgures
Plurals of fgures do not require an apostrophe:
Pilots of 747s undergo special training.
Alternatives, per, fractions
The oblique stroke, also known as the diagonal, solidus or slash, is used for alternatives (and/or), to mean per (km/
day) and with fractions (19/100).
Marketing years, fnancial years, etc. that do not coincide with calendar years are denoted by a forward slash, e.g.
2001/02, which is 12 months, rather than by a dash, e.g. 2001-02, which means two years.
Italics must not be used simultaneously with quotation marks. To cite quotations from books and periodicals, use
quotation marks rather than italics.
NB: Always use italics with the phrase acquis communautaire.
Quotations that are not being translated, such as the actual wording of other documents, should be placed in
quotation marks without italicising the text. A translation of the quotation should following quotation marks, in
square brackets.
N pjesn e siprme, n t majt t faqes s adress s pakets t vogl, drguesi ka si detyrim t
vendos shenjn SMALL PARCEL (Paket e vogl) dhe adresn e vet.
The sender shall write the words PAKET E VOGL [SMALL PARCEL] and his/her address in the upper
left-hand corner of the small parcels address side.
General rule
Both cardinal and ordinal numbers one to nine inclusive are written out in full,
one, two, three, four, fve, six, seven, eight, nine
frst, second, third, fourth, ffth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth
Except in ranges:
Articles 19-21
This rule does not apply to statistical documents, where fgures are preferred. Ordinal numbers 10 and above are
expressed by means of superscript letters: 10
, 11
, 22
, 23
, 24
, etc.
* groups of three fgures must be separated by a space (specifc or fxed space if possible) and not a
comma e.g. 300 000,
* years and page folios are written without a space, e.g. 1991, p. 2064,
* decimals are written with a full stop, not a comma e.g. 13.6.
NB: The comma is used in all languages, except English, to separate the whole numbers from the decimals.
The whole numbers are presented in series of three, each series separated by a thin space (and not by a point).
Decimals are grouped in a single block:
In deciding whether to write numbers as words or fgures, the frst consideration should be consistency within a document.
For a series of numbers in running text, use fgures:
The ages of the eight members of the city council are 69, 64, 58, 54 (two members), 47, 45 and 35.
If there are several numbers applicable to the same category in a paragraph and numerals must be used for one
of them then, for consistencys sake, numerals should be used for all the numbers in the paragraph:
There are 6 graduate students in the philosophy department, 56 in the classics department and 117 in...
With symbols and abbreviations
Always use fgures with units of measurement denoted by symbols or abbreviations
EUR 50 or ffty euro
250 kW or two hundred and ffty kilowatts
205 g or two hundred and fve micrograms
The converse does not hold, however; numbers qualifying units of measurement that are spelled out may be
written with fgures:
250 kilowatts 500 miles
Be very careful with Albanian currency. In legal texts only this form should be used according to the ISO code: Lek
+ the amount.
A fne in the amount of at least 5 000.00 lek shall be imposed on a contractor who in respect of marking
the road with trafc signs fails to comply with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.
NB: The name of the currency kuna is invariable (no plural)
The euro
According to the European Council conclusions reached in Madrid in December 1995, the single currency will be
known as the euro. The ISO code for the euro is EUR.
The euro is divided into 100 cent. In English the terms euro and cent are invariable (no plural).
NB: The euro sign is only used in a limited number of promotional publications (e.g. key publications of
the European Union). When translating Albanian texts the code EUR should be used.
Start of sentence
Do not start a sentence with a fgure or a symbol followed by a fgure. Either move it further back in the sentence,
or write it out. Useful devices include inversions, such as:
In all...,
Of the total, 55 million ...
Currency abbreviation
The currency abbreviation precedes the amount and is followed by a space:
EUR 2 million
The currency symbol, however, if it must be used is closed up:
Currency written out
In running text, currencies are written in lower case:
two million euro
Currency sub-units
Use a full stop to separate units from sub-units (in Albanian a comma is used):
In English: ALL 1 000.00
In Albanian: 1.000,00 lek
NB: One of the most common mistakes made by translators is not translating the
numbers from Albanian into English, i.e. not replacing decimal commas with points.
Figures and words combined
Do not combine single-digit fgures and words by means of hyphens but write them out:
a two-hour journey a three-year period a fve-door car
a 2-hour journey
Compound attributes
Compound attributes that include numbers must be hyphenated:
a seven-year-old wine two four-hectare plots
Compound numbers
Compound numbers that are to be written out (e.g. in treaty texts) take a hyphen, whether cardinal or ordinal:
the thirty-frst day of December, nineteen hundred and eighty-one
Adjacent numbers
When two numbers are adjacent, it is often preferable to spell out one of them:
ninety 50-gram weights seventy 25-cent stamps
Large numbers
With hundreds and thousands, etc. there is a choice of using fgures or words:
300 or three hundred, not 3 hundred
EUR 3 000 or three thousand euro, not EUR 3 thousand
Million and billion, however, may be combined with fgures:
2.5 million EUR 3 million 31 billion
Grouping of thousands
Do not use either commas or full stops but insert protected spaces.
4 000 000
NB: Serial numbers (such as pages) are not grouped in thousands, except for money.
Obligatory use of fgures
Use fgures, not words, for temperatures, times, distances (about 5 kilometres), percentages, peoples ages and
votes (2 delegations were in favour, 7 against, and 1 abstained).Legal references should also be in fgures (Chapter 5,
Section 9, Article 4).
Be careful to note the diference between the use of billion and million. Billion is used to designate thousand million
and is now ofcially recognised by the European Commission. It is standard usage in ofcial Community publications.
This is also North American usage. However, use 1 000 million in preference to billion when a single billion is mentioned.
Abbreviations for million and billion
The letters m and bn can be used for sums of money to avoid frequent repetitions of million, billion; this applies
particularly in tables, where space is limited. The letters should be closed up to the fgure:
EUR 230m
Written out
Insert hyphens in fractions used as adverbs or adjectives but not if they are nouns:
a two-thirds increase two-thirds completed
an increase of two thirds
Figure-word combinations
Avoid combining fgures and words:
two-thirds fnished
2/3 fnished
Decimal point
When translating, replace decimal commas with points.
In quoting statistics, 3.5 (as in 3.5%) is not the same as 3.50; each decimal place, even if zero, adds to accuracy.
Written out
To indicate a range of numbers in a sentence, repeat the symbols and multiples (i.e. thousand, million, etc.):
from ALL 20 million to ALL 30 million
between 10C and 70C
Abbreviated form (with a hyphen)
If the symbol or multiple remains the same, a closed-up hyphen may be inserted between the fgures:
10-70C EUR 20-30 million
Leave a blank space on either side of the hyphen if the symbol or multiple changes: 100 kW - 40MW
Note the following patterns:
from 1990 to 1995 not from 1990-95
between 1990 and 1995 not between 1990-95
1990 to 1995 inclusive not 1990-95 inclusive
For a series of consecutive years, use a closed-up hyphen, after which the decade is repeated. If more than two
fgures change, use all four:
1870-1901 1980-86 1996-2006 2002-10
Use a closed-up hyphen for such expressions as:
3-4 pigs to a pen
The Minister will be back in 40-45 minutes.
Roman numerals are used in Albanian legislation usually to number Parts, Titles or Chapters. As is the case with
ordinal Arabic numerals in English, a full stop is not written after Roman ordinals. The seven Roman numerals are:
I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000
Month written out
Within a sentence, write out the month, preceded by a simple fgure for the day, e. g. 23 July 1997, not July 23, 1997.
Note: In the international dating system 23 July 1997 is 1997-07-23. (In American usage it is 7:25:97.)
When referring to decades, write the 1990s (no apostrophe) and not the nineties.
The letters AD come before the year number (AD 2000), as do AH (anno Hegirae) in the Islamic calendar. Note that
bC follows the numeral (347 bC).
4.6 TIME
The 24-hour system
Use the 24-hour system in preference to the 12-hour system.
Write times of day with a full stop between hours and minutes, without adding hrs or oclock, e.g. 11.30.For midnight,
either write the word midnight or use 24.00 (for periods ending then) or 00.00 (for periods starting then).
Summer time
Distinguish summertime (the season) from summer time:
Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Calendar vs. fnancial year
Note that 1990-91 is two years. Single marketing years, fnancial years, etc. that do not coincide with calendar
years, are denoted by a forward slash, e.g. 1990/91, which is 12 months or less.
An acronym is defned as a word formed from the initial letters of other words (e.g. NATO, UNESCO). Acronyms, in
which each letter or part is pronounced separately, are called initialisms (e.g. BBC, DNA). In this Handbook initialisms
are not treated separately.
Most acronyms of fve or fewer letters take the upper case throughout, without full stops.
Longer acronyms
Lower-case those with six letters or more, with initial capital, provided that they can be pronounced. Some with
fve letters are also written lower case. Thus:
Benelux Esprit Helios Interreg Phare Resider Tacis Unesco
Computer and some other terms are exceptions:
Indefnite article
Apply the rule a before a consonant, an before a vowel. Note that some consonants, pronounced as if they
had an initial vowel, also take an, and some vowels pronounced with an initial consonant take a:
a UN resolution an EDF project
a NATO decision an MP
Plurals of abbreviations
Plurals of abbreviations do not take an apostrophe:
Viz. and cf.
Use namely as opposed to viz. (videlicet) which means that is to say and is used in much the same way as a
colon. The abbreviation cf. (confer - compare) is acceptable (do not change it to see).
Foreign-language abbreviations
Do not translate foreign-language abbreviations concerning commercial entities. They should retain the
capitalisation and punctuation conventions of the original, such as GmbH (German). In general, abbreviations
denoting the nature of a commercial entity should not be translated. The same is, of course, with the name of the
Albanian companies containing the abbreviations sh.p.k.. or sh.a., e.g.
Korporata Elektroenergjetike Shqiptare sh.a.
The following abbreviations are used:
*Tel. with full stop and without colon;
*Fax without colon;
*Telex without colon;
*E-mail without colon.
Abbreviate Nota bene as Nb (not N.b. see p. 88, 2.1.).
No and Nos
No as in No 1 (a contraction of numero, not an abbreviation) is never followed by a full stop.
The range of mathematical symbols available on most word processors is probably sufcient for most practical
purposes. Where an original document is available in electronic form, mathematical formulae should be copied
over, or your translation should be inserted into a copy of the original, leaving the mathematical parts to stand.
Per cent and %
The per cent sign (%) is closed up to the fgure (33% not 33 %). Note that percentage is one word, but per cent is
written as two words. In legal texts use per cent rather than the symbol, unless the original uses the symbol. Be very
careful to cite the fgure exactly as in the original!
Technical tolerances
Do not use to mean about or approximately. Use it only for technical tolerances.
Most scientifc symbols in current use are interlingual forms and one should normally be able to reproduce them as
they appear in the source document. In the specifc case of weights and measures, the International System of Units
(SI -Systeme international dunites) has now been adopted in most realms of science and technology.
Names of units of measurement
Names of basic and derived units of measurement are always lower-cased, even if they are derived from a personal name:
ampere kelvin hertz newton pascal watt siemens
They have normal plurals in -s:
250 volts 50 watts
Symbols for units of measurement
These are normally abridged forms of the unit names. They are written without full stops, are not closed up to
fgures and do not have plurals:
4 ha 9 m 60 Hz 20 m/s 55 dB 2 000 kc/s
Capitalisation of units of measurement
The initial letter of symbols for SI units derived from personal names is always capitalised:
Hz (hertz) Bq (becquerel) N (newton) K (kelvin)
Symbols derived from generic nouns are always lower-cased:
1m (lumen) lx (lux) mol (mole) cd (candela)
The ohm symbol is capital omega (). All other SI symbols for units of measurement are formed from unaccented
Latin characters.
Prefxes used with units of measurement
Prefxes and their symbols are used to designate decimal multiples and sub-multiples of units of measurement. All
symbols for prefxes are unaccented Latin characters except for H, the symbol for micro.
Radiation protection
In 1985 the derived units curie (Ci), rad (rad) and rem (rem) were ofcially superseded by the becquerel (bq), gray (Gy)
and sievert (Sv) respectively, but many scientists continue to use the older terms. Follo the usage of the source
NB: The name and symbol are identical in the case of the rad and rem.
Quantities and values
The quantity length is measured with the unit metre (m), and a value is an instance of such a measurement, e.g.
350. Likewise the quantity absorbed dose is measured with the unit gray (Gy); 207 Gy is a value instantiating such a
Internal capitals
Symbols for units of measurement that start with a capital letter keep the capital internally when used with a prefx:
kHz MHz eV
Electric power
Kilowatt (kW) and megawatt (MW) are used for generating capacity; kWh (kilowatt hours) and MWh for output over
a given period.
Nuclear reactors
Nuclear reactor types are identifed by upper case abbreviations: LWR, AGR, etc. Note that there is no hyphen in fast
breeder reactor (a fast reactor that also breeds fssile material).
Chemical elements
The names of the chemical elements start with a lower-case letter, including elements whose designations are
derived from proper names:
californium einsteinium nobelium
Their symbols (which are interlingual) consist either of a single capital or a capital and small letter (N, Sn, U, Pb, Mg, Z)
without a full stop. A list of English names of 106 elements and their symbols is provided as Annex 9 of the European
Commisions English Style Guide.
When written out, radioisotopes are indicated by the name of the element followed by the mass number separated
by a closed-up hyphen:
uranium-232 plutonium-236 plutonium-239 carbon-14
Science publications now use the new convention in which the mass number is raised and immediately precedes
the elements name:
14C 239 plutonium
Follo the convention in the source document.
Translating personal academic titles presents a great difculty mostly due to the fact that educational systems vary
from country to country. Most of these translations cannot transpose the academic level of the subject.
The mission of the department translating the Albanian legislation is to present the normative texts of the Republic of
Albania to the institutions of the European Union in English language. Our legal experts agree on the fact that this difculty
can be avoided and omitted as this will present no harm to the document as regards the abovementioned mission.
However, there are cases when titles need to be translated. Here are some of the most frequently used titles: BSc
dipl.iur LLB
dr Dr (of medicine) MSc (for a degree in the technical
there is no proper equivalent in English,
because the title depends on the subject matter of the
Masters, e.g. LLM, MA, MBA, etc.) DSc (for a degree in the technical
sciences; the same as above, e.g. JD, PhD, etc.
prof Prof.
NB: When translating normative texts into English, such as Albanian legislation, omit all degree titles listed
with a personal name (e.g. the Albanian titles: prof., dr.,, dipl. ing., etc.). Of course, everything else in the
text must be translated as in the original.
The most usual problem is the legal or natural person, which is feminine in Albanian language. When pronouns
are used the best solution is often both pronouns, i.e. he/she. Other solutions include the following:
1) eliminate the pronoun completely;
2) repeat the noun;
3) use a neutral word such as one, individual; and
4) use both pronouns, i.e. he/she.
5) however, do not use s/he!
In gender-specifc contexts, such as mother of the child, use of appropriate masculine or feminine pronouns is a
matter of common sense.
Member states
Short name in
original language
(geographical name)
Ofcial title in original
language (protocol
Short name
in English
(geographical name)
Ofcial title in
English (protocol
Belgique/ Belgi Royaume de Belgique/
Koninkrijk Belgi
Belgium Kingdom of
esk republika esk republika Czech Republic Czech Republic CZ
Danmark Kongeriget Danmark Denmark Kingdom of
Deutschland Bundesrepublik
Germany Federal Republic of
Eesti Eesti Vabariik Estonia Republic of Estonia EE
(Ellda) Greece Hellenic Republic EL
Espaa Reino de Espaa Spain Kingdom of Spain ES
France Rpublique franaise France French Republic FR
Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland IE
Italia Repubblica italiana Italy Italian Republic IT
/ Kibris Cyprus Republic of Cyprus CY
Latvija Latvijas Republika Latvia Republic of Latvia LV
Lietuva Lietuvos Respublika Lithuania Republic of
Luxembourg Grand-Duch de
Luxembourg Grand Duchy of
Magyarorszg Magyar Kztrsasg Hungary Republic of
Malta Repubblika Ta Malta Malta Republic of Malta MT
Nederland Koninkrijk der
Netherlands Kingdom of the
sterreich Republik sterreich Austria Republic of Austria AT
Polska Rzeczpospolita Polska Poland Republic of Poland PL
Portugal Repblica Portuguesa Portugal Portuguese
1. The abbreviation to use = ISO code, except for Greece and the United Kingdom, for which EL and UK are
recommended (instead of the ISO codes GR and GB). The former abbreviations (generally taken from the
international code for automobiles) were used until the end of 2002.
Slovenija Republika Slovenija Slovenia Republic of
Slovensko Slovensk republika Slovakia Slovak Republic SK
Suomi/ Finland Suomen tasavalta/
Republiken Finland
Finland Republic of Finland FI
Sverige Konungariket Sverige Sweden Kingdom of
United Kingdom United Kingdom of
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom United Kingdom of
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland

Bulgaria Republic of
Romnia Romnia Romania Romania RO
Ireland is the full name laid down in the Irish Constitution; Eire (the name in Irish)
and Republic of Ireland/Irish Republic are incorrect in English.
Use the Netherlands not Holland, which is only part of the Netherlands (the provinces of North and South Holland);
a capital T is not necessary on the. In tables Netherlands will sufce.
Use United Kingdom for the Member State, not Great Britain, which comprises England, Scotland and Wales; these
three together with Northern Ireland are the constituent parts of the United Kingdom. The purely geographical
term British Isles includes Ireland and the Crown Dependencies (the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, which are
not part of the United Kingdom).
Candidate countries
Short name
(original language)
Short name
Ofcial title ISO
Hrvatska Croatia Republic of Croatia HR
Trkiye Turkey Republic of Turkey TR

Crna Gora
Montenegro Republic of Montenegro ME
Biological sciences
Given that the binomial system for classifying living organisms is used in all languages, it is normally sufcient to
reproduce the original Latin terms. Note that the initial letter of the scientifc name is capitalised, while species
epithets are always lower-cased, even if derived from proper names (e.g. Manes americana, Degenia velebitica).
Abbreviating genus name
Most text references are to genus or species (i.e. the name of the genus followed by an epithet). The genus name
should be spelled out in full on frst occurrence and subsequently abbreviated: Escherichia coli, abbreviated E. coli
The names of genera, species and subspecies (varieties, cultivars) are always italicised.
Non-technical usage
Some scientifc plant names are identical with the vernacular name and should not be capitalised or italicised when
used non-technically:
rhododendron growers
Rhododendron canadens
Use initial capitals for formations:
Old Red Sandstone Eldon formation
and for geological time units:
Tertiary period Holocene epoch
but not for the words era, period, etc.
Chemical compounds
For guidelines on writing chemical compounds see 10.6-10.14 in the ECTS-ESG. For additional details see Einecs
(European inventory of existing commercial chemical substances). Einecs is a multi-volume work (1808 pages in each
language version) published by the EC Ofce for Ofcial Publications.
When translating lists, you should always use the same type of numbering as in the original, e.g. Arabic numerals,
small letters, Roman numerals. If the original has bullets or dashes, use these. Also, take care not to change
syntactical horses in midstream, e.g. from noun to verb, even if the original does so.
In general, follow the format of the original. Tables inset in text matter should never be introduced with a colon.
Figures and symbols in tables
Figures and internationally recognised symbols in tables are language-independent elements and should not
normally have to be retyped if the original is available in electronic format.
metr katror m2 square metre
or h hour
megavat . MW megawatt
Follo the original, noting a diference between footnotes and endnotes (notes placed at the end of a document).
Punctuation in footnotes
Begin the text with a capital letter (the footnote indicator being automatically supplied by the word processor), and
end with a full stop (whether the footnote is a single word, a phrase or one or more complete sentences).
Translations must respect the physical layout of the original text. Legal texts, especially subordinate legislation often
contain diagrams. Inside these diagrams there is normally some text to be translated which may present complications
for some translators. As regards these issues, feel free to consult your coordinator in the Translation Centre.
Doubling of consonants
In British usage (unlike US), a fnal -/ is doubled after a single vowel when -ing or -ed is added (sole exception:
parallel, paralleled):
total, totalling, totalled
level, levelling, levelled
Other consonants are doubled only if the last syllable of the root verb is stressed or carries a strong secondary
admit, admitting, admitted
refer, referring, referred
format, formatting, formatted
handicap, handicapping, handicapped
beneft, benefting, benefted
combating, combating, combated
target, targeting, targeted
focus, focusing, focused
develop, developing, developed
Input and output
In a data processing context, avoid the forms input(t)ed and output(t)ed; write input and output:
70 000 records w input last month
Note the spelling of age, ageing.
Collective nouns
Use a singular verb when the emphasis is on the whole entity: The Government is considering the matter. The
Advisory Committee has met twice this year.
Use the plural when the emphasis is on the individual members:
The majority is
The number of people is ...
The singular is used article. more with the defnite article, while the plural is used
Institutions, organisations and countries
Institutions, organisations and most countries take the singular:
The United States is ... The Netherlands has agreed ...
The Commission was not informed.
Dual subject
A singular verb is common in English with a dual subject if it is felt to form a whole:
Checking and stamping the forms is the job of the customs authorities.
Percentages and money
Percentages can be treated as either singular or plural. Sums of money plural verb:
Only 10 per cent of those eligible were likely to
EUR 2 million aas made available, of which 56 per cent has been
Words in-ics

Mathematics, dynamics, kinetics, statistics and economics when referring to the respective sciences, take the singular.
Statistics meaning simply fgures takes the plural; so too does economics in the sense of commercial viability, as in
the economics of the new process were studied in depth.
The word data is the plural of datum and should be used with a plural verb.
The word none may take either a singular or a plural verb.










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