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1 Congresso Nacional do Laboratrio Clnico

First European Joint Congress of EFCC and UEMS

13 - 16 October 2010 Lisbon Congress Centre Lisbon, Portugal

October Outubro 2010

Dear Sir / Madam,

Under the High Patronage of His Excellency The President of the Republic of Portugal, the 1
Congresso Nacional do Laboratrio Clinico (1 CNLC) / First European Joint Congress of EFCC
and UEMS is now over.
We would kindly like to present you a brief overview of this four-day event which has revealed
to be an enormous success, gathering all organisations of this scientific branch for the first
time ever:
1. The biggest event of the branch to take place in Portugal, featuring a massive participation
of 1220 attendees, 202 posters / oral communications and 101 speakers.
2. Acknowledged by all for its high-level scientific content, divided by four pre-congress
courses, three plenary sessions, nineteen clinical sessions and 6 manufacturers symposia.
3. It received the invaluable support of 39 companies and also featured the presence of the
official entities of the branch.
4. The 2 CONGRESSO NACIONAL do LABORATRIO CLNICO, to take place on March 2012,
in Oporto, PT, was also presented during the congress.
See also in detail everything that happened in this congress (clinical sessions,
lectures, posters, photo gallery, social programme, etc.) at the congress website
With the certainty of having fulfilled all the set objectives, we take this opportunity to thank
you for your collaboration and to send you our best regards,

Franklim Marques

Manuel Cirne de Carvalho

Carvalho Rodrigues



Chairman, Local Executive Committee

Newsletter October Outubro 2010

Exmo.(a) Sr.(a),
Sob o Alto Patrocnio de Sua Excelncia o Sr. Presidente da Repblica terminou o 1 Congresso
Nacional do Laboratrio Clinico (1 CNLC) / First European Joint Congress of EFCC e UEMS.
Pretendemos agora levar at si um breve balano dos 4 dias de trabalho, que se revelaram num
enorme xito e em que pela 1 vez todas as organizaes do sector se juntaram para realizar este
inesquecvel 1 CNLC que fica marcado como:
1. Maior evento do sector realizado em Portugal, com uma enorme participao a todos os
nveis com 1220 participantes, 202 posters/com. orais, 101 oradores.
2. Reconhecido por todos como tendo atingido um muito elevado nivel cientifico, repartido
por 4 cursos pr-congresso, 3 sesses plenrias, 19 sesses clnicas, 6 simposios satlite.
3. Recebeu o inestimvel apoio de 39 empresas do sector, e ainda a presena marcante das
Entidades oficiais do sector.
4. Foi ainda feito o lanamento do 2 CONGRESSO NACIONAL do LABORATRIO CLNICO a
realizar no PORTO, em Maro de 2012.
Veja ou reveja ainda os detalhes de tudo o que se passou neste 1Congresso Nacional do Laboratrio Clinico ( sesses clinicas, palestras, posters, galeria de fotos, prog social , etc) no site do
congresso em
Certos que atingimos todos os objectivos que desde o inicio tramos, aproveitamos oportunidade agradecer a sua colaborao e para enviar nossos melhores cumprimentos,

Newsletter October Outubro 2010

Franklim Marques

Manuel Cirne de Carvalho

Carvalho Rodrigues



Chairman, Local Executive Committee

Scientific sessions | Sesses cientficas

Newsletter October Outubro 2010

Scientific sessions | Sesses cientficas

Newsletter October Outubro 2010

Poster Presentations | Apresentaes de posters

Newsletter October Outubro 2010


Newsletter October Outubro 2010

Newsletter October Outubro 2010

Thank you very much!

Muito obrigado!

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