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Tocino Lives
Act II- Secrets
By D.J. Bacon @2015

Chapters List:
Act II- Secrets:

Chp. 1- Unfamiliar Territory..Pg. 2

Chp. 2- The Prophecy...Pg. 9
Chp. 3- Time For Training..Pg. 12
Chp. 4- The Surge...Pg. 16
Chp. 5- The Prophecy Untold..Pg. 19
Chp. 6- Aurora Sky..Pg. 22
Chp. 7- Amnesia.....Pg. 24
Chp. 8- The Search (Annas Perspective)...Pg. 27
Chp. 9- Medical Evaluation.Pg. 30
Chp. 10- The Truth Unfolds....Pg. 34
Chp. 11- End of the LinePg. 40
Chp. 12- Aftermath (Marias Perspective)..Pg. 43
Chp. 13- Where Curiosity and Fate Collide........................................Pg. 45


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Chapter 1: Unfamiliar Territory

We are all born for a purpose unknown from the start, but revealed slowly
overtime. Our destiny will follow us until the end. What we are meant to do will
always be revealed to us, but you decided whether to accept reality or not. So
stand up, take a walk, and head towards fate before it finds you. It is time to rise
up and become something. It took me forever, I always felt like I was nobody.
Then, everything changed when I got these unknown special abilities. I dont
know what they are for or why I have them, but for now, Im listening to reality,
relying on hope, and surely I will bring justice in the end.
My body lay restless upon a sheeted bed and standing over me was
people that I did not expect. The cloaked figures revealed themselves to me,
and told me that my body shouldnt have survived the time warp. It was 2052
and I was helplessly unprepared for what comes next. So why I am here, and
who are you people? I said while speaking out of my unmovable body.


are here to help you, to understand your destiny, and all of that will be
determined by the tests we will put you through, and when you are ready, we
will train you and reveal ourselves to you. Trust me, you need us more then you
know. A man in a white cloak said to me while preparing the tests.
As the people prepped the tests, they hooked several wires up to my
body. Then suddenly, I heard one of them say, Do it now! The next thing I know
I feel a sudden surge of electricity flow through my body, then in a dreamlike
state I saw Annabelle and Maria both walking toward me, and I was not sure
what was happening right now. It surely was a test of loyalty, but who do I
choose? Maria, the girl that has been my best friend forever or Annabelle who
has also known me forever, but shes the one I suddenly fell in love with because
I thought Maria had given up on me. Around my neck still was my infinity
bracelet for Maria and upon my finger was the Tocino Lives sapphire ring that
Annabelle gave me. I walked forward and I saw myself placing my ring on
Annabelles finger and I then I put my necklace around Marias neck, and then


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they both disappeared. Simply vanished from nothing. However, there was more
than just one test.
I saw this computer generated world evolve into a new test that was far
more complicated. It tested my memory more than I could believe. Standing
before me was now the presence of my very first love Chyenne. I knew her since
I was four years old and we were best friends for years until one day we got
separated after my church kicked me out for something so small as throwing
chairs. After I returned a year later, I found that she had stopped going to
church. We were separated for a few years and during this time I fell in love with
four various girls. It started with Maura at Williams Magnet School in 5th Grade
through 6th grade at Eisenhower Middle School. Then, however after my friend
exposed my secret to her, I fell in love with a girl more like me. Her name was
Heather and how close of friends we became. She is the most intelligent girl I
have ever met. We used to talk on Facebook all the time. I still remember my 6th
grade project where I built a website all based on Microsoft for the PC vs. Mac
debate. However, there was never a clear winner. I continued to work on my
website over time while maintaining Heather as a very close friend. However,
there eventually came a time when I moved to a new place and thats where I
met Maria, the girl with the most caring family, a family like my own, a family I
felt like could be mine. However, even after I met Maria, I still fell in love with
Heather gradually, but then later that winter, Maria revealed to Heather that I
had a crush on her, which I felt changed our friendship completely. Heather
later came to my 14th birthday party along with Maria. However, during my
party, Heather realized that Maria and I were very close, and believed we could
become a couple. However as the next year went by, I fell in love with the
fourth girl, Annabelle. I felt sorry for her as she had similar emotions to mine and
has experienced more dramatic things then I ever will.
As the dreamlike state made me remember these girls, each one had a
question I had to answer. Chyenne asked, What did we pinky swear on when
we had the picnic at the zoo when we were kids? I looked up and saw her and
I as little kids in the back of my Aunt and Uncles car. Promise me that when we
grow up, we will get married. The younger Chyenne said. I then watched as I
said, Pinky swear. Then, following that, we did indeed pinky swear. Our
promise I guess may or may not fall through.


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Then, the memory disappeared and so did Chyenne. Then, it was Maura
who then asked me, Who introduced you to Heather? I then watched as the
next memory played showing my 6th grade self, walking with Maura where she
introduced me to her two close friends Bryanna and Heather. I said, Its nice to
meet you. I then saw myself continuing to talk to them as the memory played,
showing various moments of us laughing joyfully. However, then the memory
disappeared once again and so did Maura.
Then, it came time for Heather to ask me a question, but the memory
didnt play, and instead I saw something else, I saw a glitch in the system. I saw
her fade away like she didnt exist. Now, the only two that remain before me
was Maria and Annabelle. However, I saw all my friends suddenly behind them,
and then one by one they all faded away. I didnt know what was going on,
and then I saw it.I saw myself in the future, however I was losing something. I
saw all my friends die and I was the only survivor. Okay, pull him out now! Hes
seen too much! A feminine voice said as I was suddenly awakened back to
At this rate we will never find out if hes capable of doing what is
necessary! The white cloaked man said. Hes just the test subject, you already
know hes not going to make it, his blood is killing him! The feminine voice now
clearly coming from a woman with long blond hair. He needs to be ready
before the Surge comes. Otherwise we will never stop the war! The man in
white argued with the woman. Ok, just shut up and let me talk! Where am I?
Plus, what the hell did you do to me? I said angry and confused, but still unable
to move my body.
Its too soon, not yet, we must continue testing, immediately! The man in
white said. What are you testing me for? Plus, why cant I move? I said. You
fell through a time warp, and now you are in the city of Curiosity in the year 2052.
Plus, you sustained severe injuries before you came here. The woman with the
blond hair said kindly as she walked up towards me to point out my injuries. My
name is Chyenne by the way; you probably dont recognize me in all the years
its been. The woman with the blond hair said to be revealing herself to be
Chyenne; however, this led me to a massive amount of confusion. Its true, that
is Chy and I am simply..your brother. The man in white said. Thats
impossible; my brother was helping my father in the war and nearly killed me! I


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said as I eagerly wanted to kill him right now. However, Im not your brother
Brandan, Im one of your other half-blood brothers from your dads side, but I
never agreed to the mess our father has made. My name is Ricardo or Rick for
short. We are the few survivors of the Uprising and the war of 2014. Rick said to
me revealing himself to be another sibling of mine. Where are there others?
What happened? I said as I wanted to know more about what happened.
Simply stating, the reason we are still young is because you are in the sim, She was cut off by my brother Rick telling her, Its not time for him to know the
truth, its not what Olivia wouldve wanted. Rick said revealing more curious
information as he continued to pace back in forth. Whos Olivia? I said in
curiosity. You ask a lot of questions my dear friend and brother. Olivia was both
our sister, however she possessed the same abilities that you have. She was the
original Alpha Guardian and had mighty strong powers, but she died a tragic
fate. Her blood was discovered as a healing agent and also that her blood
could be used to give other people powers. So our father made three top
secret projects and then many more after that. However your sister died 2 years
ago when our father drained her of her powers and transferred them to not only
your brother Brandan, but injected her blood into what he now calls super
soldiers who now also have these powers. However that didnt stop him from
trying to replicate her mysterious powers even stronger on a new We have you currently hooked up to what we call the Virtual
Imagery Cinematic Scenario device or VICS for short. It has the ability to unlock
memories from your past that you cant remember and we are trying to figure
out if somehow you are bonded to Olivia in a way, she was one year younger
than you, however for some reason, you also now have powers. Its a very long
story for you to take into account right now, but there is a war coming in 2074,
and that war will destroy what is left of our world. He said very seriously in trying
to get my memory of how I got these abilities.
Ok, so what does this have to do with me? I said in seeking the truth
while other people entered the room. It means all the matter in the world. You
could lead us to the new Alpha Guardian, who will be able to prevent the
destruction of our world in 2074. Your memories are the only chance we got. So
if you will, please lie back down, and let us continue testing you. Plus, you need
to heal, so youll be ready for training soon. My name is James White, and I am


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the leader of the remainder of the Uprising. The guy named James said as he
entered in the room with luxurious equipment on, as well as the other people
that entered the room. Ok, what do you need from me? I said as I got ready
to enter the VICS device once again.
As time continued to move forward, more of my memories were replayed
over and over again until they could unlock what happened when I was born.
Then, the next hurtful memory played. As I watched the next memory, I
watched when I was five years old in the hospital with mono. I was there for one
week. I watched as my family were at my bedside praying for me as the doctors
did not know what was wrong with me. I had numerous testing done as I
watched the doctors determine I had mono. However, as I recovered from the
sickness, I got the phone call. The phone call I would dread for the rest of my life.
It was my father callingit was the first time I had ever spoken to him. He said
to me, Son, I promise Ill do whatever I can to be there, however I cant right
now, but I promise Ill be there next summer. I began to cry out of confusion
because I never knew my father. Then, the memories played over the following
summer when I desperately waited outside for my father to come, but he never
showed. The memories continues showing me standing outside in the summer
waiting for my father to come as each year went by, seeing me hope and pray
he would come, but he never did.
The memories continued to get more intense as I watched myself grow up
with my Mom and Grandma as they taught me everything I know along with the
help of my Aunt and Uncle along the way. It was like watching my entire life
float by in a matter of minutes. I saw all the fun I had at school growing up and
hanging out with my friends. I was a happy kid, but then slowly I began to fall as
my life continued. I saw myself get angrier and more violent along the way.
Eventually, by the time it caught up to me, I saw myself skipping from school and
becoming more different. I fell into peer pressure and started smoking a couple
times. It made me remember the couple times I did drugs, however I never
made a habit of it. I saw myself trying to help my friends stop as well. I realized as
all these memories played that I was just like everyone else at one point. I was
just a teen with nothing special. However, then came the day I got my powers. I
saw all the things I did with my powers; however it never showed how I got them.


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My memories couldnt even tell me how I survived the tornado incident. It was a
blessing, but what is the purpose?
This is getting hopeless. Its been three weeks now and still we cant
determine how Dakota got his powers. James said as he felt hopeless for his
own team of soldiers. Wake him up, I got an idea. Rick said as he took me out
of the system. Ok, brother, are you ready for training. He continued as he
unhooked the final cables. You think Im ready? I asked as I lifted myself off
the VICS device. We cant hold you back any longer, we need to train you,
and so you can get back to your friends before they die in the war that was
started in the purpose of findingthe Alpha Guardian. However, without your
locked memories, we cant access the origin of the powers meaning we cant
determine who the next Alpha Guardian is. Rick said as he led me to the
outside for the first time since the rescued me. As I walked outside, I felt the fresh
air, but however the city I saw gave me a vision of devastation and I fainted. As
I collapsed on the ground, Rick and the others began trying to revive me, as if
something was killing me, but as the sound of their voices got distorted, I finally
fell into another coma.
As I began to speed through all my memories I was suddenly standing on
top of the Empire State building in New York City. I saw the world falling apart
with explosions all around. The world was collapsing. Then, finally the woman
figure I always saw many times before that told me in the past to be patient,
finally came forward as I said, Who are you? Then she disappeared like smoke,
but then I heard the feminine voice whisper in my ear, Turn around and youll
see. As I turned around with the world collapsing around me, I finally saw her. A
teenage girl dressed in all white clothing. She had brown hair with red tints to it,
and she had the brownest of eyes. Its time for you to know. Its time for
everything to be revealed to you. Its time you knew the prophecy. All this time
waiting, but here you are, standing before me. I have been watching you,
guiding you towards your fate. She said with a simplistic smile. I just want to
know who are you before you keep talking, and tell me whats going on. I said
as I began to see a cloaked figure in the distance, restoring the destruction of
the world. However, before I had time to see what was going on, the woman in
white said, Youre just like Rick; you have such a pure heart. You inspire others,
you motivate others, and you help others. Plus, we share something in common,


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Dakota. We have the same blood my brother. My name is Olivia and now if
youll follow me, its time for you to know the truth. The beautiful woman said
revealing herself to be my sister Olivia, and from that moment, there was a
peace, and the truth shocked me. However, I followed my sister, and all that
was meant to be revealed, is revealed to me. Now my brother, take my hands,
its time that you see the past, present, and the future. So as my sister said, I
grabbed her hands and together we stepped into the light.


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Chapter 2: The Prophecy

We are all afraid of something. We can say all day long that were not
afraid of anything when deep down even the most fearless leaders have some
sort of fear. However, fear is what destroys, is what makes us fall into peer
pressure, and ultimately leads to darkness. However, what is it like to be fearless?
To be painless? I dont think well ever know. However, seeing my sister and
learning the prophecy will make you more afraid then you would believe. If you
knew all your loved ones would die, and the only chance of saving them was
you, then wouldnt you be afraid? I was preparing to learn the biggest truth I
have ever faced, and let me tell you..I..was.afraid. However, being
afraid doesnt make you a coward, it only makes you human. Nobody is perfect,
not even me. I have made mistakes, as will everybody in the world, but if Im
going to fulfill this prophecy, then I must not make a mistake..our lives
depend on it.
As my sister Olivia and I stepped into the light, I saw us looking down at
the past where she revealed the memory I couldnt remember. I saw my father
inject some sort of fluid into my body, then he carried be over in tears towards
this spectrum of bright light, but it was actually electromagnetism, and as he laid
my body down. He pulled the trigger, and as my baby sized body got
electrocuted, I felt the pain from it like it was happening all over again. However,
then my mom entered the area. I saw my mother and father argue, before I saw
my mom take me away and my father was angry and kicked over his science
equipment, and then he shouted, Thats our only hope lying in your arms! My
father said while walking back up to my mom and grabbing her. What did you
do to him? Hes just a baby! My mom yelled back trying to protect me. I did
what had to be done. My father yelled as my mom walked away, and after this
point my father was never seen again.
However, thats when Olivia revealed that the following year he tried a
more similar procedure on her. However, the effects were rapid, with her powers


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taking effect immediately. She grew up with her powers, becoming stronger
and stronger each day, until soon, my father used her for what she was made
for. She was the Alpha Guardian meaning that the she was the only one with
the power capable of finding, using, and destroying the Matrix which holds the
power to anything a man would want. It has the power to create anything.
However, although my father used the Matrix to finally accomplish his dreams of
making a bridge through time and space, along with a bridge to create a
computer generated world, but it never showed if he was successful, as
eventually the Matrix rejected him and my sister both, because it was no longer
time for my sister to be the Alpha Guardian. It turned out that there was a more
powerful Alpha Guardian out there somewhere who the true master of the
Matrix was; however as the Matrix left them; it concealed itself in the bridge of
space and time deep within a convergence of massive electromagnetic power
called the Alpha which refers to the name of the Alpha Guardian. Upset and
angry at the loss of the Matrix, my father did more tests on my sister that would
eventually lead to her demise. Soon it was discovered that her blood could cure
any disease, any illness, and injury with a simple injection of her blood into
another body. However, there were complications. Anyone injected with her
blood also received powers in different ways. So after being completely drained
of her blood, my sister died and the Prophecy now belongs to the new Alpha
My sister then showed me the present day back in 2014, where I saw my
friends for the first time in nearly a month. My friends ended up fighting the
soldiers and won. However, there was a bigger war coming, very, very soon. I
saw the corruption spread across most of the nation, consuming everything.
However, last but not least, I saw my friends killed, because I wasnt there to stop
this monstrosity. However, as Olivia continued to show me my friends
desperately searching for me as weeks have gone by, I realized I really do have
true friends. Then, the pain started again, and the world around me began to
Its your blood isnt it? Its killing you. Olivia said while trying to help me
stand back up. I know Im dying, I been having nosebleeds ever since my
powers started. I said as my sister Olivia began to show me the future. Then the
prophecy is true, you are the one that is meant to find the Alpha Guardian and


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help him or her end this war. Olivia said trying to show me my destiny. Your
fate, you are dying from a disease, did you know? Its progressing rapidly. If you
dont do something soon, you surely will die, however the time is not now. She
continued as she paced in desperation. What do you mean? I said confused
by her saying not now. In the prophecy, you surely will die, but that is after you
stop this war. She said showing me the destruction of our world in 2074. There
are some things I cant tell you as you must learn the truth on your own, but
once you die, you can finally come home. Olivia continued as I was shocked
to realize I was dying, although I was suspecting it all along. Ok, if Im going to
die, then I hope its worth it. I said desperately. The prophecy states that the
Alpha Guardian must destroy the Matrix before it falls in the hands of evil, and to
stop the destruction of our world. However, its time I say goodbye for now, as
the truth is for you to discover on your own. She said as I suddenly woke up
back in the arms of my brother Rick. Im dying, did you know? I asked my
brother. Yes, I did, I suspect you saw Olivia, so now its time we tell you what we
know and prepare you for whats next. He said as I began to feel something
inside me that shouldnt belong. I was dying not from my injuries, but from a
disease, and I think I know what it is.


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Chapter 3: Time for Training

Have you ever noticed that time is far more complicated than anything
else out there? What is time? Is it real or is it simply something made up by
scientists? True we have night and day, but time was made up to help us create
a pattern, a schedule of life. Time itself is an illusion. In reality there is no time.
True, we age, we grow, but its all part of a simple, but complicated concept.
However, when you know youre going to die, what would you do? Would you
seek out old friends? Old memories? Or simply just wait to die? Now that I knew
the first part of the prophecy, I knew that in the end I must ultimately die.
However, I must find this Alpha Guardian and stop this war before it is too late,
but who is it and where do I find them? My ultimate journey is about to begin..
So, Dakota, how old are you again? James, the leader of the remaining
Uprising asked me as he walked up to my resting body. Im sixteen as of May
this year. I said as I drank some sort of medicine from a silver cup. Ugh, what is
this? I said in disgust. Its something to help you stay alive; we need you for as
long as we can. Rick, my brother, said as he has been the one doctoring me.
It doesnt matter, hes too young for training, and he has to be at least
eighteen. James said as he reasoned with Rick. It doesnt matter, we need
him. The surge is one week away, and that is our only chance for him to get
back to his friends. Rick said as he paced while clearly stating this was the only
way out. Ill take him in. Chyenne said as she entered the room and told me to
get ready.
As I prepared the stuff they provided for me, I finally got a look at the
center of the place where they were keeping me. This way, follow me.
Chyenne said as we entered this elevator. Where are we going? I asked while
the elevator descended. Were going to the center of town. Its time that you
train from a true master. She said as I saw a giant ball of electricity in a glass
bowl powering the facility. What is that? I said as I looked at it curiously. That
is what powers the town now; we are in the center of the town in the


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headquarters for the VICS device. After the war several years ago, electricity
became non-existent. So did oil, coal, and other sources of power. Now we rely
on fusion power made from this reactor core of electromagnetism. She said
explaining the downfall of the war of 2014. Today, Cody you will begin training
to use your powers in a world that is non-existent of electricity which fuels your
powers. She continued. So if Im so important, how do I stop this war? I asked
as the elevator stopped. Only you can figure that out. The prophecy is yours to
figure out. She said as she led me outside for the first time in a month where I
saw brilliant city structures unlike anything in the past life. The structures were
similar to skyscrapers, but they floated off the ground by fusion power. There
were also mono-rails as high as the clouds, transporting people from city to city.
The cars also ran on fusion power and had no wheels as they were like hover
boards gliding down the street. Wow, what is this? I asked as I walked out in
the sunlight to see a hover car land beside me. This is the future, now get on.
She said as I got into this vehicle of supreme technology and appeal. I wasnt
expecting this. I said as we began to maneuver the great city.
None of us expected this to tell you the truth. We were all condemned to
this place of lies. Chyenne said as we neared a giant floating arena. What do
you mean condemned? What is this place? I said wanting to know the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That is for you to discover on your
own. You cant remember me do you? This is what this place does. It
manipulates time, stability, and life all for the cause of trying to save mankind.
This is why youre here. To help us prevent the destruction of our world. She said
as we landed and I told her that, Im not ready. You are already ready, but
this is why I brought you here, to train from a great leader. She said as we
began to walk through these doors large enough for cruise ships to pass through.
So if you made it through time to here, did Anna, Corey, Hondro and the rest
make it as well? I said making Chyenne realize I did remember. So you do
remember? Chyenne said looking at me in surprise as we walked into the
arena. Of course I remember who would forget their most important friends in
life, not me ever. I have had people turn their backs on me, but I still watch from
a distance making sure everyone is ok. Now, you tell me again I would really
forget about you and everyone else. Im just confused on how this is all
happening in the first place. I said as I walked into a room of people shaking


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my hand as I entered and then I was in the large arena, except it was to
practice using my powers. To make me stronger. Ok, then dont worry only
some of us got stuck here, all your other friends are still back in 2014 in which
there is a war you must stop. So here you are to train. Chyenne said revealing
what was next.
As I emerged from the crowd of people desperately awaiting my arrival, I
saw it before me like a mountain. I saw this giant platform high in the sky and my
objective was to get up there. As I tried using my powers, it all but failed as
immediately we were under attack. Someone, somebody was taking a hit on
the floating arena. Ok, we have to leave now. She said as immediately
everyone flooded the exits. I thought we were here to train. There is something
you are not telling me, so Im going up there. I said as I immediately forced
myself to get to the top using a various amount of my powers against their will.
However, as I reached the top, I was suddenly struck by a missile and the
explosion caused me to free fall. As I was free falling I had no control of my
powers. I flew through the buildings like a knife piercing tomatoes. An explosion
of monstrosity continued as I finally landed on a hover car, causing my wounds
to reopen. However, as I dragged my body across the ground, I began to see
visions of a dark power called the surge which will destroy the city tomorrow
unless I stop it. However, as I dragged my body I saw soldiers racing up to me,
however, Rick and Chyenne emerged from the wreckage and killed the soldiers.
As they carried my body back to safety I asked in my chocking breath, What is
the surge?
Thats your training my brother; you must absorb the power of the surges
electromagnetism to not only save the city, but to unlock your fusion side of your
powers. However, I have something shocking to tell you Dakota. I ran tests on
your blood and its the same as Olivias, it has the power to cure anything
except for your own weaknesses. You however possess something that Olivia
never had; the reason why you survived the Time Warp is because you are
immune to electromagnetism. Meaning only you can absorb the power of the
surge, and if that is possible you will be able to get back to 2014, however your
blood also contains something else entirely. The DNA of your blood maps out the
location of the Matrix, which only the Alpha Guardian can destroy or use. So
after the surge is over, you must find the Alpha Guardian and destroy the matrix


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before it is used to destroy our world in 2074. However one thing, I would
consider most wise is do not tell anyone about your blood, or it would mean
your life. Rick informed me as he used the last vial of Olivias blood to save my
life and heal my injuries, which almost immediately gave me powers unlike my
own, but before I had time to respond, I let my sisters DNA bond with my own,
causing me to faint.


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Chapter 4: The Surge

Sometimes you live to relive past experiences. Its why we are here in the
first place. We go through hard moments in life to learn how to push through if
the situation arises again. Weve all had our experiences, but we will not fall. We
will not succumb; we will raise up and over power our obstacles. However, to do
so takes a lot of strength and courage. However, when it involves somebody
else, will you be there for them? To help them rise up? Or will you turn your back
on them and watch them fall? The people you couldve saved. But you didnt,
that was on you. However, to live a life in someone elses shoes is unimaginable,
to live all of their memories; you truly learn who they are. However, as my sisters
blood was now bonding with my own, it finally unlocked something I needed to
As I feel asleep once again, they placed me back in the VICS device to
see if the bonding of my sisters DNA can unlock some of Olivias memories.
However, it was all a painful process. Her blood fused with mine, unlocking
boundaries set by my old powers, but now I had new powers, however it was
not time to use them yet. As I screamed in pain, I finally saw my sisters memories.
This unlocked the truth of her death and the truth of how she got her powers. As
my brother, Rick, and my old friend Chyenne watched the memories on a
screen wired to my thoughts, we together watched Olivias life unfold before
our eyes as my body had finally accepted her blood.
I watched as I saw my sister as a child, gaining strength as she grew older;
however I finally saw the truth. It turns out that when I was a baby, my father
took a vial of my own blood and experimented on it to give it a faster
acceptance rate. Once my sister, Olivia, was born, my father injected her with
my own blood, which gave her abilities quicker than how I got my own. I then
watched as my sister grew up in the presence of my brother Rick who is 7 years
older than her. However, what they didnt know is that my father continued to
experiment with stuff he shouldnt have tampered with. He was messing with
space and time with the newly found Matrix. Olivia found the Matrix one day on
the beach buried deeply in the sand. Once she touched it, it sort of activated
and became loyal to her, showing her all the powers she had, however, the


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Matrix eventually in time, rejected her in search of a new Alpha Guardian.

However, the Matrix was waiting for its true master to arrive. The Real Alpha
Guardian is still out there somewhere, and the War is coming.
However one of the last projects my father was working on was something
extraordinary. He was working on an alternate universe, where time & space
could be manipulated as well as disease, life, and prosperity. All controlled at
the fingertips of him. However, I had a feeling his motives were far worse, but my
thoughts began to blur, and I saw Olivia again. Where she revealed to me, Be
quite and patient, youre almost nearly there, but not yet, you are not ready for
the whole truth. However you do need to know about the Surge, its only hours
away, and you must absorb its power to unlock all your powers and to return
back to the past. Im sure you miss your friends, but if you dont stop the Surge it
will destroy everything. My sister said while showing me the immense
destruction from the raw power of the surge caused by a solar eclipse and
comet that will merge at the same time. The name of this comet is called
Amelia and the comet is made of an element that when it reaches the Eclipse,
the raw power of both will cause the earth to destabilize. Do what must be
done; you will know what to do. She said as she finally left and I awoke.
The Surge was coming and I needed to stop it. How do we stop it? I
asked my brother Rick and everyone else in the room. That is for you to decide.
My brother said to me as He led me to the top of the headquarters. I over
looked the city and a massive storm began to form around the city. Then, I
thought about the high price for whether this could kill me or not. I then decided
that the Surge will merge wherever the source of power for the city is. As the
eclipse began to form and the comet nearing in site, I climbed to the top of the
buildings fusion array. If I was really immune to electromagnetism, then surely I
wont die.
In a last ditch effort, I stood on the edge of the array as the fusion area
was directly beneath me. As the convergence began with the comet and the
eclipse the immense fusion storm began. Everything began to get struck with
some sort of powerful fusion lightning. However, whilst looking over the city one
last time I thought about my friends one last time, Including Maria and
Annabelle. I been gone for so long, but could I actually finally come home.
What were they going to say? It was time I found out.


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As, the storm erupted and began to destroy the buildings surrounding me,
I used my telekinesis and electrical ions in my blood stream to directly target
itself toward me. The fusion lightning finally struck toward me, and I finally had it
where I wanted it. As I absorbed all the power from the Surge, the power
overwhelmed me and as I tried to control all of it, my nose started to bleed
once again. I could feel the power of the fusion mixing with my body. It was
pushing me to my limits, I tried to hold on, but as the entire city was watching
me absorb all this power I began to watch drops of my blood dripping to the
ground. As the power flowed through my body I began to relive my life before
my eyes. I had flashes of the kiss with Annabelle, the necklace I gave to Maria,
my Grandmas death, the explosion of the school, and even all the memories
from the years prior where I watched myself grow up. However, as the surge
ended, I finally fell backwards, falling through the glass. As I tried to hold on to
nothing, I plummeted and fell into the citys source of power, the fusion
transformer. As I fell into it I finally felt the electricity flow through my body, as my
body was electrocuted from all the power. However in an instant I finally saw
myself in between Space & Time, where my sister finally came to me and told
me, Its time you learn the rest of the prophecy. As my sister and I marched
through time together I finally learned the confusing truth.


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Chapter 5: The Prophecy Untold

I realized something today. It is my 17th birthday. However today is the
day that I must die to protect the ones I care about the most, but what I realized
is, is that not all people are worthless. Whether you have powers or not, you
have the ability to do something special. Something that can change the world
entirely. Everyone one is born a purpose; its time to stand up and use it. Be part
of the Worlds Army against the dark forces that seek to destroy us. It was only a
matter of time before I learned what is wrong with me and what I must do to
stop this war. My illness has spread to the deep portions of my body; Im only a
matter of hours away from death. With the Matrix in my blood stream, and the
world slowly collapsing, can I destroy the Simulation in time? There are a lot of
questions left unanswered, but all will be revealed in time. This is my destiny; it
was the fate that was always meant to be

9 Months Earlier..

Olivia and I were standing between life and death, watching the past,
present, and future revolve around us. It was like spectrums of light flowing all
around us. Something however was so curious; I needed to know more about
the Alpha Guardian, where to find him, and how to stop this war in 2074 that will
destroy the world. Olivia then lead me through a blinding path of light where it
was revealed something I didnt want to hear. Dakota, you will die in the end,
do you accept this fate? A man in his near twenties said as he marched
towards me. Who are you? I said as I walked towards him. I am you in the
form of the past, present and the future. Our sister so kindly brought you here as
you are in a limbo between time and death from all that energy you absorbed.
However, the body I take form of now is the body you will die in. However, today
is the day I explain to you what must happen, and you must accept everything I
tell you. Is that clear? He explained as he prepared to show me things I never
seen before. Yes, Im ready. I said as I sat down in the special chair with wires
all around. Ok, good, we are ready to begin, but first you need to understand
that as soon as this is over, you will return back to your old time in 2014. I


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understand. I said as he brought me a vial of blue liquid in a test tube like

shape. Drink, and then you will see. He said as I started drinking the medicine
tasting fluid. Suddenly I fell in a trance and all that was clear became blurry and
I feel asleep.
As I open my eyes I found myself in the middle of war, however it stopped
in an instant and all life was destroyed. However, things began to switch back to
the past. I saw my friends hopelessly looking for me for months, and slowly they
are losing hope as they slowly get captured by my brother, Brandan, who is
desperately trying to find me. I saw more things about this unknown simulation
project. I began to see visions of my life as a young child waiting for my father to
show up when he never did. I saw myself as a little kid with my friends I grew up
to know, not knowing that we would one day we would face this monstrosity
together. Then I saw it in a glimpse, I am dying, but from what? However, I also
saw myself in the presence of my father, while I was cloaked in a red and black
uniform. Plus, I had more power than I ever had before, and slowly I watched
the world explode around me as the earth was destabilizing. However
somehow in another glimpse slowly I saw myself carrying with what appeared to
be a child, where it was then where I told the child, The prophecy belongs to
you now. I then left to face my final battle where I sacrificed myself to destroy
the one thing that threatened everything I cared about. I saw myself die and a
blurry figure came to my side, and in a final revelation I said, Aurora is the
Alpha Guardian now. Protect her. Teach her. Tell her it is her destiny to do what I
could not. It was then where I died, and then the visions came to an end.
However I was confused, and then I awoke back in the presence of my sister
We need to make sure you understand. Its time I show you what to do.
She said as I saw for myself what was coming. Are you ready? Olivia said as
she began to wave and control the space & time. I may not be the Alpha
Guardian in the Real World, but I am in this world. She said as my curiosity
heightened. What do you mean this world? I said as I walked in the midst of
time and space. You will learn eventually. That is for you to discover on your
own. Im ready to leave now; all of this will come back to you in time. She said
as she walked away in the passage she was trying to lead me into. As I walked
through the passage, everything around me began to spiral in all directions with


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bright lights heavy on my eyes. I saw the whole world race around me, I saw
everything I needed to see, but before it ended I saw a glimpse of my dead
body lying restless on the ground in the middle of a snowy forest with a pool of
blood surrounding my body. Then suddenly I awoke, but something was wrong. I
still didnt know who the Alpha Guardian was or where to find him. However,
something inside me told me that I knew who it was.


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Chapter 6: Aurora Sky

It was a curious thing to see some of the future. However, the thing about
curiosity is that it can be very dangerous and powerful. I was confused about
everything that was happening and now I get to go home I can be free.
However, as I walked through my past, present and future, the light got brighter
and brighter and then there before me was somebody I didnt expect or know
and for a while we starred at each other curiously.
Standing before me was a teenage girl about my age and it wasnt Olivia,
it was another girl with dark brown hair with a red tint to it. Her body tall while
lean and slender. The girl also looked like she meant business with her strong
posture. She was wearing what appeared to be a red and black stealth uniform
with a hood, similar to an Assassins Creed uniform. As I wondered who she was
she eventually looked at me and said, Hello.
What happened to Olivia and who are you? I asked with my voice
desperate with curiosity while pacing back and forth in a place that is
indescribable. Well, lets just say I been taking the form of Olivia all along to
lead you to me so I can eventually reveal the truth to you. Im sure you have a
lot of questions and so do I. I showed you a glimpse of the future where you will
die, and also about the baby you will have. She said while walking closer
toward me with her hands on her hips. What, you are saying Olivia was you all
along? Plus, what about the child? What about the mother, who is the mother?
I said frantically now even more curious. Well, lets get one thing clear. Im not
allowed to tell you anything about the future as it can break the balance
between time and space. However, what I can tell you is the baby girl that you
were holding, well that was me. So once again, hello, my name is Aurora. What
is yours? Aurora said very cautiously and ultimately revealed she is my future
daughter. This made me tremble from head to shoulder not believing what this
girl is saying to me.
So what you are saying is that, you are my daughter? How can that be?
How are you here right now? I asked her stepping back as I began to become
afraid of her. Yes, I am your daughter, eventually that time will come, and
however for right now I need to tell you what is coming soon and what to


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prepare for. Aurora said very serious like it meant the end of world, and that her
life depended on me knowing the truth or was it me that she was worried
I dont understand how you are even here right now and what you so
desperately want me to know. Why does this matter?
It means absolutely everything. There is a war coming far worse than you
know about. You must find him, The Alpha Guardian as he is the only one that
can control the Matrix and destroy it. If your father finishes what he started with
Olivia then it will mean the end of us all. Your blood can heal people right?
However you still dont know what you are dying from do you? All I can tell you
is that the Matrix is a very powerful device, and if he finds it, it will ultimately
destroy the real world and only the false world will exist, the simulation. You will
die in the end, it is your fate to stop this war. Otherwise billions will die. So dear
Father, I ask that you look deep inside yourself and find who you are meant to
be. Its all up to you now. The fate of the world rests in your hands..
What do you mean my father? Whats the simulation? How do you know
all of this?
Well, in the distant future I am.the Alpha Guardian. As she said those
words, she left and disappeared before I could ask questions and instantly
beneath me the floor crumbled and I fell, and then everything went out of
perspective. Everything was so confusing now, I dont know whats happening,
but now I know I must find the Alpha Guardian, soon..


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Chapter 7: Amnesia
Some are wise, some are not. Some are strong, while others remain weak.
It is to who seeks vanity and pride that shall ultimately fail, but for those that seek
serenity will prevail in every possible way. I dont yet know what my talents are, I
dont know if I will ever be recognized. These powers have led me on a path
that has ultimately changed my life, however is it worth it? Every choice, every
decision, and every action comes with consequences. I have lost a lot along
the way, while I have learned the truth which is the most important, however I
am home now, and all that I have is compassion for the open arms of my friends
racing towards me. Finally, I am here. I am home. However something remains
empty inside..
Suddenly, I was lying upon the wet ice cold pavement at the middle of
the night. I had upon me no jacket, nothing to keep me warm. As I stood, blood
slowly dripped from my nose into the puddles of water on the ground. However,
the freezing fall air slowed down my bleeding nose quickly. As I started to walk
around, I looked to see where I wasand I was home. There was snow slowly
starting to fall and my breath was clearly visible. I walked on, shivering from the
night air as the snow began to stick to my hair. However, something was wrong.
Everything was too quiet, no sign of any further destruction or desolation. The
war? Was it was too soon to tell. I continued on my adventure to
home as I saw the ruins of houses and cars all around me. The war was clearly
over now, but I just hope my friends and family are safe. Eventually as time
passed I made my way back home, however as I saw my friends they began to
rush towards me and hug me and they all asked where I had been. However as
I sat down to tell them, bright flashes of memories popped into my head, but it
felt like something was frying in my mind. I couldnt remember where I was. I
couldnt remember what happened. I even asked myself once again, who am
Dakota? Are you alright? Maria asked as she was looming over my cold
body. Where have you been? She continued as she walked over to pour me
a glass of hot apple cider. Yeah, of course Im alright, what happened? I said
as my vision continued to blur and my thoughts disorganized. Well, luckily we


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stopped the war, and then..poof. You went missing and we went searching
for you for days. Annabelle said as she was laying upside down in a brown
chair recliner.
Suddenly, my attention was focused on Corey, who walked over to the
refrigerator and poured himself his 7th glass of milk. You and your milk will never
be separated; I guess you have good bones then. I said as I started to
recuperate some memories as Corey responded with, Like I said before, Milk
settles the nerves, I drink it to stay calm. The world may have fallen but Im not
the jackass that started it was I? Nope. Not me. You just get some weird random
ass powers as this war just suddenly drops from the sky. Nope, I dont think this
war is just random. This war has a purpose, and I believe it is to find you.
Practically the war seems over, but that is only because your brother made you
disappear. So in reality, we are simply playing hide and seek while they are
playing seek and destroy. So as part of the Uprising, I guess our duty is to protect
you, however we cant do this on our own, and we need you and only you.
Corey says with an enormous amount of truthfulness and wisdom.
Exactly, so you need to tell us exactly what happened before you came
back. Meresa says while walking over and staring hard into my eyes with a
straight face. I.dont.remember.. I said as the pain from the flashes of
light in my head made me dizzy and clueless. What do you mean you dont
remember? Maria said as I began to drink the Apple Cider warming me from
the cold winter weather outside. I just dontI just feel weird. I need your help
guys. I said as I began to walk over to the kitchen sink to place my empty
cup while my memories were flashing like lightning bolts in my head.
You need our help? We are the ones that need yours. We cant do this
this on our own. We need you, Bacon. Emily said as she trying to influence me
but I was still, then suddenly it hit me. I start to collapse over the kitchen sink and
blood was flowing everywhere from my nose. As I tried to balance myself, I kept
falling over, against the wall, smearing blood everywhere with my hands. Then
everyone tried to come to my aid, but then I remembered that I was dying but
from what? I even started to choke on my own blood, and finally collapsed on
the ground, my head hitting hard against the tile floor and I felt a warm puddle
of blood beginning to surround my face. Everyone tried to help me, but their
voices where turning into unrecognizable blurs of sound. I finally started to see


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the light fade, and then I heard a voice. A voice saying, Dakota, we need you,
and I need you. Without you I will never exist. Remember to follow your heart
and all will be revealed to you. Dont die on me It was Auroras
voice. She was still watching over me, and then my memories started to come
back, about what I needed to do. However, in a way I felt like I was losing a war
with myself. My blood was everywhere and finally as I felt my body being lifted
up by somebody, I felt the blood dripping down my clothes, and then
everything went dark. No sound. No sight. Just a sudden and abrupt blackout,
taking over my life as I was bound to die, it was now only a matter of time

1 Month Earlier


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Chapter 8: The Search (Annas Perspective)

We were winning the battle, not at first, but eventually. I personally
couldnt shoot a single thing. The soldiers were marching towards us and
everything changed. Corey stepped ahead and ultimately killed off the rest of
the soldiers that were racing after us. However, even though we won, we all
wondered where did Tocino go? He went missing, none of us knew where he
was and we were all curious wanting to find him, or did something happen? Did
he die? Was he kidnapped? So the search began.
Did you look over all the dead bodies to make sure that Dakota may still
be alive? Emily asked probably Corey since he was the one dragging the
bodies away where they couldnt be seen. I couldnt find him. Its like he
disappeared out of thin air. Corey said with a worried face, while we were
driving the bus throughout the city.
Thats not possible; he cant just vanish like that. Meresa said trying to
understand the concept of vanishing. Well, he does have powers, duh, maybe
this is a new one and he doesnt know how to control it yet, maybe? I said
while trying to be as obvious as possible, but still like everyone else I began to
The concept of him being gone was actually becoming truer by the
second. We searched the city long and hard and we came back with nothing.
Eventually more time passed and we left to go back home to Topeka. When we
arrived everyone was excited to see us asking us how everything went. However,
I saw Maria and I wanted to tell her how selfish she was or not coming with us.
Now Dakota is somewhere else and we dont know what is happening to him.
I eventually approached Maria and said, Oh miss darling, you think you
and Wayne are so special that you couldnt even come with us. We won, I
thought you should know, but Cody is gone, and we all had to search for him,
while you did nothing. You were probably being a slut or a drug addict while
being with Wayne. Or were you smoking the Mary Jane the whole time? You are
such an ass, you couldve of been there and you werent. I said as Maria
looked at me shocked and surprised at what I said. Thats right you heard me.
You are so pathetic, and I thought we were friends! I said out of the heat of my


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anger. Well, if you were my friend you wouldve told me that you had kissed
him, and didnt. Maria said trying to backtalk to me, I dont think so.
This doesnt concern you, because you werent there in the first place, and
dont get in my business again. I said as I punched her leaving her with a
bloody nose as she simply walked away.
Things started to become more intense and we all had to find shelter
somewhere before the blizzard rolls in. Maria and I exchanged fake happy
smiles at each other while we walked together as a group with everybody,
shivering in the snow as the night approached. On the way to find shelter, we
stopped by some run down grocery stores, and lets just say, we all raided the
shit out of it. We even stole the grocery carts. Then we were on our way..
We eventually found a house that was unlocked and we all settled in it. It
actually was nice, it had a nice leather couch, a huge flat screen TV, a brown
plush reclining chair, and there also was a pretty huge kitchen with a long
dinner table, large enough for us all to sit at. We all realized that night was
coming quickly, so we opened mostly boxes of snacks we got earlier. It was a
nice variety of Twinkies, Cosmic Brownies, Snowballs, Oatmeal Cream Pies, a
couple pies, and some Zingers. For drinks we found some apple cider cartons
and a couple 2 liters of Coke and Dr. Pepper-my favorite-and we all had a nice
conversation together. However, a few hours passed and we found different
areas to sleep, however each room had bunk beds in them. However, Maria
and I got stuck with each other. We didnt talk to each other, but while I had
the top bunk I watched outside to see the giant snowflakes floating by and
waiting to see if Cody had found his way back yet. No luck
Eventually the 4th week came, and it was another day just us six people,
Corey, Andres, Meresa, Emily, Maria, and I. I guess that with no school and with
a massive war on the horizon, we sort of became a family. However, this
evening as I lay upside down on the back of the recliner I started feeling like
there was no more hope of seeing Tocino no matter how much we needed him.
Until suddenly, I hear Corey say with a deep amount of excitement, Its Dakota,
I swear its him. Thats when they all left rushing outside while Maria and I stayed
inside. Maria was heating up the Apple Cider on the gas stove while I stayed in
my chair just simply twiddling my thumbs.


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I told you it was him. Corey whispered in my ear as he brought Cody

over to the leather couch who had a strange confused look on his face. Corey
was talking to him for a while until Cody revealed he doesnt remember what
happened to him while he was gone and all I could think-Was he tortured?-Then
eventually Cody stood up and walked over to the sink and it looked like he was
drunk. Then, as he walked back over towards us, he started to fall backward,
and then I noticed it. His nose was bleeding, and thats when he fell backwards
against the wall. As he desperately tried to hold on to something his hands were
smearing blood all over the teal colored walls. When he fell he didnt speak or
blink. We all rushed over trying to help, but time was up, we were too late, there
he lay in a pool of his own blood, eyes wide open not moving. We were all
screaming his name, and then I bent down and closed his eyes as if he was
dead and thats when the tears came. However, I wasnt the only one, we
finally had him back, and immediately he was dying. What was the secret? Why
didnt we know? Hes died twice already; I dont think he wants to go through
that again. I got you buddy, I got you, well get you help. Corey said as he
lifted Cody into his arms and carried him outside the door in the snow. Codys
arms and legs were listless as if he was paralyzed, then I saw Codys blood
dripping down Coreys own clothes as we all marched toward the nearby
hospital. I couldnt help but feel his sticky blood still on my hands and tried to use
the snow to wash them off, but my hands were still stained red. Tonight made us
whole as family with one goalto make sure our friend would survive..


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Chapter 9: Medical Evaluation

We all face problems in life. Some difficult or others sometimes easier than
others. When the whole world around you begins to crumble, you have to have
faith and hope, because that is what keeps us going, its what keeps us alive. It
was time to learn the truth. To learn what was killing me, and we needed to
progress. We needed to finish the mission, to end the war.
As I was drifting off I saw all of my past as a child so innocent and kind. I
saw all my friends at school that I missed so dearly. I saw a panorama of all my
different memories floating by like a race car. Every moment of my forever was
spinning in my head. All I could wonder is what is going on now, with my great
sense of curiosity. Then, eventually I left my body to see them working on my
body from above.
In my out of body experience I saw them working hastily and quickly, to
find out what was wrong with me. Ok, this fellow needs an MRI scan pronto.
One of the Doctors said as he was figuring out what was wrong with me. Youll
be alright buddy. The nurse said as she rolled my gurney down the long
hallways to the MRI room, there a couple nurses lifted me onto a retractable
steel bed. As I watched my body be placed upon the steel, they placed my
head into a brace so it wouldnt move and they placed my arms into my lap
and then slowly my body was pulled into this massive machine with a huge tube
running through it like a tunnel and then my whole body was inside and then the
buzzing began.
As the buzzing started, my mind was distorted and I was confused and
disoriented. I felt bursts of electromagnetism emitting form the machine as that
was my source of power. I felt radiation also shooting into various places in my
I was also shocked to see all of my friends in the waiting room outside in
the lobby. Then about 30 minutes later the buzzing stopped. However, suddenly I
saw my father talking to my brother again. Is everything set for the takeover of
Washington on January 4th, Brandan? My father asks sternly while holding an
envelope of classified documents I guess. Yes Sir, the attack will be ready by
then, we will have them, are you returning home sir? Brandan replies like hes


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an obedient child with a straight face. Yes, just make sure you dont screw this
shit up, and yes I am on my way home back to Albuquerque now to try to clear
some things up. My father said as his helicopter lifts off. I then followed my
father home to remember where he lives.
Then, suddenly before I could find out I was back at the hospital staring at
my body back on a gurney except this time the room was full of surgeons.
Make sure the anesthesia stays on constantly, we dont want him waking up
during this. The surgeon said while getting what appeared to be a drill to do
something to my head. I watched them for a while and then eventually they
inserted tube like things into two little holes on my head, then they slowly
extracted what appeared to be blood but then it was a yellow fatty substance.
We wont be able to get all of it sir. Its too widespread, he wont survive
long. Another surgeon said as he spoke to the main surgeon with a serious face.
Then, our only option is to inject him with the new D1D2 serum. The surgeon
said as he finished up the surgery and then prepared a vial of blue liquid and
injected it into my neck. Then, instantly I was back in my body and I awoke.
Hey, Cody, how are you, you been gone for so long. Annabelle said as
she sat next to me staring at me smiling, while I finally was able to move around,
but my arm was connected with an IV to a bag of Yellow fluid. Thats when I
knew. Ive never been so happy to see your face. I said as I my body was still
numb from the surgery and could easily feel gauze wrapped around my head.
What did they do to me? I asked all my friends in the room. We dont know
yet, we are still waiting on results. Corey said as he looked at me glad to see
me awake.
I have to tell you guys something. I remember where I was now. I was in
this city called Curiosity and I was in the year 2052, seriously guys. Plus, they did
these tests on me to find out how I got my powers, and I found out my father is
behind it all. However, I met my dead sister Olivia who told me that it was fate
that I will die whenever this is all over, but she said that I have to find the Alpha
Guardian before my dad does otherwise the power of this thing called the
Matrix can destroy the real world and make this world called the Simulation the
real world whatever that is. However, before I came back here, Olivia showed
me some of the future and I saw myself older with much greater powers than I


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have now, but I saw myself die in this pile of snow with blood everywhere.
However as I was dying I saw a blurred figure come up to me and I said
something like-Go protect her. Shes our only chance now- then I saw myself
holding a baby, that turned out to be my daughter and her name is Aurora,
however other than that I didnt see much else or the mother. However, then I
saw Aurora about our age standing before me and she revealed she was
impersonating Olivia the whole time and is also the future Alpha Guardian, but
she said that ultimately I have to find the Alpha Guardian before my father and
that the fate of the future is in my hands. I said as I revealed our next mission to
everybody while they had their mouths wide open uncertain if I was telling them
the truth.
Wow, thats a pretty good story. Andres said laughing, while the others
remained serious as the guy who performed my surgery walked into the room.
Hello Dakota, if it hadnt been for your friends here last night, Im pretty sure
they would have lost you. Plus Im terribly sorry to inform you of
you know what that yellow liquid is that is currently flowing into your body right
now? He said very seriously as I knew what it was, and I knew what my disease
was instantly. Let me guess, its a chemotherapy pack. I said very seriously as I
knew the news was not good.
Yes, it is indeed. You see back during World War I and World War II, the
use of mustard gas was pretty common. Sometimes it was fatal, sometimes not,
however the doctors back in those days discovered that some of the soldiers
that had a certain disease had improvements after being exposed to the
mustard gas. So they turned it into a medication for the disease. So I bet that
youre aware of what that disease is? The doctor said very seriously like he was
about to die of a heart attack. Im pretty sure, yes. I said not wanting to reveal
it myself. Ok.ummm..lets look at this screen over here. You see this is an MRI
scan of your brain and that whitish material surrounding your cerebral cortex
and outer brain stem is well the source of your problems. I managed to remove
some of it last night, however Im afraid that this disease has paralyzed you from
its progression. The doctor was very close to spilling the beans I could feel it. So
how can I move? I asked curiously. Ok, so let me tell you what you dont want
to know. You did have a Stage 5 brain tumor last night, but I removed part of it
and its back at Stage 4 but it is terminal and in 4-5 months you will ultimately die.


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However, this one time dose of Chemotherapy is enough to slow the disease
down temporary. However in the long run, I have injected you with an
experimental drug called D1D2 and it basically reverses the tumors effect on
the Central Nervous System, meaning that although you are paralyzed you will
still be able to walk, run, jump, play, make love..ummm well you get the idea.
It also dramatically slows down the nosebleeds as well. However, you have to
inject yourself with the drug every two weeks to stay active until your death.
Here is a five month supply of D1D2 and Im sorry this had to happen to you. You
are free to go. He finally says the news none of us wanted to hear while my
friends look at each other shocked.
As we arrive back to the shelter I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and
I say to myself, I have to do this, I wont let this stop me. I wont let it STOP ME!! I
said very persistent on getting our mission completed, but I was also wondering
what does this mean for my daughter?
So now what, Tocino? If youre going to die, then how do we stop this?
Meresa says with her palms against her face, and I look around the room and I
notice everyones hopeless faces staring at me. Thats when I say with immerse
power, As I thought I was dying again I saw my father and brother talking
about an important event on January 4th, and I know that my dad is behind
whatever it is and that he lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. So we go there
and we raid his house to find out any information we can and we will end this!
So whos ready for a road trip? I look around as everyone nods and agrees, so I
say, So its settled then. Im not letting the tumor stop me, not now.not


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Chapter 10: The Truth Unfolds

Today, tomorrow, or whenever we arrive there will mark a new
beginning..for all of us. We stand so close to the truth on baby steps away, it
all seemed so obvious, but I wanted proof. We all desire something new..its
due to curiosity, just simply admit to yourself that it is everywhere. It is the
strongest temptation and impossible to resist. We are all curious at one moment
or the next on whatever subject it may be. Sometimes we have to avoid the
urge to want to know, to want to experience, to want to see what
happens if I do this, and so on it goes.. However, I just learned that Im dying
from a tumor inside my head, and there was only up to five months to
experience life, however no matter how curious I may be right now, I must step
aside and finished what was started.
We all struggled to find the bus depot back in the city, where most of our
friends had been seeking refuse since after the war, since after my coma 8
months ago. It was the only place where we could get a few extra helping
hands for this mission in case it does lead to war. As we arrived we found all of
our missing friends and we all gather supplies onto the abandoned Greyhound
bus and as we were waiting for the bus to be fueled I saw all the people that
wanted to help or that were simply coming with us. I saw Michael, Watson,
Wayne, Jordain, and surprisingly even Serena and Lexie.
So where we going, hopefully to the new world, I hope we are. Watson
said so eagerly as he got on the bus it was ridiculous. You know that there is no
new world, Watson. Ill be surprised to find anything that wasnt destroyed by
the nukes and so on out there. Michael said as he also hoped on the bus from
the other side carrying a lime green backpack filled with mostly snacks and
cans of soda. Is that supposed to be some play on words, just because you
kept killing me off in the Nuketown 2025 map on Black Ops 2? If it is thats idiotic.
Watson said with a straight face as he walked towards Michaels seat. Oh so
what Watson, so I beat you in a few games, but Im serious, I saw the news on TV,
whoever Dakotas crazy ass father is was nuking the hell out of the cities around
the U.S., mostly major cities though. Some cities have so much radiation still there
they have what they called-radiation zones-so I bet once we leave the city it will
diffidently be a new world for us to experience, but the world as you know it is


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gone, probably forever. Michael expressed the truth to all of us as we all

boarded the bus and took are seats, but we were in shock to say anything.
Nukes? Annabelle and I said at the same time, then turning to look at
each other with a stunned look. Yes, Nukes, as in nuclear radioactive
weapons? Im sure you heard of what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
1945 with the atomic bombs? Yes, I heard of it Michael, but you are saying all
the major cities? Is one of them Albuquerque? I said hoping that the city wasnt
in too much damage. Yes, it is actually. Why? Michael asked intrigued, but not
fully. Honestly Michael I wish today was one day that you were just joking as this
is serious, but I asked because we are going there to find out any information we
can about my father and what his war mission is planning to do next. I said
trying to inform everyone what our current objective is but not fully telling them
what our mission was and I didnt tell the others about my disease. Only Andres,
Corey, Annabelle, Maria, Meresa, and Emily know about the tumor.
So why do you need our help? I dont want to die! Serena said
frightened about what we were about to do. Its because right now, all we
have is one another and we are a family, and I will not let anyone in my family
die alright? I said trying to reassure everyone who is simply keeping their mouths
shut. Hey, I found a phone and its charger, and Im so happy I found a can of
Monster left in the grocery store. Emily said happily as she was about to open
the can. Hey, I want some-, No I want some, I love it mo-, No you should let
me have it. Everyone was suddenly in a frantic just because of one can of
Monster, while I was more interested in the phone. Hey, everyone settle down!
Dont make me get out of this drivers seat! Corey said on my behalf that had a
gallon of milk on the dashboard. Emily does the phone work, see if Facebook
works. I said hoping so that it would find someone to communicate with. Its a
flip phone and it has no signal bummer. Emily said as she played around
with a small red and black phone. Oh well, fine drink your Monster in peace
then. I said as Corey and I noticed that Jordain and Serena were smoking
cigarettes. Hey, ummm, do you see that sign over there on the front of the bus.
It says-NO SMOKING- so do you want to toss those out the window or do you
want me to slap it out of mouths. Huh? Corey said once again and I swear this
guy just makes every scenario better with his personality.


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The next thing that we heard before we left was a bang on the door. As
Corey opened the door I rushed over to see who it was. Hey, Cody, I thought
you could use some help. Do you want us to come with you? Davy said
carrying supplies with Hondro and Matt standing behind him. Sure, of course,
come on, we got a hell of an objective to complete. I said excited to see some
people I thought were missing for a long while. Alright. Davy said as he and
the rest got on the bus, and Corey began to drive the bus. We were 13 hours
away from our destination; this is going to be a long ride.
As most of the time past quickly, we all became very quickly tired of the
hard seats on the bus. However, as we neared the city we started seeing the
DANGER- RADIOACTIVE ZONE signs in the distance. The looming of tall
skyscrapers with severe damage began to appear in the distance, and I knew
we were heading into an unstable environment.
As we arrived in the city, something happened that was unbelievable.
Hey, the phone has signal here, come check this out. Emily said with
excitement and we turned and looked at her like she was crazy. Are you sure?
I said knowing how to find my father now. Yes, it has signal, I just dont have
anybody to call. Emily said with a joking smile. Do you still have the computer
and the usb adapter for the phone? I asked hoping she did. Yes, I do, here
you go. Emily said as she handed over the stuff. What are you going to do with
this, its useless. Annabelle said unsure what I was planning to do. Well, for you
that dont know this, if you connect your phone to your computer and go into
the internet settings, you can tether the phone to the computer, meaning that
the phone will share its internet with the computer, and I noticed this isnt an
ordinary laptop, it was dropped by one of the soldiers and has a list of
information and addresses. I said excitingly as everyone gave me different
distinct looks as I powered the devices on. Are you sure this will work? Watson
said from the back of the bus. Sure it will, I just need we go its
working, now Im going to into the command prompt to override the encryption
key. I said bringing out my inner nerd again. Well thats why we need you,
because none of us know shit about this stuff. Andres said trying to get a closer
look at what I was doing. There it is, the profile for my father..except he lives
in one of the Radioactive Zones..Ill go in alone and see what I can find. I said
as I was already dying ready to make another sacrifice to end what I started..


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Ok, you be safe now, we cant lose you again. Davy said as he watched me
leave the bus into one of the radioactive zones, but then I knew I would
eventually have to tell all of them about my disease. I cant just die without
them knowing how
As I walked through all the wreckage and debris, it was exactly like how
Topeka was after the Tornado nearly two years ago. The buildings that were still
standing had sections missing from the bottom, with no support to help it stand.
However, as I got deeper into the zone the destruction was worse with even
scorch marks from the explosion in various areas, and then my body began to
become weak again and thats when I realized that when I absorbed the
power of the Surge it gave me Fusion power, which is another form of radiation,
and the two elements where battling inside my body. However, I managed to
maneuver over all the pieces and debris, and then I found it, my dads house. I
was ready to learn the truth, except I was kind of scared in a way. I didnt know
what I would find. So slowly I twisted the door handle which was surprisingly
unlocked and I opened the door.
As I entered the house, it felt like any other house. Small, delicate, neat,
with a living room and nice rugs. It felt familiar like if I been here beforebut I
do not remember. I looked around the house and then I realized things were
missing, no computers, no TVs, no books, nothing, nothing at all except for a
kitchen with a stove and a microwave, and a living room with a couch and a
rug and there were even two bedrooms with bare beds with no sheets or
blankets. It was exactly what I heard my father say when I was in the hospital. He
said he was coming back to take care of some things. I felt like I lost suddenly as
the house had no information on my fathers plans. I was about to leave when I
noticed what appeared to be a small lump beneath the living room rug.
I removed the rug and I found a square cutout in the floor, it was a hatch
with hinges and I opened it up to find a ladder leading down to a bright light. It
was just big enough for my body to fit through and I went down the ladder. As I
reached the bottom I saw a huge immersive laboratory with white walls and
bright white lights and white tiles. There were test tubes full of different liquids
spread all around, and then I found some folders in one of the desks. I opened it
to find a picture of my sister Olivia which read K.I.A. over her picture. She died so
young, and it had a project name as Test Subject 1-A. So I wondered what


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projects did he do on her, and I read about this project of a Space and Time
Continuum Vortex which had a description of, This project introduces the
Simulation as the new beginning at our chance of sustaining life in a new
environment with the possibility to erase the codex of our DNA and replace it
with anothers. However, the real world has been slowly collapsing due to my
experiments, so I must proceed with the Simulation project to save mankind,
otherwise we will all die, however I need to finish testing on the other subjects to
find out who is the Alpha Guardian.
I was shocked. Could my father actually succeed with such a big
objective? Could there actually be a world without disease and the ability to
manipulate time and change our DNA? I flipped through the rest of the pages
and then I found my name with the project title of Test Subject 2-B with the
description saying, Test subject appears to accept the serum and is immune to
electromagnetism. He is unaware that he will have something strange happen
to him between the ages of fifteen to seventeen. However, Melody took him
away from me before I could finish the tests. I need to retrieve him eventually as
he is the only one capable of finding the alpha guardian since he is half born in
the simulation and half born in the real world. He possesses great powers, and
the serum worked well on him as his DNA is not severely damaged like my other
children. He is the only one that can find the Matrix. I need him, otherwise the
plan will fail.
I didnt understand anything that was written, I felt like I was more
important than ever, with my father being more dangerous then I intended, and
he also stated that Melody who is my mom took me away from him. So what did
he do to me? As I flipped through for more answers, I found my brothers picture
listed as Project Super Soldier and I read the description which said, I have
retrieved Melodys other son in hope his DNA is genetically pure like his halfblood brother Dakota. However, after testing Dakotas blood I learned that he
has the same DNA as his brother. So I injected Brandan with Dakotas blood
which not only healed him from his failing heart, but it gave him powers at a
much faster rate and his father left him so I took him as my own and I will raise
him and teach him to find his brother and bring him to me as Brandan does not
possess the same immunity to electromagnetism like my own son.


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So as it turns out Brandon has powers like mine, slightly stronger, but I had
an advantage, I was inoculated to electromagnetism. However, I flipped to the
next page and what I saw shocked me through all my bones. It was a picture of
Maria titled My Last Hope with the description reading, I cant do my tests
anymore, not on her. Olivia died due to my experiments and greed. I will willingly
give Maria up for adoption and I hope she finds a good family, and just maybe
Ill see her again someday. She will probably never know that Olivia and Dakota
are her siblings, but when the time comes she needs to know, before the war
I was in utter shock from learning all these things just now. I couldnt bear
the truth. The girl I had loved for so long and shared so many good memories
with was my own sister. How was I going to tell her this? There was no way I
could. I dont want her to feel like her life was a waste. Then I finally found what I
was looking for, I saw out of the corner of my eye a document that was labeled
1-4-15 which instantly I knew resembled January 4th, 2015. I opened up the
document and what I saw surprised me. There was a plan to attack Washington
D.C. on that date, which is only two days away; however I thought I saw
Washington being attacked the day the war started in Topeka, the same day I
told my own sister Maria that I loved her as I gave her the infinity necklace.
As I raced out of the house leaving the documents behind, I got to bus
and told everyone about the war in Washington in two days. However,
something didnt feel right, was I meant to discover the truth or let it rest. I felt like
I was going to be sick as I sat in the front seat by myself trying to understand the
concept of Maria being my sister, and ultimately how to tell her the devastating
truth. However, now was not the time as we had a new war to stop


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Chapter 11: End of the Line

Sometimes it is better to resist curiosity as possible. I just learned things I
didnt want to know and now that I know the truth I cant handle it. We all have
our secrets, but I didnt know if I should keep the truth about Maria a secret, just
to protect her. I dont want all of our fathers experiments to involve her; I dont
her to waste her life. I just couldnt bear to talk to anyone afraid to reveal the
truth that I so desperately want to hide. It has been nearly two days now and
everyone is wondering why Im so quiet, and I just been sitting alone, I havent
even talked to Annabelle, the girl I was supposed to be in a relationship with. I
dont know anymore. Everything has slipped out of my mind; all I knew is that I
had to end this war.
We reached Washington and we noticed that nothing was really
happening. We didnt know what was going on or when, and I started to
believe it was a trap. We left the bus and we started walking away as debris was
blocking our path, and suddenly it happened.
In an instant flash, the bus exploded and shrouds of debris began to rain
down, then suddenly the skyscrapers around us began to erupt in flames and
collapse all around us and the people from the city as well. Everybody, run! I
shouted to everyone as the building was about to crush us. We ran and ran as
ash and dust poured all around us like it was 9/11. In the distance I saw a
woman with her child in the path of the collapsing building, and as my friends
ran I raced over with my super speed and grabbed them and pulled them
away from the falling building. The woman whose face was white as snow from
the ash was almost speechless and finally said, Thank you for saving me and
my son. I didnt really save you, I just moved you out of the path of the debris
so you wouldnt die. I smiled. Are you a superhero? A young boys voice said
behind me, he was covered in dust as well, and he was smiling as he stared at
me. Im not a hero; Im just like everyone else. I have made mistakes, some I
regret. I only saved you because it was the right thing to do. I said to the boy
smiling. Everyone makes mistakes, my dad use to tell me, its not about living,
its about the impact you make in another persons life. The boy said looking up
to me and instantly I had the motivation to help one another. Your son is very
smart for his age. You must be a great mother. I told his mom as the bombing


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run began easing up the streets toward us and then I heard Corey shout, Hurry
up Tocino, over here. I turned towards the boy and his mom with the flashing
explosions getting closer towards us and said, I may not be a hero, but follow
me and hurry I can get you to safety. I ran with the boy and his mom towards
the bank that Corey and the rest were in and I used my telekinesis to open the
bank vault and let everyone inside, and as I closed and sealed us inside the
vault. I heard the sudden and abrupt explosion above us, and the building
collapsed around us.
My name is Becky by the way and this is my son, Luis. Becky said as she
finally felt not as shocked and disturbed like earlier. You may not believe you
are a hero, but you are my hero. Luis said with a grin on his face jumping up
and down. I then saw Maria in the distance and I thought it might be time to tell
her the truth. However before I had the chance thats when I heard it, yelling
from the outside.
As I opened the vault door, I was surprised to see collapsed buildings
everywhere and fire surrounding us. I then focused my vision better and thats
when I saw them. I saw an army of soldiers surrounding us with my brother
leading them forward. Why dont you come out brother? You found what your
father left you and now is the time to surrender. Brandan said proud to finally
have me cornered while he was laughing with a serious face. Ok, if I surrender
will you leave my friends untouched? I asked seriously to my brother now
realizing this was a trap all along. Oh, I cant promise that. Your dad has
somebody very eager to rekindle with besides you. He said as the soldiers
marched closer towards us.
I dont know what youre talking about. I said as my friends left the vault
to see the confrontation that had us trapped. Oh, are you sure about that?
Brandan said as he was going to reveal what I didnt want her to know. How,
about her in the red hoodie? What you didnt tell her after you found out?
Brandan said destroying everything I tried to keep a lid on, the only secret that
needed to be kept. Whats he talking about Cody? Maria said with a nervous
and curious face. There is a reason, we have bonded very closely in the past
few years, there is a reason we have so many things in common, there is reason
we both have brown eyes and brown hair.. I said trying to give myself more
time. Tell her! Brandan shouted desperately for me to admit it. Mariayou


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are Im sorry I didnt tell you. I said as I began to fall apart
from the truth, it just destroyed what was left of me.
Suddenly everyone was looking back and forth at both Maria and I. Im
your what, thats impossible. How? Maria said dropping to her knees and
running her hands through her hair. I found out a couple nights ago, my father
gave you up for adoption when you were still young. I said almost in a whisper
unable to speak. Thats right Tocino, and he doesnt care about what happens
to her anymore. He said while he grabbed something from one of the soldiers
and then he pointed it towards Maria and my friends. It was an RPG and in an
instant I heard the trigger click, and in slow motion I saw the rocket coming
towards us, and then I leaped in front of the path of the rocket while shooting a
burst of electricity into it while shielding everyone behind me. As my powers
merged with the rocket, it instantly exploded backfiring on my brother and his
soldiers supposedly killing them and then thats when I felt my body being torn
apart. There was no surviving now. I flew into the ground behind me.blood
everywhere. My friends all raced towards me and they carried my body and ran
and escaped into one of the military vehicles, and as we drove off I saw him in
the brotherhe survived.but he was wounded and then
he shouted, I will find you and I will kill you, Tocino! Then finally in the company
of my friends I finally died, but then I woke up
I felt every ounce of pain from what just happened, but then my eyes
opened and I found myself in a capsule like tube. I had wires glued and taped
to various portions of my body, and I ripped them off. I then banged and
banged against the wall and it opened and I fell from it onto the ground
landing on some glass. As I stood up I found myself wearing only boxers and as I
looked around I saw thousands of others in capsules like mine. I walked around
the massive place for a while, and I was surprised to find nobody here and thats
when I found the document next to a giant super computer that looked beyond
futuristic. The folder was labeled The Simulation Project and as I opened it I
had recognition of everything now and I stood there screaming, shouting, and I
fell to the ground unable to figure out what to do next.


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Chapter 12: Aftermath (Marias Perspective)

Everything that just happened ripped us all apart. Everything I had known
was gone. Why didnt my parents tell me the truth? I felt so angry now, that
everything I had was gone. I just found out that the one person I cared about
most was my brother and then instantly, just like that, there was a flash and a
bang and he was gone. Now he lays in the back the vehicle..not
moving.not breathinghe was dead.
Everyone was still shocked at what just happened. As we drove away
back towards Topeka with Codys dead body, everyone seemed like they were
crying, even I shed a couple tears, even Annabelle was crying and I walked
over to her and hugged her, feeling her pain as I believed she felt mine as well.
We were all silent on the way back home.
I dont believe it, the war was just the attempt to find and kill Dakota.
Everything we knew about the war was a complete lie. Corey said as we made
our way back to our shelter. I cant believe that you just found out he was your
brother and just like that he died protecting all of us. Annabelle said still crying
over the loss of our friend. were right. I shouldve been
there for him. Thank you for being there for him when I wasnt. I just cant believe
that if hes my brother, then why did we kiss last year at my birthday. I cant
believe that I kissed my own brother. I said to Annabelle who starting laughing
and crying at the same time while I remained confused and in complete
disbelief of everything I knew. Well, youre
kissed your own brother? Well, but hes gone now, but Im tired of finding new
boyfriends, so I will remember him as my last. However, Maria we may have
fought a few times but we are family now. However, even though his body is
dead, I still have a feeling hes coming back. Annabelle said hugging me
reassuring me of the possible future.
As Corey carried Codys body over to his old house, his blood dripped all
over the snow. The contrast of the white snow and his red blood was brilliant, but
disturbing. Corey placed his body in the center of his house and said, This is his
home, if he is going to rest in peace then we should let him do it in his own
home. He said while bringing cans of gasoline over and pouring it around and


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on the house. Anybody have any last words to say? Corey asked everybody.
Annabelle went forward and said, Im sorry this happened to you, and I want
to thank you for the journey we had together, and I hope that somewhere you
can hear me and hopefully one day you will return. Then, Michael walked
forward and said, You were a great friend, you were funny and great. I wish we
couldve of had more time with you. Eventually everyone said their goodbyes
then it was time for mine.
I stepped forward and at first I didnt know what to say. So I just said what
came from my heart. You were such a great friend and I should have
appreciated you more when you did so much for me. I only wish that everything
could go back to the way it was. I know youre my brother and I miss you and I
admit I love you too. I cared about you too late and to find out you are my
brother has changed everything. However, I know this is just the beginning. You
may not hear us, but I know you will return. I said while crying from the loss and
feeling like I was the burden. Then, Corey walked forward to do the hard part;
he lit the match and set the house ablaze while he finally said, Rest in peace,
Tocino. We then all stepped back and watched the house erupt in flame and
fall apart watching the smoke fill the sky as the sun finally shined upon us.


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Chapter 13: Where Fate and Curiosity Collide

They were right.about all of it. Its true what they all say, the things Ive
heard over time. Its a fact that curiosity is everywhere, but I shouldnt have
tapped into it. I let the power of an unknown universe compel me and now
everything I knew was false. I dont know where I am or what was happening. All
that I know is that I lost everybody I loved. Im still trying to figure out what to do
now, but all I know is that curiosity will destroy you. Curiosity kills. I let it come into
my life, and now my memories are obliterating. Everything has changed now,
but this is just the beginning
I looked around and I saw the folder I dropped on the floor and I shook
my head, I couldnt believe what I read. My father succeeded after all. I just
learned that the Simulation was something much larger, it was a world of its own,
and it turns out we had all been living in it this whole time. Its a test thats been
going on forever. It turns out that there was never any war in 2014 at all. It was
just a play by the simulation. My father showed me everything I needed to see
to destroy my life. However, I was furious. I flipped over all the desks and
destroyed as much as I could, I even lit the Simulation folder on fire. I even tried
to destroy the super computer that ran the simulation but I wasnt powerful
enough. My vision started to blur and I recognized I was starting to grow week
again. I didnt have the D1D2 to inject myself with, but I still had a little amount
of time to figure things out.
As I stood up just wearing my boxers, I staggered towards the exit. I
noticed that the exit stairs lead out of an underground facility in this massive hill,
thats when I starred at the city and it looked familiar. It was the city of Curiosity,
but more futuristic than before, and I recognized the hill I was on, it was Burnetts
Mound, and thats when I realizedCuriosity is the future city of Topeka. I
suddenly saw what appeared to be fireworks in the distance around the rebuilt
capital building. Something big was happening, and I began to march toward
the center of town.
As I walked through the back of somebodys backyard, I took some
clothes from the clothes line. I put on a pair a black jeans and a red plaid shirt. I
found a pair of boots by the back door and they were my shoe size. I then


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looked through the window and read the calendar and it said it was January 4th,
2074. I was now much farther into the future than I thought. However, I was in
the real world now, so why were we living in the year 2014 in the Simulation?
As I continued through my redesigned town, I was shivering as I had no
coat. However, I noticed that everything still ran on fusion power except the war
that I was warned about that was happening this year hasnt happened yet. I
still had the advantage, I didnt know if my father or brother knew I was here.
However I proceeded through the town, trudging in the snow and thats when I
found a black pea coat just simply laying on the ground, so I took it and wore it.
I noticed that people had these incredibly cool cellphones that looked
like glass slides, completely transparent. I felt myself gradually getting even
weaker but I couldnt stop yet. By the time I made it to center of town, the snow
was blowing hard against my face and my legs were becoming very unstable.
Eventually, I saw a large group of people going inside the capital building.
I walked amongst the crowd and did my best to blend in. As I entered the
building I was relieved by the nice warm air. Then, instantly my hair was soaked
as the snow melted and water was streaming down my face. As I sat with the
rest of the crown in the large auditorium, music began to play, and to my
surprise out marched my father. At the same time everybody started cheering
and booing as well from a few. I just sat quietly to see what was going on.
Hello, some of you know me as the great scientist that built this town for
prosperity, freedom, and hope. As you all know, the attacks between the
nations over the past few years has left our world steadily collapsing to my belief,
but as your president of the World Government of United Nations, Im happy to
show the world what could change everything. Most of you now know that the
town of Curiosity is the most populated city in the world now as the rest of the
world has been decimated by the belief that a World Government cuts off their
freedom. However after the Fusion War, we have made a new life for everyone
inside this city. However, believing that a bigger war is imminent, I have found a
way to create a world that has no disease, no war, and people can live and
experience any time period they want to live in. I call this the Simulation Project.
Ive been testing this project for over 16 years now, and the results have been
fantastic. My father begins his speech as he pulls down a screen with a


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projector displaying the lives of everyone in the Simulation and thats when I
knew that he knew that I was here, because he showed the audience my
friends putting my body inside my home, saying their goodbyes and then
burning the house down in honor of me. The sight of it started to make me cry as
my father continued, However to make this project continue I need your help
to find a powerful, round red orb like object called the Matrix. It can be used to
run the simulation forever while we all depart this world and let it collapse in on
itself. However, there is only one person that can walk into the Alpha
convergence of electromagnetism and retrieve this object for me. However, I
still need a very powerful person called the Alpha Guardian to control this
device otherwise I will have to resort to othermethods. However, what I can
tell you is that this person is sitting in this very room, and he only has so long to
stop me. However, to everyone that wants to enter the simulation and live a
prosperous life, is that all I ask is that you get injected with a chip that stores all
your history and identity so we can track you. You have five
months.otherwise it will be too late. Thank you and I hope you all choose
wisely, and I invite the Alpha Guardian to meet me soon or he will meet a
disastrous fate.
As I left with the rest of the crowd, I finally understood what was
happening. My father started the Fusion War by being the founding father of the
World Government of United Nations. The World Government resulted in people
revolting against it starting the war. So my father built this city for protection
against the outside world to gain peoples trust. However, the World isnt
collapsing yet. He doesnt want the Matrix to fuel the simulation; he wants it to
destroy the world.
So the war is coming like told in the prophecy. I now know what to do, I
have to rescue my friends from the simulation then destroy it. Except how do I
do this? So, I must find the Alpha Guardian before him.except with my powers
getting weaker, I cant rescue my friends until I get stronger, but I have no D1D2.
I have to find a way, I must.
Suddenly, I see my father boarding a helicopter and I decide to confront
him, so I enter the building and race up the steps with my legs trembling and my
vision blurring. However, as I reach the rooftop, the helicopter finally leaves. I
watch it fly away as I walk towards the edge. This was just the beginning of a


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war that hasnt even started. It was the beginning of the prophecy. I have to
rescue my friends and then I have to find a way to control my disease. I was
alone now, I know nobody. I have no shelter, no food; I was one of the homeless
now without a friend or family members by my side. So as I look over the city one
last time as the snow falls, I look toward the future, and ultimately the hope of
seeing my friends once again. Then, thats when I feel a slight warm liquid on the
top of my lip. I touched it with my bare finger and then I looked at it horrifically. It
was blood, reminding me of my ultimate fate, and also telling me a sign that I
dont have much time left.

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