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The rise and fall of Enron

Infiintarea si caderea Enron-ului

Enron was founded in 1985 when two gas companies,Houston Natural Gas and
InterNorth,merged to create the first national natural gas pipe network.
Enron a fost infintat in 1985 cand 2 compani de gaz,Huston Natural Gas si
InterNorth,unindu-se ,au creat prima companie nationala a retelei de conducte de
gaz natural.

Ken Lay,boos of Houston Natural Gas,was immediately appointed CEO of the
newly-formed company.
Ken Lay,sef la Houston Natural Gas,era numitul imediat al CEO al noi companii

Finnally,the company was declared bankrupt,but the directors had already sold
their shares and walked away with profits.
La 3 ani de la infintare,Enron a deschis primele birouri in strainatate o parte a
strategiei de a lua inaintare a noii privatizari a pietii.

At the same time as opening offices,Enron began trading natural gas in North
In acelasi timp cand a deschis birourile indepartate,Enron a inceput comertul cu
gaze naturale in America de Nord.

During the 1990s,Enron continued to expand and diversify at an incredible rate.It
invested $2billion in a power plant in India,bought a water company in the UK
and acquired an electricity company in Portland,Oregon.
In timpul anului 1990,Enron a continuat sa extinda si sa diversifice in rate
incredibile.El a investit 2 miliarde de euro in centrala electrica in India,cumparand
o companie de apa in UK si a dobandit o companie de electricitate in

By the of 2000,annual revenues had reached $100 billion,marking Enron the
sixth-largest energy company in the word.Most of this was from trading activities.
Pana la sfarsitul anului 2000,veniturile anuale au ajuns la 100 miliarde de
$,inregistrind-o pe Enron a 6-a dintre cele mai mari compani de energie din
lume.Cele mai multe dintre cele prezente au fost de la activitati comerciale.

However,Enron was not satisfied with revenue just from trading, so it also moved
into electricity trading, establishing a trading center in London.This became the
companys most profitable activity.
Oricum, Enron nu a fost multumita de veniturile din comertul gazelor , asa ca s-a
mutat in comertul electricitatii, instituind un centru comercial la Londra.Aceasta a
devenit cea mai profitabila activitate a companiei .

By the turn of the century, a highly competitive work culture has developed.Each
year 15% of Enrons employees were sacked and replace with younger,
ambitious graduates.
La inceputul secolului, extreme de competitiva a fost elaborata cultura de lucru.In
fiecare an, 15% din salariatii Enron-ului au fost pradati si inlocuiti de tineri,
absolventi ambitiosi.

In July, the regulator started asking Enron to give more details about its financial
In iulie, autoritatea de reglementare a inceput sa solicite Enron-ului mai multe
detalii despre perfomantele sale financiare.

When it didnt receive answers, the regulator launched a formal investigation into
Enrons investiments.As a result,Enrons Chief Financial Officer resigned.
Cand nu s-au primit raspunsurile a lansat o ancheta oficiala de reglementare in
investitiile Enron-ului. Ca urmare, directorul financiar al Enronului si-a dat

The first evidence of false accounting came in the first few months of 2001 when
Enron admitted it had lost $570 million.Its share price fell, causing a cash and
credit crisis.
Primul element de proba al falsei contabilitati a devenit in primele luni ale lui
2001 , cand administratorii lui Enron au pierdut 570 milioane de $. Este prima
decadere a pretului cauzand o criza a banilor lichizi si a creditului.

The investigation found that de company and its accountants had lied to its
shareholders and employees about $2 billion of debt.
Ancheta a constatat ca acea companie si contabilii sai au mintit actionarii sai si
salariatii cu o datorie de 2 miliarde de $.

Finally,the company was declared bankrupt, but the directors has already sold
their shares and walked away with the profits.
In cele din urma compania a fost declarata falimentara, dar directorii au vandut
deja partile lor si au plecat cu profit.

9.B Infiintarea unei firme

Ai 23 de ani, ai nevoie de 30.000 de Euro pentru a cheltui in infiintarea unei noi
afaceri , un internet caf in centrul orasului.Ai mai multe variante:
-poti imprumuta de la banca si sa ii rambursezi intr-o perioada de 5,10 sau 15 ani
-alternativ poti sa-ti rogi prietenii sau familia sa te ajute
-in ultima instanta ai putea paria sau juca niste bani si sa speri ca vei castiga
suficient pentru a incepe afacerea.

My faourite mean of transport

To get from one place to another people must go on foot ot take a means of
Thanks to latest improvements in technology nowadays we have a great
variety of means of transport to chose between.Means of transports are
associated with ones need.
As about me ,Im from Sibiu and Im a bit conservative.I usually use the bus
or on foot to get to the work,because isntt far away,but if I were to choose only
one mean of transport I think I would say that the personal car is my favourite
one.I know that it may seem a silly choice but there are many arguments that
makes the personal car an ideal mean of transport.
Sibiu is a compact city, with relatively short distances between extremities. It
is recommended that one visits the old city on foot due to the short distances and
the beautiful local architecture. The local public transportation in Sibiu is ensured
by Tursib, a company under the guidance of the Local Council of Sibiu.
There are 20 bus routes inside the city and 2 bus routes connecting the city with
the adjoining villages.The fee for a ticket is 1.5 lei and it can be purchased from
the ticket vending machines, ticket booths or Tursib Agencies
The Train - My Favourite Means of Transport When Going about the
Country .This is why the train is my favourite means of transport when travelling
about the country;
-I love train because I work to train station, into Sibiu;
- travelling by train is as if having hired my personal car driver ( but few can have
personal car drivers at theirs disposal, except those bosses of some huge
companies );
- the prices are OK and they have reduced prices for different categories of
passengers : children, students, pensioners;
- the train timetables are fixed and strict ( except special weather conditions or
special railway situations );
- railways are not usually so much affected by the bad weather conditions than,
let's say, the roads;
- they have specially trained workers to maintain and keep the railways in proper
- the chances of accidents are much diminished when travelling by train than let's
say by car;
- I can admire the sceneries through the train window ( which is a delight to me );
- I can even read a book ( which I can't do if travelling by car );

- I can enjoy the socializing company of the other passengers in the train
compartment ( as people quickly become nice company keepers when travelling
by train );
- the railway stations are provided with waiting rooms for those waiting or being
forced to wait longer in case of bad weather conditions;
- I can choose the type of train comfort I want ( if I have enough money or extra
comfort money for express, fast, or slow trains );
- travelling by train is not very noisy, so I can safely even sleep, or use the
sleeping car service provided especially for this purpose ;
- I can open the window or the door of my compartment or the window of the train
compartment corridor to adjust the temperature;

Universitatea de Vest -Vasile Goldis

Student: Loza Florina Adriana
CIG- Anul II (an universitar 2009-2010 )
Materia : Limba engleza

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