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Deborah S. Makowski, CI, CT E-mail: dsmdis@ntid.rit.

Professional Experience
Coordinator of Professional Development Program (PDP) Rochester Institute of Technology 1!"11!Present
Coordinate and support the professional deelopment for !"#$ staff interpreters of the Department of %&&ess Seri&es
'D%S(. Meets re)ularl* with staff to dis&uss and deelop +D plans to be in&orporated into annual plans of work. ,orks
with &ommittee of representaties from ea&h team within the department to ensure &ommuni&ation and to )ather
information on trainin) needs as well as feedba&k on pro)ram offerin)s to ensure the effi&a&* of the pro)ram.
-esponsibilities in&lude but are not limited to &ondu&tin) formal needs assessments, the deelopment of trainin) &urri&ulum
and the &reation of as*n&hronous trainin) opportunities for the staff, &reation of all -ID re.uired paperwork and approal of
eents throu)h -ID %pproed Sponsor. Coordinator is also responsible for the brandin) of the D%S +D+ and its
representation to uniersit* and outside &onstituen&ies. +roides e/emplar* interpretin) seri&es in a broad ran)e of
&hallen)in) a&ademi& and non-a&ademi& enironments a&ross the uniersit*. +osition reports dire&tl* to the %ssistant Dean
of %&&ess Seri&es as a member of the D%S Mana)ement Team.

Interpreter Rochester Institute of Technology #"$#!%"$&' $"#!$"11
+roided "! &onta&t hours of interpretin) seri&es per week in a ariet* of settin)s a&ross the uniersit*. 0old Interpreter
status &ommensurate with leel 1 'out of 2( of the Department of %&&ess Seri&es 'D%S( &areer ladder. +erforman&e
re)ularl* e/&eeds standards set b* the department and institute re)ardin) interpretin) profi&ien&*. %reas of e/pertise
in&lude but are not limited to hi)hl* te&hni&al and s&ientifi& settin)s, administratie, platform and media eents, national
and international &onferen&es. In addition to interpretin), proide &oa&hin) related to sub3e&t matter and mentorin) to staff
interpreters as re.uested and deemed appropriate b* mana)ement.
(taff Interpreter Interprete) #"# * %"#
+roided 14-2# hours of interpretin) seri&e per week in a ariet* of settin)s. Trained as 5ideo -ela* Seri&e '5-S(
interpreter in seri&e to &ompan*6s &ontra&t with Communi&ation Seri&es for the Deaf 'CSD(. Chosen as part of a sele&t
team of interpreters to represent the &ompan* as %)ent in Char)e '%IC( of 5-S &enter when on site CSD mana)er was
unaailable. %dditional interpretin) proided in 7e)al8Court, Edu&ational, Te&hni&al, Medi&al, and Mental 0ealth settin)s.
Coordinator of Interpreting (ervices Rochester Institute of Technology %"$&!#"#' %"$+!11"$,
-esponsible for the &oordination and assi)nment of 4##$ hours of a&ademi& interpretin) re.uests per week. %ssessment
and pla&ement of interpreters into &lasses and a&ademi& eents appropriate to their leel of interpretin) skill. Coordinated
and pro&essed 3obs sent to e/ternal interpreter referral a)en&* to &oer unmet in-house demand. Implemented &han)es in
s&hedulin) pro&edures as ne&essar* in order to maintain the hi)hest leel of effi&ien&* possible. Maintained weekl* and
.uarterl* reports pertainin) to the seri&e proision and use of interpretin) resour&es. Monitored &on&erns of fa&ult*, staff,
students, and interpreters with re)ard to interpretin) seri&es and related issues9 proided best pra&ti&e solutions to those
&on&erns. +roided !4$ hours of hi)h .ualit* interpretin) seri&e in a ariet* of settin)s a&ross the uniersit*. ,ork
produ&t and performan&e &onsistentl* e/&eeded standards set b* the department for leel 1, Interpreter8Coordinator status.
-ssociate Interpreter Rochester Institute of Technology #"%$!+"$#
+roided "# &onta&t hours of interpretin) seri&es per week for the Campus 7ife Team and later the S&ien&e and
En)ineerin) Team. %sso&iate Interpreter status &ommensurate with leel " of the D%S &areer ladder. +erforman&e met or
e/&eeded standards set b* the department and institute in a&ademi& settin)s and limited non-a&ademi& settin)s. Superision
proided as re.uired with re)ard to skill and professional deelopment.
-dditional Professional Experience
Mission Statement Committee
o ,orked with members of the D%S to &reate a Mission Statement. Do&ument produ&ed and submitted.
Mentor and &ontent e/pert &oa&h
o +roide mentorin) to D%S staff as re.uested b* indiiduals and mana)er. Most often re.uested to work
with indiiduals aspirin) to be promoted from %pprenti&e to %sso&iate and %sso&iate to Interpreter status
within the department. ,ork re)ularl* with staff a&ross the department to deelop &ontent knowled)e in
the S&ien&e and En)ineerin) areas.
Co-Chair for Si)nin) in +ubli& Spa&es Committee 'S+SC(
Member of Colle)e of :TID leel S+SC.
o Members of this &ommittee were ori)inall* appointed b* the ;ffi&e of the +resident to address &on&erns
re)ardin) the a&&essibilit* to &ommuni&ation in the :TID8-IT enironments outside of the &lassroom.
,orkload %nal*sis -eiew Team, Co-Chair +hase I and II
o -esponsible for assessin) the demands of the work enironment and interpretin) tasks. This work
resulted in an in&rease in the &oera)e of seri&e proided, as well as more &onsistent s&hedulin)
0ealth and Safet* Committee, Coordinator 7iaison
o +roided )uidan&e to the 0ealth and Safet* Committee. %dised the team with re)ard to s&hedulin)
pra&ti&es and workload demands of staff from a seri&e &oordinator6s perspe&tie. This work resulted in
do&umentation to improe the oerall health and safet* pra&ti&es in the department.
Career 7adder Committee, Staff -epresentatie
o ,orked with D%S administration to &reate and implement a &areer ladder for the Department of
Interpretin) Seri&es. This work resulted in the four tier &areer ladder &urrentl* in use.
Skills %ssessment Team, Staff -epresentatie
o Deeloped a performan&e based assessment tool to measure interpreter6s skills in &on3un&tion with the
DIS &areer ladder. This work resulted in a four leel assessment tool to measure an interpreter6s
profi&ien&* in both interpretation and transliteration.
Trained <io-Me&hani&s Ealuator
o Trained to ealuate interpreter6s work for hi)h risk ph*si&al behaiors in order to minimi=e and preent
Cumulatie Trauma Disorder.
Colle)e of S&ien&e8:TID %&&ess Team, Communi&ation E/pert
o ,orked to deelop &onsumer edu&ation materials for the Colla)e of S&ien&e fa&ult*, staff, students, and
interpreters. This work has resulted in the deelopment and implementation of seeral workshops
fo&usin) on the d*nami&s of tea&hin) and learnin) in a mainstreamed te&hni&al enironment.
Conference Interpreting
%nnual +rotein So&iet* S*mposium, San Die)o, C% "#!"
International Con)ress on the Edu&ation of the Deaf ? Maastri&ht, the :etherlands, "##4
Professional Presentations
Co-+resented <rid)in) the @ap: %pprenti&eships in Interpretin), -e)ion I -ID Conferen&e, %tlanti& Cit*, :A
Co-leadin) the Eer*thin) is Chemistr* IST, Ball, "#!!
Small )roup In-Seri&e Trainin) related to pro&essin) skills, Ball, "##!-,inter, "##"
+resentations to indiiduals and )roups on interpretin) seri&e proision and interpretin) pro&ess and preparation,
as re.uested
+resentation to the %meri&an %sso&iation of +h*si&s Tea&hers re)ardin) interpretin) in te&hni&al enironments and
utili=ation of interpretin) seri&es, Aul*, "##"
@uest le&turer in :TID Summer Institute presented on how to approa&h interpretin) task in te&hni&al
enironments and preparation strate)ies, Aul*, "##!
+resentation to C-!" <;CES interpreters related to interpretin) in STEM &lasses, September "##!
Professional .em/erships
-e)istr* of Interpreters for the Deaf '-ID(, member in )ood standin), !DEF, Certified member, !DD2-present
@enesee 5alle* -e)ion -e)istr* of Interpreters for the Deaf '@5--ID(, !DEE-present
:ational %sso&iation of the Deaf ':%D(, "##1-present
Conferen&e of Interpreter Trainers 'CIT(, "#!!-present
De)ree: %%S in Edu&ational Interpretin) :oember, !DEE
:ational te&hni&al Institute for the Deaf at -o&hester Institute of Te&hnolo)*, -o&hester, :G
<S De)ree in %S7-En)lish Interpretation, e/pe&ted Ma* "#!4

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