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::: gracious, salty words :::

October 2014
Alexander Fleming was searching for a way to treat
infections of the staphylococcus bacteria (cause of
staph infection) with little success. He was cleaning
culture dishes in which he had grown the bacteria. A
culture dish caught his attention a contaminant had
started growing on the plate not unusual. The
unusual was a clear area around the contaminant
where the bacteria had died. The contaminant was a
mold named Penicillium notatum, from which we now
get the antibiotic penicillin. The contaminant had
floated unto the plate on a puff of wind when the lid
was opened. It had settled in and started to
reproduce in the new environment. It actually
brought life and health by pushing back the disease
organism already growing there.

Are you willing to let the Spirit blow you into a dark
place? Jesus told His disciples to, Go! [Matt. 28:19
Dont go alone: Jesus said: Surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age. [Matt 28:20]
And He promised the Holy Spirit as our
companion, teacher, and guide: The Father . . .
will give you another advocate to help you and be
with you foreverthe Spirit of truth. [John
Dont go unarmed: Put on the full armor of God,
so that you can take your stand against the
devils schemes. [Eph. 6:11]
But go!! -- Let the Spirit blow you to a dark place
where you can grow and bring light and life
And push back the darkness!!
Bonnie Straight, January 2004; May 2014
[based on PBS, A Science Odyssey: Fleming Discovers Penicillin.}
Rich and Bonnie Ministries 2014
::: gracious, salty words :::
October 2014
Alexander Fleming was searching for a way to treat
infections of the staphylococcus bacteria (cause of
staph infection) with little success. He was cleaning
culture dishes in which he had grown the bacteria. A
culture dish caught his attention a contaminant had
started growing on the plate not unusual. The
unusual was a clear area around the contaminant
where the bacteria had died. The contaminant was a
mold named Penicillium notatum, from which we now
get the antibiotic penicillin. The contaminant had
floated unto the plate on a puff of wind when the lid
was opened. It had settled in and started to
reproduce in the new environment. It actually
brought life and health by pushing back the disease
organism already growing there.

Are you willing to let the Spirit blow you into a dark
place? Jesus told His disciples to, Go! [Matt. 28:19
Dont go alone: Jesus said: Surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age. [Matt 28:20]
And He promised the Holy Spirit as our
companion, teacher, and guide: The Father . . .
will give you another advocate to help you and be
with you foreverthe Spirit of truth. [John
Dont go unarmed: Put on the full armor of God,
so that you can take your stand against the
devils schemes. [Eph. 6:11]
But go!! -- Let the Spirit blow you to a dark place
where you can grow and bring light and life
And push back the darkness!!
Bonnie Straight, January 2004; May 2014
[based on PBS, A Science Odyssey: Fleming Discovers Penicillin.]
Rich and Bonnie Ministries 2014
Area of health
around mold

Area of health
around mold

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