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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsletter 12
19th September 2014
The first 2014-15 Parents Council meeting took place
yesterday (Thursday 18 September). This was an initial
meeting to discuss how the Council should work. The main
meeting of this term is planned to take place at 4.00pm on
Thursday 9 October.
The intention is that the Council will operate much as last
year, acting as a channel for parental views and as a forum
where ideas can be discussed. The topics will no doubt vary
greatly, from general educational matters to the more day to
day, but often just as significant, issues which make their
impact on family and school life. Of course, any parent is
entirely free to contact any member of staff or me directly.
Sometimes however you may well wish to air something with
a fellow parent who is on the Council.
I am delighted to report that a very good number of parents
expressed their willingness to join, slightly more in fact than
the number of current vacancies. It is tremendously
encouraging the parents are willing to give their time in this
way. I am most grateful to them, and will let you have details
of the Council members in next weeks newsletter.
The Autumn Parents Strategy Meeting is planned to take
place on Wednesday 12 November. All parents are welcome.
The evening starts with drinks at 6.30pm, followed by the
meeting at 7.00pm. I will give a short presentation, and this
will be followed by general questions and discussion. The
plan is that the meeting will close at 8.00pm. Drinks will still
be available however! You will be most welcome to linger
and continue to talk on a more one-to-one basis.
Amendments to the pattern of the school year are probably
more tactical than strategic, but last terms plan did of course
raise a number of parental comments, more, I have to say, in
disagreement than agreement! Dates for 2015-16 remain
provisional of course, to be confirmed or modified as
appropriate by the end of this term. The intention is shortly
to decide about any modifications, and then put these
forward, so that parents can view a final proposal. After
receiving any response to that final proposal, the dates for
2015-16 will be published, hopefully by the end of November.
In the meantime, if you would like to comment on the
existing provisional dates, either for the first time or as a
supplementary, do please send me an e-mail, or call, or catch
me at the gate, by Monday 29th September if possible,
Last Tuesday, the Forest School programme started up again,
with Year 1 children experiencing school in the open, away
from walls and lights and smartboards! It has been proving a
valuable and popular dimension of school life for our younger
children, as well as being fun, and a great change from routine.

By its nature I suppose, the routine of lessons, breaks,

lunches, assemblies, sports is not something which is
often going to feature in a news letter. Yet those daily
events form the heart of school life, when knowledge
and experience steadily build, step by step. Suffice to say
here that the routines for the new academic year have
started well, as all the children have settled into new
classes, a bit older and a bit different, as they have returned from the summer holidays.

Years 5 and 6 trying their hand at fencing, during last Fridays PE


Finally, looking ahead to next week, can I give a hearty

plug for next Fridays (26th Sept) Macmillan Coffee
Morning/Afternoon Tea. The coffee morning part starts
at 9.30am, and the tea at 2.15pm. School Secretary June
Egan is the organiser, and I am very grateful to her for
that. Do bring in cakes and buns to the office, either on
the Thursday, or the Friday morning. These will be sold
on the day, proceeds going to Macmillan Cancer Support.
The children are also able to buy cakes at breaktime so
please send them in with cakes and/or money to spend.

Looking Ahead
Tues 23rd /Wed 24th September

District Football Trials

Fri 26th September

Macmillan Coffee
Morning and
Afternoon Tea
9.30 - 11.30am Coffee
2.15 - 3.30pm Afternoon Tea

All parents and guests welcome. Donations of cakes

much appreciated. Please deliver to June Egan in the
school office or bring on the day. Further details next

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