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The poor man farmer

por Daniel Reinoso

Escrito y pensado en cmo puedo ser mejor, y amarte

de la manera ms completa y sabia posible
Te amo HyeonJi Kim

A poor man farmer lost his farm because of a inundation. He was so sad, because
he had seeded patiently, he loved his farm.. He had been praying God to receive the rain
on his land portion. But.. suddenly, all his portion had been destroyed.

The good king received the new about the poor man
farmer, and decided to give to the poor man farmer a land
portion where he could start again. The poor farmer took
the land and started to seed, and with time, the fruits
started to grow.

After some time, the poor farmer had decided to

thank the good king. But, what gift was suitable for
the king? The king had given to him a precious land,
some little fruits did not seem enough as a gift for the
king - in the farmer man opinion. He said to himself I
will wait some time and I will sell my fruits and with the
money I will buy a good gift to the king. However, after
some time.. some advisors of the king said to him..
Look that poor farmer.. you have been so good with
him. You gave to him that precious land, and he didn't
send anything of what he is collecting.

Maybe, this history is just fiction, but surely you know who is the king and the poor
farmer. Hyeonji I feel like that poor farmer. I am so sorry, seriously, because I felt you gave
me something so precious, so full of love in my birthday.. but.. I did not want to give you
something poor but some value thing.. I though with some time I could send you
something bigger.. I am so sorry, because I am like that poor farmer, its not about the
value of the fruits, he did not understand that there is nothing value to the king as be
thankful.. I should not be worried about the value of things as the be thankful, loving
trough simple things. I had on mind to send you something bigger than a letter, but loving
with all I have right now is more important than loving you with big things.. I am really
sorry. But be sure.. that poor farmer, I mean.. me.. is really amazed by the wise of the king,
the love of the king.. I really want to thank you and love you..
What will do the king?
You have the answer to this question Hyeonji. This poor farmer is sorry, and he has
learned an important lesson. The good king advisors could misunderstand things, but the
wise and good king knows the poor farmer. So he can decide what to do. Support him, or
let him fall.

Let me say it again, I am sorry. But even with my mistakes, I love you. I want to
build something in the future, and I know that it takes time, but with love and sacrifice
women gives birth. I will recognize my mistakes, let me correct my ways, I will be more
and more complete everyday :)
Thank you, for so much, for so little, but !all with love!
Good morning, HyeonJi.
God supports all who loves purely, with all the heart. Dont be afraid! No temas!
Te amo.

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