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Grup :

Anisya Fauziyah Rivani

Epi Anggraeni
Lathifah Azizah

Stuck in Majapahit Kingdom

Thursday, 15 January 2015 there was exhibition event at the school. At the end
of the event all the students are busy clearing decoration exhibition. There were
4 female students were raised the table toward the barn. They are Epi, Erna,
Lathifah and Anisya.
"The warehouse, quickly open the door" said Erna
"Hard to open, let's try again" said Anisya
"I'll try. It could be opened "epi said as she opened the door.
The four of them could go into the barn and put the table in the corner. Lathifah
noticed something strange behind a cloth. He also walked over and pulled the
"This what ? its very obviously "said Anisya
"This a mirror" said Erna while approaching
Anisya and epi was approached Lathifah and Erna which stands near the mirror,
they touch the mirror, the mirror suddenly luminous and suck them. Finally, four
of them entered into the mirror and disappeared.
-----vvvvv----The foursome suddenly appeared in a jungle, they were confused why they were
in that place Suddenly there were some people dressed in royal and put the
horse riding toward them.
"Who are you? Why do you dress so weird? "Said the soldier
"We come from the Banjar, Westjava." Answer Lathifah
" you actually intruder is not it?" Said another soldier
"Not .. not ...." said Lathifah
"Well, you have to come with us to the kingdom" said the soldier
The foursome brought to the kingdom and to the king. King also interrogated
them, but all the answers that they charge very strange and unreasonable. They
were four soldiers were taken to the dungeon.

Sounded several soldiers were speaking.

"Tomorrow the war will be led by Gajahmada" said the soldier who wear black
"Wahh, I'm sure tomorrow we will win. Gajahmada very powerful set of war
strategy "replied the soldier who wear red clothes.

Lathifah, epi, Anisya and Erna was overheard soldiers.

"Huh, they are talking about Gajahmada, we are stucking possible at the time of
Majapahit kingdom?" Said epi
"I think its true" answer Lathifah
"Wah fun once, we can learn the history directly" said Erna
Not long after that Gajahmada menemui mereka berempat.
"where you come from? Ask Gajahmada
"We come from the future" said Anisya
"you do not joke" said Gajahmada
"Our serious. Yourname Gajahmada right and you are a governor? "said
"I'm not a governor, I just war squad leader" said Gajahmada
Majapahit kingdom will fight tomorrow?" Asked epi
"yes, with Singosari kingdom." Answer Gajahmada
Epi was whispered to Lathifah, and explained that Epi ever read about the war of
Majapahit and Singosari. And singosari kingdom was a winner
"You should change the strategy and direction of departing so peperangan
western fence." Said Lathifah
"I'm not going to listen to your words" responsible Gajahmada
"But if it does not change the war strategy you will lose" said epi
"Where can you know?" Asked Gajahmada
"We never read a book on the history of the kingdom of Majapahit. Although we
are not smart in a history lesson, but we still remember about the material was
"said epi
"It's up to you, I still do not believe it" said Gajahmada
-----vvvvv----War between Majapahit and singosari ensued. And majapahit lost. Finally the
king called Lathifah, Epi, Erna and Anisya to the Kingdom.
"Why did you know that the kingdom of Majapahit will lose?" Asked the king
"We've read the book of history" replied Anisya
"Then what else do you know about the Majapahit kingdom?" Asked the king

"Gajahmada will became governor and bring the kingdom of Majapahit controlled
the island of Java" replied Erna
"You will also win thewar against with Demak kingdom, Mataram kingdom and
the kingdom of Tarumanagara" said Lathifah
--- vvv----

It turns out that four of them said menjadi reality. A year later gajah mada
became a governor And majapahit increasingly prosperous.
Elsewhere Lathifah, Anisya, epi and Erna were walking in the kingdom, they
accidentally saw the similar mirror with mirror in the warehouse. They
approached and touched the glass. Magic happens. They could back to
warehouse at the school. Suddenly there was someone knocking on the door
"why you were at home yet? Asked the security
"ngggggg ..." replied Lathifah
"This is already at 7 pm. Exhibition has completed 5 hours ago "said the security
"Ah yes, we'll be home now" said epi
They went home, and while on the road they were felt unbelieveble
"It turns out we just disappear 5 hours" said Lathifah
"Fortunately we are still able to come back, I really miss my family" said Erna
Finally, they can go back to 2015, was 1 hour in 2015 the same as in the past 3

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