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: Ashri Nafilah


: 1206278706

Mata Kuliah EFN III, Tugas Pre Reading I

The Concept of Speaking Skills

For many people, standing up in public and doing a public speaking is one of their
greatest fears. Public speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate
manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. Public speaking involves
talking in front of a group of people, usually with some preparation. It can be in front of
people that you know (for example at a family celebration) or a crowd of strangers. That will
be not as same as a presentation, there normally isnt a lot of opportunity for interaction
between the audience and the speaker. Speeches have different functions. These include
being persuasive (for example trying to convince the audience to vote for you), informative
(e.g. speaking about the dangers of climate change), entertaining (for example a best mans
speech at a wedding) or celebratory (for example to introduce the winner of an award). Some
speeches may have more than one of these aims. A good orator should be able to change the
emotions of their listener, not just inform them.
Techniques of Public Speaking
a. Ideas/content generation
Lots of people find getting started quite difficult. Its a good idea to find an
example of public speech. Its often useful to work in groups at the planning stage,
helping each other to come up with ideas. Making notes of ideas works well as not
everyone likes the same methods. These could include mind-mapping, making
lists or writing ideas on post-it notes and then arranging them on a piece of paper
into groups.
b. Structure
We might just use a standard introduction for your first speech. For example,
Good evening. My name is x and today I am going to talk about y. I will talk

about three main areas, x, y and z. This then give a focus for the structure of the
rest of the speech. It can seem a little dry, however, so once we get the idea its
worth experimenting with different styles of beginning like using jokes and
c. Body Language
There are various statistics for how much of our communication is done through
our body language they seem to hover around 70%, which is a massive chunk,
so some work in this area is a very good idea.
Doing an activity where you get everyone to stand up and then suddenly freeze
works well. You then ask everyone to stay still but look around at how everyone is
standing. Then try getting everyone to stand straight and well-centred, behind the
podium if you have one to use. Youll be surprised how many people rock from
side to side or slouch. Sounds pretty basic but it can make a big difference to how
confident and in control someone appears to be.
One way to practise these is to give out some sentences with key words such as I
caught a fish and it was this big! or there are three important reasons why you
should vote for me. Practise saying these sentences while standing up and work
out what gestures might be the most appropriate. Stress the importance of keeping
gestures controlled.
Eye contact
Its very important that speakers make eye contact with all areas of the room,
ideally with every person but with large audiences that isnt possible.
d. Chunking (pauses and stress).
This is a technique which can help speakers to sound much more confident and
increase the overall effectiveness of their speech. The theory is that when we do
this type of speaking we stress the key words in a sentence which carry the
meaning, for example, I DONT want you to just SIT there and DO NOTHING.
We also pause after many of these key words, and at the end of a sentence.

Common problems and Solutions.

Lack of confidence
This is very common and one that only practice, practice and more practice
will help to overcome. You could also try to first speak in front of three or four others,
then adding to the number as you become more confident. Remember to breath
properly while youre speaking as well as thinking positively about your ability to
speak well will also help, along with lots of encouragement!
Speaking too fast
This is another common one, usually caused by nerves. Try to do the
introduction of the speech in an exaggeratedly slow manner. Once you have done this
a few times you may find it easier to find a middle ground.
Appropriacy of body language
If this is a problem, try videoing iur speaking and watch yourself. You will
usually be able to identify where the problems lie and then work on improving these
areas. Raising awareness is the most important thing here.
Boring speeches!
Its really important to think carefully about your audience when planning
your speech. For example, if you want to do a speech about the dangers of smoking,
but no one in the class smokes, this probably wont be very interesting.
25 essential skills every public speaker should have
Every public speaker should be able to:
1. Research a topic. Good speakers stick to what they know. Great speakers research
what they need to convey their message.
2. Focus. Help your audience grasp your message by focusing on your message. Stories,
humour, or other sidebars should connect to the core idea. Anything that doesnt
needs to be edited out.
3. Organize ideas logically. A well-organized presentation can be absorbed with
minimal mental strain. Bridging is key.

4. Employ quotations, facts, and statistics. Dont include these for the sake of including
them, but do use them appropriately to complement your ideas.
5. Master metaphors. Metaphors enhance the understandability of the message in a way
that direct language often can not.
6. Tell a story. Everyone loves a story. Points wrapped up in a story are more
memorable, too!
7. Start strong and close stronger. The body of your presentation should be strong too,
but your audience will remember your first and last words (if, indeed, they remember
anything at all).
8. Incorporate humour. Knowing when to use humour is essential. So is developing the
comedic timing to deliver it with greatest effect.
9. Vary vocal pace, tone, and volume. A monotone voice is like fingernails on the
10. Punctuate words with gestures. Gestures should complement your words in harmony.
Tell them how big the fish was, and show them with your arms.
11. Utilize 3-dimensional space. Chaining yourself to the lectern limits the energy and
passion you can exhibit. Lose the notes, and lose the chain.
12. Complement words with visual aids. Visual aids should aid the message; they should
not be the message. Read slide:ology or thePresentation Zen book and adopt the
13. Analyze your audience. Deliver the message they want (or need) to hear.
14. Connect with the audience. Eye contact is only the first step. Aim to have the
audience conclude This speaker is just like me! The sooner, the better.
15. Interact with the audience. Ask questions (and care about the answers). Solicit
volunteers. Make your presentation a dialogue.
16. Conduct a Q&A session. Not every speaking opportunity affords a Q&A session, but
understand how to lead one productively. Use the Q&A to solidify the impression that
you are an expert, not (just) a speaker.
17. Lead a discussion. Again, not every speaking opportunity affords time for a
discussion, but know how to engage the audience productively.
18. Obey time constraints. Maybe you have 2 minutes. Maybe you have 45. Either way,
customize your presentation to fit the time allowed, and respect your audience by not
going over time.

19. Craft an introduction. Set the context and make sure the audience is ready to go,
whether the introduction is for you or for someone else.
20. Exhibit confidence and poise. These qualities are sometimes difficult for a speaker to
attain, but easy for an audience to sense.
21. Handle unexpected issues smoothly. Maybe the lights will go out. Maybe the projector
is dead. Have a plan to handle every situation.
22. Be coherent when speaking off the cuff. Impromptu speaking (before, after, or during
a presentation) leaves a lasting impression too. Doing it well tells the audience that
you are personable, and that you are an expert who knows their stuff beyond the slides
and prepared speech.
23. Seek and utilize feedback. Understand that no presentation or presenter (yes, even
you!) is perfect. Aim for continuous improvement, and understand that the best way
to improve is to solicit candid feedback from as many people as you can.
24. Listen critically and analyze other speakers. Study the strengths and weakness of
other speakers.
25. Act and speak ethically. Since public speaking fears are so common, realize the
tremendous power of influence that you hold. Use this power responsibly.








from on September
6th, 2014
Dlugan, Andrew. (2013). 25 Public Speaking Skills Every Speaker Must Have.
Accessed from on September 6th, 2014.




September 6th, 2014.


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