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Ideas: Script to screen

Idea 1
A commercial sherman is
shing for space sh on the space
station when he notices an odd
item in his net. This item turns
out to be a stick of dynamite
which will present the sherman
with the problem of getting rid of

Uses all the elements
Doesnt oer much
development in terms of story?

Idea 2
A commercial sherman is
struggling to catch sh from the
space stations reserve of sh. He
turns to the stick of dynamite to
get the sh a lot easier. He
however has to deal with the
consequences of his actions.

Oers character development

A little bit generic

Idea 3
Earth is in danger as an asteroid is
heading towards it. The sherman
is sent to the space station in order
to help. The sherman drops his
line from the space station missing
his hobby and his old life on earth.
Much to his surprise a large sh
grabs onto his line and hurtles him
through space. In the end they
reach an alien piece of technology
which is a fancy stick of dynamite.
The dynamite is able to x itself to
the asteroid and destroys it.

Uses all the elements

A little bit complicated and farfetched

Idea 4
A terrorist group is trying to
spread fear to the citizens on the
space station. They use a
technologically advanced stick of
dynamite that still reacts in water
to do this. It is placed in the
water reserve of the space station
and only the sherman can save

Something dierent

Even if the sherman succeeds the terrorist
group is still out there.
Could be a little farfetched

Idea 5
A sherman is eaten by a space
sh. Inside the sh the
sherman nds a space station
the sh has eaten. He explores
the station and nds a stick of
dynamite, he uses this to

Clear problem and resolution

The space station seems a little left out

Idea 6
A sherman is living on a space
station after earth was destroyed
30 years ago. His wife was killed
during this event however his
managed to keep her favourite
stick of dynamite. He lights the
stick in memory of his wife.

Includes all the elements

Doesnt show a clear problem or resolution

Idea 7
After earth is knocked o axis
the sherman must reel back in
the earth with his shing skills.

Good use of the sherman

Doesnt include the dynamite

I like some ideas however none currently stick out to me, I hoping a
development or more thought into ideas could give me a solid idea.
Common themes seem to lead to environment, nature and emotions.
The stick of dynamite is the most problematic element to my story, I
think however it was be the problem that needed to be solved in my

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