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Jose Walo Camilon III


BPA 2-2A

Mr. Antonio Batad

What is Human Behaviour?

Human behaviour, the potential and expressed capacity for physical, mental, and
social activity during the phases of human life.
Human beings, like other animal species, have a typical life course that consists of
successive phases of growth, each of which is characterized by a distinct set of
physical, physiological, and behavioral features. These phases are prenatal life, infancy,
childhood, adolescence, and adulthood (including old age). Human development, or
developmental psychology, is a field of study that attempts to describe and explain the
changes in human cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capabilities and functioning over
the entire life span, from the fetus to old age.

Most scientific research on human development has concentrated on the period from
birth through early adolescence, owing to both the rapidity and magnitude of the
psychological changes observed during those phases and to the fact that they
culminate in the optimum mental functioning of early adulthood. A primary motivation of
many investigators in the field has been to determine how the culminating mental










essay will concentrate, therefore, on human development during the first 12 years of

What is Behavioural Science?

science is
of human and animal behaviour through controlled and naturalistic observation, and
disciplined scientific experimentation. It attempts to accomplish legitimate, objective

conclusions through rigorous formulations and observation. Examples of behavioural

sciences include psychology,psychobiology, and cognitive science.
Behavioral sciences can be divided into two academic fields: neural (information
sciences) and social (relational sciences).

Information processing sciences deal with information processing of stimuli from the
social environment by cognitive entities, to engage in decision making, social judgment
and social perception for individual functioning and survival of organism in a social
environment. Psychology, cognitive science, psychobiology, neural networks, social
cognition, social psychology, semantic networks, ethology and social neuroscience are
classified as information processing sciences.

On the other hand, relational sciences deals with relationships, interaction,

communication networks, associations and relational strategies or dynamics among
organisms or cognitive entities in a social system. sociological social psychology, social
networks, dynamic network analysis, agent-based model and microsimulation are
classifed as relational sciences.
Reference: Klemke, E. D., Hollinger, R., and Kline, A. D., (1980), Introduction to the book in 'Introductory Readings in
the Philosophy of Science': Buffalo, New York, Prometheus Books p 11-12

Why is the study of Human Behaviour important?

Human behavior is important in an organization as it defines how people work together and
interact with one another. A co-operative team with an established leader will produce better
results than a group of people that have no guidance and don't know how to work with one
another. Organizations spend time and effort in the human resources department
ensuring human behavior in the workplace is appropriate and productive.
Human behavior and the organization hierarchy
Human behavior is of crucial importance in the establishment of a hierarchy. Hierarchies are
necessary in every kind of organization, from schools to companies to charities. Some homes
even have a hierarchy established. Hierarchies allow workers in an organization to pursue
similar objectives byworking together. Leaders are needed to guide organization members
through day-to-day tasks. Human behavior dictates the strongest will be highest in a hierarchy,
as it is for those people organization members have the greatest respect. For instance, in a
company, it will be those with the most work experience and highest standard of qualifications
who gain high hierarchy positions.

Human behavior and co-operation

Human behavior allows members of an organization to work together effectively. As people
know the necessary way in which to interact with one another, they can communicate effectively
and build good workingrelationships that allow organization objectives to be pursued with
maximum effect. Sometimes it is necessary to influence and change human behavior in terms of
cooperation. For instance, a few decades ago it was considered the norm for male colleagues to
call female colleagues pet names such as 'love' and 'hun'. Nowadays, this is thought to be
unprofessional and even derogatory. Any organization member who treats their colleagues in a
way that is deemed inappropriate can face disciplinary procedures if they do not alter their

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