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Almonte Health Unit: 79 Spring Street, Unit 2

(Walk-in or Call ahead to reserve your spot!)
Services are free of charge

As school gets underway and we roll into a busy fall season, Open Doors would like to take this time to
remind community partners about the presence of our Same-Day Counselling Clinic, and a new initiative
of the clinic which will take effect starting October.

The Same-Day Clinic, which has been running out of the Almonte Health Unit (located at 79 Spring Street
Unit 2), will continue to run Thursday afternoons from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., with the last
appointment starting at 3:30 p.m. The clinic is open to anyone under 18 years old, or parents and
guardians concerned about a child or youth under 18 years of age.

Reasons for accessing the clinic may vary greatly, but the benefits of a single counselling session could
include: Feeling less worried, sad, or angry, preventing a temporary problem from becoming worse,
feeling less isolated, feeling heard and understood, getting connected to available resources in the
Lanark County region, and/or developing new ways to manage a concern or cope with feelings.

Individuals or families accessing the clinic do not need to be previous or current clients of Open Doors,
and parents or guardians may access caregiver support without the presence of the child/youth. As of
October 2014, we are also introducing the presence of an Early Years specialist, a counsellor with
expertise in working with families with infants and children under 7 years of age. This counsellor
specializes in child development, behavior management, and mental health in young children, and can
help with concerns regarding development and temperament, building healthy attachment, transitions
from daycare to school, promoting positive behavior, and connecting with other key services. Our Early
Years counsellor will be available at the Same-Day clinic the first Thursday of every month.

Same-Day clinic services are free of charge. Appointments are available by calling ahead to any of the
Open Doors offices, or directly to the Health Unit, or by walk-in, though we encourage calling ahead so
we can reserve your spot.
For more information or to book your spot, please call Open Doors at:
Carleton Place Office Smiths Falls Office Perth Office Almonte Health Unit
613 257-8260 613 283-8260 613 264-1415 613 256-1203

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