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Q1. Is Segmentation always successful? Give evidences for your answer.

Ans. Market segmentation is the identification of the portions of market which
are different from one another. The main purpose behind the concept of
segmentation is to target specific customers and make goods or deliver
services aimed at the customers satisfaction.
No the market segmentation is not always successful. There are many
examples of renowned companies products failure in this regard.
One of them being the Apples handheld PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
Newton. Newton was aimed to revolutionise the whole world of personal
computing and the PDA category was a relatively new segment. The product
was the first of its kind and a highly niche one and there were subsequent
difficulties in finding the component manufacturers for making custom parts
and there were also problems in its functionality and Apple could not come up
with an improved device and consequently Apple could not continue with it
and had to stop its manufacturing.
Several other examples of product failures:

Automotive and transportation

Cadillac Cimarron
Pontiac Fiero
Chevrolet Corvair
Ford Edsel
The DeLorean
Food and beverage
Burger Kings veal parmesan
Burger Kings pita salad
McRiband still being tested and tried

According to a study of Harvard Business, in USA, 85% of 30,000 new product

launches failed because of poor market segmentation.

Q2. Can a company do away without segmentation? Cite examples.

Ans. Though segmentation is one of the important processes of any marketing
plan, it has its own share of disadvantages.
a) The targeted segment is too small and as a result there will not be
proper turnover which would further affect the margins.
b) There are too many brands in the same segment, there is high
competition and as a result this would lead to high costs and lesser
profit margins.
c) In case the product is completely new then there will be no past data to
rely on and thus the companies would need to market the product and
as the acceptance increases only then there can be a focus on a
particular segment.
Mass marketing was a common and quite successful approach in the past.
The best example of mass marketing is the Ford motor companys Model T
which it sold for around 15 years and that too inn one colour(black) only.
Today also there are companies like Google , Facebook which offer
products that are designed to appeal to everybody.
Furthermore examples of successful Mass marketed products are coke and
Pepsi has the strategy of targeting the youth as part of its core marketing
strategy and on the other hand coke targets whole families through
defining values.
But it can be said that these are already established products with a legacy
behind them. In todays market of customers preferences, launching a
mass product may be a bit risky because a more specific product aimed at
satisfying a particular customer need may erode the market of a
generalised product. So launching a mass product may not be a long term
viable option in the existing market setup.

Q3.Choose any one of the below mentioned and explain how they segmented
the market?
Ans. 1.Demographic Segmentation
a.Age : KidsFruit roll, Tiger and Treat
Matured People: good day, Cream cracker
Youth: Little hearts, Cream Biscuits
b.Income: Lower income group:Tiger,Marie
Higher income group:Nutrichoice
c .Gender : Male and Female

2. Behavioural Segmentation:
Benefits- For Health Benefits; All Nutri Products, Tea Time Snack Biscuits &
Sujie Toast
User Status- Little Heart Biscuit & Time Pass for Lovers.
Usage Rate-Marie Gold is for High Usage Rate Customers.
Occasion- Snack Biscuit, Fruit Rolls for occasion purposes.
Psychographic Segmentation
Britannia has adopted itself according to the convenience and lifestyle of the
Indian consumers so Britannia came up with a different and new product line
3.Niche Sementation:
Britannia Slice Cakes and Britannia good day are designed for the people who
actually also wants some food characteristics in a biscuit. Different cream
biscuits are also made for the people who love to have a biscuit with cream.
New Milk Bikis Biscuit


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