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In these days of mounting unemployment, the "Help Wanted"

sign is a welcome one. There is one field however, in which
the supply of qualified laborers has never caught up with the
demand. That field is the field of missions, and I know of
no part of that field from which the call is not heard,
"Come over and help us".
When the Nichols family returned to the Homeland in July
of 1957,we had the pleasure of fellowship with the Anderson
family on the five day trip on the good ship "leilani". We
are aware of some of the sacrifices which this good family
made in returning to Hawaii when no one could be found to
take over the work in Makaha. We read with interest Claire
Powell's statement in a recent issue of HORIZONS, and we know
that this family has made sacrifices far beyond the call of
duty;, sacrifices, it seems to us, whieh-i-fe-eeemste-ue which
no missionary should ever have to make. We do pray that the
need for a missionary family in the Kailua community may soon
be filled.
About two monts ago the Stills wrote us that the young man y
who has been teaching in the Sunset Beach School and preaching
at Hauula would be leaving in June. This means that Hauula
would again be withoilit leadership, throwing an extra work load
on the good folks at Sunset Beach until a worker can be found
for this place. It was suggested that we reconsider our decision
not to return to Hauula,and again we were faced with a difficult
decision. To us, Hauula is not just another community which
needs the Gospel. It is Sheila, and Linda, and Douglas and Hannah
and the unhappy homes from which they come. It is Mrs. Mason,
and Mrs. Schilling and Racheal, who have found the Lord and
now find great jjjy in serving him. Time was when we could have
given up Hauula as a poor investment - but not any more. If
Hauularhad produced only Eleanor and Mildred Otake, it would
have been well worth all the cost. We have considered the
matter long and prayerfully, but our decision not to return to
to Hawaii at this time still stands. If and when we do return
to tne Islands it will be to teach in a Bible College. We feel
that we should make our decision known, along with an appeal
for aorkers to take over the "unfinished task" in Hauula. We
would be glad to correspond with anyone interested. The Nichols
are accepting speaking engagements and Youth Camp appointments
for the summer. Adfleess is ; Edgar Nichols, 117 South Walnut St.,
Lincoln, Illinois.
B^eju* ir??:^.oia Ui Qirist,
a/ Pom:t Mil Oagisfeifiaii -.aan^^
IMS K,-i
Ck^^ms. OICl<ih(Bi%
Wif lnjpfij.- U. Bwjir iflt'.i:';tioa to ytttru to tJw Troris in Haisraiio HhG
fx* ar^riTed Sn ttus StaKos in ^aXy 1957, ws not at all ffar-si t^a' ^ml/X s^tnyift
Hn>?ai:ilo IHiring our 2a<Rt tons on ttys fisldp W9 spoii't tsro yo^yi cq CiiinftfiaTl
b^-Tfcwi Borders elx aooths creasing Tibat and Icdiap in aftvarail
m:)nth;3 iia ISxai^lJindf, ani tiixise and csie-iiaif yeara In HaaaJdo IXirlng thi^ tlma wr
1'Wt aawtial of our supporting shxircii'taj so that during cu* stay in Hawaii our
a-ipport Ttwj f*4r fraa Edwquateo Porhap-j It wsii bsssae^ of this that va fait sonif
dicswiragentent^ at ny m did fool that tho Chur-'^Qs in the 80S a did naad to
fct* .firakot^ to their r-asposnaibiXity i:i th Tjarld-^iaida tak of nieeionau A we
hitwo spoikeu in your dmxsbee and taught in Otriatisn Servlcs Cmpb^ we hawe felt,
that God has usod uo, at leaist in a eciall wayp to biiag idxa sballs ngo of todays
prevning needs^ W haee found that pimple do respond *hen they are told the fatfefs
are presented idth the eiiallongeo
flhijn we retttm.f, it will toe to elart a ni!?w work In one the popalfitlon
inters 00 the itla^ of OshUft The JSailua^Jtaneohe aa^a has .i large and growing pcp=
uiaiion, toai pn yet does not haro a single tJaw IssfaisoRt ^iroho The tlwa Beach -^.rea
esibTecea a large housing devolop.'iont with feiTp if any^ chur.h faoillUefSe H ixi^oxxi
to investigate fully before makihg the choice of a plae to looateo
In starting a new work thesy flill be estra cxp^amn^ auch o.s for sdvgrtis'tng-,
renting a place of iia*?ting# etco '^e have two healthy boys, /indiw and B@uben, vho
have to be fed and clothed believe that ^00 per moagp iis a eonsorvativo pE5t=
iisat at the ancvnt retiuired for living and miaaion espaiiBf-a Vie still need to
;caiae $300 of this We have a "54 Pa d,, whidi is crying to toe traded for a TOJtjii
wagen or Koaibler Station Wagon Ofeor or^uipaent necjded ia &slid^ pr>>,^efttorj a
duplXtsatiikg machine^ and a tapQ reconijs' If your church or group would like tr
famish on of tlwe ptecos of otttpmetit w would be most happy to hear from ycu
wo id like to think tha^. *w could 's-wd out these letters^ th^rn sit back and *?8i.t
for tho money to corns pouring; in However, eKperleace would indicate oteerwixe Per
hiqas it ;l8 Juat aa wll^ for if thte camo to pftea^ it rob both you and us of
the opportunity of becoming better aoiuainted Ke do hop ycfU tdll give u.t thia rhenceo
Xfcde ia oup plan, and wo sxs very grateful to the J'oreot Hill flirlatian ^^urfjh
of Oklahoma ''Ity for their hcelp in making it poesibte We are moving to OiScIahcaia City
end will make it owr canter of pperationa ifihsn liot out on visitation trips to ^^thor
drorehes m will be helping Broker Hidlum in the ^tork of ti-si locsl congaegaticu
If your church ia not as aware of its aiaslia*y reapoimlbiiity as it should bo?
would like to pay you a violto W t4 u ccme for a one day atandj or for a weok cf
moetingao llie purpose in holxUng a wetiU cf mestlngs would ba to arouB missloaa^
help ^he idiurch in it# osro p;iegrsn of ducatiom in oiisftlons^ to et'q^aint
the <4iurch membera with ua and with cur work W& suggest th it it shouJil begin Thth
OUT special progmn "An evonlzag in Tibet''^ and wcrald include opportunity to moi^t
with groups such as the church board^ say miaeicnayy organi'iatdtms^ otkI offioor?
ixnd tear^iers of the Bible SiSioolZ
It lill enrourago ua a lot If w raeeivo a good respoawjQ to thin te'&ierj no
please do not put this down until you have dene aomething al>3Ut it If you who are
reading are not a miniatsiP;, will you pleaae bring It to the attention of your
minister or sctnj other interested poraoa
fours An His aervico;,

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