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Sample Safety Plan

Student Summary

Date: March 2nd 2023

Name: Abhi Okeese                                                                     Age: 16
Grade: 11
School:  Make Believe High                                                           

Administrator Name: Mrs. Carrier

Staff Involved with the Safety Plan Process and their Role:
- Lindsay Johnson - SERT
- Mrs. Coordinate - SERT Coordinator
- Mrs. Carrier - Principal
- Mr & Mrs Okeese - Guardians with whom student resides.
- Miss Eduassist – Educational Assistant
- Mr. Counsel – Student Mental Health Worker
- Dr. Pysche – Student Psychologist

Observable Behavioural Concerns:

Student often exhibits defiant behaviour, expresses profane language, portrays irrational
anger and physical aggression towards staff or other students and tends to flee the school
grounds on foot without staff consent.

Triggers or Antecedents:

- Changes in daily routines

- When she does not know what is expected of her in regards to work
- When she doesn’t understand the course work
- When Abhi is directed to do something by a peer, parent or staff member
- Subjects that Abhi does not have an interest in

Prevention or Intervention Strategies to Support Workers and Student Safety Plan:

(these strategies may be similar to the strategies that are being implemented in the behaviour intervention plan,
consider crisis and staff response)

***** MOST IMPORTANT***** Crisis Response

Pre-crisis (verbal, non-verbal strategies):

- Offer Abhi alternative task (mindful moment, walk, snack break
- Ignore Abhi’s oppositional behaviour, walk away (do not engage right away)
- Speak to Abhi in a calm, even toned voice (watch your paraverbals)
- Be conscious of body language (remain at a distance, at ease posture, no crossed
arms etc.)
- Use reflective questioning to help Abhi gain insight about her feelings/behaviour.
- Reduce what is being asked of Abhi

Crisis (physical response if any):

- Notify Admin or other teacher for assistance (remember OCT duty of
care/supervision of pupils)
- Remove other students from the room/area as needed.
- Remain calm and do not raise voice or change into a defensive stance.
- Give Abhi space to calm down/reflect.
- Notify admin, parents, and authorities if student runs from school property.

Post Crisis (rebuild relationship):

- Model, teach and support the student to adopt alternative behaviours that are more
socially acceptable.
- Do not revisit behavioural event with student unless specifically spoken about by
the student.
- Welcome back into the class – no grudges, ensure the student knows this.
- Log Behavioural event in the behavioural log for future review.
Process to support student movement from class (consideration for hallway movement,
alternative staff involvement):  
- Abhi will eat lunch in classroom (not cafeteria) if expressing behaviour concerns.
- EA will walk from class to class with Abhi either directly or from a distance.

Communication Procedures for all Workers: (use of PA/Phone systems, Walkie Talkies etc)
- Go to channel “1” on walkie talkie for immediate admin response/support if student
flees the building.
- When behaviour occurs ensure that it is logged in the behavioural log by the end of
each day
- Make best attempt to notify staff of any previous behaviours that were exhibited
that day.
- If room has to be vacated for other students’ safety, and walkie talkie is not on
hand, notify office in any way possible (other staff walkie talkie, PA system (stating
code Green in room 205)

Emergency Communication: (Parent/Guardian/Emergency Contact to be called, and when)

- Notify parents of any student behaviour that has escalated beyond sheer refusal
(yelling, hitting, throwing objects, punching, leaving the building, threats etc.)
Parent and Guardian Consultation: 
- At IPRC meeting – discussing IEP, behavioural plan, and safety plan instituted for
Date: February 2023

Community Agency Workers:

- Psychologist and FASD case worker from Community Agency

Outcome of Community Agency Involvement as it pertains to the Safety Plan:

- Psychologist agrees to talk to Abhi on regular bass regarding her mental health as
required by student.
- Psychologist plans to perform updated behavioural assessment on Abhi in the fall
after giving the support plans time to benefit the student
Review (Planned Dates): June 20, 2023, and September 30, 2023
Updates (when there is an increase in behaviour, a violent incident, at the least annually):
- When there is an increase or substantial decrease in behaviour

Procedures for Occasional Staff (Contingency Plan when Staff Members are Away): 
- Occasional Staff will be directed to view Occasional Teacher binder where Abhi’s
support plan and IEP are located prior to starting their day.
- EA will be instructed to try and coax Abhi to leave the classroom before escalated
behaviours begin (head to mental health office, or administrators’ office.)
- If violent behaviour occurs EA and Occasional teacher will be instructed to simply
evacuate the class and notify admin via walkie talkie or other means
- Temporary reassignment of existing site staff who are comfortable with Abhi
- Temporarily placing the student in another classroom or “safe location” within the

Central staff involved (Role for any Staff Members From Outside the School Staff (Board Staff):
- Behavioural Intervention Board Lead has been notified of student and is following
the case closely.

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