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Margot Bloch, Karen Depenyou, Amy Forsbacka

Blue Group

Inspirations Script:

Act 1, Scene 1

Starts with New Anchors sitting at a desk

Announcer 1: Hello Ladies and gentlemen Breaking news! The very controversial straights right
movement is gaining momentum and support.
Announcer 2: That's right, Betty! Unfortunately, today, May 17, 2004, Massachusetts legalized
straight marriage.
Announcer 1: It's a shame isn't it.
News Anchors freeze in background, possibly having to run to front of stage after freezing to
participate in scene of not enough actors

Act 1, Scene 2

Playground. Little kids are playing around and having fun.

Little girl in pigtails and her friends are playing house
Kate: Hi David and Jessica! Let's play house!
David: Sure! How about you and Jessica are the mommies and I can be your son!
Jessica: But... I wanna be the baby!
Kate: How about for a change, I am the mommy and David can be the daddy! Then you can be
our baby!
Other kids back away with disgusted looks on their faces

Everyone freezes and some move back to be announcers if not enough actors.

Margot Bloch, Karen Depenyou, Amy Forsbacka

Blue Group

Act 2, Scene 1

New Anchors sitting at desktop

Announcer 1: Today, thousands of people lined the streets, protesting opposite sex marriage. I
don't know about you Jane, but I'd be marching right along with them.
Announcer 2: I agree, Betty. This march happened in reaction to a similar march the proponents
of straight marriage did last week.
Announcer 1: This "heterosexual marriage" movement is nonsensical and has got to stop.
Both announcers nod their heads in disappointed agreement. They freeze in a tableau and
move to the front of the stage for the next scene.

Act 2, Scene 2

Girl sitting in middle of stage with cellphone and her hair in ponytail. Boy is sitting behind her.
The teacher comes in.

Teacher: Hello students and welcome back to the 2010 school year. How was your spring
Whole class mumbles: Fine.
Teacher: Ok then. Some people aren't glad to be back.
Starts rummaging through bag.
Girl passes note to the little boy. Note says "I like your new hair cut; want to hang out

Margot Bloch, Karen Depenyou, Amy Forsbacka

Blue Group
Teacher sees her passing the note.
Teacher: Excuse me Kate. What do you think are doing?! You know you are not allowed to pass
notes in class.
Teacher reads note with a stern look on her face.
Teacher: Kate, please see me after class.
Classmates snicker
Classmate 1: (mumbling) hetero...
Kate runs out of class, head down, ashamed

Frozen scene
Act 2, Scene 3
Teacher is sitting at her desk. Kate walks in timidly.
Teacher: Im concerned about this note, Kate. *Reads note* David, I like your haircut, do you
want to hang out sometime? It is completely inappropriate and behavior like this will not be
tolerated, especially in a school! Youre a very a bright girl and Im sure that you understand this,
am I right ?
Kate: Yes maam.
Teacher: Now unfortunately, I will have to have a talk with the principal who will contact your
parents. Do you understand?
Kate nods, ashamed.

Act 2, Scene 4
Kate enters in, sad and moody
Mothers on other side of stage

Mother 1: So, Kate, welcome home honey. Unfortunately, I got a call from the principal today.

Margot Bloch, Karen Depenyou, Amy Forsbacka

Blue Group
Mother 2: Yes, darling, what happened? The teacher said something about passing a note?
Kate: I passed David a note saying that liked his new hair cut and that I wanted to hang out with
him sometime.
The mothers share a worried look. Mother 2 gasps

Mother 2: *whisper* Oh no.

Mother 1: Is this all that happened Kate?
Kate: Um yeah....
Mother 2: Honey there comes a time in every young persons life where they begin to have
certain feelings. Now, that's fine, but God wants you to like other girls, not boys. Liking boys is a
sin, so whatever feeling you have for this David kid will pass and you will be back to normal.
Don't you want to be like all your other friends?
Mother 1: You're just going through a phase, sweetheart. It will pass before you know it. Now go
up and change for bed.
The mothers walk away, leaving Kate alone.

Kate: (Quietly and to herself) But I don't think it's going to pass.

Act 2, Scene 5
Scene with just moms
Mother 1: I dont know I just cant believe some of Kates activities these days!
Mother 2: I know, she is acting as if she might you know (quieter as if not wanting to be
heard) be straight
Mother 1: This is definitely a problem that we should speak to her about if this behavior

Margot Bloch, Karen Depenyou, Amy Forsbacka

Blue Group
Mother 2: Yes. For now though, we might want to just wait and hope it will pass. She is still
young enough to change her mind, you know.
Mother 1: Hopefully. I wouldnt want it to turn us into being a disgrace to our family and religion.
Mother 2: If things get too bad we can always seek some help. I have heard that they can cure
these feelings away.
Mother 2: Yes, lets get help if things get too serious; i dont want our Kate be an outcast from
her friends, family, and the whole community.
Mother 1: Me neither, but also if she is being swayed by the devil then I dont know what to do. I
hope this gets better soon.
Mother 2: For now lets get some rest. There is no point in pondering over this now. We can just
pray that the Lord will help us through this journey because I know I dont want my daughter to
associate with these sinners.

The mothers exit the stage and the news announcers come forward at the beginning of Act 3.

Act 3, Scene 1

Announcer 1: 37 states have now legalized heterosexual marriage. With only 13 states that
haven't done so, America needs to ask itself if it's ready to allow this sin to continue to spread.
Announcer 2: Honestly I dont know what is wrong with America. Next thing theyre going to
want to teach these things in our schools. Some people are saying It is 2014, shouldnt we
have equal rights for all? But what does that even mean? It is not right to love someone of the
opposite sex and no one should be allowed to do so.
Announcer 1: I hope the 13 states that are still strong continue to fight against this
heterosexual movement. God created women to be with women and men to be men.
Announcer 2: Thats right and now people want to change the word of the Lord.

Margot Bloch, Karen Depenyou, Amy Forsbacka

Blue Group
Announcer 1: What is America coming to?
Both announcers nod their heads in disappointed agreement. They freeze in a tableau and
move to the front of the stage for the next scene.

Act 3, Scene 2
Kate and David run on stage. Panting a little and take a seat on the floor.

Kate: David are sure we should be here? You do know what would happen if they saw us here
together right?
David: Its fine, They wont find us here.
Kate: Are you sure?
David: Don't you trust me?
Kate: Aren't you scared because what if they find out were straight?
David: No worries, no one can find us here.
Kate: Do you ever worry about liking girls and not boys?
David: Im not sure what you mean...
Kate: Dont you ever think about why you feel this; like why couldnt we just like the. right
people? I used to think it about all the time, but know Im ok with who I am.
David: I dont think Ive quite accepted it .
Kate: When I had first realised that I liked boys I used to beat myself up about it. Then I realised
that the only person preventing me from being completely happy was myself. Ever since Ive
accepted the truth Ive been so much happier, you know?
As she says this David leans in.
Just then, the door opens and a girl walks in.
Girl: Oh my God! What are you two doing? David!?
David: No its not what it looks like! I was just helping Kate with some homework.

Margot Bloch, Karen Depenyou, Amy Forsbacka

Blue Group
Girl: Were you helping her with homework and she threw herself at you? Because it looked
like you guys were doing something else.
David: sends Kate a look of disgust. Thats exactly what happened; I came to help her with
school work and she just threw herself at me like the filthy hetero that she is.
Kate: crying. David you dont mean that. I thought you and i.
David: Harshly You thought nothing Kate. I cant believe I tried to help you.
Girl 2: Youre so disgusting. Get away from me you filthy hetero.
David shoves Kate away from him, looking repulsed.
Kate is shocked and looks at David, silently begging him not to sell her out.
Kate: (whispering) David...please
David backs away looking disgusted and leaves with Girl 1 and Girl 2. After they leave, Kate
falls to the floor, sobbing.

Act 3, Scene 3

Kate walks into her home feeling sad, angry and hurt. Just as she walks she comes face to face
with her angry parents.
Mother 1: What is this here, you threw yourself at a boy after he tried to help you?!
Mother 2: Kate what is going on with you?! I thought you had outgrown this silly phase of yours.
Mother 1: Kate, I need you to tell us what hell is going on. What is it. WHAT IS THE MATTER
Mother 2: Can you imagine what other families will now think of us?
Kate: Im sorry. But its just I mean I just cant live in this lie anymore. Can you imagine how
hard it is to live in a world where everything is a lie? Every single day I wake up feeling awful
and guilty for something I cant change, something I cant control and something I cant help but
feel. This is who I am. This is who I am and if you cant live with that, if you cant accept that

Margot Bloch, Karen Depenyou, Amy Forsbacka

Blue Group
then I dont think I can continue to live the way I do. *starts yelling* Im so tired of feeling
shameful. I want to walk with my head held high feeling proud of who I am. I want to go school
knowing that the people there wont look at me like Im some piece of dirt on the floor. I dont
want to feel everyone staring at me and judging me. I just want to be happy. I just want to wake
up in the morning and smile and not dread the coming day. *turning to the audience* Is that too
much to ask for?!
Lights go out dramatically.

Margot Bloch, Karen Depenyou, Amy Forsbacka

Blue Group

Works Cited:

"11 Facts LGBT Life in America." N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.

Hoose, Phillip. It's Our World, Too! Stories of Young People Who are Making a
Difference. Canada: Little, Brown & Company, 1993. Print.

"Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?" N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.

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