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Title: The power of emotional appeal

Thesis: Although their actions are wrong according to society, the church and the
law, the creators of these characters has done a great job getting the audience to
identify and root for them.

We live in a civilized world where children are thought to obey their
parents, wives are supposed to be faithful to their husbands not have affairs and
citizens should never commit murder. Jesus himself tells us that if someone slaps
us, turn the other cheek. One of the most popular enforcer of these rules would
be the Ten Commandments, which are the words of our divine and powerful God.
Humans are thought that God is present everywhere and witnesses our every
action. Anyone who breaks the rules and goes against the grain is labeled
outcast by society and it finds a way to punish out naughty behavior; the children
are beaten or grounded; the unfaithful partner gets a guilt trip by the church; the
murderer is sent to prison.

We are aware of these rules and mostly agree with them. Other times
however, we prioritize our personal feelings and aim to achieve an end that goes
against the grain of society. The following three characters are great examples of
people who have reach a point where they cannot. By constantly obeying the
rules of society, a part of them as been repressed. It eventually builds up and

Two kinds:

According to the Ten Commandments in the bible and society, children are
supposed to obey their parents. Children who disobey their parents are viewed
as bad and are often criticized. To avoid this, parents create laws and rules and
impose them on them and impose their roles as authority figures and children's
role as law-abiding beings. A popular saying is "kids should be seen, not heard"
supports this notion of the parent's willingness to suppress children from
expressing themselves freely. This prevents the children from crossing the line
and allows the parents maintain their role as authority figures. However, the
children reach a breaking point where they feel the need to assert their own
identity. They become rebels and often go against the parents' strict rules.

The storm:

! A period when women had no rights and freedom.
! A story of a married woman who has an affair behind her husband's back.
! After the affair, she becomes a little relieved and becomes a better wife.
! A part of her has been suppressed and remained unfulfilled.
! Calixta runs into a previous lover and ends up having a sexual encounter with
! According to the church and society having an affair with another person is
considered morally and culturally wrong, but having identify with Calixta,
the audience is able to understand and forgive Calixta.

The storm is a story in which a married woman, Calixta, has a sexual
encounter with another man other than her husband. The story occurs during a
period of time when society taken away most of women"s freedom of choices.
They were viewed as housewives and nothing else. As a result, many of
women"s desire and wants are suppressed. Calixta is no different. She runs into
a previous lover and the both end up making love. Once the storm passes,
Calixta returns home and feels very good. Her mood is so positive that her
husband and son covered in mud are both in shock. They are unaware of Calixta
has done behind their back.

Society in general would normally label Calixta as a slut, but as readers, we
understand where she is coming from. We are all humans; we have desires,
craves and needs. They are all forms of energy that need to be release from time
to time. Calixta is no different. Her sexual desires have been neglected and her
husband only sees on dimension of her personality. T

The cask of amontillado:

! The story about a man who seeks revenge by murdering a friend who has
wronged him countless times.
! Murdering someone is one thing, but the manner in which the act is committed
is another.
! The killer could use a firearm to shoot the victim in the head or using a knife
and stab him in the heart.
! Using one of the previous methods sends the victim away quick and fast; fast
enough that the victim doesn't realize this.
! But in that case, the murderer traps his victim underground by building a wall
too sturdy for him to destroy.
! It is like burring someone alive.
! The process is slow and psychologically demoralizing.
! The human body can go several days with no water before dying, but very
painful days.
! Having mentioned that, the author however does such a great job getting us
identifying with the killer, that we root for him.
! He has committed this act fifty years earlier but speaks of it as if it had
happened yesterday.
! The story and characters are revealed in such a way that the bridge of
identification between reader and protagonist is so strong that we cannot
help but root for him.
! Killing someone is one thing, but putting him in a situation where he struggles
to maintain his sanity takes things to a whole new level.

Newton"s third law of physics confirms this truth; for every action there is a
reaction. In the case of Montresor, he has endured countless insults from
Fortunato who seems to be inconsiderate of other people"s feeling and how his
actions effect them. Despite committing murdering a friend in a terrible manner,
the story is told in a way that cause the reader to sympathize with Montresor. The
author has successfully revealed Fortunato as an arrogant man who
thoughtlessly puts his intelligence above all at the expense of others and give the
readers enough concrete emotional on which we can hate him.

No matter what society tells us, the Ten Commandments, we are emotional
creatures with personal desires, craves and feelings. If somehow they have been
suppressed or hurt in any fashion, it is a normal for us to have vengeful thoughts
and feelings. Children should obey their parents, but there comes a period when
they feel the need to assert their identity. This process involves going against the
parents" will who often tell their children I know what"s best for you. It"s a good
opportunity for the children to build a strong spine and courage. Women, just like
men are sexual creatures. But women often hide this fact because they are afraid
of being judged. Women also enjoy attention and the reminder that they are
sexually appealing. If this need is not fulfilled at home, they will seek it elsewhere.
This is the reality of being a human being and the sooner we accept this facts
rather than rejecting them, the better.

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