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Application Pack

Research Associate
Department of Chemistry
School of Biomedical Sciences
1# $%planatory notes incl&din' application proced&re
# (&rther partic&lars) incl&din'*
a# +nformation a,o&t -in'.s Colle'e /ondon) and the post
,# Jo, description and person specification
c# S&mmary of the terms and conditions of ser0ice
$%planatory notes
Please read carefully before completing the application form
1hank yo& for yo&r en2&iry re'ardin' a post at -in'.s Colle'e /ondon# $nclosed is a set of f&rther partic&lars
for this post# 1hese comprise* a 3o, description and person specification4 'eneral information a,o&t the
Colle'e) School and Department4 as 5ell as the main terms and conditions of the post#
Application procedure
Should you wish to apply for this position, please send the following:
a completed Personal details form and $2&al opport&nities monitorin' form
a copy of a short statement settin' o&t yo&r reasons for applyin' for the post and hi'hli'htin' the
partic&lar skill and e%perience 5hich yo& feel yo& 5o&ld ,rin' to the role
a copy of a c&rrent c&rric&l&m 0itae 5hich sho&ld incl&de inter alia*
o yo&r f&ll name 5ith title
o details of yo&r present post 5ith date of appointment
o ed&cation
de'rees 6s&,3ect) class) instit&tion) date of a5ard7
other academic/professional 2&alifications 6s&,3ect) le0el) instit&tion) date of a5ard7
distinctions other than de'rees
o mem,ership of professional and learned societies
o teachin' and research e%perience
o administrati0e and mana'ement e%perience
o 'rants o,tained
o p&,lications
To email:
Applications sho&ld ,e made electronically in 8ord or PD( format#
Please ens&re yo& 2&ote reference n&m,er R6/JRC/317/1!"C
on all correspondence#
+nformal en2&iries sho&ld ,e made to Dr $dina Rosta on $dina#Rosta9kcl#ac#&k
Closing date: May 2st, 2!2
Please ad0ise yo&r referees that they may ,e contacted and asked to pro0ide a reference at short notice#
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
Equal opportunities
-in'=s Colle'e /ondon reco'nises that e2&ality of opport&nity and the reco'nition and promotion of di0ersity
are inte'ral to its academic and economic stren'ths#
1he follo5in' principles apply in respect of the Colle'e.s commitment to e2&ality and di0ersity*
1o pro0ide and promote e2&ality of opport&nity in all areas of its 5ork and acti0ity4
1o reco'nise and de0elop the di0ersity of skills and talent 5ithin its c&rrent and potential comm&nity4
1o ens&re that all Colle'e mem,ers and prospecti0e mem,ers are treated solely on the ,asis of their
merits) a,ilities and potential 5itho&t recei0in' any &n3&stified discrimination or &nfa0o&ra,le
treatment on 'ro&nds s&ch as a'e) disa,ility) marital stat&s) pre'nancy or maternity) race) reli'ion or
,elief) se%) se%&al orientation) trans stat&s) socio!economic stat&s or any other irrele0ant distinction4
1o pro0ide and promote a positi0e 5orkin') learnin') and social en0ironment 5hich is free from
pre3&dice) discrimination and any forms of harassment) ,&llyin' or 0ictimisation4
1o promote 'ood relations ,et5een indi0id&als from different 'ro&ps#
Applicants with disabilities
-in'=s Colle'e /ondon is keen to increase the n&m,er of disa,led people it employs# 8e therefore enco&ra'e
applications from indi0id&als 5ith a disa,ility 5ho are a,le to carry o&t the d&ties of the post# +f yo& ha0e
special needs in relation to yo&r application please contact the >&man Reso&rces Ad0isor responsi,le for the
administration of the post#
Travel expenses
1he Colle'e normally reim,&rses reasona,le tra0el costs to and from inter0ie5 5ithin the ?nited -in'dom#
Re'retta,ly) only limited contri,&tion to tra0el costs for applicants from o&tside the ?- may ,e a0aila,le#
Please contact the >ead of Department ,efore makin' yo&r reser0ation#
8e 0ery m&ch re'ret that d&e to limited reso&rces and the lar'e n&m,er of applications 5e c&rrently recei0e)
5e are only a,le to inform short listed candidates of the o&tcome of their application#
+f yo& do not hear from &s 5ithin fo&r 5eeks of the closin' date) please ass&me that yo& ha0e ,een
&ns&ccessf&l on this occasion# 8e 5o&ld like to ass&re yo&) ho5e0er) that e0ery application 5e recei0e is
considered in detail and a shortlist only dra5n &p after caref&l reference to a detailed person specification#
+f therefore) yo&r application is not s&ccessf&l) 5e hope that yo& 5ill not ,e disco&ra'ed and 5ill still apply for
other s&ita,le 0acancies at -in'.s Colle'e /ondon as and 5hen they are ad0ertised#
1hank yo& for yo&r interest in -in'.s Colle'e /ondon#
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
(&rther partic&lars
The College
-in'=s Colle'e /ondon is one of the top 3< &ni0ersities in the 5orld 6<11/1 @S 8orld ?ni0ersity Rankin's7)
and the fo&rth oldest in $n'land# A research!led &ni0ersity ,ased in the heart of /ondon) -in'=s has nearly
3):<< st&dents 6of 5hom more than A)<<< are 'rad&ate st&dents7 from nearly 1B< co&ntries) and
appro%imately 6)<<< employees# +t offers an intellect&ally ri'oro&s en0ironment s&pported ,y 5elcomin' and
carin' traditions# -in'=s is in the second phase of a C1 ,illion rede0elopment pro'ramme 5hich is transformin'
its estate#
-in'=s has an o&tstandin' rep&tation for pro0idin' 5orld!class teachin' and c&ttin'!ed'e research# +n the
<<D Research Assessment $%ercise for British &ni0ersities) 3 departments 5ere ranked in the top 2&artile of
British &ni0ersities4 o0er half of o&r academic staff 5ork in departments that are in the top 1< per cent in the
?- in their field and can th&s ,e classed as 5orld leadin'# 1he Colle'e is in the top se0en ?- &ni0ersities for
research earnin's and has an o0erall ann&al income of nearly CB:< million#
1here are nine Schools of St&dy*
Arts E >&manities
Biomedical Sciences
Dental +nstit&te
+nstit&te of Psychiatry
Fat&ral and "athematical Sciences
(lorence Fi'htin'ale School of F&rsin' E "id5ifery
Social Science E P&,lic Policy
-in'=s has a partic&larly distin'&ished rep&tation in the h&manities) la5) the sciences 6incl&din' a 5ide ran'e
of health areas s&ch as psychiatry) medicine) n&rsin' and dentistry7 and social sciences incl&din' international
affairs# +t has played a ma3or role in many of the ad0ances that ha0e shaped modern life) s&ch as the disco0ery
of the str&ct&re of DFA and research that led to the de0elopment of radio) tele0ision) mo,ile phones and radar#
+t is the lar'est centre for the ed&cation of healthcare professionals in $&rope4 no &ni0ersity has more "edical
Research Co&ncil Centres#
The School
The School of "iomedical Sciences
1he School of Biomedical Sciences is one of the lar'est Schools of -in'.s Colle'e /ondon) 5ith a t&rno0er in
e%cess of C:< million per ann&m# +t has appro%imately 16< academic staff) 3<< research and s&pport staff) 3:<
post'rad&ate st&dents and the School teaches appro%imately <<< &nder'rad&ate st&dents on a ran'e of
,iomedical) life sciences) medical) dental and other health!related pro'rammes#
1he School is ,ased primarily at the G&y.s 6/ondon Brid'e7 and 8aterloo Camp&ses) altho&'h si'nificant
acti0ity is also located at St 1homas. 5hich) alon' 5ith G&y.s) pro0ides an important clinical interface for
research# All three camp&ses are located in pro%imity to each other on the 0i,rant So&th Bank) and to the
Strand# 1he facilities for teachin' and research at the G&y.s and 8aterloo Camp&ses ha0e ,een 'reatly
enhanced since 1AAD thro&'h a capital in0estment pro'ramme of appro%imately C<< million) 5hich has
pro0ided state of the art la,oratories and a hi'h 2&ality learnin' en0ironment#
8ithin the School) research di0isions pro0ide the foc&s for the or'anisation of research acti0ity# 1he <<D
Research Assessment $%ercise 6RA$7 confirms -in'.s eminent position in the H'olden trian'le. of research!
intensi0e &ni0ersities in /ondon and ;%,rid'e#
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
?sin' the Hresearch po5er. analysisI) 5here the a0era'e point score for each &nit of assessment in the RA$ is
m&ltiplied ,y the total n&m,er of f&ll!time e2&i0alent staff entered) some 7< per cent of -in'.s s&,missions in
,iomedical sciences s&,3ects are in the co&ntry.s top si%#
Similarly) the School.s ta&'ht pro0ision has ,een consistently rated hi'hly thro&'h FSS and other e%ternal
parameters) and is deli0ered ,y discipline!,ased departments#
The epartment
1he Department of Chemistry is a ne5 Department 5ithin the School of Biomedical Sciences) formed in <1
as a foc&s for ,oth the 5ide ran'e of e%istin' academic chemistry acti0ity contri,&tin' to 0ario&s other parts of
the Colle'e) and as a foc&s for f&rther de0elopment of chemistry teachin' and research# 1he Department is the
home of the ne5 "Sci in Chemistry 5ith Biomedicine# 1he philosophy of the Department is ,ased on
interconnection 5ith many other Di0isions and Departments in different Schools of the Colle'e in 5hich
chemical sciences ha0e a part to play# Accordin'ly) the Department has a core of chemistry academics and a
lar'e n&m,er of affiliate mem,ers 5ho are also chemistry academics ,&t ,ased in other Schools 6,iomedical
Sciences) "edicine) Fat&ral and "athematical Sciences) Dental +nstit&te) +nstit&te of Psychiatry7 and their
Di0isions# 1his arran'ement en'enders 0ery close interdisciplinary colla,oration and effecti0e application of
chemistry at the interface 5ith other sciences and medicine#
Chemistry research at -in'.s co0ers a ,road ran'e of s&,3ects) from medicinal chemistry and dr&'
de0elopment thro&'h dr&' analysis to radiochemistry) medical ima'in') materials science) ,iomolec&lar
str&ct&re and comp&tational modellin') and is s&pported ,y ma3or pro'ramme 'rants from the ?- Research
Co&ncils) charities and ind&stry#
1he Department 5ill set the standard for inno0ati0e chemistry 5ithin the Colle'e) pro0idin' leadership to
chemists em,edded in other research di0isions and promotin' the discipline 0ia seminars) national meetin's
and other acti0ities# 1he Department 5ill also lead the teachin' of chemistry) 5ith chemists from across -in'.s
also contri,&tin' their e%pertise* the ne5 B year &nder'rad&ate pro'ramme) "Sci/BSc in Chemistry 5ith
Biomedicine) admits its first st&dents in Septem,er <1# 1he am,ition of the Department is to e%pand)
,&ildin' on these stron' fo&ndations ,y sec&rin' research f&ndin' and ,&ildin' its teachin' rep&tation# 1he
Department occ&pies ne5 research la,oratories in the >od'kin B&ildin' on the G&y.s Camp&s 5ith analytical
and spectroscopic facilities close at hand and f&rther facilities at 8aterloo and St 1homas. >ospital#
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
#C#$%M&C $%'#(TM%)TS
#natomy * +uman Sciences
,orensic Science and $rug
'harmacology * Therapeutics
'hysiology -primarily Medicine.
%n/ironmental * #nalytical Sciences
M(C Centre for $e/elopmental )euro0iology
'harmaceutical Sciences &nstitute
(andall $i/ision of Cell and Molecular
1olfson Centre for #ge2(elated $iseases
SC+334 3, "&3M%$&C#4 SC&%)C%S
The Post
'ostdoctoral ,ellowship in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry.
Phosphate 'ro&ps are key ,&ildin' ,locks in ,iolo'ical systems# ;&r 'ro&p &ses @"/"" sim&lations to st&dy
the reaction mechanism of phosphate hydrolysis and transfer in enJymes# 1he pro3ect is foc&sed on @"/""
modellin' of kinase acti0ities and kinetic modellin' of si'nallin' path5ays# 8e 5ill estimate kinase acti0ities
from @"/"" sim&lations) aimin' to inte'rate these data into lar'e scale kinetic net5ork models of si'nallin'
path5ays# ;&r models 5ill ,e de0eloped in colla,oration 5ith e%perimental systems ,iolo'y 'ro&ps#

Candidates m&st ,e hi'hly moti0ated scientists) 5ith a Ph#D# in theoretical and comp&tational chemistry or
,iolo'ical physics# Candidates 5ith a physics ,ack'ro&nd are partic&larly enco&ra'ed to apply# +deal
candidates 5o&ld ha0e prior e%perience 5ith /in&%/?ni% and comp&tational data analysis) and 5o&ld ha0e
5orked in at least one of the areas of 6i7 molec&lar dynamics) 6ii7 2&ant&m chemistry) 6iii7 str&ct&ral
,iolo'y/homolo'y modellin') or 6i07 modellin' of kinetic net5orks# (or informal in2&iries) please email '$,
copies of yo&r CV and a brief statement of research interests to Dr# $dina Rosta at
1he post 5ill ,e ,ased in the >od'kin B&ildin' at the G&y.s Camp&s# 1he d&ration is for years# 1he startin'
date is Septem,er <1 or as soon as possi,le thereafter#
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
Jo, description
Post title* Research Associate
Department/Di0ision/Directorate* Department of Chemistry
Grade* 6
Responsi,le for* F/A
Responsi,le to* Dr $dina Rosta
Role purpose
1o participate in the research carried o&t ,y the Rosta 'ro&p in line 5ith the o0erall o,3ecti0es of the
Role outline ! main responsibilities
5ey o06ecti/es:
De0elop and &ndertake research in theoretical and comp&tational chemistry of hi'h 2&ality consistent
5ith makin' a f&ll acti0e research contri,&tion in line Department/Di0ision/School research strate'y
"ana'e specific pieces of acti0ity to an a'reed timeline and 5ithin a specific ,&d'et incl&din' literat&re
re0ie5s) data collection and analysis) report 5ritin'#
Attend and) as appropriate) present research findin's and papers at internal academic meetin's and
e%ternal professional conferences) and to contri,&te to the internal and e%ternal 0isi,ility of the
8ork as a conscientio&s and committed mem,er of the team in order to achie0e the aims of the pro3ects
and the primary care 'ro&p#
(acilitate colla,oration and net5orkin') ,oth 5ithin and o&tside the department) 5hich en'a'es and
s&pports the acti0ities of the 'ro&p
Recei0e trainin' as appropriate to the sta'e of yo&r career
Contri,&te to 'rad&ate and &nder'rad&ate teachin' to a limited e%tent determined ,y a'reement ,ased
on yo&r o5n interests and the needs of the Department and research 'ro&p#
1o ,e committed to yo&r o5n personal career de0elopment#
/iaise 5ith the administrati0e and technical team for the s&pport of the research
Contri,&te to p&,lications arisin' from this research
?ndertake any other reasona,le d&ties that may ,e rele0ant to the role o&tline#
Communication * networking:
Deal 5ith ro&tine comm&nication &sin' a ran'e of media
Comm&nicate comple% information orally and in 5ritin'
Comm&nicate material of a specialist or hi'hly technical nat&re
/iaise 5ith collea'&es and st&dents
B&ild internal contacts and participate in internal net5orks for the e%chan'e of information and to form
relationships for f&t&re colla,oration
Join e%ternal net5orks to share information and identify potential so&rces of f&nds
$ecision making, planning * pro0lem sol/ing:
?se ne5 research techni2&es and methods
+dentify areas for research) de0elop ne5 research methods and e%tend the research portfolio
Contri,&te to colla,orati0e decision makin' 5ith collea'&es in area of research
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
Ser/ice deli/ery:
Set the standards of ser0ice and ens&re o0erall 2&ality is maintained
#nalysis * research:
De0elop research o,3ecti0es and proposals for o5n or 3oint research) 5ith the assistance of a mentor
Cond&ct indi0id&al and colla,orati0e research pro3ects
8rite &p research 5ork for p&,lication
Contin&ally &pdate kno5led'e and &nderstandin' in field
1ranslate kno5led'e of ad0ances in the s&,3ect area into research acti0ity
Analyse and interpret research data and dra5 concl&sions on the o&tcomes
Team work, teaching * learning support:
8ork 5ith collea'&es on 3oint pro3ects as re2&ired
Colla,orate 5ith academic collea'&es on areas of shared research interest
Attend and contri,&te to rele0ant meetin's
Be in0ol0ed in the assessment of st&dent kno5led'e and s&per0ision of pro3ects
Assist in the de0elopment of st&dent research skills
Sensory7physical demands * work en/ironment:
Balance 5ith help the competin' press&res of research and administrati0e demands and deadlines
Be a5are of the risks in the 5ork en0ironment and their potential impact on o5n 5ork and that of
Specific #spects: indicate fre2&ency D 6daily7) 8 65eekly7) " 6monthly7 5here applica,le*
+ntensi0e DS$ 5ork 6e'# data entry or
di'ital microscopy7*
Direct patient contact in0ol0in' e%pos&re
prone proced&res 6$PP7*
>ea0y man&al handlin'* Direct patient contact) no $PP
>i'hly repetiti0e tasks 6e'# pipettin' or re!
shel0in' ,ooks7*
8ork 5ith patient specimens 6e'# ,lood or
tiss&e samples7*
Shift 5ork) ni'ht 5ork or call!o&t d&ties* 8ork 5ith G" or'anisms or ,iolo'ical a'ents
that may pose a haJard to h&man health*
8ork in0ol0in' risk of e%pos&re to
en0ironmental or h&man patho'ens 6e' in
5aste streams or soils7*
>aJards 5hich re2&ire health s&r0eillance e'#
respiratory sensitisers 6aller'ens) s&,stances
5ith risk phrase RB) 5ood d&st etc7 or lo&d
noise *
Dri0in' 0ehicles on Colle'e ,&siness* (ood handlin' or preparation*
8ork at hei'ht 6e'# ladders) scaffolds etc7 8ork in confined spaces 6e'# s&mp rooms)
'astoral care:
Sho5 consideration to others
+nformally) adopt a s&pporti0e attit&de to post'rad&ate and &nder'rad&ate research st&dents and ne5
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
"rganisational chart
Special requirements
Ko& 5ill ,e re2&ired to 5ork irre'&lar ho&rs in accordance 5ith the needs of the role4
+nformation of a confidential nat&re m&st ,e kept strictly confidential and sho&ld ne0er ,e disclosed
either inside or o&tside 5ork# +t sho&ld ,e noted that ,reach of confidentiality is a serio&s offence 5hich
may lead to dismissal4
All staff are e%pected to adhere to -in'.s policies and proced&res#
B (e,r&ary <1
Please note
1his 3o, description reflects the core acti0ities of the role and as the Colle'e and the post!holder de0elop there
5ill ine0ita,ly ,e chan'es in the emphasis of d&ties# +t is e%pected that the post!holder reco'nise this and adopt
a fle%i,le approach to 5ork and ,e 5illin' to participate in trainin'#
+f chan'es to the 3o, ,ecome si'nificant) the 3o, description sho&ld ,e re0ie5ed formally ,y the post!holder
and line man'er# 1he >&man Reso&rces department sho&ld then ,e cons&lted as to the implications of the
proposed chan'es#
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
Person specification
%ligi0ility to work in the 8nited 5ingdom
+nternational applications 5ill ,e considered for this position# +f yo& do not ha0e permission to enter) remain
and 5ork in the ?nited -in'dom yo& 5ill need to pass a points!,ased immi'ration assessment# Before yo&
apply for this 3o, yo& m&st ascertain 5hether yo& ha0e s&fficient points to 2&alify &nder 1ier 1 and/or 1ier

# +f yo& do not ha0e s&fficient points please do not apply as yo& 5ill not ,e 'ranted permission to
enter the ?nited -in'dom# Click on the follo5in' link to the points calc&lator* Border E +mmi'ration A'ency
Points!,ased calc&lator.
At the inter0ie5 yo& 5ill ,e asked to f&rnish the panel 5ith the details of the ro&te 61ier 1 and/or 1ier 7 yo&
5o&ld ,e eli'i,le to follo5# Please note that sho&ld yo& ha0e s&fficient points this does not mean yo&r
application 5ill ,e s&ccessf&l# +n the e0ent yo&r application is s&ccessf&l there is no '&arantee that yo&r
application for a 0isa 5ill ,e 'ranted) in 5hich e0ent the offer 5ill ,e 5ithdra5n#
#)$ #SS%SS%$
AP L application
AS L assessment
+ L inter0ie5
P L presentation
R L references
%$8C#T&3)798#4&,&C#T&3) #)$ T(#&)&):
BSc in a chemical) physical) or mathematical discipline M AP
PhD in a rele0ant s&,3ect M AP
S&per0ision and teachin' of other researchers M AP/+
1heoretical or Comp&tational Chemistry) or Biophysics Back'ro&nd M AP/+
A,ility to comm&nicate findin's 0er,ally and to 5rite scientific reports to a
hi'h standard
M AP/+
$%cellent presentation skills M AP/+
$%perience of 5orkin' 5ith /in&%/?ni% and comp&tational data analysis M AP/+
"ana'in' an independent research pro3ect M AP/+
Good p&,lication record M AP/+
$%perience 5ith ,iomolec&lar modellin' and sim&lations M AP/+
'%(S3)#4 C+#(#CT%(&ST&CS73T+%( (%98&(%M%)TS
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
A,ility to interact 5ell 5ith collea'&es and 5ork as part of a research team M R/+
Good time mana'ement and or'anisational skills M R/+
A,ility to take initiati0e to sol0e technical pro,lems M R/+
An enth&siasm for the research pro3ect M AP/+
A,ility to 5ork independently and act on o5n initiati0e M R/+
A,ility to ac2&ire and apply 2&ickly ne5 technical skills appropriate to the
M R/+

1here are t5o classifications N 1ier 1 6>i'hly skilled 5orkers7 and 1ier 6Skilled 5orkers7# >i'hly skilled
mi'rants are enco&ra'ed to apply &nder the 1ier 1 ro&te# +f yo& do not 2&alify &nder the 1ier 1 ro&te) yo& may
2&alify &nder the 1ier ro&te) ho5e0er this is dependent on -in'.s Colle'e /ondon at its sole discretion iss&in'
yo& 5ith a Certificate of Sponsorship#
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
S&mmary of terms and conditions of ser0ice
1his appointment is made &nder the -in'.s Colle'e /ondon 1erms and Conditions of Ser0ice for Fon
Academic staff) a copy of 5hich is a0aila,le from the >&man Reso&rces department on re2&est#
'eriod of #ppointment (i%ed term contract for t5o years
'ro0ation Si% months
Salary C31)<< ! C37)<1 per ann&m) pl&s C)33 /ondon allo5ance per ann&m
#nnual lea/e 7 5orkin' days
Staff recei0e fo&r additional clos&re days# Fotification as to ho5 these days are taken is circ&lated at the start of
the academic year#
1his appointment is s&perann&a,le &nder the ?SS pension scheme# Staff already s&perann&ated &nder the
F>S S&perann&ation Scheme may opt to remain in that scheme pro0ided an application to do so is recei0ed ,y
the F>S scheme tr&stees 5ithin three months of appointment to -in'.s Colle'e /ondon# Alternati0ely staff
may opt to participate in S$RPS or take o&t a personal pension# Please note that the Colle'e does not pro0ide
an employer=s contri,&tion to5ards a pri0ate pension plan#
1he Colle'e operates PensionsPl&s ,y 5hich indi0id&als increase their take home pay ,y red&cin' their F+
contri,&tions# Staff 5ho 3oin the ?SS pension scheme 5ill a&tomatically ,e entered into PensionsPl&s
6pro0ided yo& 5o&ld ,enefit from doin' so7# As a res&lt yo&r salary 5ill ,e red&ced so that yo& recei0e the
PensionsPl&s salary and a payment is made into yo&r pension scheme instead#
FB ! F>S S&perann&ation Scheme* "edical Schools are classed as ODirection $mployersP and some ,enefits
of the F>S Scheme are not a0aila,le to Direction mem,ers#
(or f&rther information please contact "s Pa&line Jo,) Payroll E Pensions "ana'er) -in'.s Colle'e /ondon)
James Clerk "a%5ell B&ildin') :7 8aterloo Road) /ondon S$1 D8A#
All appointments to -in'.s are s&,3ect to ;cc&pational >ealth clearance# Sho&ld yo& ,e offered this post yo&
5ill ,e sent an ;cc&pational >ealth @&estionnaire alon' 5ith yo&r contract of employment# 8hen the
;cc&pational >ealth Department ha0e e0al&ated yo&r 2&estionnaire and declared that yo& are fit for
appointment) yo&r appointment 5ill ,e formally confirmed#
+n the co&rse of yo&r 5ork yo& may ha0e access to personal or confidential information 5hich m&st not ,e
disclosed or made a0aila,le to any other person &nless in the performance of yo&r d&ties or 5ith specific
permission from yo&r >ead of School/Department/Di0ision# 6+n partic&lar if yo&r 5ork in0ol0es the handlin'
of clinical samples and/or patient data) F>S policies for the maintenance of sec&rity and confidentiality of
F>S systems and data m&st ,e o,ser0ed7# Breaches in confidentiality may lead to disciplinary action#
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11
Training and %ducation
-in'.s Colle'e /ondon reco'nises the importance of trainin' in achie0in' its o,3ecti0e of p&rs&in' e%cellence in
teachin') research and clinical practice thro&'h the acti0ities of its staff# 8e are committed to pro0idin'
trainin' for all mem,ers of staff so that they can perform their 3o,s effecti0ely and offerin' them opport&nities
for f&rther de0elopment# "ost trainin' and de0elopment 5ill occ&r Qon the 3o,Q and formal trainin'
opport&nities are also a0aila,le 5ithin -in'.s Colle'e /ondon associated hospitals tr&sts and thro&'h other
e%ternal or'anisations#
All mem,ers of staff 5ith teachin' responsi,ilities are enco&ra'ed to o,tain formal reco'nition of their
professional e%pertise in teachin'# +t is the normal e%pectation that staff ne5 to teachin' in hi'her ed&cation
5ill re'ister for the Post Grad&ate Certificate in Academic Practice 6PGCAP7 &nless they already possess a
teachin' 2&alification in hi'her ed&cation# 1he PGCAP is ta&'ht and mana'ed ,y the -in'=s /earnin' +nstit&te
6-/+74 information a,o&t the certificate and other pro'rammes r&n ,y -/+ can ,e fo&nd in their 5e, site N
)o Smoking 'olicy
-in'.s Colle'e /ondon is committed to maintainin' a healthy en0ironment for staff) st&dents and 0isitors#
1herefore) please note that smokin' is not permitted in any of the Colle'e ,&ildin's or in Colle'e 0ehicles#
Smokin' is also not permitted immediately o&tside the entrances to Colle'e ,&ildin's or near to 5indo5s and
air intake &nits# Staff 5orkin' at associated F>S tr&st sites or other premises sho&ld adhere to 5hate0er policy
is in place at these locations#
1emplate 0ersion* : ;cto,er <11

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